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Can't update a riverpod notifier when I inject a service

Introduction I'm working with riverpod for state management in my application. I simply want to update a variable when I call my notifier. The problem occurs when I inject my service into this ...
xenos92's user avatar
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State Transfer from a model using Riverpod flutter

Now I'm learning Riverpod. Before this, I do the functionality using the Provider package and there I used ChangeNotifier. After studying the documentation
Sergey M's user avatar
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Why do we need ChangeNotifierProvider instead of just using a ChangeNotifier?

I am trying to learn how to use flutter_riverpod for state management, I am having trouble understanding what the "need" for ChangeNotifierProvider is , same thing for StateNotifierProvider. ...
Sahar_Sarraj's user avatar
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List of interactive items using nested StateNotifiers

Do you think it's okay to have a list of StateNotifiers inside the State of other StateNotifier? For example like this: class ListOfItems extends StateNotifier<ListState> { void ...
Igor' Leonidov's user avatar
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using ChangeNotifier to add items into empty list

I already have data stored on firestore , but now i'd like to add this data into an empty list using ChangeNotifier , similar to this example -
hayek's user avatar
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Is it necessary to use StateNotifier even if there is only one value and no method?

If there is only one value and no method, do we still need to use StateNotifier as follows? Or is there a simpler mechanism? Since this value is rewritten and referenced from the outside, the ...
Ganessa's user avatar
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If another variable in ChangeNotifier is changed, will the Consumer's model be updated?

If the following setIntVal is called and notifyListeners(); is executed, is the Text redrawn? intVal is changed but strVal is not. Similarly, what happens when StateNotifier is used? class ...
Ganessa's user avatar
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How to combine StateNotifierProvider and FutureProvider in Flutter? | Riverpod

Basically I am trying to combine a FutureProvider and a StateNotifierProvider into one single Provider with Riverpod. I know that there is already a question for a similar thing, but this is a bit ...
Florian Leeser's user avatar
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How Can I reset edithing data to pop page? Flutter + ChangeNotifier + Riverpod

I am a Flutter begginer. I make Trash Day Manage is kind of similler to TODO application. DB is Hive. State management is RiverPod and CahngeNotifier.
Daisuke Osanai's user avatar
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Implementing ChangeNotifier to StateNotifier

I've rewriten my ChangeNotifier codes to StateNotifier but the problem is that it does not rebuild when you pressed like or dislike the student button in the student row. I expect that ...
Mustafa Aksoy's user avatar
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Why is Flutter dialog not rebuilding on change notifier?

Well the issue is kinda simple, but it needs to be done on a specific way. First I have a Class extending "ChangeNotifier" this class will perform some async tasks, so while it is doing so ...
Luis Castañeda's user avatar
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How to fetch list of Data when page is open state notifier in consumer with using providerListener . Flutter

titleColor:, resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, backgroundColor: Colors.white, body: ProviderListener( provider: addressNotifierProvider.state, onChange: (...
Sourav Munjal's user avatar
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how can i create drowdownbutton with Riverpod Notifier?

I want to create DropDownButton with changenotifierProvider in Riverpod, but i can not write nicely my code. Please help me. I suppose, i just wrote 'watch' method, but i do not know how to read it. ...
coldasspirit's user avatar
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How to use Flutter Riverpod to act like a ChangeNotifierProxy Provider?

just wondering if there is any way to use the Riverpod Package in a way, that it works like the ChangeNotifierProxy Provider. I have made this simple code where the "MySecondClass" shall be ...
strato_cruiser's user avatar
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Equivalent of ChangeNotifierProvider widget in Riverpod

Is there a widget equivalent of the ChangeNotifierProvider widget of Provider in Riverpod? The use case is to create a provider only when a page whose parent widget is ChangeNotifierProvider/or a page ...
Prince's user avatar
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