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How to remove multiple entries by a single ldap request in unboundid?

I investigated and looks like it allows to remove only a single entry(with subtree if delete subtree control is ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
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Is there way to get page number N during pagination request without iterating over previous pages?

Currently I use SimplePagedResultsControl and my code looks similar to example on that page: ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
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Is there way to setup `primaryGroupId` for user using ldif?

I want to setup PrimaryGroupId for user. For that purpose I've created the with content: dn: CN=user_2,CN=Users,DC=my,DC=company changetype: modify replace: primaryGroupID primaryGroupID: 501 But ...
gstackoverflow's user avatar
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How to create a ldap BIND_DN for samba active directory

I am trying to setup samba active directory users authentication for my Django app. I working in linux. I don't have access to windows active directory. I got a docker image smblds for samba AD DC on ...
Deepali Joshi's user avatar
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Samba 4: Unable to add attribute to LDAP schema

I am trying to add a new attribute to a group to my existing LDAP/AD Schema. I use Samba 4 as AD Domain Controller. For this I am using a Docker Container which runs samba4. This is my LDIF File I am ...
NKnuelle's user avatar
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Samba 4.16 integration with openldap 2.6 on Centos8 for 2FA

I want to set up 2factor authentication for both Linux and windows machines and want to manage the password via LDAP server. For this, I am using LDAP(which provides TOTP functionality) to ...
manish pandey's user avatar
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Why GLPI LDAP Authentification fails with test error?

i'm running a samba domain controller and i'd like to import my users from my AD server to glpi but the test keeps failling i don't know what could be the problem. I edited my hosts file with the ...
Franklin HOUESSINON's user avatar
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PHP-LDAP change password

We use LDAP (Samba) for authentication and now I want to make user able to change their password. I'm using this script: $username = $request->request->get('username'); $...
Kioko Kiaza's user avatar
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how to connect samba AD DC to koha ldap

I have installed koha 20.11 and samba4 AD and Kerberos . I have tried to connect by the terminal using the below LDAP search query and its working fine, $ ldapsearch -H ldap://MyIp -x -D "CN=...
Developer Inside's user avatar
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Nextcloud, Windows Domain, Mail all the same Accounts. But how?

I have a Nextcloud Server and i want to add an Windows Domain Server (like Samba4) and an Mail Server like Postfix or something. But how can i connect them all together? So that i make an account and ...
Justin Schmitt's user avatar
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Nextcloud with Samba via LDAP

I want to connect my samba active directory server with my nextcloud. I cant find ANY information if samba4 has ldap or not? or how i could install openldap with it so that my active directory ...
Justin Schmitt's user avatar
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Cross forest LDAP query with one way trust

I have two forests of Active Directories: Forest A trusts Forest B (one way trust). Clients on forest A cannot talk directory to domain controllers on forest B since there is firewall between. ...
Zefferno's user avatar
2 votes
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Querying Samba AD server with ldapsearch fails with ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)

I'm trying to leverage my existing (fully configured and working) Samba AD DC as authentication for XWiki, and other apps. As such, I'm first trying to do a successful ldapsearch from the XWiki ...
Mark J. Bobak's user avatar
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Cannot add users to ACL from Windows on a SMB share because windows uses wrong username to login to LDAP

I have a running Samba as Active Directory Domain Controller with shares. I have Windows 10 clients. These clients have Windows Home edition so they cannot join the domain. What I want is to be able ...
Pavel Šlechta's user avatar
5 votes
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LDAPS not working in Samba 4.3.11-Ubuntu

I'm running Samba 4.3.11-Ubuntu on Ubuntu 16.04, and I'm unable to get LDAPS (port 636) to work at all. Samba is running as an Active Directory Domain Controller, and other AD DC fncitonality seems ...
Mark J. Bobak's user avatar
1 vote
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LDAPS Authentication in an httpd.conf file fails

I have a webpage that's behind a restricted realm on a web server. To get by, people have to authenticate with their Samba Active Directory account. To accomplish this, I have always used the ...
sivacrom's user avatar
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Setting up samba 4 AD with an LDAP backend

Case: For a couple of months now I've been following various tutorials, documentation and examples but somehow my end result always ends up not working like in any of the tutorials. What I need to ...
Jens Kuipers's user avatar
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LDAP authentication with PHP application on samba system

I set OpenLDAP on a samba system. In ldap, there is users in different cn and ou. I have an application in PHP which authenticate users from AD. I got connection ldap with my application. But not bind ...
Tony's user avatar
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Samba4/LDAP authentication and nginx

Before i start with my problem: I've got a website which is protected by a reverse proxy (nginx). So the client is not allowed to connect directly to the website. It must connect to nginx and nginx ...
laphory's user avatar
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LDAP SAMBA : how can I reduce ldap search attributes

I am unable to mount a remote folder using use net command in windows. From the below debug messages in the LDAP/SAMBA server, We can see that LDAP did a search for some attributes for uid=user1. ...
user2959348's user avatar
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How to change a SAMBA user password from Node JS?

I'm trying to change a LDAP password from Node JS using LDAPJS. The LDAP server is embedded in our SAMBA server. client.bind("CN=<myadministratorchain>", "<administratorpassword>", ...
Pierre Le Roux's user avatar
-1 votes
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Kerberos Join Active Directory Domain Failure (uBuntu)

I try to join Active Directory and Samba 4 in Ubuntu 12.04.05. When I run host -t SRV I get the error: Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN) meanwhile $# host -...
AdhiDazz's user avatar
2 votes
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adding objectclass with mandatory attribute to existing LDAP node

I'm trying to setup an LDIF file which shall add a new attribute value to an existing node. The attribute is a mandatory attribute of custom objectclass. Here is the contents of the LDIF file 'add....
Heiko Nardmann's user avatar
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Connection from samba to LDAP server failed

I use samba and LDAP for file sharing and directory service. Some days ago, I noticed that samba has problem in connection to the LDAP service while beforehand it was working properly. But still the ...
Masood's user avatar
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Best practice for managing POSIX group membership with additional attributes in LDAP

We are currently designing a new member administration for our study association in LDAP, using OpenLDAP 2.3.31 distributed with Debian. One of the requirements is that we need to record which members ...
Eric Spreen's user avatar
3 votes
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Ruby NetLdap - Move user entry from one container to another in Samba4

I'm using net-ldap's rename method to move a user from one OU to another; however, I am getting an "Old RDN must be deleted" error: #<OpenStruct code=53, error_message="00002035: Unwilling to ...
Lee's user avatar
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Cannot get sambaSID from LDAP using Spring LDAP

I am trying to populate some samba values in my LDAP based on some user information. Among other things, I have to create a 'sambaSID' for a user. It is composed of two values: the prefix which is ...
DodoFXP's user avatar
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How to configure FreeRADIUS with multiple ldap servers?

I have a FreeRADIUS server that uses ldap as as a storage backend for its users. They are both located on the same machine running UBUNTU Linux 12.04 LTS. Now I would like to set up another ldap ...
alibaba's user avatar
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Error while trying to configure samba domain controller With LDAP on CentOS 5.4

I am getting an error as mentioned below while trying to configure samba over ldap on Centos 5.4. Error looking for next uid in sambaDomainName=sambaDomain,dc=server,dc=example,dc=com:invalid DN at /...
user358485's user avatar