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Trying to install Ruby 3.2.2 but keep getting error during installation

Please bear with me as this is my first time coding with Ruby, but I've been trying to install it for a while now but each time I keep getting the following error. Does anyone have any advice on how ...
Sabrina Hatch's user avatar
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Error when installing "gem install bundler --no-doc" using a shell script

I am creating a script on Debian 11 with a regular user. I'm trying to run this script: #!/bin/bash rvm install ruby-2.7.2 gem install bundler --no-doc However, when I try to run the command: gem ...
Celso Annes's user avatar
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Reinstalled RVM after an implode, but now command 'rvm' isn't found

When trying to install Ruby 2.7.7 for one of my projects, I ran into an error while running make install. Installation halted message. Since then I have tried a lot of different things I found on ...
Sherece Bledsoe's user avatar
24 votes
7 answers

How to fix the "running '__rvm_make -j4'," error, while installing ruby 3.2.1 using RVM?

Am trying to install ruby 3.2.1 using RVM. I'm getting the below error. 05:44:55 # rvm install ruby-3.2.1 Warning! PATH is not properly set up, /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.5/bin is not at first place....
Prabhu U's user avatar
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1 answer

I was trying to rvm install 3.0.4 on my ubuntu 22.04 it started installation and the got to point it through errors listed below, How can I fit it?

Error running '__rvm_package_extract /usr/share/rvm/archives/ruby-3.0.4.tar.gz /usr/share/rvm/tmp/rvm_src_9', please read /usr/share/rvm/log/1656752587_ruby-3.0.4/extract.log There has been an error ...
Rails Abam De Dev's user avatar
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Cannot install rvm to HOME path on arch linux

My problem is that I can't install RVM to $HOME path. My OS is Arch Linux. Single-user tutorial says ( Note: This will install to your home directory only (~/.rvm),...
Original nickname's user avatar
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Failed to build gem native extension installing p4ruby Net::ReadTimeout with #<Socket:fd 9> (Net::ReadTimeout)

I´m trying to install the p4ruby gem on our RHEL 7.9 server and I keep getting the "failed to build gem native extension" error. Here is what the log contains this message: have_library: ...
Kev1990's user avatar
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ruby version is not installing <= 2.2.5 or 2.2.0

I'm having trouble installing ruby 2.2.0 on my Linux system using rvm as my ruby version manager: Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time. No binary rubies available for: kali/kali-...
Mr.Furqan's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Error running 'requirements_debian_libs_install libssl-dev',

I am facing problem while installing rvm 2.6.3 Installing required packages: libssl-dev.... Error when running 'requirements_debian_libs_install libssl-dev', please read /home/tanmay/.rvm/log/...
tanmay bhawsar's user avatar
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Using Multiple Operating Systems with Ruby and Shell in a Matrix with Travis CI

I'm attempting to create a CI test that executes a test using multiple Ruby versions using rvm on Linux, but I want to execute another test on Windows using the bash shell. I've tried a few ...
Jeff's user avatar
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RVM Ruby Default not working

Ok so first off I've seen almost all if not all the posts on this here and nothing has worked. Furthermore I don't know how but I have got this to work on a different environment which is basically a ...
Daniel Nunez's user avatar
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3 answers

Ability to switch between Ruby on Rails versions, one from rbenv, other from rvm

I first used rbenv to install ruby ver 2.2 and Rails ver 4.2 on Linux CentOS 7, then used rvm to install ruby ver 2.4 and rails ver 5.2. Is there a way to switch between these easily or do they both ...
Rowan A. Boat's user avatar
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Command not found [[ on elementaryOS

$ rvm list sudo: [[: command not found sudo: [[: command not found sudo: [[: command not found sudo: [[: command not found sudo: __function_on_stack: command not found rvm rubies ruby-2.3.3 [ ...
oddlyzen's user avatar
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1 answer

rvm problems after changing user name with usermod

I changed my user name, home directory, and group name with the following commands: usermod -l newname oldname usermod -d /home/newname -m newname groupmod -n newname oldname There was a bit of ...
pjd's user avatar
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RVM, ruby 2.4.1 bug [closed]

I'm trying to start a Ruby on Rails project. I'm reading step-by-step guide created by advanced programmer. I failed at the start. I downloaded RVM with command: gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg....
Ins0maniac's user avatar
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Ruby 2.3.1 is not compiling under Arch Linux

I've got a project using the following specification at Gemfile: ruby '2.3.1', :engine => 'jruby', :engine_version => 'jruby-' and this was working fine under my old Debian 8.1 ...
Edvaldo Silva de Almeida Jr's user avatar
22 votes
7 answers

Can't install Ruby rvm on Ubuntu 16.04 due to gpg bug

I'm trying to install Ruby on Ubuntu 16.04. However when I enter to following command to terminal: $ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby I get the following: Downloading https://...
TamerB's user avatar
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RVM source as sudo?

I'm installing rvm as part of script. After installed I need to run sudo gem but to do this I first need to source the script. The recommended way is to use source /home/$USER/.rvm/scripts/rvm, but ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
2 votes
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Uninstalled Ruby 2.4.1 and keep getting the error: "Your Ruby version is 2.4.1, but your Gemfile specified 2.3.3"

I tried switching to version 2.3.3 with the command rvm use 2.3.3 and ruby -v shows: ruby 2.3.3p222 (2016-11-21 revision 56859) [x86_64-linux] but when I run rake db:create:all db:migrate db:seed I ...
boltzmanncte's user avatar
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Any rvm gem command results in openssl errors

Any time I try to run a gem command, my console spits out several SSL errors and fails to execute properly (for instance gem install xxx). ssl errors: brandon@ox:~/code/quotr$ gem install bundler ...
gwnp's user avatar
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Why rvm needs login shell?

As far as I know, rvm is a set of bash scripts. Why it need login shells? Which property which only exists in login shells is necessary for rvm? Related post: rvm installation not working: “RVM is ...
Endle_Zhenbo's user avatar
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How to work with RVM on a system with installed Ruby on Rails?

I have installed Ruby (2.3.1) and Rails (5.0.0) with gem v2.6.4 on Arch Linux. Recently I've had need of working with Ruby 2.3.0 and Rails 4.2.6, so I tried to install RVM with these steps: $ gpg --...
Ουιλιαμ Αρκευα's user avatar
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error installing Ruby 1.9.1-p431

I run rvm install ruby-1.9.1-p431 I my output is: `ruby-1.9.1-p431 - #removing src/ruby-1.9.1-p431.. Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time. No binary rubies available for: debian/...
Zach's user avatar
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Vagrant provisioning can't find rvm when it's pre-installed

I'm using the Vagrant box "thdengops/ubuntu-14.04-dev" which comes with: git, openjdk7, docker, gvm (go), nvm (node), rvm (ruby), jenv (java), virtualenv (python) all pre-installed on the box. I've ...
Elliot Blackburn's user avatar
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/usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory at SSH login

I'm trying to run a ruby script from inside of a bash script at SSH login. I did put the ForceCommand /etc/ssh/ && $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND inside sshd_config and inside #!...
Ninja Boy's user avatar
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How to install Ruby Version Manager on Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

I'm trying to install Ruby Version Manager (RVM) on my Red Hat Enterprise Linux machine which is running in the AWS cloud by following these instructions. But they are not working. Here is what ...
Saqib Ali's user avatar
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install jekyll in linux mint

I tried to install jekyll on my Linux heavenpc 3.16.0-38-generic #52~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 8 09:43:57 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I have appropriate suplementary packages installed: ...
Alex Zaitsev's user avatar
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"Warning! PATH is not properly set up" & "RVM is not a function" after Heroku toolbelt installation

I am on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I installed rvm + ruby + rails and restarted the machine. Everything was working fine until I installed the Heroku toolbet. When I decided to create a new project-specific ...
Asarluhi's user avatar
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RVM PATH is not properly set up

I've recently run into the following error from rvm when trying to upgrade my ruby version. Warning! PATH is not properly set up, '/home/sam/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/bin' is not at first place, My echo $...
neanderslob's user avatar
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Error ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/bin/ruby: No such file or directory

I have messed up the Ruby installation on my Ubuntu. I had it installed previously with RVM but I had to uninstall it (rvm implode). Now, I have downloaded the latest source (v 2.3.0) and built it ...
ali's user avatar
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3 answers

Installing Ruby 2.2.3 on Ubuntu

This problem probably has an obvious answer to anyone who has used Ruby on linux for a long time, but I can't really get a good answer via Google. I'm trying to check out the Rails 5 beta, which ...
NmdMystery's user avatar
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Linux - running root installed program as non-root

I installed RVM, then Ruby 2.3.0 and Rails 4.2.5 as super-user. I can access the program as root but not as a normal user. # rails -v Rails 4.2.5 $ rails -v /usr/bin/env: ruby1.9.1: No such file or ...
lyndonJ's user avatar
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OpenSSL compile error when installing Ruby 1.8.7 using RVM

Using RVM to install Ruby 1.8.7, this error occurs: Error running '__rvm_make -j4', showing last 15 lines of /home/XXXX/.rvm/log/1446528129_ruby-1.8.7-p374/make.log from ...
Chuang Fu's user avatar
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How to force rvm to use older versions of llvm to install rubinius on arch?

I have been having trouble installing rubinius on arch through rvm. Rubinius requires llvm version of 3.0-3.5 however Arch provides 3.6 by default under the package name llvm and I can install llvm35 ...
AphroditeVenus's user avatar
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error installing ruby 1.9.3 on linux server

Hey I'm just to update ruby on a linux server I ssh into. I know there a lot of threads on this but most are for installing on mac osx (which i dont have an issue with). This is the error log thats ...
tellmewhy's user avatar
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Installing RVM with a specific bash command format using `-s`

I'm trying to install RVM via bash. According to the installation guide on, the command to do that is: \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --auto-dotfiles I'm, however, compelled ...
Housni's user avatar
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Bash command not found rvm at startup, Mint

Whenever I open the terminal in linux mint 17 I get: No command 'Usage' found, did you mean: Command 'osage' from package 'graphviz' (main) Usage: command not found rvm-installer: command not found ...
Kenavera's user avatar
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"builtin: not found" when I source a script via PHP passthru()

I've installed RVM via I'm on Ubuntu and I use Bash. Once I install it, I need to be able to source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm based ...
Housni's user avatar
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Remove ruby gems from /usr/bin after rvm install

I recently installed rvm and uninstalled my Debian's ruby1.8, though I think ruby2.1 is still installed. I am left with a lot of executables in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin from (I think) debian's ruby....
Nicolas Mattia's user avatar
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RVM Cant find system versions

I installed rvm on a raspberry pi. I am trying to use ruby version 1.9.3. rvm list known # MRI Rubies [ruby-]1.8.6[-p420] [ruby-]1.8.7[-head] # security released on head [ruby-]1.9.1[-p431] [...
user3161206's user avatar
2 votes
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Many temporary UnknownHost errors when running `bundle install` on linux mint with RVM

I am running RVM on Linux Mint 17 and am hitting a recurring, random, temporary error when I bundle install: Gem::RemoteFetcher::UnknownHostError: no such name ( ...
Rick's user avatar
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Can't install jekyll gem at linux (classifier-reborn ruby version error)

I'm working on ElementaryOS (linux) and this is what I have: ruby -v ruby 2.2.0p0 (2014-12-25 revision 49005) [x86_64-linux] rvm list rvm rubies ruby-1.9.3-p551 [ x86_64 ] => ruby-2.2.0 [ ...
lukaszkups's user avatar
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Where to source .profile in .bash_profile to install RVM in Cygwin?

I am installing RVM on a windows machine using cygwin. I used the command is curl -L | bash -s stable to get RVM. But there is a problem. Please see the WARNING section in the ...
stack1's user avatar
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RVM not working on Vagrant

No command 'rvm' found, but there are 21 similar ones rvm: command not found. Comes up when I'm in Vagrant on linux ubuntu 14.04. Installed Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Faisal Hassan's user avatar
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Script using rvm ruby-2.1.2 but console using rvm jruby-1.7.12. Script failed

All, I don't think it has been asked after scout through the question here. Here are my problem: I'm using Ubuntu 14.04. I've developed a script to be run by ruby-2.1.2. I've included the shebang ...
Chris Liaw's user avatar
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How to run a command automatically on a terminal when I navigate to a particular folder?

I open a terminal and navigate to my project folder (ex: cd /proj/tickecting_app). After this I execute this command rvm use ruby 1.9.x@gemset. Every time I open the terminal I want this command to ...
Sridhar's user avatar
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Requirements Error while installing Ruby using RVM

I'm getting the following error while trying to install Ruby 2.0.0 with RVM (Linux Mint 17) A previous answer here recommends that I "Remove broken or 404 repos from my sources list /etc/apt/sources....
Ope's user avatar
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Trouble with installation of gstreamer gem in Linux Mint

I'm using linux mint. When I try to install with gem install gstreamer I see this error: ERROR: Error installing gstreamer: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /home/msdc/.rvm/...
Milos Dolobac's user avatar
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"ruby -v -c 2.0.0p353@myapp" gives "cannot load such file error"

I have installed rvm using this tutorial. Now when I do: rvm -versiongives rvm 1.25.28 (stable) by Wayne E. Seguin <[email protected]>, Michal Papis <[email protected]> [
paul's user avatar
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Why do I have to install the rails gem everytime I reboot?

Everytime I reboot my Linux install I have to run the following 3 commands to be able to use rails s The 3 commands are: sudo chmod -R 777 /var/lib/gems/1.9.1 source /home/comfroels/.rvm/scripts/...
comfroels's user avatar
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