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Need help for resolving RAML error - ClassCastException

I am new RAML and I am writing api.raml with types. While RAML verification I am getting below error - For raml specification am getting ClassCastException. Actually I have json like below - { “...
GauravP's user avatar
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How can I call a REST API in Php

Our client provided me with a REST API that requires a PHP call. However, the documentation accompanying the API is quite scanty, leaving me unsure about how to proceed with calling the service. I ...
sara kvz's user avatar
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How to get permission to use LinkedIn endpoint

I have already created a LinkedIn "Company" using my LinkedIn account that allowed me to create an LinkedIn App. I now a clientID and secret but that only gives me access to certain "...
Mark C's user avatar
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How can i use JdbcTemplate for multiple parameters as request and response variables?

I am trying to create a SpringBoot web service using REST API and trying to select multiple parameters from the database table as request parameters with JdbcTemplate. How can I do that? I know for ...
John Derek's user avatar
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"Unsupported HTTP method" error response while using PUT method to update employee record through REST Webservices in NetSuite

We are using REST WebServices and I am testing to update an employee record's email address via POSTMAN. HTTP method: PUT Endpoint: https://<accountid>
4N335's user avatar
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How to get all tracklog of member in club (with name athlete and time start every run) Strava through API V3

I write a service get data from club Strava for Running Club. I want show on dashboard with some infor like that: fullname, distance, moving_time, elapsed_time, time start tracklog, ... I call api api/...
caocuongccc's user avatar
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web service REST with GX17/ .NET

I've tried to generate a web service REST with Genexus and when I tried to consume it the result is Error 404 from SoapUI or Postman. When I tried to consume it from a webpanel in GX the error on the ...
Valeria Carballo's user avatar
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How to implement Rate Limiter in rest api call, spring mvc application without using springboot, or cloud?

i have a application which runs on a tomcat using spring and java. we are not using spring boot, cloud. as per requirement, if any brute force attack happened, need to use rate limiter concept in ...
shree's user avatar
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Error CS0029 Cannot implicitly convert type System.Collections.Generic.List to same?

Specs: using ASP.NET Core 7.0.307, on Mac OS Ventura 13.5 Darwin, VS Code 1.81.1 I am getting an error after updating an interface file and using it in a service in order to perform a delete operation ...
DJ Eddie J's user avatar
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Design pattern for web services and users - admin vs token - admin in the name of users or users in their own name

It is about web service and users (mostly application users). If the platform supports its own security (ACLs) using LDAP or AD users which pattern is better and why? admin in the name of web service ...
user1182625's user avatar
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How to consume a web service in the server from a hosted blazor webassembly app with Signal-R (.NET Core 6.0)

I have written a hosted blazor web assembly app with SignalR and I need to figure out how to consume a web service in the server side. An API controller on the server side The idea is that this ...
Daniel Parra's user avatar
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Duplicating courses in Moodle by using REST webservice with Python

I'm really struggling to get my code for duplicating moodle courses via REST to work, just couldn't figure out the reason: import requests import json token = 'mytoken123' domainname = 'https://...
Madamadam's user avatar
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Resteasy service on wildfly not found

I'm tryng to call a rest service written witch resteasy deployed on wildfly 23. But when I try to call it, I get 404 or a not found. --------------------------------------------------------------------...
gilmel's user avatar
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how to return a multiple objects [duplicate]

below i mentioned is my Restcontroller class i want to return a multiple object , how to do? // Saving the Data @PostMapping("/buyContractRequest") public ResponseEntity<Contract&...
rakshi's user avatar
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White-space parameter value is not a valid input in Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web

In my ASP.NET Core Web SDK (net7.0) project I have a controller with a Get method that accepts multiple string parameters. public async Task<ActionResult<SomethingDetailDTO>> ...
Tomaž Rak's user avatar
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Springboot API returns null response

This API works fine; I can see it hits the server and returns 200. But the response captured in the client code is null. I have checked the response via postman and I can see the status code. Not Sure ...
user4974500's user avatar
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how to make a component diagram for my web service

So, for my school project i am making a system consisting of a reader application and a root-based dictionary web service. They will be linked through the REST API. I am following SOA as suggested by ...
elijah's user avatar
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Http Get vs Http Post to get data, which one is recommended?

recently I come across an issue that I don't know which is a good (standard) way to handle it in REST Api. The problem is very simple. We all know that in standard REST Api, we use Get request to get ...
Hoang Minh's user avatar
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How to avoid duplicate POJOs in different web services, Java

I have a webapp with multiple Spring services (they each have their own ear and web-controllers) and they talk to each other via REST calls. Some of the different services use the same data POJOs. The ...
David Lalo's user avatar
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Java REST Web Services in NetBeans 14 not creating WADL file

I am trying to learn REST web services using Java. I am using NetBeans 14 and just trying to do a basic restful web service. The issue I keep getting is it pops up with the error Cannot Access WADL ...
vandread's user avatar
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How to acces Web Sevice by SSL CERTIFICATE

how i can establish connection in this situation : I want to consume Web Service that required ssl certificat connection, in first step the web sevice owner ask me for CSR (CERTIFICATE REQUEST), -----...
Said Rahmani's user avatar
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401 error when getting file using cl_http_client

I am triying to access sharepoint from SAP server using Sharepoint Rest API , but I am getting 401 error even with a sharpoint user that have all needed authorisations: lv_service = 'MYURL/_api/web/...
merou's user avatar
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Server To Simply Call REST API's Then Forward The Response(s) To A Document Database?

The customer wants to poll (fetch) data from thousands of devices which offer REST API's. They want to run their own server, in other words they don't want to use any particular cloud offering. Is ...
Ronnie Smith's user avatar
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REST API design and implementation for non CRUD operations in Laravel

A user resource has properties name, status and so many other fields. A user can update his name but only an admin user can update the status. In typical rest design, a name update could be patch /...
Kiren S's user avatar
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List deployed Webserices in Tomee

I have an application deployed on Tomee which is hosting lots of web services which are written using Jersey framework. How to identify how many web-services(URLs) are hosted by the application and ...
Prasad Jadhav's user avatar
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OpenApi 3 not able to import schemas present at remote location or as external files

I am trying to use open API 3.0 specification to define API contracts using swagger Hub. Happy scenarios work really well where all the components like schemas, examples, and responses are able to ...
Kundan Saini's user avatar
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Write our API end point in a standard way to cover all the business scenarios, in our ASP.NET MVC 5 web application

I have this Action method in ASP.NET MVC 5: namespace LDAPMVCProject.Controllers { public class HomeController : Controller { public ActionResult UsersInfo(string username, string ...
John John's user avatar
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Empty logs a C# Rest WebService

I Have A C# Rest webService which working fine. I needed to add logs using the log4net . It's working in DEV/Staging environnements but not in production. I Have granted the Application pool & ...
nando99's user avatar
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Confusion regarding terms related to API, Web-Services and few more. Any official spec by any org?

API Web-Service Web-API Types of API Difference between an API and a Web-Service Difference between an Web-API and a Web-Service REST (Representational State Transfer) SOAP (Simple Object Access ...
Amit Kumar Mahapatra's user avatar
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No Group By action when using REST Data Source in Interactive Report

We have tried consuming a (ORDS) REST service in an Oracle APEX (v.20.2) interactive report using two different methods: Using REST Data Source, as defined in Shared Components configured as Oracle ...
Ulrik Larsen's user avatar
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Retrieve response content using HttpURLConnection when server returns status code 400

So I'm calling a rest web service via HttpURLConnection which responds with a 400 status code if you try to post data which has already been processed, along with the status code it also returns a ...
AgilePro's user avatar
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How can I get two platforms to exchange data by leveraging their REST APIs

I use two independent eCommerce platforms that don't officially support communication with one another, however, both have exposed REST API for managing products, orders, etc. My question is: how can ...
DD990's user avatar
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How do I open a web browser using a rest service call?

I came across the following question asked in interviews which ask about controlling a web browser using a web service calls. Implement the following 4 WebServices in the choice of your language. ...
Devanshu Kashyap's user avatar
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How to return date from Rest API eg. 1185746400000 OR Custom format like "2021.12.31 22:00:00"?

What is correct way of returning date from Rest API This @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss") protected Date changeDate; validFrom": "2021....
fatherazrael's user avatar
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Request getting read timed out from code using resttemplate. But same request goes through in postman

This is a large request. But it works in postman and returns after a min. The rest template timeout has been set as 5min. Both read and connection timeout. Somehow this works for smaller requests. I ...
Niranjan 's user avatar
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Java Restful Webservice returns 404 Not Found (Intellij Ultimate Edition)

I'm trying to create RESTful webservices with JAX RS library in Intellij Ultimate Edition. I've create Webservice Project and added Maven framework to the project. Below is the web.xml file: <?xml ...
Sri Durga's user avatar
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REST API - what to return when query for a GET does not find a result

I'm calling a backend REST endpoint that takes in a query param and searches for a matching result /people?name=joe, and I'm wondering what status code and return data I should be returning when no ...
rasen58's user avatar
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How to deploy JAX-RS RESTfull web services on tomcat 10?

I'm trying to create my first RESTFull web service application using java. I have postgres, netbeans 14, jdk-18.0.2 an tomcat 10 installed. I have created a maven java web application and some ...
Michael's user avatar
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Producer and Consumer Conception in Web Services

I'm new to web services and just bumped into the conceptions of producer(server) and consumer(client). As I can search from other sources, the producer is defined as the app that produces data, while ...
Eden919's user avatar
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Best design with fault tolerant for retrieving updates periodically invoking an API

I am a client say clientA, I will need to call a server say serverA in a periodic manner every 15 minutes to get new updates from serverA. ServerA is only capable to expose an API which intakes 2 ...
Ramden's user avatar
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How to generate Fedex tracking numbers using APIs?

I want to create a web service like or in these websites they find valid FedEx trackings by zip code, city, or state and also filter results by shipping ...
Kamran Malik's user avatar
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HTTP 500 Request Failed jerseytest

I just want to test my web services, I'm in Java 1.6 and I use jerseyTest 2.6 for that but I keep getting the error 500 and I don't know why. My test class extends JerseyTest and I have a configure ...
xok's user avatar
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get file from POST request using javax library

I am trying to connect AWS SDK to the project, written in JAVA EE. I have written a service, which interacts with aws server. I am able to create, delete, upload buckets/files. Once I am sending a ...
dvaschenko's user avatar
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HttpClientErrorException$BadRequest: 400 BAD REQUEST when service return []

I'm running a service and it works perfectly when it returns some entidade. But when it doesn't find any, I get the following error: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$BadRequest: ...
Graziele Sabino Gonçalves's user avatar
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ExpressJS: expose Event Processing system as a REST Service API

I am looking for a way to expose an existing event processing system to the external world using a REST interface. I have existing system design where we have RabbitMQ message queues where a publisher ...
Kiran's user avatar
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How to connect to Webservice REST with POST from Power BI

I am trying to connect to a webservice through Power BI but I still do not achieve result, first try to use the Web data source and with the Advanced Use add the Header that in my case is Content-Type ...
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How to call array to another method?

I am trying to calculate barter system so first I m adding the items to Inventory(json file) another method... then trying to calculate min max price array in CalCost method and send to howmuch ...
Bartu Bozkurt's user avatar
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Multiple PUT endpoints vs single PUT endpoints to update entity attribute

I have an API controller for an entity called Order which has as an attribute called Status which can take the following values: Pending, Cancelled, Production, Delivered. I was wondering which would ...
Sebas Gonzales S.'s user avatar
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Multiple root paths for same Jersey REST API class

I have a Jersey REST API class with following root path @Path(/v1/{start}/resource) public class classA{ //Business logic } Now I have a requirement where I need to have one more path which points ...
Q2Dev's user avatar
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Can we call ASP.NET webservice without soap envelop? Like a simple REST api

Can we create a simple post method in ASP.NET web service which runs like a REST API method? Because I don't want to provide an envelop for post and get request. Can anyone provide a solution for this?...
Ashar Hussain's user avatar

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