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HTTP error fetching URL. Status=500 while getting data from a website

I'm trying to get data from a website using Jsoup, the website is taking payload in Json ({"SEARCH_VALUE":"ab","STARTS_WITH_YN":false,"ACTIVE_ONLY_YN":false,&...
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Unable to access Rest URL using scalaj-Http client with SSL certificates(JKS File)

I am new to Scala. I am trying to access REST API URl and trying to get json data from there using Scalaj-Http with Spark framework in local vm(Intellij). But with the following Code I am always ...
Avik's user avatar
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Spark Scala HTTP Response from Rest Api Timeout Exception

I have to read the JSON response from REST API using Spark Scala, I have written code (both using as well Scalaj HTTP) but the Job is not running on HDFS, everytime its ...
Ayush's user avatar
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Proper consumption of difficult nested JSON objects in Scala using spray-json and scalar.http

My problem is basically to deserialize a complex json string to an object. This is the case classes with implicits: import spray.json.{RootJsonFormat, _} case class OpenCageDataDocumentation(value: ...
Ахтем Вейс's user avatar
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scalaj-http - 'execute' method is returninig "stream is closed"

I want to use the scalaj-http library to download a byte content file with 31gb size from a http connection. 'asBytes' is not an option because it retuns a byte array. I tried to use the 'execute' ...
Heitor Barbieri's user avatar
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Is synchronous HTTP request wrapped in a Future considered CPU or IO bound?

Consider the following two snippets where first wraps scalaj-http requests with Future, whilst second uses async-http-client Sync client wrapped with Future using global EC object SyncClientWithFuture ...
Mario Galic's user avatar
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How to extract SSO cookie when using scalaj http library

I have a HTTP response. I am trying to get the value for one of the header from it using scala. My code looks similar to below: import scalaj.http.Http val result = Http("http:///") ....
Vaishak's user avatar
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Parse HTTP POST Response JSON Body in scala

I'm sending an http post request as such: def Token(url: String, Id: String, key: String): String = { val body = s""" | "id": ${Id} | "key": ${key} |""".stripMargin val ...
codee's user avatar
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HTTP Post Request in Scala using variables in JSON body

I'm trying to make a HTTP Post request in Scala which uses a JSON body for example: { "x": "hello", "y": "goodbye", "z": "hi" } where I'm storing "hello" and "goodbye" in variables that ...
codee's user avatar
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Scalaj HTTP endpoint that requires a JSON-formatted body

I am trying to make a POST request using scalaj, but I am getting the following error {"code":40010000,"message":"request body format is invalid"} java.lang.Exception: HTTP ERROR: 400 I am trying to ...
HashBr0wn 's user avatar
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How do I post json data in scalaj?

I am using scalaj to make a Http post request How can I pass lat,long and radius as arguments in the postData field val result = Http("http:xxxx/xxx/xxxxx").postData("""{"latitude":"39.6270025","...
roamer0627's user avatar
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Scalaj Data Urlencode

When I execute a POST request using curl, it looks this way: curl -k -X POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ --header "Accept: application/json" \ --data-...
Sparker0i's user avatar
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scalaj Http header not being recognized

I'm trying to invoke an API using scalaj. I need to have a Authorization as type Bearer Token passed with the request. When I try to execute this API using Postman as well as curl, I'm able to get a ...
Sparker0i's user avatar
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How to fix 'Malformed class name' error in Spark Scala?

In Qubole notebook I am trying to get certain string from API response. It seems to be working just fine for sample data but fails when I use the full set. Spark version: 2.3.1; Scala version: 2.11; ...
Piotr's user avatar
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Mockito mock HttpResponse[Array[Byte]] for unit test in Scalaj-Http

I have a function that makes a request gets the response in bytes and writes to file. A part of the function is given below. val bytes = Http(url).timeout(connTimeout, readTimeout).method("GET")....
KAY_YAK's user avatar
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How to stream downloads using Scalaj-Http and Hadoop HttpFs

My question is how to use a Buffered stream when using Scalaj-Http. I have written the following code which is a complete working example that will download a file from Hadoop HDFS using HttpFS. My ...
John Hanley's user avatar