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How to test react component with jest?

I want to test the Sidebar component. When you click on the "ToggleButton" it should toggle sidebar by className, but when clicking, an error appears stating that the function was not found.....
zzloyshkolnik's user avatar
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How test a function that return JSX.Element and contains API request?

I have a custom function that show a user's card (returns JSX.Element) when the pointer is over the user's name. This component request user information using React Query, which I use for data-...
Danil Parkhomenko's user avatar
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Testing for certain text using Vitest and React-Testing-Library after useEffect

My Dashboard component which is the parent component of the TopCards component which in turn is parent component of the Card1 Component import TopCards from "./Dashboard/TopCards"; const ...
Prince Singh's user avatar
3 votes
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Jest snapshot test throws "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'scrollWidth')"

I'm trying to write a snapshot test for one of the component in my app. The component is built with some Antd components like Select. i get the following error. The tests import React from 'react' ...
Vignesh s's user avatar
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testing custom hook within a component scope throws TypeError not a function

when I run my unit tests to test componernts, I recieve errors similar to this one in multiple places: TypeError: (0 , _fileName.useCustomHook) is not a function when I test the hook itself alone it ...
Ahmed Sarhan's user avatar
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Why in React testing library fireevent.change not working from parent component?

The component i am testing is taking onChange function from props. This is main function that has a child component SingleText: <Box className={classes.formAddress}> <SingleText ...
Mahmood Ahmed Khan's user avatar
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react jest test return error when test component with properties

I would like to know why my last test is failed -> it("cron input should have a passed Value in properties". I tried to test my react component without and with properties, the first two ...
cesar andavisa's user avatar
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Styled component testing for react using 'react-test-renderer' and react testing-library

I am trying to have snapshot for this component but I get error import React from 'react'; // material import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles'; import { Box, Paper, Typography, Container, Grid }...
Ron's user avatar
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2 votes
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Jest Snapshot Testing Wait till Component Renders

I feel like I am missing something when it comes to testing React components with async fetch operations. I have a following component like this... export default function Page() { const [result, ...
xjinx's user avatar
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@testing-library/react render Error: `target` and `targetRef` props are `undefined`, it' required to use one of them

I am trying to write a unit test for a custom react component that use the Dialog from @fluentui/react-northstar when I try to render the component from the test I get a error: Error: `target` and `...
Valentin Suruceanu's user avatar
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custom hook testing: when testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...):

Following this tutorial, but getting this error even though the test passes, why is this error occurring and is there ...
user3226932's user avatar
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How to test React Number Format

I have used React Number Format package here and I want to test its onChange event but I'm getting an error, can someone please help me with this. I have given my test code and component below. In the ...
Red Cloud's user avatar
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How to test tr(table row) has onclick and style={{ cursor: "pointer" }} in react testing library

<tbody data-testid="offers-list-tablebody"> { => ( <tr onClick={this.handleTermsAndConditionsBtnClick} style={{ cursor: "pointer&...
akhil's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Jest test passes but .. has console message You are trying to access a property or method of the Jest environment after it has been torn down

My test passes but has a console refrenceError: You are trying to access a property or method of the Jest environment after it has been torn down. Test: import {render, screen, cleanup, fireEvent, ...
Sole's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to write test cases for Select Box onChange Method in React Testing Library?

I have a Select Box and set the data in a state by the onChange event. Please have a look at the below code. Anyone can help me to write cases for this onChange event in React Testing Library. const [...
Khursheed Alam's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to test react component with onClick function Jest/React testing library

I am trying to get to 100% coverage for my tests in one of them it highlights the onClick function which sets the state for a component: this is the component: I have a button which has an onClick ...
Sole's user avatar
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React testing library getByLabelText -Label with special characters

it('render the field with label having the special characters', () => { expect(screen.getByTestId('foo')).toHaveTextContent('About(En)'); // works expect(screen.getByLabelText(/About(En)/u))....
maaz's user avatar
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How I test an async function which fetch data from another function in React Component?

I am new to React Testing. I want to test an async function that fetches rick and Morty data from API in React Component. CharacterInfo.js import React,{ useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { ...
Mehmet Can BOZ's user avatar
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Why can react-test-renderer only findByType functional components in the same file in React?

Here is the functional component some-table.jsx I am testing: import React from 'react'; const SomeTable = ({ somethings }) => ( <> { => { return <...
Joseph Beuys' Mum's user avatar
1 vote
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Invalid hook call. Using react testing library and react query

I'm confused why I'm getting this error, that there is an invalid hook call. I am trying to follow the simple example from: to test this simple ...
Frederick Mfinanga's user avatar
4 votes
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Error when running unit test "You should not use <Link> outside a <Router>"

I have a unit test here and I am performing a click event. I am getting the error: Invariant failed: You should not use <Link> outside a <Router> describe("when the menu icon has been ...
jjnrmason's user avatar
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React testing: test that component renders child component

I have a react component that renders a bunch of child components. I am trying to test that this component indeeds renders these components. I rather avoid Enzyme, so I am trying to use @testing-...
MartaGalve's user avatar
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How to test function which call api?

How to test a function which call get API and output a response. I tried but I am able to test initial data which is in state , but I want to know how to test the function which updates the initial ...
Smith's user avatar
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15 votes
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React snapshot testing - react-test-renderer vs. react-testing-library

I am trying to do snapshot testing in my React app. I am already using react-testing-library for unit testing in general. However for snapshot testing I have seen different ways of doing it on the net,...
Naresh's user avatar
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Test suite fails to run because of an error in pure.js using react-testing-library/react-hooks

I am testing a react app with the react-testing-library. To use renderhooks, I had to add the '@testing-library/react-hooks' library. This library depends on another library "pure.js". ...
Nnaji Victor's user avatar
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How to write unit test for Material UI slider? "Error: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null" thrown when attempting to render component

Trying to test the Material-UI Slider with Reat-Test-Renderer gets an error: Uncaught [TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null] Codesandbox Link import React from "react"; ...
davidx1's user avatar
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Is there any point for using react-test-renderer with react-testing-library?

I can't understand why some tutorials use react-test-renderer with react-testing-library, As i understand, react-test-renderer is a library that can create a pure object from a react component and ...
Code Eagle's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How can I check whether an element is visible with Jest?

I have a straight forward react-comp. which I want to test the styling depending on the react state. The comp looks like the following: React-comp. const Backdrop = ({ showBackdrop }) => { ...
MarcoLe's user avatar
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Unable to cover unit test cases fo React components having props

I have a component with the below code:- import React from "react"; import { Box, Grid } from "@material-ui/core"; import ArrowBackIosIcon from "@material-ui/icons/...
Hacker rocker1169's user avatar
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Unable to write unit test cases for FHIR client api calls

I hava component Componnent1 and inside the componentDidMount i am having the below code:- const key1 = sessionStorage.getItem("key1"); FHIR.oauth2 .ready() .then((client) =&...
Hacker rocker1169's user avatar
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React unit test for Context and Reducer

I have created a LauoutContext.js for my application needs. Also used router location to get the URL / pathname. And passing reducer to child. JS File: LayoutContext.js import React, { createContext, ...
Selim Reza's user avatar
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How can I test axios itself with mocking it?

I've just started learning react unit testing and the whole mock thing is confusing for me and I couldn't understand it . I'm using axios to fetch data and display it in app component here : const [ ...
Mehdi Faraji's user avatar
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How to Unit test the rendering of a child component in the parent component using react testing library?

I cannot post the original code here ,so i will try to explain what i want to achieve. So,my component displays message.This message is part of a child component which is being rendered in the parent ...
CodeOfLife's user avatar
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React test unable to find an element mocked with jest

I am trying to mock a react select component for using it in a test firing event. Below is my react select that I created using jest. jest.mock("react-select", () => ({ options, onChange }) => ...
user avatar
1 vote
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How to get React Test Renderer instance in React Native Testing Library

I have a component with a lifecycle method added by the navigation library - React Native Navigation ( I must call ...
bentzy's user avatar
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react-testing-library render VS ReactDOM.render

We used to work with reactDom.render for our testing. We started having problems when trying to test function component. In these case, the tests continued before all hooks were processed. I started ...
Noam antebi's user avatar
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Writing tests with testing-library depends on implementation details of my UI library

I am using @testing-library to test my React project which uses Material-UI as it's main UI library. As @testing-library suggests, it's main philosophy is to test the application in the exact same way ...
Ardeshir Izadi's user avatar
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how to test input value controlled by Redux state using @testing-library/react and react-test-renderer?

Using @testing-library/react,I am trying to test whether the input value is being by fireEvent or not. But Facing a problem, its always returning blank.As the value is controlled by the redux store. ...
Sucheta 's user avatar
30 votes
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react-test-renderer's create() vs. @testing-library/react's render()

I'm new to React and confused about all the testing libraries. I got my test code to work but it seems redundant to have to call create() from react-test-renderer in order to use its toMatchSnapshot()...
Michael Osofsky's user avatar
5 votes
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Test unmounting with react-testing-library

I am confused by when/how a queried element get updated. For example: I have a button that counts up. And when it counts to 3, it disappears. import React, { useState } from "react"; export ...
davidx1's user avatar
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React test: after update input the props value still not change

I have this code in test let formatField = subject.find("input").at(0); (formatField.props() as any).onChange({ currentTarget: { value: "Potato" } }); The problem is after this action when I ...
Phan Hoàng Nhân's user avatar
2 votes
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React Testing Library: Do I need a new test with new selectors for each test key?

I'm building a React app with TDD using React Testing Library. TLDR: Selectors (e.g. toBeInTheDocument()) only seem to work once, after render. Is that right? I made the app using CRA and here is my ...
J. Hesters's user avatar
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