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PDF rendering issues with multilingual text across different languages in a PDF generation library like pdf-lib

I am generating PDFs in my project using libraries such as @react-pdf/renderer and pdf-lib, and I am encountering significant challenges with font compatibility for multilingual text. In my use case, ...
Mohammed Shahed's user avatar
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React pdf word-break [closed]

Is there any way to use like word-break on react pdf? i've been trying to find a way to do that but still could not figure it out. Like i need to wrap it per word. Currently, it still wrap it using ...
Keisha's user avatar
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Why is ReactPDF.renderToBuffer not a function in @react-pdf/renderer?

I’m trying to generate a PDF using @react-pdf/renderer, and I want to directly render the PDF to a Buffer for further processing (e.g., saving it to a file or sending it as an HTTP response). However, ...
hantoren's user avatar
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How to Prevent Component Splitting Across Pages in A4 Layout Using React and react-to-print?

I am building a React application where I need to render content on A4-sized pages for printing. I’m using the react-to-print library to handle the printing functionality. The issue I’m facing is that ...
Khaled Kammoun's user avatar
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Re-rendering issue with PDFs in React

const [numPagesState, setNumPagesState] = useState(0); const allCertificates = formik?.values?.certificate_file || []; {allCertificates?.length > 0 && allCertificates?.map((el) => { ...
Soumil Nimbalkar's user avatar
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React-PDF Causes iPhone 13 and Below to Crash on PDF Display in Next.js App

I’m working on a Next.js project that involves displaying PDFs using the react-pdf library. The issue arises on iPhone 13 and older models, where the app crashes after displaying a PDF. The PDF ...
FD3's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'prototype')

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'prototype') at Object.inherits2 [as inherits] (@react-pdf_renderer.js?v=2aabb8bf:122:50) at ../../node_modules/blob-stream/...
Dinesh Kumar's user avatar
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@react-pdf/renderer how to build for node when using renderToStream

I am trying to build (bundle) an app that uses @react-pdf/renderer with vite. Then that bundle will be used in different node express app (like a library). I export some functions that can be used in ...
Oki's user avatar
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@react-pdf/renderer can't use fonts when building for node

I am trying to build an app that uses react-pdf/renderer. I will send a pdf response from node js express server. The fonts I use in react-pdf/renderer (.ttf) seems like are fetched via XMLHttpRequest ...
Oki's user avatar
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Metadata in PDFs from HTML

I need to carry some metadata – which could amount to just an ID – from the source HTML, through to the PDF using WeasyPrint, eventually ending up somehow addressable in the HTML rendered by pdf.js (...
serlingpa's user avatar
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How to pass props to react-pdf/renderer renderToStream function?

I am trying to render a pdf to sent it as an attachment with Resend. This is my test PDF. Basically the one from the docs from react-pdf/renderer but with one testprop added. import { Document, Page, ...
Santi's user avatar
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react-pdf/renderer small gap between views

Small gap appears between Views <PDFViewer style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}> <Document> <Page size="A4"> <View style={{padding: 20}}> {/...
Oki's user avatar
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How can I handle a view containing multipage text in React PDF?

I have a vertical box view that has text that needs to span multiple pages. However, the View component appears to size itself correctly, but the Text component inside overflows out of the box into ...
Dan Monego's user avatar
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PDF Flickering on render react-pdf

I have a react app with vite using react-pdf. I want to accomplish the same smoothness that for example Chrome's built in pdf renderer has when zooming in from the mousepad. However, when I try to ...
jacob's user avatar
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highlighting text not working in react-pdf-viewer

I have two div's. To display the pdf content. Example: "Dummy PDF File". To show the words from the pdf. Example: "Dummy PDF File". My requirement is when I mouse over a word in ...
Code The World's user avatar
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Why do I get this error when I try to use react-pdf in my next js 14.2

I've been having a problem with react-pdf in my next js, i've been following multiple tutorial and it seems like still have an error. I get this error ⨯ Instead change the require of react-pdf.js in ...
Stykgwar's user avatar
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How to count all highlight words number by use react-pdf?

I use react-pdf to render pdf files, and one function is to count all the hightlight words number,code is like this: import React, { useCallback, useState } from 'react'; import { Document, Page } ...
leon.s's user avatar
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how to recover the history scroll position when using VariableSizeList

I am using a React window "react-window": "^1.8.10" to render some PDF pages, this is what the code looks like: const renderPdfList = () => { if (pdf && pageViewports) ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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403 Forbidden error, while rendering Pdf using react-pdf and Uploadthings to store pdf

enter image description here this is the core.ts import { db } from "@/db"; import { getKindeServerSession } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server"; import { createUploadthing, ...
Aryan Gurung's user avatar
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how to avoid the fisrt http request load the whole pdf when using range request with pdf.js

I am trying to use the pdf.js range request to load a huge pdf, but now I found the range request works but the first request load the whole pdf. From the official document is told that the range ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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fix the pdf flash with many pages when using react-pdf

I am using react-pdf version 9.0.1 to show latex compiled pdf in react(version 18) project, and working with the flash issue when scale pdf followed by this issue
Dolphin's user avatar
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How to render specific pages (not entire PDF file) using react-pdf?

I am working on a React project for displaying pdf file as a flipbook using Nextjs and react-pageflip. 'use client' import { useResizeObserver } from '@wojtekmaj/react-hooks' import { ForwardedRef, ...
Melwin Ted's user avatar
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Rendering Large PDFs in Chunks Using React-PDF (PDF.js)

I'm trying to render a large PDF file from my S3 storage in chunks using React-PDF (PDF.js). I'm fetching the first 64KB of the PDF with a byte range request, but the PDF fails to load, showing the ...
Omar Ammura's user avatar
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I can't insert a pdf into next js

import React, { useState } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import HTMLFlipBook from "react-pageflip"; import { pdfjs, Document, Page as ReactPdfPage } from "...
franzyk's user avatar
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Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "application/octet-stream". when upgrade react pdf to 9.x

Today when I upgrade the react-pdf version to 9.1.0, the pdf load failed and shows error: Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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Failed to load PDF File - react PDF

I am trying to view a pdf file the I am gonna get from an API, the API will return a pdf file, and then i am gonna process it as a blob so that the user can download it after viewing it, but I am ...
Lafi Odeh's user avatar
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Image is rendered in white rather than the actual image using react-pdf in node.js

I am having a problem with showing images in my pdf generator that I am using @react-pdf/renderer, I switching the process of creating the PDF from client-side to server-side to reduce the load on the ...
Lafi Odeh's user avatar
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Opening a PDF in a Blob Instead of a PDF Preview Component

I'm currently using BlobProvider to open a PDF document in a new tab as a blob. Here’s the code snippet I’m using: <BlobProvider document={<OrderDocument data={orderData} />}> {({ url, ......
abdo_me's user avatar
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PDF created with react-pdf opened in new tab gives "Check Internet Connection" error when click download

I m using react-pdf to create a PDF and open it in new tab via Link component. WindowTargetAttributes.BLANK = _blank const document = ( <Document> <Page size="A4" style={...
Barış Şahin's user avatar
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How to maintain code layout in PDF using jsPDF in React.js?

I am trying to generate a PDF that replicates the layout of my code using jsPDF in JavaScript. Previously, I attempted using html2canvas, but it converts the code layout into an image, resulting in ...
Codder's user avatar
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react-pdf + react-pageflip render problem

I'm using react-pageflip package with react-pdf. However, the PDF file is not rendered in browser. import React, { useState } from 'react'; import HTMLFlipBook from 'react-pageflip'; import { Document,...
hayatosc's user avatar
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How to disable copying text from the pdf rendered by @react-pdf/renderer?

Package using for creating pdfs: @react-pdf/renderer I've tried setting an invisible layer over the pdf, but it doesn't work. I've also wrapping the PDFViewer component in a div with userSelect: None ...
sohdata's user avatar
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React PDF content Height Calculations using html2canvas, jsPDF

I have this code to generate a pdf using html2canvas and jspdf. I have header and footer in all pdf pages and signature in first page(only). I have two questions. 1- how can I move content to next pdf ...
Ahmed Nassef's user avatar
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react-pdf font doesn't change

I'm trying to make a PDF that uses the courier font, but the file doesn't change to it const styles = StyleSheet.create({ text: { fontFamily: "Courier" } }); const MakePDF = ...
Lucas Portela's user avatar
-1 votes
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Download PDF using react-pdf

I am using react-pdf for rendering Pdf file and it's working perfectly fine. Below is the code for same: <Document inputRef={documentRef} file={pdfUrl} error=...
Paritosh Mahale's user avatar
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How to load a pdf and create an edited version Next.js

I would like to generate report.pdf which includes quite a lot of text and potentially images and other pdfs. I managed to load a pdf in my browser with react and to create a pdf with text on the fly, ...
StackMyFlow's user avatar
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How to load base64 images into react-pdf?

I'm trying to get base64 images in a variety of formats (gif, png, jpg) to show in react-pdf. { => { const prefix = 'data:image/' + d.filename.split('.').pop() + ';base64,' return &...
vLjubovski's user avatar
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React Pdf don't show image

I use the React PDF Image library component and pass an image into it as shown in the documentation and tutorials on YouTube, but the image is not displayed, what could be the problem? To check the ...
Петя Герман's user avatar
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React PDF: <View> height issues when using attribute wrap={false}

I am developing a small CRM (using React for the frontend) and one of the pages is connected to a database that stores information about all the works made from technicians for different customers. ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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Setting up a web worker using comlink

I have a worker file with the following code import * as Comlink from ""; const renderPDFInWorker = async (props) => { try { const { ...
user24892954's user avatar
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Custom font not working in @react-pdf/pdf Vite Typescript

I am building a React Vite Application and using @react-pdf/pdf. I want to add custom font files which are .ttf I import my font files from where they are. The path is correct: import PrometoBold from ...
Gery's user avatar
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How can I get the PDFPage number from the PDFField using pdf-lib

I am using pdf-lib in my React TypeScript app. How can I get all the text fields in a PDFDocument with the page number on which that form field is. const getAcroFieldRefs = (pdfDoc) => { if (!...
Shahid Nauman's user avatar
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Access to fetch from origin 'firebasestoragelink' has been blocked by CORS policy: 'No Access-Control-Allow-Origin'

It seems that the issue only occurs in the production environment, as fetching the URL and passing it to React-PDF works fine in local and development environments. However, when React-PDF attempts to ...
sohaib's user avatar
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Issue with Creating a PDF Viewer Component in React using react-pdf

I'm encountering a problem with my code while attempting to create a PDFViewer component in React (using TypeScript) with the react-pdf library. Despite my efforts, it seems to be failing, and I'm ...
Yasha_ops's user avatar
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react pdf renderer, dynamic text (View) affecting the header(fixed) and footer(fixed) height

I want to render render a pdf which is a lab test which consists of Header(border, logo, hospital address,... etc) and in footer (some text) which has fixed height. Ex layout: Here, the header and ...
Umesh Kumar's user avatar
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How to create a PDF using react-pdf/renderer in Express.js

I am trying to generate a PDF using some JSON data I will get from a source. Now I want to run this library in my Express.js application. However, I am running into errors related to babel and many ...
Doomstroyer's user avatar
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'react-pdf' adds html at after each page instead of just rendering the pages of the pdf file

I created next component: import React from 'react'; import { Document, Page, pdfjs } from 'react-pdf'; import 'react-pdf/dist/esm/Page/AnnotationLayer.css'; pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//...
Dmytro Kotenko's user avatar
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Deployment issue in viewing PDF using react-pdf

I used react-pdf to display a single-page PDF in a ReactJS application. It worked well during the development stage, but after deployment, it stopped working. It says, "Failed to load the pdf&...
user avatar
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how make flipbook react-pdf with turn.js?

I first time build flipbook app. but here error. if possible help me for build this. Here Turn component I build turn.js and not problem this component. When I show pdf file i only see pdf file not ...
Bibisoltan Rustamowa's user avatar
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How can I eliminate the whitespace between pages when rendering a PDF as a single page using react-pdf?

I've merged two pages into one using pageNumber in react-pdf, but I'm struggling to remove the whitespace that appears where the second page starts. How can I eliminate the whitespace at the bottom of ...
peyo's user avatar
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