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Google Protobuf in message add array of values, one string and array of objects

In good protobuf, i want to create json like below. how can i acheive that? { Action:"Add" "Row":[{ { "value": "29170944" }, { "value":[{...
user3157090's user avatar
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Need to use protbuf-java and protobuf-javalite at the same time

I'm currently creating an app with Unity, and I found the following errors while creating it. Execution failed for task ':launcher:checkReleaseDuplicateClasses'. A failure occurred while executing ...
LJH's user avatar
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Json Parser for Protobuf Java Lite

I have recently moved from protobuf-java to protobuf-java-lite, since I faced Duplicate Class Exception beacuse a library I am using uses protobuf-java-lite and I am using protobuf-java. A major ...
Abhilash's user avatar
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How can I use a self-defined RDF compression format, such as Protobuf, in my project?

Working with RDF Streams in Apache Jena: "If you want to use an alternative compression format you can do so by adding suitable dependencies into your project and passing an appropriate ...
user24538401's user avatar
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Encountered UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID from HEARTBEAT response - Kafka

I have created ProtoBuf file and using object file generated via protoc command in my code i.e. I am using Apache Kafka (Confluent) to handle the ...
Karan's user avatar
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Spring KafkaTemplate is setting some fields as blank after serialization

I have the following code snippet that should publish a message to kafka topic: @SneakyThrows public void publish(TransactionWebhookEvent event) { val payload = printer()....
Mohammed Hassan Amer's user avatar
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List of protobuf messages to JSON array

I have a protobuf message definition like this: message MyThing { string foo = 1; int32 bar = 2; } And a Java/Kotlin API that returns a List<MyThing> I need to format this as a JSON string, ...
Patrick Johnson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Invalid wrapper type: google.protobuf.StringValue

I was using your demo project: syntax = "proto3"; option csharp_namespace = "My.Package"; option java_package = "
yavorek's user avatar
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How to migrate to Gradle kts prototbuf configuration in my Android application build file

I am migrating to Gradle kts in my current Andriod application. The protobuf configuration is proving to be very challenging the original verson for gradle is as follows:- // Versions def ...
Hector's user avatar
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oneOf in protobuf descriptor due to optional fields

I have encountered strange protobuf-java behavior. If I have a message with optional fields message SearchRequest { optional string query = 1; optional int32 page_number = 2; optional int32 ...
Lukas's user avatar
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The descriptor for message type .google.protobuf.Timestamp cannot be found and a placeholder is created for it

I'm getting the above warning while executing tests. It seems that it doesn't affect anything and the tests are executed successfully. Any Idea why I'm seeing this warning?
DimitriosP's user avatar
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Skip Proto file Binding classes generation if already present in AAR file or any other source

I have one AAR file added inside the libs directory in Android Studio project. I have added a proto compiler configurations inside the build.gradle file. I am trying to add a proto file inside the app ...
Satyam Gondhale's user avatar
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Working with protobuf , i am facing this issue mvn protobuf:compile-custom goal

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.xolstice.maven.plugins:protobuf-maven-plugin:0.6.1:compile-custom (default) on project automation-utility: protoc did not exit cleanly. Review output for more ...
Yash Shrivastava's user avatar
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1 answer

How to marshall ? And ZonedDateTime in protostream 4.4.3java8

I have class P{ @ProtoField(number=1, CollectionImplementation=ArrayList.class) List<? extends Account> accounts; @ProtoField(number=2) ZonedDateTime fromDate; @ProtoFactory P(List<? extends ...
user1912935's user avatar
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Not able to decode standard protobuf encoded data to Avro POJO using Avro ProtobufDatumReader

I am trying to decode the protobuf encoded data in Java, with the objective to serialize it into the Avro POJO. Testing it out with simple protobuf (Sample.proto): syntax = "proto3"; option ...
knightWizard's user avatar
1 vote
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Which one should i use in protobuf? oneof, Any, Map?

I have a .proto, there is one message in it named Event. message Event{ string id=1; string param=2; } The param field of Event is a model defined by biz layer, different biz has different ...
唐子玄's user avatar
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Cannot resolve method 'merge(String, Builder)' on JsonFormat after upgrading protobuf-java-util from 3.25.3 -> 4.26.0

We are currently using the following Maven dependency: <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>protobuf-java-util</...
Jochen Hebbrecht's user avatar
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GCP Pubsub - protobuf message - Timestamp - Read issue

This is regarding GCP Pubsub and reading protobuf messasge from subscribed topic. Problem: What we observed that GCP's Unary Pull Java API not able to read messages (especially which has protobuf....
Sravan Kumar's user avatar
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Could not initialize class org.apache.pulsar.jetty.tls.JettySslContextFactory

Could not initialize class org.apache.pulsar.jetty.tls.JettySslContextFactory <pulsar-client.version>2.10.1</pulsar-client.version> <dependency> <groupId><...
user3454225's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does the text field of DialogFlow's ResponseMessage contain a string array?

In the example from Google's documentation, we see that the text responses from a detectIntent call are in the following format: { "responseId": "38e8f23d-eed2-445e-a3e7-149b242dd669&...
Paul's user avatar
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Java protobuf serialization as empty byte array

I have a simple proto like this (I cannot edit this file, please don't ask why): syntax = "proto3"; package abc; message Status { StatusCodeType statusCode = 1; enum StatusCodeType { ...
SoT's user avatar
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Grpc file is missing when using protoc to generate code

I'm learning grpc. This is a simple hello world example: syntax = "proto3"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "io.grpc.helloworld"; option ...
victorli's user avatar
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Cannot deserialize protobuf

I am having trouble de-serializing a protobuf. I am confident that it is serialized properly, as serialization works in all other cases. Here's a simplified proto file: syntax = "proto3"; ...
Oliver's user avatar
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how to map Object type variable of java in protobuf 3 for grpc

I have class with below properties in my service, I want to create a grpc service for this. but i am not able to find how can i map Object data in protobuf. public class FeatureDetails { private ...
Aysha's user avatar
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Using protobuf-java in GraalVM native image

Trying to convert existing Spring Boot micro-service to run on GraalVM native image came across an issue with protobuf generated classed with protobuf-java. Generated classes use reflection and need ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Convert Json to protobuf DynamicMessage fails to convert unix timestamp dates

I'm trying to dynamically convert a JSON string to a DynamicMessage from the protobuf library. Currently, I have the following piece of code: val topic = "sample-topic" // I'm using ...
Yorgos S.'s user avatar
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In Protobuf, are double or float types fixed size when serialized?

Are 'double' and 'float' data types fixed size in Protobuf? Do they occupy a fixed number of bytes (say 8 or 4 bytes) when serialized no matter what value (big or small) they actually keep? I want to ...
losingsleeep's user avatar
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De/Serialzing custom java types with protobuf in java [duplicate]

protocul buffer supports only a close set of types, like int32, strings, repeted, etc. The problem is that I want to create a custom deserializer for specific things. For example, look at this proto ...
Elad Barkay's user avatar
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Android proto import files

I am making a Flutter android application which uses photo files. First I had all definitions based in one .proto file. But now I had to split the definitions onto multiple files. With one file my ...
Gijs Withagen's user avatar
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Do we have Future Datatype in Protobuf

I am exploring on grpc My sample application fetches few records from Database + reads a file from S3(very small file) and returns the combined result. Since the file size is very less, i am not using ...
Jeevi's user avatar
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Does Protobuf JavaLite support google.protobuf.Struct / google.protobuf.Value?

Here is the proto message that we trying to send. message Cta { string title = 1; string pid = 2; google.protobuf.Struct params = 3; } Does protobuf-lite library which is recommended for ...
Sudev Ambadi's user avatar
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Packing map<string, string> type into google.protobuf.Any

I'm struggling with packing a protobuf map type into google.protobuf.Any in Java. The proto message I'm working with has the following schema: message Msg { google.protobuf.Any value = 1; } For ...
bszwej's user avatar
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Import was not found or had errors

I was executing the following command. mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip -Pbackends-velox -Dbuild_protobuf=OFF -Dbuild_cpp=ON -Dbuild_velox=On -Dvelox_home=${VELOX_HOME} -Dbuild_arrow=...
user17118231's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I solve "Type$1 is defined multiple times" problem on Android Studio

I am upgrading my Android app to support API 33. For that, I also upgraded protobuf & grpc libraries. Everything is upgraded and the app works if I build & run it directly from Android Studio ...
yasin tavukcuoglu's user avatar
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Proto buffer backward compatibility issue when field name is changed from capital to small

In current version of protobuff my oneoff looks something like below : oneof oneof_abc { double Value = 1; } But in updated version it looks like : oneof oneof_abc { double value = 1; } If you ...
Shubham Agrawal's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Proto datastore jetpack compose - gradle dependencies exception

I followed this codelab from the android developer platform: Added the same exact dependencies as shown in the codelab and I get the ...
Giuliopime's user avatar
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Allow Protobuf message to set null value

I am wondering if it would be possible to detect a protobuf value being set to null rather than just not set at all. For example if we have: message MyRequest { oneof my_value_case { ...
lagoon's user avatar
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Executing eclipse plug-in with maven

I am working on a protobuf plugin project where I have a bundle of protobuf dependencies imported as a plug-in dependency to my protobuf plugin. One of the dependencies is the protoc-jar-maven-plugin ...
bronzebeard's user avatar
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Protobuf deserialization speed up via hiding extra fields

Not too familiar with protobuf's implementation in java so I'm not certain if this will yield any benefits, but here is a thought I had. Say for a large pb struct that looks like the following: ...
Baiqing's user avatar
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Issue on R8 minify

I installed the new version of Android Studio and did update of my project (without changing dependencies) and i had this issue: Missing class
JpA's user avatar
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How to hook into protobuf java code generation?

Is there any way to hook into the generation of java classes when invoking protoc? I know there are plugins which can be created for protoc but as far as I understood it is only possible to generate ...
m-kay's user avatar
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How to do snapshot testing using protobuf3 text messages? [closed]

Can someone let me know if there is any library or extension available for doing snapshot testing using protobuf text messages? Something similar to what the below libraries do json-snapshot jest ...
tuk's user avatar
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Dynamic nested message types in protobuf

I have a use case where the incoming payload follows a top level schema and a nested schema. There can be 4 types of top level schema and infinite types of nested schema. I want to define my top level ...
Yousuf Memon's user avatar
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protoc-jar-maven-plugin unable to find dependent proto files in the same directory

I have a directory that stores all of my proto files at ${basedir}/resources/proto/, there is a file a.proto in which imports another proto file via resources/proto/b.proto. I tried the following ...
Baiqing's user avatar
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Register dynamic protobuf schemas in kafka schema registry generally

I implemented many pipelines that produce proto typed data to kafka. I want to see if there is a general way to register every proto file that uses different schema with the same function without ...
ArefehTam's user avatar
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how to integrate sentencepiece, protobuf into existing android project correctly

I am trying to integrate pytorch model to process language. This is why I need the sentencepiece to tokenize the sentence chunks. But I am unable to do that correctly. I did not find any robust ...
im07's user avatar
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Unable to use ProtobufUtil converting json to Protobuf

I am trying to convert json to protobuf and trying to use [Protubuf utility][1] mentioned here. When I run this under main method, then it works perfectly fine. However, if I am using this in a ...
user2640248's user avatar
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Convert Protobuf to Json without Quotes

ad_group { resource_name: "customers/8776659915/adGroups/143689544046" status: ENABLED type: VIDEO_TRUE_VIEW_IN_STREAM id: 143689544046 name: "Video Consideration - 2023-01-06&...
Keshavram Kuduwa's user avatar
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Kafka sink connector Error Executing stage 'TASK_PUT'

Hi guys i am writing a sink connector to push data from a protobuf topic to database. The connector status seems running but when checking logs i see the following error and no data is pushed to the ...
mayanksweden's user avatar
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Generating HTTP REST API endpoint from existing grpc .proto file with streaming

I have an existing java grpc server file that is generated from a .proto file. I need to add HTTP REST API endpoints for each of the rpc calls in my .proto file. Probably using google.api.http. The ....
cmg811's user avatar
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