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Skip Proto file Binding classes generation if already present in AAR file or any other source

I have one AAR file added inside the libs directory in Android Studio project. I have added a proto compiler configurations inside the build.gradle file. I am trying to add a proto file inside the app ...
Satyam Gondhale's user avatar
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Android proto import files

I am making a Flutter android application which uses photo files. First I had all definitions based in one .proto file. But now I had to split the definitions onto multiple files. With one file my ...
Gijs Withagen's user avatar
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Does Protobuf JavaLite support google.protobuf.Struct / google.protobuf.Value?

Here is the proto message that we trying to send. message Cta { string title = 1; string pid = 2; google.protobuf.Struct params = 3; } Does protobuf-lite library which is recommended for ...
Sudev Ambadi's user avatar
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How can I solve "Type$1 is defined multiple times" problem on Android Studio

I am upgrading my Android app to support API 33. For that, I also upgraded protobuf & grpc libraries. Everything is upgraded and the app works if I build & run it directly from Android Studio ...
yasin tavukcuoglu's user avatar
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Caused by: org.gradle.api.GradleException: Cannot find a version of '' that satisfies the version constraints:

I am facing an error while building an android app with react-native, If anyone has an idea then help me out. Task failed with an exception. ----------- * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':...
Jatin Bhuva's user avatar
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In gRPC, why does the parameter type of my generated newStub method requires rather than ManagerChannel?

I'm trying to use gRPC in my android project. I have generated my java class by protoc compiling. However, I notice that the generated method newStub requires rather ...
david's user avatar
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How do I generate protobuf java files resolved for the correct package name?

I am using the protobuf gradle plugin ( to generate .java files from protbufs made by a different team at my company. My setup looks like so protobuf { ...
sonrohancue's user avatar
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Generating java class from proto-buf (not using protobuf-lite)

I had success generating protobuf code to java using java-lite, problem is that I need plain 'java' Project level: // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-...
MaaAn13's user avatar
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2 answers

gRPC client: error in compiled file (io.grpc.protobuf does not exist)

I made a simple protobuf+gRPC server/client example with Python, and wanted now to complete it with an Android Java client. However, I struggled through the documentation and got it mostly working (....
André's user avatar
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Android GRPC Protobuf not building/linking correctly

I am using protobufs in gradle java in my project but am having an issue parsing the proto below It seems to not build correctly ...
MandelDuck's user avatar
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579 views Program type already present:$Builder$LimitedInputStream

I am getting "Program type already present:$Builder$LimitedInputStream" runtime error.I have tried using multidix and also referred more links but ...
harini's user avatar
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Method Marshaller errors in protoc generated Grpc Services on Android

I have a server running the grpc endpoints which I'd like to connect to using an android client. I am trying to generate the required so that I could use the .newStub() methods for ...
Sudheesh Singanamalla's user avatar