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Association abort does not close TCP connection

Using pydicom store SCP. The after sending the files, PACS does not release the association. Hence the association is aborted due to timeout E: Network timeout reached I: Aborting Association And ...
ShoibAhamed's user avatar
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ValueError: Can't determine UID type for private UIDs

In the handle_store() method, while reading event dataset. I get the error - ValueError: Can't determine UID type for private UIDs. Stacktrace: File "/", line 203, in ...
ShoibAhamed's user avatar
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Why my DICOM MWL SCP only sends SUCCESS response without dataset?

I am trying to code a simple DICOM MWL Worklist SCP using pynetdicom. There is no example provided from the documentation besides saying its the same as C-FIND. Below code only sends the status ...
Raja Hafiz's user avatar
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Receive private SOPClassUID images in pydicom

I am trying to accept all the presentation contexts in the association negotiation. After adding the abstract syntax to the supported context, the association is getting aborted. Logs - D: Accept ...
ShoibAhamed's user avatar
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DICOM TLS between Orthanc and pynetDicom fails with error ErrorDetails: DicomAssociation - connecting to AET "MY_AET": TLS error: OpenSSL error

I am trying to create a secure communication between Orthanc(client on my local (Mac)) and pynetDicom(server on my EC2). For this I obtained X.509 certificate from Lets Encrypt. I have added the certs ...
SUMIT JANAWLEKAR's user avatar
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pynetdicom failed to acquire patient information from Orthanc

I want to acquire all patient name from a SCP with pynetdicom, but it failed. In my computer, the Orthanc is used as the SCP. Currently, I have successfully connect Orthanc with pynetdicom by: from ...
Qiang Zhang's user avatar
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pynetdicom on_association_requested() get request type (C_FIND, C_ECHO etc)

I'm not able to find the variable that holds the Message Type in event name, "on_association_requested" and "on_association_released" methods. If we give it ...
Siddalingesh Angadi's user avatar
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Pynetdicom: Compiled app (exe) can't connect to the PACS-server

I've created an application, that connect to PACS server and Downloaded Studies. Application perfectly work, when i run it from python. But when i create an exe, using pyinstaller - created exe loses ...
boundless power's user avatar
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Pass argument into a function called within a function python

I am trying to pass an event argument from a function to another. The example code that I have now is: def handle_store(event): ds = event.dataset save(ds,event) def save(ds,event): ds....
user17489801's user avatar
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Get called_/calling_ae_title

I'm implementing SCP and I'm not sure how to get calling_/called_ae_title correctly. I'd like to get called_/calling_ae_title during connection(client sending DICOM image) on the server side. I don't ...
peep's user avatar
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C-FIND Study by patient-ID and date

I would like to download the chest x-ray file which matches a specified Patient ID and a Study Date from PACS. If I specify the date in the C-FIND-Request, I can't get any matched result. Could you ...
annsonic's user avatar
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How to display Series data from DICOM C-FIND results? [duplicate]

I'm new to DICOM and was wondering how I would be able to return results of a C-FIND similar to how applications like Osirix display them after a query. I'm doing this strictly in Python with ...
Sun B's user avatar
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pynetdicom not working correctly with Windows Task Scheduler

I am using a modified version of this pynetdicom script (the second example on this page) to download DICOM images to an office computer. Here is what the script does: Opens a connection with PACS ...
bullFrog51's user avatar
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Run 2 servers in single Python Script in Docker, pynetdicom & flask

I'm interested in running 2 servers within a single Python script running in a Docker container. The initial dev setup that I have is with pynetdicom (see mpps-scp as an example. The main thing of ...
SScotti's user avatar
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Issue with Setting the Command Set in N_CREATE Response, pydicom

I'm working on a MPPS SCP as described here: MPPS SCP as a basic framework. I've been able to test it a bit with DVTk, with some tools that are available here: DVTk Most of it seems to be working ...
SScotti's user avatar
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Getting back the StudyInstanceUID when association sudenlly is aborted

I am writing a sample DICOM SCP Store. I simulate a transfer of many DCM folders (from another computer connected to my LAN) using SCU Store command. 3 transfers are simulated at the same time. for ...
Didou Abdidou's user avatar
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pynetdicom C_GET failing with No presentation context for 'CT Image Storage' has been accepted by the peer for the SCP role

I am trying to use pynetdicom for the first time. I have it and the ConQuest DICOM server installed on my PC. I am able to get the pynetdicom echo example working, but when I try the pynetdicom ...
wdtj's user avatar
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How to get a list of all SOP instances that were not successfully retrieved during a C-MOVE call?

I'm using PyNetDicom to download (C-MOVE) images from a PACS server. I've implemented a SCU that sends C-MOVE requests to PACS, and a SCP that receives the C-STORE requests. I download entire studies, ...
LidiaLu's user avatar
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Best way to validate DICOM connection request with pynetdicom

What is the preferred way to validate requested DICOM connection against a list of known hosts? I can connect to the EVT_CONN_OPEN event. But in that, the element ...
Johannes Bretscher's user avatar
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How does the SCU receive dcm images from Dicom Server with C-GET?

I've seen the official pynetdicom documentation but I've not got the proper event handlers (for the SCU) on receiving images. First I've created the required .dcm files Dataset and used the C-GET ...
Sagar Kulkarni's user avatar
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Add item to asyncio queue from a request handler

I have a TCP server running and have a handler function which needs to take the contents of the request, add it to an asyncio queue and reply with an OK status. On the background I have an async ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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Python is crashing due to libdispatch crashing child thread

I am using the pynetdicom library to receive and process medical dicom images. The processing is performed in the callback function "on_association_released". However, when receiving certain studies, ...
Haris's user avatar
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How to invoke C-STORE when trying to query from SCP

I've been using the following code, which is from the pynetdicom library to query and store some images from a remote server SCP, on my machine(SCU). """ Query/Retrieve SCU AE example. This ...
Samimoti's user avatar
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Get value from variable instead of command line in argparse

I am using pynetdicom script to fetch the data from the dcm4chee. to run the script I need to pass the arguments from the command line. But I already have that value in some variable or in other ...
Jeenit khatri's user avatar
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pynetdicom qyuery/retrive using study date and time

I'm trying the query/retrieve example ( from pynetdicom but it is working good with the patient name when we search. But I need to search the study on the basis of studyDate and studyTime. ...
Jeenit khatri's user avatar