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use subprocess. Popen module and use pyinstaller to package as an executable when multiple window interfaces appear

When you use pyqt5 to call a child process to execute a py script, it is executed normally in pycharm, but when it is packaged as exe, the main interface window is repeatedly opened **The requirements ...
jyj789's user avatar
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Discrete histogram-bar plot and Continuous probability density in One plot and zorder for gridlines

I have created a histogram and overlaid the probability density. The Y-axis represents the percentage. The X-axis ticks follow the probability density, and the histogram bars are placed in between the ...
Arindam Das's user avatar
-3 votes
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Why I am getting this error - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_displayed' [closed]

I am creating a basic code using python, i am just a beginner I am getting this error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_displayed' when i am trying to just check if the username ...
Tabrez Shaikh's user avatar
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How to run globally installed coverage on a package inside a virtual enviroment?

I'd like to run a coverage check with the following configuration: coverage is installed globally on the system (via pipx). pytest in installed inside the virtual environment of the project. (Inside ...
DarkTrick's user avatar
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How do I remove the word "assistant" from a stream?

I have been trying to remove the word "assistant" from the stream as it always starts with this word. No matter what logic I use and implement on back-end it doesn't work, I want to handle ...
Sami Ullah's user avatar
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13 views Command Sync Failure: Description too long

I'm trying to sync my Discord bot's commands using the bot.tree.sync() method, but I'm getting a CommandSyncFailure error with the following message: @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'...
kvk30's user avatar
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Trouble Sending multipart/form-data with Python Requests

I'm trying to post three strings to a API/form. The webservice is called Nginx Proxy Manager if you are familiar. It don't really have API docs but it uses openapi 3.1.0. I'm trying to post to this ...
MeCJay12's user avatar
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Issue on memory ram with langchain RetrievalQA

Hi im doing a RAG system with multiple vector databases using chainlit, langchain and FAISS. Few days ago i saw that RAG was using a lot of memory ram like 10gb, so i want to fix it, but i don't know ...
Cesar Quiñonez Espinoza's user avatar
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How to resolve a conflict between Debian 12 and Automake regarding the directory where compiled and packaged Python modules are installed?

First, some context. The issue is related to the migration of a package from Ubuntu 16.04 to Debian 12. In the meantime, it was successfully (almost out of the box) installed and tested on Debian 10 ...
Gustavo's user avatar
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Is there a Python function that can generate the confidence intervals of the predicted probabilities of an OrderedModel?

I have data that looks like this: age health female 54 4 0 45 3 1 35 3 1 28 2 0 26 1 1 33 5 0 And I'm trying to get the confidence intervals of the individual predicted probabilities after ...
wuwho's user avatar
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Recasting values in Pandas dataframe that meet specific requirements

I have a Pandas dataframe that has been created by importing from an Excel spreadsheet. When using the .dtypes method, the column appears to be of data type object. However, within the single column, ...
user1718097's user avatar
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why wont the and in this while statement work? [duplicate]

i know this is kinda small, but ive been stuck on this for quite a while and it wont work. im trying to run the following while statement: while xpos != x and ypos != y : as seen in the code above, ...
kdogkdog67's user avatar
-5 votes
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Why numpy don't come with python inbuild module? [duplicate]

I am new to python, while learning it, as a basic I created one calculator program that uses numpy module but while I execute it then I got the below error import numpy as np ModuleNotFoundError: No ...
Mayur Jagtap's user avatar
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Buildozer thinks can not find a file even though there is one

I'm currently making an apk from my kivy file using buildozer on a wsl and one of the requirements is kivymd version 2.0.1.dev0. I couldn't download it from github, so I got a .zip file. I compiled ...
Alexey Axyonov's user avatar
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Python, a method that is always executed before other methods in an instance of the class

I want to make it so that before executing the method of the class instance, another mandatory method was carried out: class Example: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = ...
KarimovAnton's user avatar
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Databricks MLFlow and MetaFlow integration

I am using Metaflow to orchestrate the training pipeline of a machine learning model and the scope is to combine Metaflow with the Databricks MLflow for monitoring of ML. The Metaflow pipeline is ...
Pirvu Georgian's user avatar
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Avoid file sharing lock in MS Access during bulk insert

File sharing lock count exceeded // python import to access table. If anyone can assist with this you’ll be a life saver. I have a script in python that is attempting to automate a manual process in ...
user28814433's user avatar
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Docker python not able to recognize custom module

I have a project with the following structure: project/ checks/ <some files here> engine/ <some files here> models/ <...
EntangledLabs's user avatar
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Error: 'No module named pyimod02_importers' after creating EXE with auto-py-to-exe

I created an EXE file using auto-py-to-exe, but running it throws this error: Failed to execute script 'pyiboot01_bootstrap': No module named 'pyimod02_importers' Module object for ...
Naina Chahare's user avatar
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Error in pip install pypiwin32 in Dockerfile

I am trying to add python modules in Docker. My Dockerfile looks like: FROM python:3.9 ADD ./src ./src # ADD . RUN pip install --upgrade pip RUN pip install pyyaml RUN pip install ...
SheCodes's user avatar
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Return something from onclick?

I have a function that creates a chart with pandas & matplotlib. In the function there is an onclick handler that creates a table and then shows it with upon click. When the entire ...
chocalaca's user avatar
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Theme is not applying to the menu buttons on start

The menu theme is not applying to the buttons on start. Once you play through the quiz once and go back to the menu, the menu's theme then applies to the buttons def menu(): def start_game(): ...
jspashalon's user avatar
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How does GIL inserts the interupted thread and waiting threads back into the Ready Queue in Python?

Context: I am executing the a python program that creates 5 threads as follows: import time from threading import Thread def do_work(thread_number): print(f"Starting thread {thread_number}&...
Deepak Tatyaji Ahire's user avatar
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Curve fitting with different errors in positive and negative y-direction [closed]

I need to fit some data which of course has some uncertainty. Now some of said data was computed using an upper limit. So we know that the actual value lies between zero and said limit. In order to ...
alexthegreat's user avatar
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Having Trouble Downloading Results from Real-ESRGAN on Google Colab

I'm completely new to all this and I keep getting the same error feedback when I'm running the final download step. zip_filename = '' if os.path.exists(zip_filename): os.remove(...
Ng Zheng Kai's user avatar
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Inserting a table into a known table with docx

Good day all, I'm working on a very specific automation which requires a table being added into an existing table. So far I can replace key words in a dictionary. However, I also want to be able to ...
Joseph Joe Soltan's user avatar
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debugging a script using vscode / debugging in a remote server

For the first time, i installed vscode in my laptop to work on a remote server (tradtionaly i'm using spyder when i'm working locally). I'm facing difficulties to debbug python codes in the distant ...
paul18fr's user avatar
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"Connection reset by peer" error in WebSocket FastAPI app

I’m working on a WebSocket app with FastAPI and could use some help troubleshooting an issue. So the app allows clients to connect to the WebSocket server and send parameters and based on these ...
Wassim Riahi's user avatar
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Reindexing only valid with uniquely valued index objects

There are a couple of articles about this issue already, but none of them solve my issue. I have two sets of Python dataframes (df_A1, df_A2 and df_B1, df_B2) and I want to combine the A's together ...
Ganesh Gebhard's user avatar
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Python import on sub-package results in "no module named..." error

Although there are a number of import related questions, I haven't found one that directly addresses my question. I have installed some packages in the default Site Packages folder and it has a ...
QuasiG's user avatar
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Virtual environments for Python not working in VSCode

I use the VSCode debugger for all of my Python projects extensively. But for one of my projects, the debugger just doesn't work. Whenever I try to debug something, it seemingly tries to activate the ...
Anonyo Noor's user avatar
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How to drag and drop items across frames in tkinter?

I have a tkinter gui which displays some nodes in levels. The levels are split into frames and on each frame the nodes are placed as per a level dictionary defined in the class Viewer. I want to drag ...
A.G.Progm.Enthusiast's user avatar
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I have a set of words I would like to exclude, and I want to check if each new word entered is contained wholly within another. How would I do this?

So I am currently making a word game, and I want to have it so that the user cannot enter a word that is wholly contained within another word (e.g. 'set' in 'subset'), however my current code: noWord =...
Daniel's user avatar
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Unable to use psycopg2 with Postgres in Django

As stated in my question, I am now configuring my djagno project to connect with postgres. The issue i am facing is that, when making migrations, it shows me the following error: python ...
Mohammed Hassan Naseer's user avatar
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How to make the windows icon bigger than 16x16?

I am having a problem not being able to make the window icon bigger than 16x16. It is awfully too small. import os import sys import win32gui import win32con from PySide6.QtCore import Qt from PySide6....
garaw-wx's user avatar
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Why AI is not responding? [closed]

I was trying to make a basic AI like Gpt 2 while chatting and voice capability. Also, perform simple commands. So here I made one with Python.It import pyttsx3 import speech_recognition as sr import ...
Tarmin's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError When Running Python Script in Visual Studio Code althogh this is the root directory of the project

I'm having trouble importing a module in my Python project while using Visual Studio Code. I receive a ModuleNotFoundError, indicating that Python cannot find the defmet_data_piplines module. Project ...
chani's user avatar
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Optimizing Perlin Noise Matching for Binary Image Comparison: Slow Processing and Low SSIM Score

I’m working on a project where I need to generate Perlin noise and match it with a binary (black & white) image. I want to find the Perlin noise pattern that best matches the input image in terms ...
Frederick's user avatar
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Difference between [0]*n with [0 for _ in range(n)] [duplicate]

I'm trying to solve leetcode problem, for the same function, when I initialize the array with self.preSum = [[0] * (n_col+1) for _ in range(n_row+1)], the result is correct and when I initializ the ...
Rui L's user avatar
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Python subprocess usnig rsync is syncing extra data

I am using watchdog to monitor files and move them from a directory using rsync. I overwrite the on_modified method. Rsync is syncing more than it should. The destinationDir = /home/pi/Desktop/...
newdeveloper's user avatar
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Interactive Brokers OAuth1 live_session_token

Given the general community consensus that IB's OAuth just doesn't work I'm not expecting an answer but it would be much appreciated I've been following this
Neville Bamshoot's user avatar
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Pytorch start training process stucked when blocking GPU 0

The GPU0 in my server has been occupied by others' processes, so I blocked GPU0 and use mp.spawn to train my model, but it failed to create train process. This is reproducible example: import torch ...
forestbat's user avatar
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Pytorch Geometric: None being passed to Custom Data while collating

I'm just starting out with the torch_geometric library, and I'm working on making a custom dataset. However, I seem to be misunderstanding something about how the libraries data loader interacts with ...
b-riley's user avatar
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How can I reuse the existing asyncpg connection pool?

asyncpg.pool should be created at the first request and then reused for the next groups of requests. After the first successful use of the pool, an error occurs during reuse. Environment: Windows 10 ...
Donchack's user avatar
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Is it safe to create asyncio event loop in one thread and run it in another thread while having ability to cancel it from outside the thread (python3)

I want to know if it's safe to create an asyncio event loop in one thread and run the loop in another while having the ability to cancel it from outside the thread in which the event loop is running. ...
Jishnu's user avatar
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Why am I getting an empty string if I use positive start index and negative stop and step index values?

I am trying to run this code snippet: test="test" print(test[3:-1:-1]) For the slicing, the start index should start from 3 which is inclusive and stop index should be -1 exclusive which ...
kiran kumar's user avatar
-4 votes
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Can Python 3 copy files without overwriting?

In a 2016 blogpost, it is claimed: def notActuallySafeCopy(srcfile, destfile): if os.path.exists(destfile): raise IOError('destination already exists') shutil.copy(srcfile, ...
Atomic Tripod's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create and run a virtual environment for my Python programs in VS Code ? I want a few selected programms to run in a separate environment [duplicate]

I am using VS Code text editor for my Python programming. I need to know how to create virtual environments in VS Code for a project specific file. I haven't tried anything since I am unaware of the ...
arjun 's user avatar
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How do I send data to a specific field on a web page?

I am working with this web page created using cherrypy by someone else. I want to display data values generated in the script in the four lat/lon input boxes below the map. The 'left' input ...
user3765883's user avatar
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Why does curve fit sometimes work and not work in an interactive Python simulation?

I'm relatively new to Python GUI and have been working on a simple project relating to my physics classes. I've been trying to simulate the Rutherford Scattering experimental data using Monte Carlo ...
Keanna's user avatar
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