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How to add virtual column in relational algebra

Suppose we have table A and a table B which has foreign key referencing A's PK. The following query in SQL selects all rows and columns of A and an aggregation (for example SUM) of Bs for each row of ...
Ashkan Khademian's user avatar
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Relational Algebra using aggregate functions?

I have written a couple of queries using aggregate functions and since I cannot check them using winRDBI, I would like to ask if I did them correctly? Below is the database schema: Author - (...
name's user avatar
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Relational algebra - SQL MAX per value

I am making up exercises for myself and stumbled across this question: Given this example relation: Person(name, birthyear) Find the relational algebra expression to find the youngest person per ...
user2092743's user avatar
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Relational algebera without aggregate functions

The table WORKING has the names of students and projects. The values are: (s1,p2) (s1,p3) (s1,p4) (s2,p3) (s2,p4) (s3,p1) (s4,p1) (s3,p2) (s4,p2) (s5,p3) (s5,p4) (s6,p3) I have to find the pair of ...
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Relational algebra without aggregate function

We have a table Phone whose values are (Name, Number) -------------- (John, 123) (John, 456) (Bravo, 789) (Ken, 741) (Ken, 589) If the question is to Find the guy who uses only one number, the ...
Sethuraman Srinivasan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Relational algebra operations [closed]

I'm stuck with relational algebra. I mean, how can I express functions like "SUM(), COUNT()," etc in RA? Thanks, any help will be kindly appreciated
ubi_v's user avatar
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Query in relational algebra without using aggregate functions

Task from exam for subject Database Systems: I have following schema: Excavator(EID, Type) - EID is a key Company(Name, HQLocation) - Name is a key Work(Name, EID, Site, Date) - All collumns ...
alop789312's user avatar
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Query using aggregation and/or groups in relational algebra - count, max, min, etc

I have read much in textbooks and browsed a lot of pages on the internet but I can't understand how functions/operators like min, max, count, ... that aggregate over a relation/table or groups of ...
suti's user avatar
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compare an attribute value to the value of an aggregate function in relational algebra

How can one compare an attribute value to the value of an aggregate function in relational algebra? Something like: SELECT [attribute1 > COUNT(attribute2)] (relation) My teacher is a stickler on ...
user1288802's user avatar
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Relational Algebra using winrdbi - count

i am studying relational algebra and i am using winrdbi to check if my queries are correct i am trying to get the count from a colum like this: q1:=count(tr_numb)(tree) however i keep getting an ...
Karl's user avatar
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Aggregate Relational Algebra (Maximum)

I am currently working on a homework assignment that requires a selection to occur that pulls out an element containing a specific attribute of maximum value compared to all other records. I've read a ...
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