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Jest.mock UT is not working as expected for external library

I am trying to write UT for my utility function, which involves an third party library, refiner-js. Now, ideally this should work, but on running the tests, it shows this error and fails the test: ...
Neeraj Sati's user avatar
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import not understood by test, resolve error thrown

When I run the test getting the error as: Error: Failed to resolve import "@/components/card/LoadingCards" from "app/page.tsx". Does the file exist? Plugin: vite:import-analysis ...
3gwebtrain's user avatar
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Testing ShadCN Select with Jest and React testing Library [duplicate]

I have a ShadCN Select component that is abstracted into a CustomSelect component for reusability. I am trying to test the click functionality of the options and assert the text content on the Select ...
Hamed Jimoh's user avatar
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Vitest, async await, - The error was thrown, while Vitest was running this test

import React from "react"; import { render } from "@testing-library/react"; import { screen } from "@testing-library/dom"; import MultiSelect from "@/components/...
Robson Barbosa's user avatar
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Mocking NextJS's useParams with Jest and RTL

As titled I set up the following jest mock for next/navigation jest.mock('next/navigation', async () => { const actual = await jest.requireActual('next/navigation'); return { __esModule: ...
Fred A's user avatar
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jest-dom installed but @testing-library looking for dom

I installed jest, jest-environment-jsdom, @testing-library/react and @testing-library/jest-dom, as suggested on the Next.js site. However, I am unable to run any test that involves working with the ...
Jophy Ye's user avatar
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Nextjs 14 jest configuration to use jest.setup.js

in my Nextjs 14 project, in the root directory I have jest.config.js const nextJest = require("next/jest"); const createJestConfig = nextJest({ dir: "./", }); const ...
killjoy's user avatar
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Jest test - useFormStatus is not a function

On Next.js 14 and have a simple test with useFormStatus hook. It is causing an error TypeError: (0 , _reactdom.useFormStatus) is not a function As soon as I remove the useFormStatus, the tests pass. ...
user19448827's user avatar
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How to test loading script with correct props

I'm loading a script for 3rd party cookie management using the <Script /> component. I want to test that it was loaded with correct language attribute. But I don't know how to test it. ...
olefrank's user avatar
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renderHook leaking across adjacent tests

I'm having an issue with renderHook leaking across tests. If I run both test in isolation they work, if I run the whole describe block the second test fails, on the line expect(
alfredopacino's user avatar
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Testing PrimeReact SplitButton with RTL and Jest: Displaying Items on Click

I’m working with the PrimeReact SplitButton component, and I want to write tests to ensure that it displays the additional options correctly when clicked. Specifically, I’d like to verify that the ...
Abzolute Zero's user avatar
3 votes
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How to write jest unit test for NextJs layout which includes server component

I wrote a nextjs layout component like this export default function RootLayout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { return ( <html lang="en"> &...
dungreact's user avatar
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Component theme doesn't apply to testing playground

I'm having a hard time why jest doesn't use the theme I extend in Chakra UI. Even though I wrap the component in renderWithTheme() method. I refer to the Chakra UI documentation if there's a testing ...
kelsky's user avatar
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mocking zustand store in next js with testing library and jest

component-store.js: import { create } from 'zustand'; export const componentStore = create((set) => ({ ITEMS_PER_PAGE: 5, currentNoOfItems: 5, totalItem: '', showMoreItems: (...
Hana G's user avatar
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NextRouter was not mounted.

I got this error when testing with react testing library with jest. Anyone help me to do it. I want to rectify this error and run the test. The error pointed to the code which I was testing. I should ...
Hana G's user avatar
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Test failures after upgrading Next from 12 to 13/ or 14

I am upgrading a Next application in accordance with some library vulnerabilities and failing at the first hurdle! I am currently on 12.2.0. When I try and upgrade to 13+ I get a LOT of test suite ...
James's user avatar
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Error while testing a component in next using emotion/styled with jest and react testing library

I am testing a component that has the following code and uses @emotion/styled: import styled from "@emotion/styled"; const StyledNavBar = styled.div` position: fixed; top: 0; width: ...
kevin parra's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Cannot use import statement outside a module - jest + nextj.js

Running jest test I faced following issue: ` SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module 30 | certificateEuropean: '/icons/certificate-european.svg', 31 | check: '/icons/...
Bartek's user avatar
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Is there a way in app router nextjs to solve the "not implemented navigation ( except hash changes )"

I am testing an small app using App router, the current version of Nextjs Framework. But I was dealing with mock to solve this error "Error: Not implemented: navigation (except hash changes)"...
firep's user avatar
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How to use localStorage with jest nextjs

I am testing my nextjs web app with react testing library jest. I am using localstorage to store the jwt for logged in users. And in my app i am using useEffect to fetch the content from the server on ...
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Vitest's 2 different beforeEach methods affect each other in different describe blocks

I have a React component which uses NextJS useRouter and changes the locale and the language of my web application. I want to write the different aspects of my component with different locales. I have ...
Abolfazl Jamshidi's user avatar
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NextJS App Router React Testing Library Tests - ReferenceError: fetch is not defined

I'm trying to test a simple NextJS app router: Users Page `/users async function getUsers() { const url = '' const data = await fetch(url) if (!...
medev21's user avatar
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Unable to mock an exported named function with jest / react-testing-library whilst rendering a nextjs page

I've been trying to mock a named imported function in a NextJS page but all attempts I've gleaned from various sites have failed so far. I've tried to reproduce this using create-next-app with --...
naffers's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Error: invariant expected app router to be mounted why this happened when using react testing library

when i use react-testing-library, it says that error: invariant expected app router to be mounted , it has no such problem when running in the development environment. the testing logics is here ...
Howard Cui's user avatar
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No suggested imports for React Testing Library in VS Code

I am setting up a Next JS Typescript project that uses React Test Library. However I am unable to get the suggested imports working in my VS Code. As a really basic example consider this test in the /...
jltaylor's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to test a component rendered using React.createportal?

I am using jest and react testing library. While i am trying to render the component i am not able to test it. Can you guys tell me the correct method to do it. it("Render PopUp Properly", ()...
Birat Poudel's user avatar
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How to test i18n in next.js 13 by listening url changes or useRouter methods calls

I am trying to test the language change, I have tried to test clicking on the language button to check that the url changes, but I cannot get it to make the call. Component: LangButtons.tsx import ...
Lissette's user avatar
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Test Next.js Link with React-testing-library - The link does not render as a <a> tag in the tests

I am using Next js (13.0.5) and react-testing-library (13.4.0). In my code I use the Next js link component with a single div as a child, that div contains a text. I am wrapping my text in a div ...
Anne's user avatar
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can not mock jsx/tsx in jest

I have next js, jest, react testing library. The problem is that i can not mock component, when i do jest.mock('ui/forms/Field/Field', () => { const original = jest.requireActual('ui/forms/...
Сапижат Гаджиева's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Testing an async server component with Jest in Next 13

In NextJs 13+ using the experimental App folder, async server components can be written, as described by the documentation: export default async function Page({ params: { username } }) { // Initiate ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Testing Library's doesn't work

I developed a project with NextJS. I want to test the pathname of the link in the navbar using Jest and Testing Library but doesn't work. So either the pathname doesn't change, it ...
Tolgahan's user avatar
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Setting up React Testing library with NextJS, GraphQL, Apollo and i18n - Cannot destructure property

As the title suggests I'm having difficulty setting up React Testing Library on a project that uses NextJS, GraphQL, Apollo and i18n Terminal was complaining about the router not being set up so I ...
Neil Kelsey's user avatar
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React Testing Library not updating state in input field

I'm new to RLT, got this weird thing where I try to write a unit test for an input box, the RTL just won't update the state for input value, here's my testing code: import { fireEvent, screen } from '@...
Shuwei's user avatar
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test with jset fails if the component includes react-quill in nextjs app

I'm trying to test my next app with jest and react-testing-library, the test works fine until i add react-quill it give me those errers: " Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- ...
mostafa elbanna's user avatar
8 votes
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Next 13 Jest test fails using 'next/headers'

I am using Next.JS 13, and have a component which is using import { cookies } from 'next/headers'; The simplified component: import { cookies } from 'next/headers'; function Simple() { console.log(...
njk's user avatar
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1 answer

React Testing Library with Next.Js, unit test failing because of state?

I'm trying to create a unit test using react testing library + jest in my nextjs app, it's a simples test, once a click on the button without fill the fields, it should show a error message "...
PauloRamos's user avatar
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React testing with Jest and React Testing Library not renderin text displayed on the webpage

I have a NextJS app that I am using Jest and React Testing Library to test. I have a card component that is passed data (id, image url, text, and name) that is rendered on the card. This works ...
RC80's user avatar
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Jest and React Testing Library in Next.js app: Cannot use import statement outside a module

I'm using Jest and RTL in my next.js app. Installed and set-up as described in documentation but my tests are failing. Note: I'm importing 3rd party lib, when I comment it out the tests are passing ...
Tair Bitan's user avatar
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TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an accessible element with the role "link" in the Next.js application

In the Next.js application, I am getting the error TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an accessible element with the role "link" while performing below assertion - expect(screen....
paraS elixiR's user avatar
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Jest failed to parse JSX syntax even after proper configuration [duplicate]

I've started a fresh Next project and configured jest and testing library as docs require. The test failed due to a syntax error, for some reason ts-jest is not able to parse stayles.container. What ...
Daniel Benisti's user avatar
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SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token when running tests with jest and react testing library

Counter.test.js: import Counter from 'components/Counter'; import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'; describe('Counter Testing', () ...
Sasi Rekha's user avatar
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How to test screen orientation with jest and testing-library/react?

I wrote a test for a component in nextJs by testing-library/react and jestJs, and I checked "window.screen.orientation.type". I got an error that "TypeError: Cannot read properties of ...
Nazanin Roozbahani's user avatar
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Testing React Hook Form with React Testing Library

I have a Component with a form. onSubmit the form is using Apollo useLazyQuery to retrieve data based on form values. In the component the form is handled by React Hook Forms and therefore, the ...
Dev's user avatar
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How can a reusable component in React be mocked in a way that has separate use case during integration

I have a button that is a reusable component used in a component. I want to mock it in a way that I can test for both Previous and Next funtionality. I was able to mock it but I don't know how best to ...
Joshua's user avatar
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How to write effective tests for a project with i18n support?

I am coding on a Next.js project for a while. My project has i18n support and I want to write unit tests. But I couldn't figure out how to write effective tests. Am I supposed to write unit tests for ...
gungor's user avatar
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Swiper SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module in React Next App that uses Webpack while testing using RTL

My Entire code: Component type: (ProductGallery.types.ts) type productGalleryType = { productImages: string[]; }; export default productGalleryType; Component: (ProductGallery.tsx) import React, { ...
Subhasish Nath's user avatar
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React Component Testing - `useClient` must be used within `WagmiConfig`

Next.js app/TypeScript, Jest/React testing library. I would like to test my component but when I render it in a test case, I get the following error. `useClient` must be used within `WagmiConfig`. ...
Yasir Kara's user avatar
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jest(createPortal) : container is not a DOM element

I am testing my component using next.js. However, when rendering the component, I found the following error: I don't know how to approach the workaround. Is there any way to fix it?? Target ...
김정수's user avatar
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testing JSON ld script tag in next js HEAD component

we are using next js for our project. We add structured data with json+ld format using tag inside next js tag . now we add this json ld script tag conditionally. OurPage.tsx <Head> <title&...
Ayyappa Gollu's user avatar
4 votes
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Testing NextJS and Jest ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined

I am getting this error message while trying to learn how to test next.js applications I have tried import the Text Encoder from utils at the top of the config as well as test file with no success ...
bobby_turks's user avatar