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Best way to validate DICOM connection request with pynetdicom

What is the preferred way to validate requested DICOM connection against a list of known hosts? I can connect to the EVT_CONN_OPEN event. But in that, the element ...
Johannes Bretscher's user avatar
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How does the SCU receive dcm images from Dicom Server with C-GET?

I've seen the official pynetdicom documentation but I've not got the proper event handlers (for the SCU) on receiving images. First I've created the required .dcm files Dataset and used the C-GET ...
Sagar Kulkarni's user avatar
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Python is crashing due to libdispatch crashing child thread

I am using the pynetdicom library to receive and process medical dicom images. The processing is performed in the callback function "on_association_released". However, when receiving certain studies, ...
Haris's user avatar
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