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How to distinguish between Left/Right trigger with WIN32 raw input?

I am using the raw input API to write a simple program for my Xbox controller. I have followed the basic setup steps from and ...
Jaysmito Mukherjee's user avatar
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Laptop built in Mousepad and Steam Input Virtual Gamepad don't work with raw input?

I'm trying to make a program in C# that reads button inputs from all your connected mice, keyboards and hid devices. So far it's working without issues on my wired usb mouse, wired and wireless ...
The Great ReLLeRtR's user avatar
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How do I get a raw input device's proper display name in C#?

I am making a simple program to enumerate all of the devices currently connected to your Windows along with their pointers, then display the proper name for the device you clicked a button on your WPF ...
The Great ReLLeRtR's user avatar
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Getting higher precision win32 timestamps for rawinput than millisecond

I am using raw input as my input api for my game and I was looking to get time stamps for the input presses. But everything I find is at millisecond precision (GetMessageTime()). Which is not good ...
yosmo78's user avatar
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How to use DeviceIoControl on a rawinput device handle

So I have a program that is using multiple keyboards as input using raw input and I want to mess with the indicator lights of caps lock, scroll lock, and num lock per keyboard. So my approach was to ...
yosmo78's user avatar
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how can we creating detection version on python 2 and python 3

Hello there i need some help for a little, i working on python version 3/2, i wanna create a system detection on python script and how can i solve the problem like this: try: import platform ...
doomster_legion's user avatar
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Why is my Python input overriding itself?

Context: I'm doing the Udemy "100-days-of-code" course and hit a weird stumbling block. Python version: 2.7-64 I ultimately solved it by using the "input" command (vs raw_input) ...
devjc's user avatar
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Can I identify the same RawInput message sent to two different windows?

This question is part of a long story about trying to get input messages, WM_INPUT, from outside of the main window for an application. The reason is that the main loop's frequency is lower than the ...
Physician's user avatar
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GetRawInputDeviceInfo with RIDI_DEVICENAME returns invalid memory

In my code I have a call to the GetRawInputDeviceInfo function, passing in the RIDI_DEVICENAME command. It is supposed to fill the 3rd parameter with a string containing the name of the buffer, and ...
NicknEma's user avatar
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C# (RawInput, RegisterRawInputDevices)

A function "RegisterRawInputDevices(RawInputDeviceRegistration[] pRawInputDevices, uint uiNumDevices, uint cbSize)" from user32.dll blocks the main GUI thread. Is there a way to keep GUI ...
ITDimk's user avatar
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Is the latency for the sendinput / receiving raw input the same or almost the same for all programs?

I'm using winapi SendInput with scancodes to simulate keyboard input to a game, and at the same time I want to measure the timing of the input being received, but unfortunately I've no access to that ...
rimuru 's user avatar
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EOF error with raw_input - Issue executing Python script from a reverse shell

I am currently helping my university's cyber security program by creating a simple Capture the Flag style python script to be used for the final exam. I created the script and everything is working ...
Rferia0211's user avatar
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Can I get raw mouse input as a WM_INPUT twice?

I am trying to modify an existing application by adding an input gathering thread outside of its main thread. The original application already processes mouse input pretty decently inside its main ...
Physician's user avatar
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How to identify the same mouse when connected with USB receiver and USB cable in RawInput?

I am writing a WPF app in which I use RawInput.Sharp to invoke the RawInput API and I'm able to obtain the mouse list and listen to the mouse event I'm interested in. No problem for that part. However,...
Dante WWWW's user avatar
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Tensorflow TextVectorization: convert the predicted text back to a human readable string

I have developed a model that generates a new world that follows a sequence. The model successfully outputs a prediction, but I'm unable to use it as it is vectorized. I use tensorflow.keras.layers....
don's user avatar
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How to detect main keyboard connection and disconnection on Windows

I'm working on an application that uses Window's window and raw input APIs. I can get input without too much difficulty and right now I'm trying to detect when devices are connected or disconnected ...
Devem's user avatar
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GetRawInputData sniffing character problem on different language setting

I'm using GetRawInputData for sniffing barcode reader data. When I read a barcode from my barcode scanner normally it gets the right characters both rawinput ...
Alexander Chef's user avatar
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How to use ffmpeg command without any codec?

I am using the following command to create an mp4 container, input in a raw file, and the problem I have is FFmpeg apparently trying to encode me in H264. Is there a way to tell FFmpeg not to use any ...
Stone's user avatar
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how to make sure that function only fires once (RawInputEventArg)

I'm currently working on a method that gives the user the possibility to add a handscanner to a dicitionary in order to scan some barcodes with it. (before i started the scanners were hardcoded in the ...
coffeemug22's user avatar
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Raw Input - recive WM_INPUT while window/program is in background

I am trying to monitor and printout the RAWINPUT from a mouse sent to the foreground window, or just all RAWINPUT from the mouse in general. the global hook LowLevelMouseProc does not work for me ...
Lenny's user avatar
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Can Raw Input Registration be done from one application for another application?

I've tried two things, one is as mentioned in the title. Case 1: In one C++ console application (App_A) I register for RawInput but the window handle is that of another application (App_B) that has ...
Nonlin's user avatar
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(Windows HID API) HidD_GetPreparsedData() failing in WM_INPUT message handler due to incorrect handle?

I am trying to write custom handling for an Apple Magic Trackpad 2 (ultimately any Windows Precision Touchpad) into a Windows Desktop application. I am using this project as a guide, as it ...
DJL's user avatar
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WM_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGE messages get lost when reading RAWINPUT via GetRawInputBuffer

I trying to write program that is working properly with GetRawInputBuffer API and consuming all input with little overhead on separate thread. But I found that WM_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGE messages get lost ...
DJm00n's user avatar
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Unreal Engine 4.26.1 - Connect multiple / more than one Generic USB Controllers

I’m having a hard time trying to connect a steering wheel and pedals to the Unreal Engine (4.26.1). The steering wheel and the pedals are separated products, so each of them has its own USB connection....
5tgb6yhn's user avatar
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EOFError in Shortcut Script: (raw) Keyboad-Input in Python

My first Python script should be a Keyboard-Shortcut-Quiz: As a lot of Keyboard Shortcuts only work in combination with CTRL, SHIFT or WIN/OS Key the most "answers" of the quiz will contain ...
raphaelsmosaic's user avatar
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GetRawInputDeviceInfo indicates a buffer size of 1 character for RIDI_DEVICENAME

I'm getting ridiculous behavior from RIDI_DEVICENAME. According to the documentation, Return value Type: UINT If successful, this function returns a non-negative number indicating the number of ...
Ben Voigt's user avatar
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(python 3) When using raw_input(), why does the function add "\n" to the input?

I searched the first page of Google but couldn't find an answer. This won't happen for int(raw_input()) weirdly enough. But if i type: a = [raw_input() for i in range(int(raw_input()))] print(a) ...
Qiu Tony's user avatar
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RAWINPUT.Keyboard: How to detect arrow keys when NUMLOCK=ON?

When NUMLOCK=ON then Key ARROW_UP pressed: data.keyboard.MakeCode = 42; data.keyboard.VKey = 255; data.keyboard.Flags = 2; data.keyboard.Message = 256 (WM_KEYDOWN) Key ARROW_DOWN pressed: data....
cpp_user's user avatar
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Regarding raw_input.split() function in python

How does this line exactly works in python raw_input().split() ?
Manichandra Navuluri's user avatar
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why does it skips the first line for input of an array

Input Format The first line contains the space separated values of N and M. The next lines contain the space-separated elements of columns. input 2 2 1 2 3 4 the code import numpy my_array = numpy....
yuvraj singh's user avatar
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Every time I run the code an error keeps coming saying,"TypeError: raw_input() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 4 were given"

bird_names="kiwi, hawk, crow, penguin" count=0 bird_guess=input("Guess the name of the bird that may be in the secret list.You will only get 3 chances") while count<3: if bird_guess....
Nandini Jain's user avatar
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I just created a Python script. I am trying to run it on my windows computer. It does not work

I created a python script named "": variable=raw_input("what is your name: ") print "welcome",variable Now I am trying to run it on my computer so that it ...
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how do I register an invisible window class in a Win32 console application?

I am trying to register an invisible window in a Win32 console application. My goal is to listen for Raw Input in the WindowProc to (1) display it on the console, and (2) perform additional ...
Venkatesh Potluri's user avatar
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Get keyboard device ID for key event on UWP window when using multiple keyboards

Currently I have a Win32 desktop program written in C++ that uses the Raw HID Input API (a message loop observing WM_INPUT messages) to read key events and also get a handle to the specific keyboard ...
SWdV's user avatar
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RawInput WinAPI: GetRawInputBuffer() and message handling

Why I'm trying to get input from a barcode scanner to my (visual) application. I would like to ignore input from other devices and get the input even if the application loses focus. I found the ...
emno's user avatar
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How can i GetRawInputDeviceInfo from Global Hook (WH_GETMESSAGE)

I'm not sure i can do this.I am not familiar with window programming.I want to distinguish which device is coming from in these mouse or touch messages.The following code is in a DLL,which is a DLL ...
Lijinqi's user avatar
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Identify specific HID device using windows rawinput API

I want to control the rumble motors on an xbox 360 controller and to do so I need to open a file on the device. How do I determine which device to open, that is, which is the controller/gamepad? I'm ...
Red's user avatar
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How to capture Ctrl+D when you have already typed soemthing in raw_input but have not pressed enter yet?

I want to support multiple line input for raw_input, ctrl+d in the following code works only when I am on an empty (new) line, Current behaviour: when user types xyz, then press enter again to get ...
Shuman's user avatar
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GetKeyNameText numpad missing text

I'm trying to get the name of a pressed key with GetKeyNameText, using the make/scan code and extended-key flag given by raw input: std::wstring GetKeyName(const RAWKEYBOARD& info) { WCHAR n[...
Bizzarrus's user avatar
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Store data in an array from a loop

I have two set of datas which I would like to multiply one by each other, and store the result in an array for each value. For now I have this: import csv from mpdaf.obj import Spectrum, WaveCoord ...
Geo573's user avatar
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How to simulate physical keyboard input

I'm working with an C# Winforms project that read from multiple specified barcode scanner (app need to seperate data from scanner to have correct action) I'm used raw input to filter by device ID and ...
Thao Nguyen Van's user avatar
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using backspace adds some utf characters in raw_input

When using backspace it adds extra character in raw_input I am using python 2.7 on Mobaxterm. I am using raw_input for the user input. For example if user wants to give an input such as "Python ...
PyPy2304's user avatar
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RawInput : not handle Keyboard Event on condition

I try to use this project : I want to handle keys just for a specific keyboard. It is working but, I ...
A.Baudouin's user avatar
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RAWINPUTHEADER hDevice null on WM_INPUT for laptop trackpad

I'm using raw input to handle input for generic devices, thus far all of my test cases have worked (keyboards, game pads and mice), but my laptops track pad is giving me a weird problem. When I get a ...
Arzana's user avatar
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Python function keeps reiterating raw input question in command line

I'm trying to write a Fibonacci sequence that can take a user's input as the multiplier for the generational increase in rabbits, i.e., 4 pairs of offspring produced for each pair of mature rabbits. ...
Kasey Brida's user avatar
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Raw Input keyboard with RIDEV_NOHOTKEYS causes weird behavior

When I register a Raw Input keyboard device and set the RIDEV_NOHOTKEYS flag, like this: RAWINPUTDEVICE device = {}; device.usUsagePage = 0x01; device.usUsage = 0x06; device.dwFlags = RIDEV_NOHOTKEYS; ...
Kalinovcic's user avatar
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How can I make a time-sensitive prompt in python? (Interrupting raw_input)

I am having trouble making a prompt that waits only for a certain amount of time for user input. I've ended up using threading to start a thread that waits for the input and using the main thread to ...
ColorCodin's user avatar
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Initializing HRAWINPUT on the same line as declaring it causes RegisterRawInputDevices to fail?

I'm trying to learn to handle input because I'm working on a bare bones 3d graphics engine, and when trying to learn raw input I came across this anomaly: Creating and initializing a HRAWINPUT struct ...
fdgklatkljfdsaf's user avatar
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Issues with input() and raw_input() for Python 2.7. User entered data is not read properly. What is going on?

So at my company they are making me use python 2.7 because of the product for a compatibility reason that I won't get into here. So I am writing a program that connects to a device using SSH (a ...
SaturnsBelt's user avatar
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Raw Input for mouse tracking always returns 0 for delta values

Registered Raw Input Device doesn't give mouse delta, WM_INPUT does get triggered and it does pass the if(raw->header.dwType == RIM_TYPEMOUSE) statement, but values given are always 0 void ...
DeltaJuliet2k's user avatar

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