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Can I use free provisioning to sign an iOS app in a CI pipeline?

I am currently developing my first XCode Swift app which I would like to try out/use on a couple of physical devices. This app is for personal use only and will not be used for distribution. I do not ...
pkiller162's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I correctly provision an Xamarin Forms iOS app with (or without) a ShareExtension?

I've had hours and hours of problems with Xamarin Forms iOS provisioning for my app with and without a ShareExtension. I have had it working in the past with various combinations and permutations of ...
jho's user avatar
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0 answers

How to provide xcodebuild with provisioning profiles for your app and extension?

Good day, We just added an extension to our iOS app and we're trying to build it on the command line with limited success. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be a way to tell the command line ...
Michael Gaines's user avatar
1 vote
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(A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.) in visual studio when deploying to device

After upgrading visual studio to 2022 17.0.6 I am unable to deploy to a device. Things I have tried: Created New Certificate in Created new Development Provisioning Profile with ...
Chris Bardsley's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Noob stuck in App Store Distribution upload

I'm a novice Flutter developer. I just completed my first app. I've managed to get it published to the Google Play Store internal testing process. I'm attempting the same for iOS and macOS and ...
John Taylor's user avatar
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Delphi 10.4 [PAClient Error] Error: E0776 error: exportArchive: Provisioning profile "**" doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Distribution: **"

At dev Apple portal i create all certificate: my iOs distribute AppId Provision Profile In XCode I create simple app with the same BundleID. And i see certificate normaly. But Delphi 10.4 dont see ...
Станислав 000's user avatar
1 vote
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Xcode is not selecting the correct certificate when signing an application

One of my iPhone Distribution Certificates is about to expire soon. I've generated the new Certificate with the same teamID and the corresponding Provisioning Profiles for a specific application. The ...
Ruben Calderon's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception on accessing name property of EspDevice class

I'm getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception on accessing name property of EspDevice class. I need to access deviceName which is a private property, and name is causing this error. Can somebody help me to ...
Shahbaz_Naeem's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mac: How to Correctly Import "Provisioning Profile" or Certificate into Keychain Access

I've been working in mobile development for about seven years now and deploying to iOS devices has always been the bane of my existence. One of the most annoying elements is waiting on a 20 minute ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Xamarin forms : Could not find any available provisioning profiles for IOS

after a lot of time searching a solution to my problem, I turn to you for help. When I'm trying to use SecureStorage in my Xamarin Forms project, all work good on android but when I compile on IOS ...
oguzhan.cblt's user avatar
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Xamarin iOS excessive mobiledevice provisioning files being copied to Mac via Visual Studio

Anyone else having this problem? My configuration as of 5/15/2020... MacBook Air macOS Catalina 10.15.4 Xcode versions 11.4.1 (11E503a) PC Windows 10 Pro version 1909 OS build 18363.778 Visual ...
Donald Ashworth's user avatar
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What do i need to resign ipa files?

I was hoping that someone could explain to me the process about resigning existing IPA files and install it OTA. I'm unsure what certificates I need to have and how to sign it properly so it can be ...
Roplod's user avatar
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Automatic signing is unable to resolve an issue with the "myapp" target's entitlements [duplicate]

I was working on an application and in middle of the application. My application is not working. I am working on free account that i created. I did looked into similar questions none of them helped ...
Abdulmoiz Ahmer's user avatar
0 votes
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Apple certifcates and provisioning profiles - when do they expire?

I have an Apple Enterprise membership and develop apps for In-House distribution. I don't understand in which cases I need to rebuild my apps because of expired certificates and/or provisioning ...
Joost's user avatar
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List all the Provisional Profiles on the device at Runtime and get their EXPIRY dates

My Enterprise app is being distributed with a Provisioning profile (oldPP) that expires in 3 months. I have created a new provisioning profile (newPP), placed it on a device which has my app already ...
CoderDam's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is iOS provisioning profile similar to Android Manifest File

I am experienced Android Dev trying to understand iOS eco-system. I have been researching the "provisioning profile" and don't really understand what it is used for. I have read the following SO post ...
Bqin1's user avatar
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iOS What Provisioning Profile used for when build configuration is RELEASE mode?

I'm signing app using "Automatically manage signing". If I change "Build Configuration" to "Release" mode, What provisioning profile used for build an app? Release(Production) or Development? Is ...
AutumnSky's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot see personal team provisioning profile in VS for Mac

I have a problem deploying Xamarin application on my iphone with VS for Mac. I have added account to xcode, generated ios dev certificate and successfully deployed sample swift app on my iphone. Now ...
kubi's user avatar
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5 votes
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Build iOS app with Notification Extension with fastlane

I recently added a notification extension to my app which was built well with fastlane. After adding the notification extension the building is always failing because of some code signing issue. The ...
viplezer's user avatar
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Phonegap: download certificates and provisioning currently set

There is a way to download the certificates and provisioning file currently set on the online phonegap builder ? Thanks in advance. Simon
Simone Campagna's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there any way to add testing device UDID to free provisioning profile?

I don't have paid developer account and want to test my ios app on a team member's iPhone which is not registered to my provisioning profile. Is there any way to register a new device without ...
shivanju0801's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Xcode Distribution Certificate Private Key Not Installed

I am trying to Ad-hoc distribute my app. However, when I archive and than try to export it I am getting following screens: On this screen, when I click "Manage Certificates" button, I get following ...
Val Nolav's user avatar
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Provisioning profile does't include signing certificate (xcode 8)

At the moment of writing this question I am working to setup my app on my iPhone device. Initially (after a ionic/angular update in the build process) this works fine and the build and archive are ...
Stefan Leever's user avatar
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Signing for "appname" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor

I can't run my app because there are two issues: Signing for "Locker" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor. And Code signing is required for product type '...
A.J.'s user avatar
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Does the iOS App development certificate CSR email field need to be an apple ID?

Does the iOS App development certificate CSR email field need to be an apple ID or can it be any e-mail address?
bhartsb's user avatar
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Xcode 8 Automatic Provisioning vs Manual

In my project I have four main configurations: Debug, Release, AdHoc, AppStore. Prior to Xcode 8 I had to create provisioning profiles for each of my targets, for each of these configurations and ...
KevinS's user avatar
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xcode 8 provisioning profile error

I have an app that I created with xcode 7.3. I have updated to xcode 8 and I am trying to update my app. I see the provisioning profile I used before under provisioning profile (depreciated) but ...
Paul_D's user avatar
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After archiving an iOS app Xcode is not using the the correct provision and uses XC:* instead

When archiving my app for submission to the app store I am running into a problem getting the correct entitlements. I seem to be missing the push notification entitlement. I have the correct provision ...
matt marshall's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Using two Apple Developer Accounts to work on an Xcode project collaboratively using git

Is it possible for two seperate individual Apple Developer accounts to work on one single Xcode project, using two Macs, without provisioning profiles being revoked? I understand it is not possible ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Provisioning Profiles Stopped Working (Free Apple Account)

I've been able to develop apps perfectly fine until today when the Fix Issue button stopped working. Now I'm greeted with the error: Creating a profile requires having a device registered in the ...
Jesse S.'s user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does my free XCode Provisioning Profile only last 7 days?

I just installed the last version of XCode to test my app on my iPad Pro 9.7 on iOS 9.3, but each time I create a free provisioning profile with the "Fix Issue" option my profile is valid only 7 days. ...
NgXAlex's user avatar
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Corona SDK - app not appearing on iOS 9.3 device

I've updated xcode and I am using the latest build of corona. when i build my app to my phone i'm not getting any errors.. but the app never appears on my phone. I never noticed ideviceinstaller ...
hamobi's user avatar
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App id is not available - TestFlight

I am trying to upload my app to the app store to test it with TestFlight. I created in the Member Center the following items: - Certificates Dev - Prod - App ID (with same bundle identifier as in ...
user3900157's user avatar
90 votes
9 answers

Uploading archive error: "Missing iOS Distribution signing identity for ..."

I'm trying to upload my iOS app archive to iTunes Connect using Xcode, but when I click "Upload to App Store" I get the error: Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and ...
JYeh's user avatar
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2 answers

editing provisioning profile impact

I want to edit existing in-house provisioning profile in developer member center Will it affects users who already installed my app with this provision profile ? Thanks
Roma's user avatar
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Any ideas why my IOS upload via Application Loader fails with this error message if I use an adhoc provisioning?

I am a total noob with macs so apologies if I use the incorrect terminology. When I upload the an IPA file to iTunesConnect using the Application Loader with an adhoc profile I get this message: ...
Martin Pearson's user avatar
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Xcode won't import the appstore.mobileprovision-file

I'm trying to get my first app on the app-store and have been following the instruction of my teacher (creating certificate, app-id and provisioning profile.) When I double click my mobile ...
Klas Zetterlund's user avatar
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Wifi Reconnect Duration in iOS - IoT Provisioning

I have an IoT device that broadcasts a Wifi network upon startup. The device then launches a UDP server so a client can connect to it to send over Wifi credentials. I need to be able to check if those ...
Craigfoo's user avatar
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It is possible to add or remove UDIDs to an existing provisioning profile using the terminal?

There is a way, using the command line, to add and remove UDIDs from an iOS Adhoc provisioning profile?
DavidGuaita's user avatar
4 votes
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Unable to test on iPhoneSimulator with Xamarin Studio

I'm currently developping an app on Xamarin Studio with Xamarin.Forms the app works fine in android but on ios i can't even build my app ... At first i had the "no valid ios code signing keys found ...
user3718160's user avatar
2 votes
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ios when I add second app, do I need to add a second app's certificate?

I have one ios developer account. And I have distribution app in appstore. I want to add my second app to appstore. do I need to add certificate about second app? (and more information plz)
kkbpower's user avatar
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66 votes
10 answers

ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - iOS Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision."

When I upload to Application Loader I receive the following message: ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - iOS Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded....
Jones's user avatar
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Apple Watch invalid UIDeviceFamily

I've written an Apple watch application. When I was working at local, it was perfect. But now I am trying to build it with a signed provision. My provision and info.plist's are correct, I checked ...
user1334254's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Apple Store submit fails with Error ITMS-90046, but Associated Domains is not among entitlements

When I first built my app & Watchkit app, I had the "Associated Domains" capability enabled. I've disabled it in the "Capabilities" panel of both the watchkit extension and the companion app, and ...
brianfit's user avatar
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Error ITMS-90035 - Xcode 6.3.1 [Invalid Signature]

I am trying to submit this cocos2d app in the App Store. Provisioning / code-signing configuration is done properly, however, there's a target, TexturePacker that is giving errors (more specifically - ...
itzo's user avatar
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30 votes
10 answers

Xcode 6.3 - You already have a current iOS Development certificate or a pending certificate request

Xcode as of 6.3 is no longer allowing me to automatically perform device provisioning for a client. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I found no results when searching for this on Google... ...
dave's user avatar
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Cannot install ipa on device

I have signed a code with a distribution provisioning profile but when I generated the ipa in XCode 5.1 (Save for Enterprise/Adhoc Deployment), the app does not install in my device. I have checked ...
Rai King's user avatar
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when i archive with xcode6 ,failed to locate or generate matching signing assets

questios follows: No matching provisioning profiles found for "application/" none of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements:application-identifier,beta-reports-...
石健美's user avatar
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iOS Provisioning portal - wildcard App ID along with explicit App ID

I would like to be able to test on my device an application with push notifications (as well as game center or in-app purchase) so from what I've read I should use unique - explicit App ID for that ...
Whirlwind's user avatar
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is there a way to download a provisioning profile (with Jenkins or script) to build machine before a build?

I'm helping out someone building out a CI build for iOS on Jenkins and a situation came up where the provisioning profile that we were using was expired on the build machine, but was current in the ...
BeardedMan's user avatar

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