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Why does this segue work but the view doesn't change?

I'm trying to use a segue to pass through some user input from a custom alert but for some reason when I perform the segue the view on the app doesn't change. But the viewdidload on the destination ...
Samuel Mensah's user avatar
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performSegue() works to show (push) either of two UIViewControllers, but one has nil navigationController

I have a UIViewController that is in a navigation stack. There are two different segues that can be triggered from this UIViewController using: performSegue(withIdentifier: "SomeIdentifier",...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
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Delegate on Delegate

I have a situation: I have a SideMenu and there is a Logout button on it. After the logout is triggered, 2 things are to be done: try Auth.auth().signOut() is to be done in Firebase self....
Mr.Schtelbe's user avatar
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How to perform segue from tableview cells to different view controllers

I want to perform segue from tableview cells to different view controllers, not by using the same controller and changing things in it. I have two section as it is seen in the image. I did it like ...
Dilan's user avatar
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Why is windowDidLoad() is called twice in a segue?

I have a storyboard-based AppKit app written in Swift. The issue is that two of my storyboard-based NSWindowController which are trigged by segue from the main NSWindowController, the windowDidLoad() ...
user10711707's user avatar
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How do I get it so my previous view doesn't show up behind my new view in the Xcode Simulator

So currently I'm coding an app, and I want to segue from one view to a new view, but every time I use the segue the old view is seen in the background of the new view, like so. It should also be ...
Cole Rasmussen's user avatar
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Segue and attempt to present whose view is not in the window hierarchy

In iOS 16.4 I have 3 view controllers. The first one has a button that will show "show eg. push" VC1 nothing more. In VC1, using UILongPressGestureRecognizer to show VC2 over segue. import ...
Codlxxx's user avatar
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ViewController showing extra left item out of nowhere if I do a segue from another VC

I currently have a setup of 2 view controllers with the 1st one embedded in a navigation controller. I set up a segue from the 1st to the 2nd which works. However, after trying to set up another segue ...
Peterson's user avatar
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How do I segue from one SwiftUI view to another, when the object i want to be clicked is a custom element in a carousel?

I have been using a SwiftUI package dependency to make a carousel effect in my app. what I want is for each of these custom carousel elements which consist of an image and some text, when clicked, to ...
Shaurya Ranjan's user avatar
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Cannot assign to property: 'detailDic' is a 'let' constant

I have issue with my code, it tells me "Cannot assign to property: 'detailDic' is a 'let' constant" and my build failed override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {...
mohammadgdz's user avatar
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Programmatically opening a window in Swift 3 MacOS

I want to open a window programmatically because I need to send a variable to the window as it is opening. MacOS. I have created a new window controller and a new view controller. Both are called from ...
Bob7430's user avatar
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Xcode has no segue with identifier

I have given a segue an identifier and the program will run and perform the segue and then crash with the error: Thread 1: "Receiver (<Ralphy_s_PG_Leaderboard.ViewController: 0x7faa41309fd0>...
Joshua Stewart's user avatar
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Prepare and Perform segue throws different values

I want to transfer variable from first ViewController to the second one. ViewController1: class First_VC: UIViewController { ... @IBAction func touch(_ sender: UIButton) { if let ...
Resurrect1on-'s user avatar
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Prepare segue throws nil

I have tableView with button. When i click this button, my ViewController changes to the second one. Also i want to get some information from the first VC to the second one but here i get my problem, ...
Resurrect1on-'s user avatar
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Swift: How to save data to var in Model form segue?

I have: Model with Class GameBrain, ViewController that opens in segue TableViewController. In TableViewController I need to edit var that is in GameBrain to 0. When I change its value there using ...
dvd.trsnk's user avatar
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Navigating UITabController from UIDelegate on Notification action

I am using FCM for notifications, the app is configured and receiving the notifications correctly and I also know where to put the action related to the notification depending on the data sent in the ...
Mihail Minkov's user avatar
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Storyboard, Segues. What should I do if I want to use two segues from one element?

This is my first question here. I have TableViewController and I want to use two segues from one raw. One segue should work when you tapped a row, and the second is action from this row. Every of them ...
Dmitrij's user avatar
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Problems with unwinding a segue

Having a real issue with this. I have now managed to transfer my label data across a segue and display it on a new view controller. Thank you to all of those who helped with this. For this I used the ...
Dan Meese's user avatar
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Storyboard doesn't recognise custom segue identifier

The goal is to unwind from secondVC to firstVC. And I want to do it from the scene itself, but Xcode doesn't recognise this segue. What I'm doing is: Control-drag from the secondVC scene in the ...
Rayce Miller's user avatar
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Transfer a label result across segue [duplicate]

I am working on a BMI calculator as part of a wider app. The idea is that the user calculates the BMI then goes to another screen where they find the BMI chart to compare their result. The idea I have ...
Dan Meese's user avatar
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Close a Page Sheet VC through pulling in down

I'm trying to close a VC on a special way. As the title says I want it to be covered vertical but not from down to top, but the other way. i tried all things I found but non of them helped. I´m using ...
Black Fox's user avatar
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Segue push is presenting modally

I created a segue push but it presents the screen modally. Any idea why? Tried redoing the segue and restarting Xcode but no help there. After I linked it up via Storyboard, I named the segue in my ...
Tomi Antoljak's user avatar
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How to stop Segue if condition is false swift

I am try to create password and confirm password and i want to cancel the segue if password does not match. I want to cancel the segue in the else statement can someone please help me out.: ...
stacksflow's user avatar
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How can I switch from xib file to viewcontroller?

When the image in the view I created with xib is clicked, I want it to go to the view controller in the storyboard. I tried segue-present and pushviewcontroller() but how can I do it? Also, the ...
Büşra Güler's user avatar
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Swift can't segue data from CollectionView to new ViewController

In several places in my app I segue data from a TableView to the following ViewController and it works as simply as this: override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { ...
mystic cola's user avatar
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Wait Until Function Completes and Segue

Swift is new for me and I stuck at this part. I want to request some data from api when I clicked the button. After that, want to pass the data i get from this function to another view controller. So ...
themmfa's user avatar
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Xcode 14 Storyboard, segue push forces Modal?

I am developing in Xcode 14 with Storyboards. I have set up several ViewControllers and when I add segues, the views become Modal and have a gap at the top. This is not what I want. I've tried each of ...
Janene Pappas's user avatar
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tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow returns nil - Xcode 13.4.1 UIKit

please help me to understand why the tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow method returns nil. I want to make a transfer from Table View Controller to View Controller. I have a segue by a StoryBoard and ...
maxMas's user avatar
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Why when I create normal Segue to show the next ViewController it make it like this in the leagueVC Not a fullscreen?

Why when I create normal Segue to show the next ViewController it make it like this in the leagueVC Not a fullscreen ? I want yo show the next screen as fullscreen by using the segue
Ameer AG's user avatar
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Why doesn't performSegue() call shouldPerformSegue()

Quite new to programming in Swift and mobile development in general. I am trying to use performSegue() and control it without if-else statements. I made a google search how to use override func ...
altunog's user avatar
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VC presenter is not being initialized prepare for segue IOS swift

Hello i am facing the problem as the prepare for segue function is not working properly i've the code can you please tell me how can i debug it as it has optional conditions how i can remove them and ...
Sheraz Hussain's user avatar
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Presenting a series of alert view controllers sequentially, then performing a Present Modally segue - simultaneous presentation errors sometimes occur

In a certain app I'm developing, there are occasions where the user may be shown multiple popups (UIAlertViewControllers) in a row. Sometimes, this coincides with a Present Modally segue directly ...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
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Send other data from UITableView to ViewController

I have a Decodable Proto which holds data. The Name is displayed on a label in the UITableViewCell but the message isn't but needs to be transferred with the Name. A message gets displayed, but it`s ...
anderson's user avatar
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swift how to programmatically reposition seque button

How can I programmatically relocate the position of my view's seque button "GO"? My seque "GO" button appears on device at different position (ie. middle) than I set in storyboard (...
Doug Null's user avatar
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Problem with triggering a segue with the "return" key on the iPhone keyboard

Task: I have login and password text fields, what needs to be done: After entering a login in the text Field and pressing the "return" button, the pointer should go to the password text ...
Reinsannaer's user avatar
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Swift. How to create Segue from custom CollectionViewCell to .xib File (ViewController), by programmatically maybe?

How to create Segue from custom CollectionViewCell to .xib File (ViewController, is a Player), by programmatically maybe? I do have main ViewController on Storyboard but almost all components i made ...
V777's user avatar
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Can't understand how to perform Segue from my custom Cell (in UICollectionView) to Player (ViewController) [duplicate]

Hi dear professionals. I have main ViewController, where I put Three horizontal CollectionView with cells into (but I hope at least solve problem with 1 of these). One of this named - ...
V777's user avatar
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Go back to view controller with cached data

I'm building an app which has 4 screens, on the second screen the user will set time by date-picker on tableview. There are few times to be set (depending on array.count). On the third screen the user ...
Itzhak Duani's user avatar
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Unwind segue from navigation bar back button

I am trying to update a view's data on one view controller enclosed inside a stack view after hitting the navigation button back to it from another view controller. I have seen other threads ...
djdannel's user avatar
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How to segue to a navigation controller inside a tab bar

going to try and explain my problem as simply as I can. Tried a lot of searching and can't find a solution. I'm trying to segue to a view controller that sits within a different tab in a tab bar ...
Chris's user avatar
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Sending JSON data stored in a struct through a segue

I'm wanting to store idMeal on the cell I click to send it through a segue to my DetailViewController and use it to access an API endpoint for the respective meal. API API with meal details that I'm ...'s user avatar
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Segue from ViewController to TabBarController

I am a newbie to Swift and I try to perform the simplest task to imagine: Establish a segue from normal ViewController to TabBarController. I've already given the segue an Identifier ( "intoGame&...
python_ftw's user avatar
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how to prepare segue can't selected pass label text to text string

I have prepared a segue but when the user selects a cell it is not pass label text to text in detail View override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { if segue.identifier == ...
NinjaDeveloper's user avatar
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Bar item not show when I use segue programmatically

I’m building an app which has a main vc that only existing user can log in to. The main page is the initial vc so I embed in the navigation bar to it. When I open the app in the first time I can see ...
Danit Weill's user avatar
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Question about segue and NSViewController

I am new in Swift and have a question. I have ViewController for my customer with a included a tableView that list their past invoice. When I double click on an invoice, it open the Invoice ...
S Lareau's user avatar
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Segue Identifier is going missing in Swift 5.6

I've only been programming for a month, and I am trying to cobble together a mockup and I keep getting the following error: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', ...
Sekaye Knutson's user avatar
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How to programmatically segue after successful authentication with Firebase?

I'm just starting to code with Swift and I need help! I have authentication with firebase with email, I would like that after this login to show another view controller, I'm confused because I don't ...
Franco Rod's user avatar
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Button only works when tapped twice

I have two buttons that each have a different segue to a different view controller, which is only triggered if certain conditions are met. For some reason, one of the buttons works fine, the other ...
user57107's user avatar
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How to pass data through a segue triggered by UIAction in UIMenu?

I'm working on a store management system where customers can make orders as well as edit them. In my Order History page there's a tableView which has a button which when pressed shows a menu with two ...
JonGrimes20's user avatar
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Navigation to ViewController via Push Segue opens screen then immediately closes it

I have a SearchViewController that contains a UITableView that presents articles. When pressing on an article, a navigation with segue command is called and the user is moved to the ...
NuK's user avatar
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