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Assigning column from different data frame - role of index

import pandas as pd df_1 = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['a', 'a', 'a']}) df_2 = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['b', 'b', 'b']}) df_2.index = [4,5,6] df_1['col2'] = df_2.col1 I expect a simple copy in the above ...
user1700890's user avatar
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how to extract a cell value from a dataframe?

I am trying to extract a cell value from a dataframe, then why I always get a series instead of a value. For example: df_test=pd.DataFrame({'Well':['test1','test2','test3'],'Region':['east','west','...
roudan's user avatar
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Algo trading Drawdown calculations SettingWithCopyWarning:

I am trying to calculate maximum drawdown using closing price of a stock. STEP1: Imported the data and sliced that data in a new data frame df1 with date and closing price. df = pd.read_csv('BHEL....
Saurabh's user avatar
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How to merge Headers of index and other headers to one row of headers and add numeric index as single index [duplicate]

I currently have this type of a df with 2 headers client case client payment payment number client foo 1 200 1 boo 1 250 ...
light's user avatar
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Pandas: Nested use of .loc returns different 'type' for the same field

Why do I get 2 different data types while indexing using .loc, even though i retrieve a single value/cell. Background: I'm looking up values of df_source in df_map. I do not get string datatype for ...
Salih's user avatar
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Find duplicate "group of rows" in pandas DataFrame

How can I find duplicates of a group of rows inside of a DataFrame? Or in other words, how can I find the indices of a specific duplicated DataFrame inside of a larger DataFrame? The larger DataFrame: ...
Florent H's user avatar
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Pandas .loc returns series or float inconsistently

I'm writing some code, and having trouble with some unexpected behaviour when using .loc in a pandas DataFrame, depending on the length of the dataframe itself. Some guidance on what is going on and ...
Dasi's user avatar
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How can I multiply all company values by 'Total General' values while keeping 'Total General' unchanged in a DataFrame?

I have a Pivot table in Python with the following structure. I want to create a new DataFrame where: The values of all companies (Amazon, Chedraui, Jüsto, Rappi, Uber) are multiplied by the ...
BP_Nayib Akele's user avatar
2 votes
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How can Pandas .loc take three arguments?

I am looking at someones code and this is what they wrote from financetoolkit import Toolkit API_KEY = "FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP_API_KEY" companies = Toolkit(["AAPL", "MSFT&...
Jermiah smith's user avatar
0 votes
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Multi-index lookup between 2 dataframes

I have 2 dataframes: one that acts as a lookup dataframe, and another that I insert values into where numerous rows match between them. The lookup dataframe looks like this: data1 = { 'store': ['1'...
Luxo_Jr's user avatar
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complicated pandas operations involving 2 dataframes [duplicate]

I have a dataframe df_a that has a column called dr7objid and has 194478 rows. There's a 2nd dataframe df_indices with 245609 rows that also has an objid column as well as an asset_idcolumn. Both are ...
Harsh Ambardekar's user avatar
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Create different columns using rows

I have this input ob1 88 ticket1 information ticket1 ob1 88 ticket2 information ticket2 and I need to get this output ob1 88 ticket1 information ticket1 ticket2 information ticket2 I'm using ...
Rachel Ps's user avatar
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Get a single row in a tuple-indexed DataFrame

I have a pandas DataFrame: >>> f = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"r0":{"c0":1,"c1":2},("r",1):{"c0":3,"c1":4}},orient="index") ...
sds's user avatar
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Python Pandas difference in boolean indexing between ~ != and ==

I am confused about different results of boolean indexing when using ~ after != versus when using just == I have a pandas df with 4 columns: dic = { "a": [1,1,1,0,0,1,1], "b&...
Martin's user avatar
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1 answer

Create a new column based on other columns for time series data in pandas

I have the following pandas dataframe with columns May, June, and July. Month June July Aug June a d g July b e h Aug c f i I want to create a several new columns with a 1 month forecast, 2 month ...
kmm2204's user avatar
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How to create a dynamic index in a data frame based on a catalog?

I have two diferent data frames. The first one is a catalog of diferent requests type and how many request i had at the moment. data = {'Req Type': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], 'Req No': [20, 21, 19, 18]} ...
Amaury Pedraza's user avatar
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Why is no warning thrown for indexing a Series of values with a bool Series that's too long?

I have the following code: import pandas as pd series_source = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=int) normal_index = pd.Series([True, False, True, True], dtype=bool) big_index = pd.Series([True, False, ...
Pro Q's user avatar
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Why does pandas .reindex() not keep data with equivalent sized index? [duplicate]

Lets say we have this dummy data : dates=pd.date_range("2020-02-01","2021-02-01",freq="MS") features=["foo","bar"] cols=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([...
Nathan Keloglanian's user avatar
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How to predict the resulting type after indexing a Pandas DataFrame

I have a Pandas DataFrame, as defined here: df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Aritra'], 'Age': [25, 30, 35], 'Location': ['Seattle', 'New York', 'Kona']...
Pro Q's user avatar
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unstack on single row index

data = { 'Store': ['Store_A', 'Store_A', 'Store_B', 'Store_B'], 'Product': ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Apples', 'Bananas'], 'Sales': [200, 350, 150, 500] } df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.set_index(...
mehran arbabian's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use `pycountry.db.Country` objects as a `pd.DataFrame` index?

I am creating a dataset collecting data for a given set of countries. To avoid any ambiguity, I would like to use a pycountry.db.Country object to represent each country. However, when setting the ...
ebosi's user avatar
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Pandas reset_index() not working on grouped dataframe

I have a dataframe df as follows: Year Month Rate 0 2022 1 0.1 1 2022 2 0.1 2 2022 3 0.1 3 2022 4 0.1 4 2022 5 0.1 5 2022 6 0.1 6 2022 7 0.1 7 2022 8 0.1 8 2022 9 0.1 9 2022 10 0.1 10 2022 ...
user12715151's user avatar
3 votes
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Multiply two different Dataframes - Python

I have two tables: Table 1: (Sales) Code 2025 2026 2027 123 20000 21000 22000 456 10000 12000 14000 Table 2: (Inflation) Code 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 123 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1....
Mohamamd Khalil's user avatar
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Lookup by datetime in timestamp index does not work

Consider a date-indexed DataFrame: d0 =,5,5) d1 =,5,10) df0 = pd.DataFrame({"a":[1,2],"b":[10,None],"c":list("xy")}, index=...
sds's user avatar
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python (Apply inflation table to sales table) [duplicate]

I have the below tables: Sales Table: enter image description here Inflation Table: enter image description here I want python to update table one values by multiply each value in table one with ...
Mohamamd Khalil's user avatar
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Name all rows with the Index name

I have a strange request, easy to understand but should be very complicated to realize in my opinion. I have a dataframe composed of several spreadsheet excel (using df concat). I would like to use ...
moqa's user avatar
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How to correctly index a dataframe with a function?

Given a dataframe: a b c u 5 0 3 v 3 7 9 w 3 5 2 I'd like to select rows/columns in a dataframe using a function. This function gets the dataframe and returns a tuple of lists of labels,...
mins's user avatar
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MultiIndex Pivot Table Pandas [closed]

I am trying to replicate a pivot table using pandas using a sample dataset below from a much larger table: year type status paid balance count 2000 bank1 active 15 21 1 2001 ...
gfgd's user avatar
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Creating Pandas Series from Dictionary

I'm going through the Python Data Science Handbook to learn about the Pandas library. The book says, and also shows an example, that when a Series is created from a dictionary, the index defaults to ...
tara's user avatar
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While saving Datapane report using pandas library, I'm getting an attribute error saying that pandas has no attribute 'Int64Index [duplicate]

I'm having issues saving my datapane report because I keep getting this error message: "AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'Int64Index'." What does this error mean, and how can ...
Pokala Kusal's user avatar
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Index of duplicated values in pandas

I'm using pandas in python and using the duplicated(keep=False) I've made a check between the values of a same dataframe column. So I'm getting as result: 5063 True 5064 True 5065 True ...
martinmistere's user avatar
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how does Pandas actually perform indexing on custom based indices (integer and non-integer)

temp = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, 10, 5), index=['John', 'Joe', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Kris']) temp[-1] this outputs to the value associated with 'Kris' however, when I do this: temp2 = pd.Series(['...
dumaloo's user avatar
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Connecting a dataframe and another 1d dataframe isn't a problem, but when using the [...] operator it yields different results

I have an original dataframe og_df and a sublist dataframe, which is a part of the og_df. I want to create a new dataframe new_df which contains the elements of og_df and every n following elements in ...
100xln2's user avatar
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filling an empty data frame or array with values from the column of another data frame if some conditions are met pandas

I need to creat an empty data frame that stores values from a column of another data frame base on some conditions being met in two columns of the same second data frame. I have a data frame ...
AkunwexOrwa's user avatar
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How to apply python iloc on snakemake input file?

More in detail: I would like to choose one specific column based on a header value from snakemake rule input file and then select this specific column's first value. I was considering something like ...
KKK's user avatar
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Can I add Multilevel Indexing for one-hot encoded features?

I am working on a dataset of mushroom features, almost all of which I encoded with pandas into binary but some are nominally encoded. I am wondering if I can take the original columns as a second ...
Georgia Anderson's user avatar
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Concatenating DataFrames throws InvalidIndexError

I'm extracting information from URLs (RSS feeds) to create one big data frame with all the data I need for sentiment analysis. I did a function to get each URL in a dictionary, use a parser, and then ...
Gabi Bellini's user avatar
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Make index and columns the same set (their union) in Pandas dataframe

In our problem, rows (index) and columns belong to the same category of objects. We want to enlarge a Pandas DataFrame, adding rows and columns filled with NaNs or predefined values, so that both the ...
Mateusz's user avatar
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Append Columns From Multiple CSVs into One File - Python [duplicate]

I am trying to use the Pandas library to append columns multiple CSV files of the same format into a single file, but cannot seem to get the syntax correct in my script. Here are the CSVs I am trying ...
mdl518's user avatar
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Setting the index where the index value changes every 17 or so rows

I have pulled data for a bunch of Survivor seasons and have sorted the contestant tables into one data frame. I have added in a column to identify which season a contestant played in. I want to set ...
Brandon Jessup's user avatar
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Renaming Panda Dataframe indexes

I am populating a dataframe with a sql statement which is giving me index values of a record count starting with 0. I am writing a comparison with a Snowflake table that I will import into another ...
Patrick Fuller's user avatar
-2 votes
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updating a row in python

I am trying to update a row in a table to the previous row with indexing. I am having trouble updating my real dataset and cannot reproduce the error on a toy example. gd.loc[gd['Date'] == ts,teams] =...
Grace's user avatar
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How to insert a row into a pandas dataframe in a for loop then decrement the for loop?

So I'm trying to for loop through a table and find missing rows and add them in. S-Value S1 S2 S3 ... S106 S108 S109 So S107 is missing. Currently I'm checking if count = S-value if they equal ...
cavediver's user avatar
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I need to drop rows that do not contain a certain value throughout the table

I have the following dataset: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 513250 entries, 0 to 513249 Data columns (total 26 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -----------...
Andre de Paula Galhardo's user avatar
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Wrong datatime index in Pandas DataFrame with class

I have a Pandas DataFrame with and without class. In case of class I have wrong datatime index but if no class it is ok. Please help. from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd class Records: ...
LowCoder's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to make a counter based on other columns within the same row

I have a large dataframe that contains multiple kids' exact age and gender, along with some unrelated binary columns, as follows: kid1_age kid2_age kid3_age kid1_gndr kid1_gndr ...
hao's user avatar
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labeling segments of data based on multiple conditions

I have an indexed pandas dataframe with values like so: data = {'ID':[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'column1': [15, 16, 17, 14, 13, 5, 3, 2, 1.9,...
thentangler's user avatar
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indexing periods in a dataset that spans an increasing and decreasing range

I have a dataframe like so: data = {'column1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,4,3,2,1,1, 2, 3, 4, 5,4,3,2,1]} df=pd.DataFrame(data) column1 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 ...
thentangler's user avatar
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transpose row into column for each date in time series using pandas dataframe

I have a series of swaption time series data for each expiry & tenor for the last year - I am looking to transpose it into a simple grid for each day (using date as index) using pandas dataframe (...
CP beginner's user avatar
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reset_index acting in an unexpected way - unexpected keyword argument 'names'

I'm cleaning up a dataset for plotting. Pretty standard stuff, transposing, deleting unnecessary columns, etc. Here is the code so far: #File name fname = r'E:\Grad School\Research\BOEM\Data\Grain ...
Liraell's user avatar
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