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Why should the operands for UNION be SELECT statements and not tables?

In SQL, given tables T and S that have the same schema, say, CREATE TABLE "T" ("ID" INTEGER, "Salary" REAL); CREATE TABLE "S" ("ID" INTEGER, "...
Ardy's user avatar
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Why do these sample relations have many valid joins but only one composition?

I am trying to understand some of the claims from a paper that introduced relational databases. Reference: The author claims that some example ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Can modern SQL syntax be translated into a relational algebra tree?

I have a parsed representation of an SQL query in the form of an abstract syntax tree. I'd like to convert it into an intermediate logical tree representation, which can in turn be expanded into ...
Kathandrax's user avatar
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How do the attributes suddenly came into play since the exercise statement didn't specify these two at the start? [closed]

My exercise answer heavily relies on relational algebra procedural query language. Consider the following relational database schema: person(ID, firstName, lastName, nickName) follows(pID1, pID2) ...
Paradoxac's user avatar
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"Exactly one" in Relational Algebra

Assume relational database schema PEOPLE = {ID, Lastname, Firstname} CAR = {PID, Color} FK PID ⊆ PEOPLE{ID} The relational algebra I used is from Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition (...
Jupiter's user avatar
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joining tables in relational algebra, what happens to the attributes which have the same name?

the database I am trying to join the Employee and Customer tables, but what happens to the attributes which have the same name, because they are storing data that isn't the same? Maybe both are kept ...
plumdragoon's user avatar
-3 votes
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Can Selections on Cartesian Products be re-written as Theta Joins.? [closed]

I have read it somewhere in article on query optimization that instead applying selections on cartesion product, it is better to use selection theta joins. So basically if we have 2 employee tables ...
raspi's user avatar
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relational algebra expression and the sql query

Use the following query to compute a new table. section_and_time = π course_id, sec_id, semester, year, day, start_hr, start_min, end_hr, end_min (section ⨝ time_slot) Using only ...
kieran patel's user avatar
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SQL and Relational Algebra queries for three tables: student, studies and course

I have a following tables, where primary keys are bolded. student (SID, SName, semester) studies (SID, CID) course (CID, CName, CCode) Write the SQL queries and Relational Algebra for the following ...
P_99's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get ORDER BY clause representation in Relational Algebra?

I want to get account related information by using Relational Algebra based on the descending order of the balance attribute. Table: Account (id, account_number, branch_name, balance) How to get ORDER ...
Primer Cielo's user avatar
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Relational Algebra: Problems with division operator

I am writing a query, where I am using the division operator. For some reason I can't get it to work properly, and I can't see why. pol = pi allergen (sigma allergy_type = 'pollen' (allergies)) tmp = ...
ninjarubberband's user avatar
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How to implement the division of two relations in mapreduce?

I want to implement the division of two relations in MapReduce. I have two relations: T(A,B,C) and U(B,C). I know that for the relations R(A,B,D) and S(A,B). This is pretty much my scenario. I am not ...
Nick's user avatar
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Relational algebra: Difference between dates

Which function should I use to express the difference of dates. End and Start date differences must be more than 3 days. σ EndDate - StartDate > 3 (Residence) Error at line 1: function "sub&...
Nicat's user avatar
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How can i display a different tuple in a Table that came from a merge by other tables?

This is about relational algebra, I have a table and im always having the problem of not being able to project what I want, but I think im almost right. For example, in this case I need to find all ...
kostis14's user avatar
-1 votes
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Pair of atributes as a relation key - relational algebra [duplicate]

I'm trying to detect if the attribute pair (A, B) is the relation key for R(A, B, C). Specifically, I want to write a query in relational algebra that will return an empty set if and only if (A, B) is ...
TheJaro's user avatar
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Is there a way to refer to the current date in relational algebra, like CURDATE in MySQL?

I want to write a constraint using relational algebra that the current date has to be less than the expiry date in a specific relation. I'm aware this is easy in SQL, but not sure how to do it in ...
RaoulDuke's user avatar
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Finding max without aggregate operation in relational algebra

How can I find the maximum without using aggregate operation in relational algebra? The schema of Database is as follows Item(IName, Brand) Shop(SName, City, Address) Sells(IName, SName, Price) How ...
mobiusT's user avatar
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RA translation to natural language

so im stuck in this exercise where I need to translate relational algebra (unary relational operations) expressions based on the Mondial III database to natural language and I need help for the last ...
1010l0gic's user avatar
-2 votes
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convert SQL query containing keyword EXIST to relational algebra

select fname, lname, salary from employee where exists ( select essn from dependent where = ); How do I convert that SQL query containing keyword EXIST to ...
syed hadi's user avatar
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How to add virtual column in relational algebra

Suppose we have table A and a table B which has foreign key referencing A's PK. The following query in SQL selects all rows and columns of A and an aggregation (for example SUM) of Bs for each row of ...
Ashkan Khademian's user avatar
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How can a referential integrity constraint be expressed through relational algebra?

What does it mean to write an algebraic relational expression for a referential integrity constraint in a database design?
Future's user avatar
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Does the term "row set" and "row" have different meaning in the SQL vocabulary?

Consider the relation enrolled(student, course) in which (student, course) is the primary key, and the relation paid(student, amount) where student is the primary key. Assume no null values and no ...
Abhishek Ghosh's user avatar
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When a database table is vertically partitioned, what is the relationship between the partitioned table and the table before partitioning?

While studying database related content, I came across the following: When table R is vertically partitioned into R1, R2, R3..., Rn, it is said that it can be expressed as R = R1⋈R2⋈R3...⋈Rn. (⋈ is ...
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Select * in Relational Algebra

Please explain how to express this SQL statement in relational algebra select * from Books When I search I could find a lot of examples with where clause, I just need to verify that it is σ Books or ...
RusJaI's user avatar
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What is the difference between having the JOIN(⋈) inside the relation instance and before the other selection operator (like SELECTσ)?

I'm having trouble understanding how to provide proper relational algebra expressions to some of my assignment problems. I realized instead of having the JOIN selection operator outside the relation ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to select multiple attributes along with grouping operation in Relational Algebra Queries?

Say I have a table called T with attributes a1, a2, a3, a4, a5. Now I want to convert the below from SQL query to relational algebra query. SELECT a1,a2,a3, COUNT(a4) AS counta4 FROM T GROUP BY a1; ...
NipuniYR's user avatar
-3 votes
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relational algebra for this SQL for rows with values that appear more than 3 times

What is relational algebra for this SQL for rows with values that appear more than 3 times? select,, e.dno, COUNT( AS TOTAL_PROJECTS from employee e, works_on w where = ...
Irfan Abidi's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to combine two columns in relational algebra?

I have a query of the form select member.first_name||' '||member.last_name as member_name from member MINUS select distinct member.first_name||' '||member.last_name as member_name from member,...
Tahrim Hossain's user avatar
-1 votes
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Relational Algebra to SQL involving Natural Join

A NATURAL JOIN should not have a condition. How is this relational algebra translated to SQL? σ SupplierId=’Datec’ (r(Asset) * r(Supplier))
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Either or relational algebra enterprise constraint

I need to define a constraint where tuples in a booking table can only have a value in musician (foreign key attribute from musician table) or actor (foreign key attribute from actor table), and must ...
K.R.Kernspecht's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to compare two sets in MySQL or SQL SERVER?

In this University Database: CREATE TABLE Stud( [S#] INT PRIMARY KEY, Sname NVARCHAR(50), City NVARCHAR(50), GPA FLOAT, [Clg#] SMALLINT ); CREATE TABLE Sec( [Sec#] SMALLINT, ...
Shayan's user avatar
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Finding tuples if it only exists in all occurrences of a constraint

Database (all entries are integers): ID | BUDGET 1 | 20 8 | 20 10 | 20 5 | 4 9 | 4 10 | 4 1 | 11 9 | 11 Suppose my constraint is having a budget of >= 10. I would want to return ID of 1 only ...
CXY's user avatar
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How do I replace EXISTS and NOT EXISTS with JOIN in SQL so I can translate it to relational algebra?

I want to replace EXISTS and NOT EXISTS in the following query: SELECT pokemon_name FROM sinnohdex s WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM hoenndex h WHERE = AND EXISTS (SELECT * ...
jaryl's user avatar
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Is cross or Cartesian product in relational algebra same as JOINS in SQL? [closed]

I am confused whether cross or Cartesian product in relational algebra same as JOINS in SQL. If not, What is the equivalent of cross-product in SQL?
Vishal Kamlapure's user avatar
2 votes
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Is this natural join operation used correctly? (Relational Algebra)

I have the following task given from the professor:R-E Modell Assume the companies may be located in several cities. Find all companies located in every city in which “Small Bank Corporation” is ...
hikari_temp's user avatar
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Simplify nested queries

select name from person, author, article where name != "John Doe" AND = AND author.aid = article.aid AND title = select title from ...
Han's user avatar
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Query in relational algebra

I have 2 tables and I need to write a query in relational algebra that will select all names of teams, who are not working with any client. I have these relations team( id, name )
client( id, name, ...
filo's user avatar
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Relational Algebra Join - necessary to rename?

Let's assume i have some 2 simple tables: IMPORTANT: This is about relational algebra, not SQL. Band table: band_name founded Gambo 1975 John. 1342 Album table: album_name band_name ...
Prometheus's user avatar
-3 votes
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Relational Algebra - how does natural join work?

A natural join is an inner join that only works if table1 has some intersecting attributes with table2. Yet, when I take tables that have no column names in common, it acts as a Cartesian product. In ...
JakeStud's user avatar
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Relational algebra - sql (common operators)

I have these relational schemes: Participate (FestivalName, Artist) Attend(ID, FestivalName) Prefer (ID, FestivalName) Like (ID, Artist) I would like to list the people which only attend festivals ...
JustToKnow's user avatar
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Translating from Relational Algebra to SQL

the following exercise asks me to translate from relational algebra to SQL code. I am still not very familiar with relational algebra, but I have tried to code the following relations in SQL, but I ...
Maria's user avatar
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3 answers

Maximum number that can be returned by 2 Natural Joins

Given relations A(a,b,c), B(e,f), C(d,g,h), where A has 800 tuples, B 200 and c 500. In worst case gives the expression A * B * C ( with * natural join) : a) 800 tuples b) 200 tuples c) 500 tuples ...
Hamza L'asrii's user avatar
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How to use a set algebra operation in SQL

I need to find the distinct drinkers who like either BEER or RED WINE. However, the query must be implemented with a set algebra operation. Here is what I have so far: SELECT DRINKER FROM LIKES ...
bean's user avatar
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Find the Cardinality of Natural Join

|X| represents number of tuples in X bold letters represent keys in the relation Consider the relations R(A, B) and S(A, C), and that R has a foreign key on A that references S. |R ✶ S| (where ' * ' ...
rdr2's user avatar
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Is a separate database table required if it's in a many-to-many relationship and only has a single column?

Say I have a system that catalogues books and I want to group them into genres and there is a UNF tuple: BookId (PK): number BookTitle: string Blurb: string Genres: string[] (... everything else) ...
fdm's user avatar
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Relational Algebra count something as rename

How can I count the number of somethings in each column, and rename as something? For example - this is my table: PATIENT PatientNum City --------------------------- 1 New York City 2 ...
FelixLoveICT's user avatar
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SQL Relational Division query [closed]

I have three tables student(ID, name), takes(ID, course_id), course(course_id, dept_name). I would like to query student ID and name who take all courses from dept_name = 'Comp. Sci.'. I know I need ...
Hokhy Tann's user avatar
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Why can't I compare 2 tables with Different number of Tuples in Relational?

A Question came up in class and I am not sure I am understanding the answer. In the program relational , when using the ∩ operator, you MUST have tables with the ...
ETHan's user avatar
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How do I filter by date and count these dates using relational algebra (Reframe)?

I'm really stuck. I read the Reframe documentation that's based on pandas and I tried multiple things on my own but it still doesn't work. So I got a CSV file ...
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Relational Algebra (sanity check): branches whose customers include all Tulsa customers

Given These Schemas: Account: bname, acct_no, balance Depositor: cname, acct_no Customer: cname, street, city <-(all customers / both loan and account customers) Loan: loan_no, ...
csguy's user avatar
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