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PDF rendering issues with multilingual text across different languages in a PDF generation library like pdf-lib

I am generating PDFs in my project using libraries such as @react-pdf/renderer and pdf-lib, and I am encountering significant challenges with font compatibility for multilingual text. In my use case, ...
Mohammed Shahed's user avatar
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How to maintain code layout in PDF using jsPDF in React.js?

I am trying to generate a PDF that replicates the layout of my code using jsPDF in JavaScript. Previously, I attempted using html2canvas, but it converts the code layout into an image, resulting in ...
Codder's user avatar
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How can I attached pdf file which are already generated through react-pdf in email use nodemailer

I am a new developer and Now Iam work in react project and I have to attach pdf file which it is already generated in client through use react-pdf in email will be send through use nodemailer. I am ...
A.Z.M's user avatar
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React-pdf export Highcharts in SVG

There is a React project in which I want to export a chart in SVG format. I already use the React-pdf library in this project that I cannot replace. Could someone help me how I can pass the SVG ...
Dimnox's user avatar
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How to break a page conditionally with react-pdf/renderer

I am trying to add a page break conditionally once my Section title is not on the first page, i.e., page breaks should begin after the second page. How do I add this condition to my View tag for the &...
qqq's user avatar
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Pdf generate, enable text wrap and disable break words

When generating pdf file in the table. Is it possible to set to enable text wrap, but disable to break words? Beacuse now it wraps words and added hyphen. I would like whole word give to the new line ...
Elo's user avatar
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React PDF Rendering, SSR or Client to Server

Can anyone recommend a method to render a pdf with images and fonts, preferably with React? My goal is to render a custom pdf with an image of a company logo and a dynamic html table, once a button is ...
Jonathon Machinski's user avatar
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Styling List with React PDF

I have created a small React app to test out React PDF. When the download link is clicked it creates the pdf as intended. My problem is that I have created a Display component which consists of an ...
Uken's user avatar
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Error "render is a Node specific API" when using the module @react-pdf/renderer

Using the module @react-pdf/renderer with official example ( import ReactPDF, { Document, Page, Text, View, StyleSheet } from '@react-pdf/...
Zhihar's user avatar
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How to generate a PDF from my react app and JSX designs

I want to create a cv maker that takes people's info and makes a pdf out of it but I have not worked with PDFs before. I have been searching the internet and I don't know where to start. I get ...
Ibrahim's user avatar
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React-pdf _ Convert into svg for preview

React pdf PDFViewer generates iframe for the preview of the doc. However, on the original site of, they display it in svg which is quite nice. Any idea, how to do it?
Haysam Bin Tahir's user avatar