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Ruby environment in Dockerfile using RVM - FROM Ubuntu [duplicate]

In my small Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu:24.04 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] RUN apt update RUN apt update && apt install -y gnupg2 curl software-properties-common build-essential ...
OgnjenGligoric's user avatar
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Is this a path issue because none of my ruby programs work?

My issue was I had rbenv and rvm installed. So I just used one, removed the other. Now my error reads what it says below and none of my ruby programs run. -bash: /Users/.../.rbenv/shims/ruby: No such ...
marriedjane875's user avatar
2 votes
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Not able to install ruby 3.2.2 in Mac Sequoia 15.0.1. M2 chip

I am trying to install ruby-3.2.2 on mac using RVM as a package manager, but I am getting errors related to [email protected]. Not only for ruby-3.2.2, for older versions also I am getting same error. Error ...
Pramod Itagi's user avatar
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Unable to install Ruby 2.1.5 on Ubuntu 22.04

I need to work on a legacy project which the ruby version in it doesn't seem to be in the rvm repository for my release of Ubuntu (22.04). when I try: rvm install 2.1.5, I get: No binary rubies ...
Alberto's user avatar
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rvm list known doesn't show latest ruby verions

I'm using rvm as the Ruby package manager and was trying to update the ruby version. rvm list known only shows ruby versions till 3.0.0. I'm using Mac Sonoma (Apple Silicon). While trying to run rvm ...
backpropper's user avatar
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Install ruby 3.3.x with rvm, missing psych gym

I'm installing ruby 3.3.x with rvm by rvm install 3.3.5, no apparent error shown. However, I noticed psych gem folder is empty,even though it's there in the gem list as psych 5.1.2. this causing ...
gkeepa's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to start sidekiq/bundler via systemd service on rvm

so I have a systemd service to run my rails application, which works great. [Service] Type=exec User=my-user Group=my-user WorkingDirectory=/home/my-user/my-app ExecStart=/bin/bash -lc "bin/rails ...
faervan's user avatar
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ssl version issue - ubuntu 24 cannot install gem with ruby 2.7.6 (rvm)

After upgrading to Ubuntu 24, I can no longer install gems for ruby 2.7.6, here is some output: rvm list => ruby-2.7.6 [ x86_64 ] now I try to bundle bundle Traceback (most recent call last): ...
user1130176's user avatar
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Running an application's commands, like rake, from a standalone ruby script but rvm not taking into account gemset

I am on Ubuntu 18.04. I have a Rack-based application at /home/jignesh/webapps/my-app-1 (henceforth this will be referred to as app_root). app_root contains following files .ruby-version 3.3.3 ....
Jignesh Gohel's user avatar
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cannot load such file -- ffi (LoadError) : but its not "ffi_c"

I have seen all kind of fix on the internet and stackover flow, those are c executable one with file error for "ffi_c" I'm getting error for ffi only. I'm getting this error previously too, ...
UUC110's user avatar
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Ruby version issue in osx 14.4

Okay, so... I have an M1 chip machine, with OSX 14.4 running on it. I wanted to install Ruby 3 with some gems and strange things happened... I used RVM for installing 3.4 onto my machine which was ...
CreativeZoller's user avatar
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How to ensure I'm using the new version of Ruby I downloaded instead of the system version on Mac?

I'm following this tutorial on learning Ruby, and have followed the instructions on installing the latest version of Ruby (3.2.4). However I'm not sure how to switch to 3.2.4 on my Mac so I'm using ...
Zorgan's user avatar
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3 answers

Nokogiri installation error and fails with macOS 14 Sonoma

I am trying to install an older version of nokogiri ( on a x86 intel mac using Sonoma 14.4 with a ruby project of mine but i am experiencing a problem with either bundle install or gem install ...
noxenal's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Cant install React Native on Mac

Edit: My original task was to get React Native working on my computer. However I have run into several problems doing so. I've traced the root of the issue to my ruby version, which will not update. ...
whyDoICodeFrontEnd's user avatar
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RVM Ruby 3.1.4 fails to install on macOS Sonoma due to perl5.18

I'm trying to install Ruby 3.1.4 version on Sonoma 14.4 with rvm and got this error: Error running '/Users/username/.rvm/src/ruby-3.1.4/', please read /Users/username/.rvm/log/...
Dolores's user avatar
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Relation RubyGems, Ruby Version, Bundler Version, RVM and Capistrano Conflict

I have an ancient Ruby on Rails project that uses a Capistrano installation process. It currently runs Ruby 2.5.1 and Rails 5.2. I have been working on an updated version and while doing so probably ...
MDickten's user avatar
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rvm install 2.7.2 Error running '__rvm_make -j16',

when i try install ruby 2.7.2 with command rvm install 2.7.2 --with-openssl-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected] it occures error like: Error running '__rvm_make -j16', please read /Users/bytedance/.rvm/...
arderbud's user avatar
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where __rvm_sed command defined

I am reading the source code for RVM(RVM), which uses the command __rvm_sed, but I cannot find a definition of __rvm_sed in the source code. Can someone help with that?
Littletiger's user avatar
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Unable to Install GPG keys

I want to install rvm follow the offical document, but when i run the below command, got the error gpg: 从公钥服务器接收失败:No route to host. Why the command is not work for me. gpg --keyserver keyserver....
Wenyang Lu's user avatar
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Macbook M2Pro - Error running '__rvm_make -j12'

Error running '__rvm_make -j12', please read /Users/user/.rvm/log/1706650388_ruby-2.7.3/make.log There has been an error while running make. Halting the installation. When trying to install ruby-2.7.3 ...
scrscr87's user avatar
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2 answers

failed to install ruby Error running '__rvm_make -j4',

Description Unable to Install Ruby 3.0.2 on Ubuntu 15~22.04.1 Steps to reproduce Run rvm install "3.0.2" Expected behavior Ruby is installed Actual behavior Error running '__rvm_make -j4', ...
Irina's user avatar
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How can I make rvm work from Docker without explicitly running /bin/bash?

I'm trying to install Herkou-20 & Ruby 2.7.5 for my Rails App for my local machine, but I keep having to input /bin/bash before every command in order to get things to work. I've tried playing ...
Kamilski81's user avatar
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Ruby Version Manager

I'm new to Ruby and currently using Windows 10. I'm facing difficulty installing RVM. Since I work on different projects with varying Ruby versions, I want to use RVM to manage them easily. Currently, ...
Sapareshan's user avatar
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Warning ruby message when starting a new console in Linux

I don't know why I'm seeing this message every time I split my console with terminator in Ubuntu the ruby version is 3.3.0, which is installed in the upper file documents, so when I want to switch to ...
Santiago Almiron's user avatar
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Error Installing Ruby 3.2.2 with RVM on macOS: 'username_completion_function' undeclared

I'm encountering an issue while trying to install Ruby 3.2.2 using RVM on my Mac (macOS version 14.1). The installation fails with an error related to readline. Here is the relevant error message from ...
PetitGuigui's user avatar
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Why am I getting this error (Error running '__rvm_make -j12') when installing RVM?

When running the install script for Ruby Version Manager I keep getting this error: Error running '__rvm_make -j12', please read /Users/wikipediabrown/.rvm/log/1701736892_ruby-3.0.0/make.log There ...
WikipediaBrown's user avatar
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Is it possible to install ruby-2.6.5 in ubuntu 22.04 via rvm

I have ubuntu 22.04 version and I am trying to install ruby-2.6.5 via rvm . I am getting below error rails-@rails-Lenovo-V15-G3-IAP:~/Desktop/Demo_Project/JobFusion$ rvm install ruby-2.6.5 Warning! ...
Sid's user avatar
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Capistrano picking old Ruby version after updating 2.5.1 to 3.0.4

I recently updated my Ruby on Rails application from Ruby version 2.5.1 to 3.0.4. I made sure to update the Ruby version in deploy.rb and config/deploy/production.rb files. However, when I try to ...
Rq Bhatti's user avatar
2 votes
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How to stop RenVM wrapper greeting?

Anytime I create a project through terminal, whether it be vue,react,angular -- anything -- I get this long greeting message on the renvm wrapper anytime I cd into a folder. It's super annoying and ...
Kevin B.'s user avatar
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Mac M1 dyld missing symbol called on Ruby ARM64 installation via RVM

I've been cruising along with Ruby on my trusty M1 Mac for a while now, no sweat, especially in good old x86_64 mode (installed via RVM on a Rosetta terminal). Life was good. rvm ls ruby-2.7.7 [ ...
Andy Ruiz's user avatar
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Install of Ruby 2.7.5 fails on Mac OS Ventura *** Following extensions are not compiled: openssl: Could not be configured. It will not be installed

I am trying to install an older version of Ruby so that I can use react native .70 I am hitting a few errors. I would appreciate any help getting this to work. I issued this command so that openssl 1....
D Cent's user avatar
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LoadError when using bundle exec to run a script in Ruby 3 (using rvm)

The following Ruby script gives me a LoadError when it requires the activesupport gem, but everything else is showing me that it's installed. I get the same error whether I run it through bundle exec ...
Dominus.Vobiscum's user avatar
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Error while installing any specific version of ruby through rvm in mac m1

I am facing an issue while installing any version of ruby through rvm in Mac m1. Globally, I have installed ruby version 3.0.0 but for a project, I needed version 3.0.2 but it gives me the following ...
HMAD's user avatar
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RVM error while running make install in ruby

While installing the ruby 2.7.2 I'm getting this error: Error running '__rvm_make -j10', please read /Users/rifa.fauzi/.rvm/log/1692949367_ruby-2.7.2/make.log There has been an error while running ...
R Rifa Fauzi Komara's user avatar
5 votes
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Error running '__rvm_make -j8' RVM install on MacOS Ventura or Sonoma

Since it's literally been months now I figured I'd finally just get on here and ask. I can't install any version of Ruby at all using RVM on MacOS Ventura. It doesn't seem to be related to problems ...
mystic cola's user avatar
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17 votes
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Error installing Ruby with rvm: "__rvm_make -j8"

I was trying to install latest stable Ruby versions (3.1.x, 3.2.x) using rvm. However, the rvm install command of any of those versions fails when compiling Ruby. For instance, when trying to run rvm ...
davidlj95's user avatar
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How to fix Error running '__rvm_make -j8'

I am having issue in installing ruby 2.7.1 I am getting this error: Error running '__rvm_make -j8', please read /Users/luqman/.rvm/log/1690926841_ruby-2.7.1/make.log There has been an error while ...
Burhan Gardezi's user avatar
1 vote
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Facing problem while upgrading my ruby version using RVM: This error is showing again and again when i opened the file

92 warnings generated. linking shared-object socket.bundle linking shared-object ripper.bundle 5 warnings generated. make[1]: *** [ext/openssl/all] Error 2 make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... ...
Jigyasa Sharma's user avatar
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How do I get rvm install to download from the right url?

I'm trying to install ruby 3.2.2 on my container using the following line in my docker file: RUN bash -lc 'rvm install ruby-3.2.2' But when it comes there, it fails with the following error: curl: (...
Joonu Thomas's user avatar
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rvm install 2.7.8 'there was an error installing gem rubygems-bundler'

Im on Ububtu 22.04. I have a system working at ruby 2.7.1 Rails I'm trying to update ruby to 2.7.8 2.7.1 was NOT installed using rvm I've installed rvm and I'm running rvmsudo rvm install ...
user1587804's user avatar
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RVM or ASDF which one is good to manage different ruby versions?

As I am planning to install ruby in my Mac machine for various projects. There are different Vesion manager , particularly I am considering both RVM and ASDF. Which one is good ? RVM or ASDF both I ...
sharmila's user avatar
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Trying to install Ruby 3.2.2 but keep getting error during installation

Please bear with me as this is my first time coding with Ruby, but I've been trying to install it for a while now but each time I keep getting the following error. Does anyone have any advice on how ...
Sabrina Hatch's user avatar
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Unable to install puma on macOS 12 due to SSL error

I am running into the following error when trying to bundle install the puma gem. Ruby is installed with rvm (1.29.12-next). I believe the issue has something to do with openSSL, but i have no idea ...
Tony Beninate's user avatar
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Installing x86_64 ruby using rvm under docker in emulation

I’m building a Docker image that uses ruby which I install using rvm. If I build under Apple Silicon using docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 … and in my build script I do rvm ...
koehn's user avatar
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Installing Ruby 2.7.5 on Mac 12.6.7 with RVM

I've worked through quite a few github issues and other stack overflow questions that seem similar. I still can't successfully get RVM to find my openssl correctly or install 2.7.5 for React Native. I'...
mjmostachetti's user avatar
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rvm install 2.7.4 Error running '__rvm_make -j8'

I'm rather lost and cannot understand why my install is failing. Here is the output of rvm install 2.7.4 --debug from where I think the install starts to fail. Log file: /Users/ryanhorowitz/.rvm/log/...
RyWitz's user avatar
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Installing RVM in macOS (Catalina) errors

I gave up.... trying to install RVM to MacOs Catalina I always get error. Any help? Running brew tap --repair shows nothing. sdancer@192 ~ % \curl -L | bash -s stable --rails --...
Maverick's user avatar
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React Native: Unknown ruby interpreter version (do not know how to handle): >=2.6.10

I have created a project with the latest version of [email protected]. Additionally, I have installed Ruby version 2.7.6 using rvm. However, whenever I open the project folder in the terminal, I ...
Ahmad Quraishi's user avatar
-1 votes
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rvm install throws ruby installation error

I'm trying to install ruby using Installfest tutorial When I run rvm install ruby 2.3.8 I get the following error: Error running 'env GEM_HOME=/Users/stella/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@global GEM_PATH= /...
Stella Pickard's user avatar
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Error when installing "gem install bundler --no-doc" using a shell script

I am creating a script on Debian 11 with a regular user. I'm trying to run this script: #!/bin/bash rvm install ruby-2.7.2 gem install bundler --no-doc However, when I try to run the command: gem ...
Celso Annes's user avatar

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