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Java generic rest APIs to access postgres table schema

Is there any readymade java library which can convert postgres table schema and operations to rest endpoints ? I'm aware that there's postgrest framework, but that's not a maven library that can be ...
voidMainReturn's user avatar
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Delphi RestClient on Mac and Windows

I have server (WebBroker) and client (RestClient) applications. The server is executed on Windows, and one of its methods looks like this: procedure TWM.KlijentiFirmeGet(Request: TWebRequest; Response:...
bojan gavrilovic's user avatar
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Caching user data (db entity) in RESTful services

Before asking my question, I would like to note that I have done some research for similar posts and I have not been able to find a clear answer so I decided to write my question in here. I am trying ...
Eric's user avatar
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Trying to call Azure Rest API with powershell Exception calling "AcquireAccessToken" with "1" argument(s): "Invalid tenant id provided

Trying to call an API via powershell whilst logged into Azure interactively using powershell. I hve written the code below, but I am getting the error after running ConnectAzAccount first ...
learner's user avatar
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Upload csv using Invoke-RestMethod

I am trying to upload a local csv file to the import endpoint of 4me/xurrent using power shell. My latest version looks as follows and still receives an error. $importUrl = "https://api.xurrent....
Beorn's user avatar
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freeradius and rml-rest module Configuration errors

I want to use a REST-API to handle authentication (or just fetch users) for my freeradius authentication server. When I try to start the server I get an error: /etc/freeradius/mods-enabled/rest[17]: ...
Simon Schwaar's user avatar
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SpotifyAPI Get Recommendations Endpoint has been Deprecated

I'm building an application that is utilizing SpotifyAPI. One of the features I'm trying to implement is a search bar where users can search for their favourite tracks, but before even typing anything,...
waaker's user avatar
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How to create Encounters using EPIC FHIR API?

I'm working on integrating Epic FHIR APIs into my custom EHR application. One of my requirements is to create new Encounters (e.g., linking them to appointments or other workflows). However, after ...
Kaizer47's user avatar
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Cannot change the default indexType from AutoIndex to HNSW when creating an index in the Milvus collection via the RESTful API

I have successfully created a Milvus collection and inserted data directly without any noticeable challenges. Now, I want to create a Milvus collection using the RESTful API as detailed in the ...
BarzanHayati's user avatar
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Augmenting the calendar widget in ZK Studio 5.0

In an acquired RESTful Spring Boot Web application, there are some restrictions I currently cannot change. The code partly uses Java 1.6, the rest is Java 17. And the ZK Studio has the version 5.0 and ...
Sae1962's user avatar
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Strapi CMS PUT for repeatable items or media via REST API

How do I update each asset or all assets via PUT rest API? If this is my document: { "data": { "id": 5, "documentId": "bui11070zyexg20k1xg9fdxx&...
Ben's user avatar
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Ovaport Nokeval Get Information/channel/{channelid} Rest API [closed]

Does anyone have experience with Nokeval's Ovaport Rest API for sensor data because I need the information from a device but unfortunately I only get a fraction of what is in the API documentation I ...
Christian Hamminger's user avatar
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AWS API Gateway - send querystring parameters with HTML <form> POST with enctype="multipart/form-data"

I receive the file content OK, but cant seem to get the query string no matter what I do. The Lambda Integration feature doesnt retrieve them and no matter whgat I put in the mapping template I do not ...
Matt Ault's user avatar
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How to prevent public users from crawling all data from Hasura table [closed]

In Hasura, I have a public role in my users table which is used on my site to display some users in a leaderboard section. They can be accessed and seen by public since these info include scores, name,...
Exzia's user avatar
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Configuring Jetty 9 REST service for CORS header working in Chrome

I have been searching for CORS examples with Jetty 9 embedded, and haven't had any success. My Jetty 9 REST Service as backend for SQLite works fine in Postman but not in the Browser. How can I create,...
fmatz's user avatar
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Control what can be uploaded in AEM sling

I was asked to restrict what can be uploaded in Adobe Experience Manager (author) - limit the size, content, name etc. As AEM is built on Sling, which has a REST-ful interface, almost everything can ...
pkalinow's user avatar
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How to propagate SecurityContext to EJB container in JBOSS EAP 8

I am using JBOSS EAP 8. I package in a single war file For learning purposes I have implemented a REST API with a login Endpoint which returns a JWToken to the client. Other REST endpoints are ...
Hans's user avatar
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What’s the best approach to design a scalable and reliable real-time chat application for sending messages, creating groups, and other updates [closed]

I am planning to create a chat application. I want to get some clarification on this. which one should I use: 1. Using REST APIs for operations like sending messages, creating groups, and updates (to ...
Muhammed Sheheem's user avatar
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May sec-fetch-dest header be used to distinguish REST requests from other browser HTTP requests?

The actual problem - at server side we need to distinguish REST requests from other browser HTTP requests like image request, page request and etc. By saying "REST request" I mean a request ...
lucifer63's user avatar
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REST API with large payload

We have a business partner who is insisting on sending large payload of sizes over 100MB on our REST API call. They will call this API of ours every 5 minutes. Although we are trying to explain to ...
user8898538's user avatar
-2 votes
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RestAPI should accept date and DateTime

My REST API has two params, 'from' and 'to' - which should accept either Date or DateTime. sometimes they might be interested to pass only Date, in that case we consider Time is added as begining of ...
vasu's user avatar
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How to Define URI/Package/Controller Based WebFluxConfiguration in a Spring Application

I have a Spring app in which I have different rest controllers. I want to have a different WebFluxConfigurations for the different controllers. For example, for the 'configureHttpMessageCodecs' I want ...
Nick's user avatar
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Getting back to programming, starting with a TypeScript project [closed]

I have stopped writing code for a year plus now. I used to write React code. There is a project which brings me back to coding, but the project is in TypeScript and I used to do JavaScript. I also ...
caleb247's user avatar
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How to optimize performance and reduce load while designing a RESTful API for displaying related and sibling objects? [closed]

I'm currently working on a frontend application where I need to display information about authors. Each author can have multiple child objects (e.g., books), and I also need to display information ...
pierrefaidherbe's user avatar
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how to update dynamodb with pynamodb ORM?

I'm creating a user table in dynamo db and want to utilize pynamodb ORM, sample class below. pynamodb class from pynamodb.models import Model from pynamodb.attributes import UnicodeAttribute class ...
kishi's user avatar
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Is there a way to get Only songs with "downloadable" = true via the Search endpoint?

Im trying to obtain a list of songs that have the download_url and downloadable = true. I am also trying to obtain the top 5 songs of a genres. The Search endpoint has a query parameter but the api ...
Denzie Gray's user avatar
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Cannot find symbol with Lombok

Basically I'm trying to create an API using Spring Boot, however I'm with some problems with lombok annotations I guess. This is my domain (I can use @Data, but it shows the same error): @Entity @...
André's user avatar
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How to fetch accurate global lock status for an account using Meta Wikimedia API

I'm creating a tool that uses the Meta Wikimedia API to check the status of various accounts (active vs dormant, editors to various spaces etc) I've noticed that some accounts are locked globally, e.g....
nick_j_white's user avatar
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How to Bypass HTTPS in Apache NiFi When Connecting to External APIs?

I'm currently working with Apache NiFi and need to connect to an external API that uses HTTPS. However, for testing purposes, I need to bypass HTTPS verification to simplify the integration process. ...
Bhavani Prasad's user avatar
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Overlapping method route | Rust axum (utoipa)

Here is the problem. I'm using utoipa to generate documentation. And I want to split routes by groups. For example, in axum we can do something like this and it will works fine: // Router::new()...
Grimlock's user avatar
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Java Spring: Unsupported Media Type with x-www-form-urlencoded body

I'm working on a REST API using Spring and I'm trying to implement a POST endpoint that receives x-www-form-urlencoded data in it's body. This is my controller method so far: @PostMapping(value = &...
BluePrint's user avatar
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Getting firestore subdocuments [duplicate]

I have a firestore database with documents inside a users documents. for example /users/{uid}/purchases /users/{uid}/devices I would like to fetch all the names of these documents using the firestore ...
mbithi's user avatar
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What method of a REST API is the correct one for procssing data without saving? [closed]

I have a backend service, which accepts a text with placeholders, replaces those placeholders with values and sends the text back. What would be the proper method of an REST API to use for this? ...
Calamity Jane's user avatar
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Unable to get response from APIGateway through react app

Calling the api from postman gives the expected output without any errors. But while trying to make request from react app cors related error in showing up. PS:- this is error i am getting. "...
Ramesh Prabhu's user avatar
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How to use openssl with distant keys, accessible via KMIP or REST API?

I need to use openssl with keys stored on a distant KMS. How can I do this? I've seen specific projects about openssl using AWS keys (1) or Google cloud keys (2). Stil I found no KMIP-generic solution....
fpierrat's user avatar
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NPM build API Vault LIST fail

I am on an NPM application using Svelte and I am looking to develop a server-side API to list the available paths of my Vault HashiCorp instance. By making simple calls with fetch on the Vault REST ...
bobHihi's user avatar
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API Endpoint - Calling path/file.php works but doesn't by endpoint

I made a simple API with PHP When I call it (Postman or script) with it works. I get the return value. When I call it (Postman or script) with https://www....
Lena LfPC's user avatar
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REST API: Avoid Library Global Initialization Scope (Google Earth Engine Python API)

I’m building a REST API backend that fetches authenticated URLs for map tiles from private image asset collections in Google Earth Engine (GEE). Each user of the API has a unique Google Service ...
rsaw's user avatar
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How to configure JWT to work with cookies?

I have a Django application that functions as an API. Currently, it can generate access and refresh JWT tokens and save these tokens as cookies. My problem arises when verifying these tokens in other ...
MasterTJ123's user avatar
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Using file_get_contents('php://input') with POST always returns an empty result [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a PHP REST API using Postgres. I'm adapting this tutorial. For some reason, using file_get_contents("php://input"); in the POST method returns an empty string. ex : $...
DouxDoux's user avatar
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Getting ECONNREFUSED error when sending a GET request from FlowXO to GLPI API

I’m trying to send a GET request to the GLPI API. When testing the request in Postman (URL:, everything works fine, and I get a 200 OK response. Other requests sent ...
Denis's user avatar
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Is it a good practice to send authentication info every time I request Wordpress API?

I have a Wordpress web site and I am using its APIs to build a mobile application. Some of them require authentication and others don't I want help. should I send username and password with every ...
Sarah Tammam's user avatar
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Export imported word file using REST make the file corrupted

Update: Updated the problem to reflect recent learnings and make it more clear. I have a scenario where I need to import a file from OpenText (OT) to ServiceNow and then export it back to OpenText (...
Niklas's user avatar
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Hi I am new and hope to finde some information here. For a customer we are retrieving data from SAP ARIBA via the REST API. To build daily reports we want e.g. retrieve information from the /vendors/{...
Odo Luo's user avatar
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Sorting data from Tableau REST API

I am retrieving Tableau view data via the REST API. I can filter for the data I want by appending a view filter. Example URL
Gary's user avatar
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HTTP server behavior and REST API specification for unsupported operations

I have a specification of some REST API, and I am also developing some implementation of the corresponding API. The question arises, what HTTP status code should my implementation return for ...
nik0x1's user avatar
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How to create order in eBay sandbox environment [closed]

I don't know how to create order in eBay sandbox environment I have to call get Orders api and I am able to successfully call the api but in response I'm getting order list empty. It means I donve ...
John's user avatar
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Why hibernate is calling update for parent entity or for child entity itself after inserting a child entity in unidirectional relationships? @Entity @Table(name = "inventory") public class Inventory { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name = "inventory_id") ...
Shri's user avatar
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IHttpContextAccessor: IsAuthenticated always false

I'm building a .NET8 web app with a REST API where I'm trying to check if the requesting user is an admin to execute different code paths based on that but for some reason the code which is supposed ...
Val's user avatar
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Authenticated/Authorized CRUDs

I'm learning to code with Delphi 12 and I'm trying to create a simple app for an agenda. I have a mySQL database set up with 2 tables: users id username password appointments id user_id (FK) ...
Nicola Gallo's user avatar

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