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Get previous results from the Allure report

With the help of the Allure report, I have managed to gather results from multiple test executions. The cumulative outcomes are visible in the Overview and Graph sections. However, I can no longer ...
ezak's user avatar
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How to add serial number after grouping the rows in table using BIRT design report?

I want to add serial number column after grouping the rows based on specific field. ex. Existing data Serial No| Date | Amount 1 | 10/10/2020 | 2500 2 | 10/10/2020 | 3400 3 ...
Bikash Pandit's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Reading API metadata from deployed spring boot applications on a server

I am trying to build an automated API reporting capability for which we need to scan a Linux server for all deployed APIs( spring boot apps). Once I get some metadata about the dpeloyed APIS, I want ...
Metalhead's user avatar
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Generated excel file does not have extension

I am trying to generate excel file using the following approach: private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "multipart/form-data"; private static final String FILE_NAME = "DemoReport&...
user avatar
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Generating csv file for multiple loop in Java?

I am trying to generate a report with cascade values a shown below: | Country | City | Town | -------------------------------------- | Country A | City X | Town 1 | | Country A |...
user avatar
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how can i send failed tests screenshots to reportportal. I am using Java + TestNG framework

I tried below code to send screenshots of failed tests to reportPortal, but its not working for me.Can somebody please help here public ReportPortalMessage failedScrenshot(String methodName) { ...
swati's user avatar
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Allure reports how get meaningful text

I'm kinda stumped at the moment because I'm not exactly sure how to get my textoutputs into my allure reports. All my functions that produce text include an if-else block that looks like this: public ...
dorjjj's user avatar
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How to report and integrate Extent or Junit report to "For loop" test scenarios and add assertion report Pass and Fail

I am automating e-commerce website. I am using JUNIT-Selenium framework. Their are two files i am working with, first is the "" where my test steps are mentioned, aslo to start ...
Aniket's user avatar
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maven-cucumber-reporting plugin is not generating the report - in latest 5.3.0 version

After copy pasting the code from github for maven cucumber reporting, the report is not generated in the target folder. I'm not sure what went missing. I tried with running with Runner class and MVN ...
zulfikar ayub's user avatar
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How to change Apache Jmeter Dashboard report title dynamically

I am struggling to set Apache Jmeter Dashboard report title dynamically as Application/API name + Application/API version, extracting the version from an API call. Running my test from non-gui mode ...
Akshay Vasava's user avatar
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Is it possible to automatically call an internal exception method when the exception is thrown?

I need to execute a method every time a certain custom exception is thrown. The executed code will report the exception to my API. The exception class has a boolean parameter that states if the ...
PauMAVA's user avatar
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How to write Rest-Assured Request and Response console log to Cucumber report

By default, Rest-Assured writes logs to console. In case of fail, I need Request and Response attached to the step in the Cucumber report. I have tried different solutions. But still, in case of fail, ...
Roman  Shabanov's user avatar
4 votes
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OpenPDF : iText 2.1.7 XXE vulnerability

Currently I am using Birt Report runtime version 4.4.2 and it internally uses iText version - 2.1.7 I have Birt report .rptdesign files as template and using Birt Report runtime engine for ...
jeet's user avatar
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how to fill an excel vertically by a list in Apache POI [duplicate]

At the moment i'm trying to migrate a report generated by Birt into a downloadable Excel file. So for that im using Apache POI API. So im getting the same report object list and populate them using ...
Ragnar921's user avatar
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Refresh eclipse workspace after the test suit ends

I have a maven project for testing. I am using testng plugin. After the test run is complete we get a test-output folder in package explorer of eclipse . What i want to do is send the email-able ...
YoDO's user avatar
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TestNG custom reporter - adding stacktrace to report

I am using a custom reporter for my TestNG suite. I borrowed the basic code from an online tutorial, and have made some adjustments. However, I want to include a stack trace for any failed tests, in ...
R.Donohoe's user avatar
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How to consolidate multiple cucumber reports to get 1 summarised report?

I am executing 2 jobs on Jenkins which gives me 2 cucumber.json files as reports for each job. The first job is Ruby based and the second job is Java based. I get a cucumber report in Jenkins at the ...
Tanveer Dey's user avatar
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why libreoffice sdk crash when simultaneosly and concurrently create documents through a webservice?

i am running a webservice that replace text in a docx template and then convet it to pdf. i am using ubuntu 18.04 and glassfish server for its deployment when i made a single request for the ...
Julios_Rodmax's user avatar
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How to send mail in Katalon ( attachment Screenshot on failure )

How can I send email with attached screenshot ( Katalon studio ) Capture a screenshot on failure : OK Send email ( report with screenshot ) a/How to make from Jenkin ( Send attach email) b/How to ...
Vu Phuong Nam's user avatar
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BIRT : Filter cascaded Report Parameter group based on Local Report Parameter

I want to design BIRT report such that in my case user will enter start time and stop time , based on start time and stop time I will get list of available batch name present between start time and ...
PDTech's user avatar
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Alternative to JmxReporter in dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core latest release

Since codahale-metrics have been moved under io.. An implementation in our code was making use of the class: import com.codahale.metrics.JmxReporter with the dependency version <metrics.core....
Naman's user avatar
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Trying to improve performance of generating xls reports using DynamicJasper. Any suggestions in this direction?

Current stats: Generating a .xls file containing 3 tables, each of one containing 100K rows x 3 columns took ~24s with the following breakdown: building the JRXlsExporter - ~6s JRXlsExporter....
Dragos Pricope's user avatar
1 vote
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how to prevent generating empty Birt report

I'm using birt to generate some reports and send them by email to the client. i use java to call the report : task.setRenderOption(options); my question is can i prevent generating empty report ...
elie's user avatar
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Trying to extract audience data from Google Analytics API

quick question here : I am using Google Analytics reporting API v4 to perform some extractions from GA data, all working as desired except for one set of Audience data. Basically I'm querying ...
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ResultSet If Null Statement

I am trying to create an HTML Report that will print out the different line items. If the item is null, then I want it to skip the item, but I want to code to be able to handle the item when it is not ...
MLGinger96's user avatar
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Alternative of JASPER to Generating PDF in Spring application from data

hope you're doing fine. We re in the point of launching a big Spring Boot project, where we have to generate so many PDF files based on data inserted by users (bills, summaries), I had a bad ...
E . Younes's user avatar
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How to extract report based calculation from BRIO report?

How to extract report based calculation from BRIO report ? For example Multiple Requests is there public API available to do this task? Enter code to remove the fields you want to hide from the ...
Rahul Patel's user avatar
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Does CATCH exception gets reported to Firebase/Fabric etc?

Does CATCH exception gets reported to Firebase/Fabric etc? If I leave catch block empty (for some reason IDK why someone does it), android gives warning but naming its variable ignored resolves ...
Adam's user avatar
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Defining Templates and Manipulating using Java

As part of my project requirement I am looking at creating predefined templates which have the fonts and indentation pre-defined with fixed variable parts which I want to replace at runtime and ...
arnabkundu's user avatar
8 votes
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Spring 5 Reporting

On the changelog for Spring Framework 5, it states that they removed the compatibility for JasperReports. What reporting tool can I use, that will be compatible with Spring FW 5?
Francisco Godienski Hansen's user avatar
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Java | ORM | Hibernate | for a reporting application thoughts

Pardon me if this question is too open-ended or vague. My intention here is just to get your views and not a right/wrong answer here. I'm going to design a java based Reporting Application which ...
user1189332's user avatar
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How can I use Java objects as data sets in Eclipse BIRT?

I basically followed this tutorial: Now I have two Java classes, Mock and MockContainer, that look like this: package reports; public class ...
K. S.'s user avatar
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Save pdf report on database using BIRT

So, I'm trying to save the pdf report in database using service methode. I saw that there's a way to specify the output of the generated report by calling : pdfOptions.setOutputStream(output). But how ...
Gor's user avatar
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Google Analytics API 4 Java client running from command package does not exist

I'm running the API 3 with Java from Windows command using javac and java to compile, no problem. I'm trying the API 4 but can't make even the basic example to run. I understand my problem must be in ...
Danu's user avatar
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BIRT report download as PDF doesn't contain the data

I have a report generated with BIRT report I use birt viewer with pdf format <div> <birt:viewer id="birtViewer" reportDesign="${rpt}" baseURL="${baseURL}" pattern="frameset" ...
shanika yrs's user avatar
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Birt cascading parameter with search box instead of combo box

I am new to BIRT reporting. I have following requirement I want to load list of customer in BIRT parameter selection window. I have more than 3000++ customers to load. Hence our team came to a ...
shanika yrs's user avatar
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Serenity: How to hide Test Data from Report?

Is there any way to hide Test Data section in report for data driven tests? By default this block is called "Examples:". I use HashMap as input for every test and it looks like the whole my HashMap is ...
Uniqobot's user avatar
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JUnit tests's analytic tool?

I'm asking this question after a long fruitless research... In our automation team we are using JUnit to run about 1000 different tests. Today, if we have any failures, we check and analyze them ...
nimrod's user avatar
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Issue with pagination in report: all Pages displayed on 1 screen

I'm loading a JasperReports report (.jasper file) in an iFrame through a Servlet, and the report data is coming fine. However, there is an issue with the way the pagination is being done. I want ...
Mayank S's user avatar
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Allure reports showing the testng tests that are not run as 'Broken'

When generating allure reports for TestNG tests, the tests that are not run are shown as 'broken' under xUnit. The default TestNG report shows the correct count of test cases that are run, but allure ...
Sarath's user avatar
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Text report testing with Java application

I am working on a project that I have to check if some(500) reports, generated from a system, are passed or failed. I face 2 problems. Text-parsing. Each report is unique and has different formats. ...
Emanonk's user avatar
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Create generic file for DynamicReports

I have a web application with many catalogues(more than 200), and I want to create PDF and XSL reports for them. User just has filters by table parameters. To create reports I am considering ...
BSeitkazin's user avatar
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BIRT Runtime 4.6.0 Error when running genReport

I am very new to BIRT. I am trying to run the BIRT sample in command prompt that comes with BIRT Runtime. I have JDK and JRE installed properly on my computer: java version "1.8.0_91" Java(TM) SE ...
Dylan de St Pern's user avatar
2 votes
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Debug linked Java method

I have some issues with debugging Java code. I have a Rascal module from where I am calling a linked Java method. This Java method contains a couple of System.err.println statements like suggested ...
Nicasso's user avatar
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Viewing birt report that uses externalized connection profile

Getting the following error while viewing birt report using externalized connection profile. Error happened while running the report. ..............
bavon's user avatar
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Testing using Jersey framework with reporting using Extentreports

I am new to testing, need to report testing results using extentreports, below is the code for testing: public ExtentReports reports; public ExtentTest logger; public ModelTests() { reports = ...
sagar ms's user avatar
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BIRT rptdesign not recognising class added as .jar

My BIRT rptdesign has a .jar file added of a class named MyFirstClass. I need to access data from the .jar. But I'm getting error while accessing the class in the script of the rptdesign. Error : ...
NGB's user avatar
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Hide text field if subreport is empty

I am creating a report in Jasper with four parts. Each part consists of a text field as the header and a subreport. The subreport can be empty. If it is empty it is hidden using Remove Line When Blank....
telandor's user avatar
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Graphical reporting for Selenium Webdriver and TestNG

I've been using TestNG with Selenium webdriver, but the TestNG default reports are quite basic in format. I want to have more user friendly and graphical reports. I've tried using ATU reporter, but it'...
Tanmay's user avatar
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