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Prefect 3 - Error running task with a custom Docker container

I have a project with a simple python file that is containerized with a Dockerfile. The dockerfile is: FROM python:3.9-slim WORKDIR /app COPY . . RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt ...
Luke's user avatar
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Can't find local python package in parallel directory when using Prefect + Docker

I have setup a Prefect deployment on a Docker image. The problem is that my flow package depends on a local package which is in a parallel directory: main_folder |_ my_flow |_ src |_ my_flow ...
ultrapoci's user avatar
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How to create a run flow using prefect api?

I'm trying to run a prefect flow from a deployment I've already created. The name of my deployment is my-deployment-test. Context: I basically need to create a function that receives the deployment ...
Victor Longui's user avatar
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prefect warning message regarding task performance for longer running tasks

i have been getting the below warning message with tasks with larger run time most of my tasks take more than 10 seconds it says Try wrapping large task parameters with `prefect.utilities.annotations....
manoj's user avatar
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Can i integrate prefectHQ workflow orchestrator with saltstack

I'm new to this tools, i'm using this tools for migration tool in networking. Can I integrate PrefectHQ with SaltStack? I installed PrefecHq on VS code and understanding the basics of how flow, tasks ...
Kavana H M's user avatar
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PostgreSQL Table Size Increased After Aborted VACUUM FULL—Unable to Reclaim Space [duplicate]

I am using PostgreSQL deployed in a Kubernetes cluster, and I connect to it using pgAdmin via port forwarding. I recently ran the maintenance toolkit in pgAdmin on my Prefect database. During this ...
Avenash Sharma's user avatar
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Prefect 2.0.x MinIO Storage Block using in Fastapi environment cannot even save newly created Block or Load existing Block

I facing a problem when trying to use Prefect Storage Block in Fastapi. The error is below when I trying to call load or newly created save Block : File "/usr/lib/python3.8/json/
Galih Anggara's user avatar
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Efficiently processing large molecular datasets with Dask Disctributed, DataFrames and Prefect,

I'm working with a large dataset of molecular structures (approximately 240,000 records) stored in a PostgreSQL database. I need to perform computations on each molecule using RDKit. I'm using Dask ...
Polymood's user avatar
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Prefect with Google Cloud Run: Creating a New Execution ID for Each Flow in a Single Job

I am currently using Prefect cloud to orchestrate different tasks, and I am deploying these tasks as jobs on Google Cloud Run using the CloudRun Push workpool. Here's the situation I am facing: every ...
razvanv's user avatar
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How can I run Prefect flows using a Docker Worker pool and a local custom Docker image?

I'm new to Prefect and have a limited experience with Docker and I'm trying to deploy some existing Prefect flows so that they run inside a Docker container running an image I built myself, but ...
Vinicius Silva's user avatar
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Prefect is not running on Docker Container

I'm new to docker and prefect and trying to run a basic prefect flows with docker container from my local windows. Here is my Docker file # We're using the latest version of Prefect with Python 3.10 ...
user25982998's user avatar
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Prefect Doesn't Terminate Completed Flows in Windows

I came across the following situation: When prefect finishes a task, it continues to run in the windows server task manager. E.g.: The change name flow ended with full status, but it is still running ...
Fábio Mattes's user avatar
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Prefect worker using docker infrastructure not working properly after deploy

I'm trying to run a prefect worker on a work pool based on a docker infrastructure. I don't know why, it always gives me problems when the worker submits the flow and the container is run up. Maybe it ...
Dario Ranieri's user avatar
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Prefect Database high Lock time

I am running prefect 2.7.1 on Kubernetes on AWS EKS. I am using AWS RDS m7g.4xlarge as the database for prefect I am able to see spike in the wait time in the performance monitoring of the RDS going ...
deenbandhu's user avatar
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How do I get the Prefect "flow id" (uuid) from within a "task" in a programmatic way using Python?

How can I get the "flow id" (not the "flow run id") from Prefect using Python from within a "task?" The task is being executed by a flow. I'm using Prefect version 2.19.1 ...
Jono's user avatar
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Accessing the scheduled time from within a Prefect flow run

I plan to run Prefect 2 flows on a cron schedule - but is there any way to access, at runtime, the timestamp at which this particular run was scheduled? For example, if the flow is scheduled to run ...
DNA's user avatar
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Unable to run the Prefect server on machine's IP address when using NSSM

I have configured Prefect server on our Windows VM so that it runs on the machine's IP address. Here's how I did it. env\Scripts\activate.bat (env) prefect config set PREFECT_SERVER_API_HOST='SERVER-...
jsv's user avatar
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Prefect server :prefect.exceptions.ParameterBindError: Error binding parameters for function

i am attempting to use prefect to manage my flow,but adding @flow will result in an error.Can methods modified by @ flow not be related to classes? enter image description here Can methods modified ...
user19356890's user avatar
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Dockerfile runs runs locally but fails on Google Cloud Run

I have a Dockerfile, shown below: FROM --platform=linux/amd64 prefecthq/prefect:2-python3.12 RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install libpq-dev gcc RUN pip install --upgrade pip RUN pip ...
Matt's user avatar
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Run docker image as prefect task or flow

My question is effectively a duplicate of this question however the only answer is related to Prefect 1. I would like to know if anyone is aware of how to do such a thing in Prefect 2. I am able to ...
Del's user avatar
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Prefect: Unknown work pool type 'docker'. Please choose from block, process

I am attempting to follow the tutorial in the Prefect docs and I have gotten to the section where I need to create a docker work pool using the following command: prefect work-pool create --type ...
Del's user avatar
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Prefect and aiosqlite dependency problem - sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError)

I'm running a script with prefect using some tasks and flows. This script has run without problems before, but i'm experiencing problems with it without having changed it. script I just call ...
Thomas Leutz's user avatar
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ERROR | prefect.flow_runs.runner - Process for flow run exited with status code: -7

I am getting this Prefect error while I am running my script. The error is the following: 0%| | 0/2070 [00:00<?, ?it/s]09:36:01.917 | ERROR | prefect.flow_runs.runner - Process for flow ...
Petko Georgiev's user avatar
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Training sklearn estimators on large datasets throws aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientOSError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

I am trying to run prefect flow on Kubernetes. I have bigger dataset and want to train multiple estimators in parallel. See the below code for more in details. from sklearn.datasets import ...
maxx's user avatar
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Prefect: How to Make a Worker Activate a Flow Specific venv Before Flow Run?

Preface: this GitHub issue is semi-related I’m wondering what the correct method would be to associate a flow with a venv so that all flow runs are ran in the venv. I’m using a prefect worker and work ...
MrChadMWood's user avatar
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Secret Field not be imported when using prefect

ImportError: cannot import name 'SecretField' from 'pydantic' Hi guys, i having some trouble when using prefect I was installed prefect, activate venv and i had this :D ImportError: cannot import name ...
Hông Lê's user avatar
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Why doesn't a prefect task fail, if a contained dask.distributed task fails?

I'm running a workflow using Prefect using a DaskTaskRunner, which creates and holds a dask.distibuted.LocalCluster instance. Inside a prefect task I use a dask_ml.RandomSearchCV and fit it, which by ...
timaie's user avatar
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ImportError: cannot import name 'SecretField' from 'pydantic'

I'm using prefect on a gitlab CI and it was working fine until now when it had this error: from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, SecretField ImportError: cannot import name 'SecretField' from '...
user15915737's user avatar
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prefect orion start error: No such command 'orion'

I am learning workflow orchestration from data engineering zoomcamp and have successfully ingested the data to postgresql with prefect flow but when I try to run command prefect orion start to see the ...
npkp's user avatar
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Prefect trigger docker image

So I have a docker image on Azure container instance which I can start manually on azure portal. Now I want to run this image using prefect. Is there any way to create a deployment where it just runs ...
david backx's user avatar
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Prefect : ImportError: cannot import name 'SecretField' from 'pydantic'

I'm currently using prefect to orchestrate some simple task in python. It's working fine until I get this error : Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 2, in <module&...
user15915737's user avatar
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How to run locally scheduled flow in Prefect V2

I used to work with local scheduled flows in prefect v1 like : from prefect import Flow, Task from prefect.schedules import CronSchedule @Task def hello_world(): print("hello world") ...
Matthieu Allier's user avatar
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Is Prefect's VertexRun a GCP or AWS solution?

In Prefect's documentation, under the definition of vertex run the example definition was for Google's "e2-standard-4". However, it says there that the spec should be workerPoolSpec linking ...
yuvalm2's user avatar
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Connect to a Keycloak securised Prefect api url with Prefect CLI

I've built my own gke cluster to run jobs on it I've deployed prefect-server, let's say on but since it has no authentification system, i've deployed keycloak on top of it ...
Noa Be's user avatar
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Prefect - Unable to Persist Dask Dataframe to Dask Client

I'm fairly new Prefect and struggling with using Dask persistence within a Prefect Flow. I'm not sure if this an issue with code or a limitation within Prefect. I made the following trivial example of ...
mavcp10's user avatar
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using HAProxy to expose service UI - behind haproxy on Kubernetes

My problem: Exposing a UI for service behind haproxy fails Details: I'm using a server (Prefect) that exposes an API and UI in different urls. Using haproxy for routing and authentication with the API ...
Lior Barak's user avatar
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Prefect: User "system:serviceaccount:hm-prefect:prefect-worker" cannot create resource "jobs" in API group "batch" in the namespace "default"

As Prefect work pools and workers are now generally available after 2.11.0. I am trying to switch from Prefect Agent to Prefect Worker. I deployed Prefect Server by helm upgrade \ prefect-server \ ...
Hongbo Miao's user avatar
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How to get a Prefect flow to run inside a conda environment

I'm new to Prefect and I'm trying to get my flow to run inside a conda environment. I'm trying to follow the yaml manifest deployment outlined here:
LattePrincess's user avatar
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Kubernetes prefect UI cannot connect to api

So I am having an issue with prefect-server UI connecting to my API within my kubernetes environment. I am using a nginx as my ingress. I have my ingress configuration for the prefect-server service ...
cozzymotto's user avatar
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Why is "pip install prefect" downloading different versions of Prefect on different computers

When running a prefect python (3.11) script on a Windows OS, I am getting the error: lib\site-packages\prefect\utilities\", line 5, in <module> import resource ...
Noah Kuss's user avatar
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Wait for successful execution of previous flow on Prefect

I'm trying to use Prefect 2 to configure the execution of a few tasks on Windows. I often have problems with some tasks, that I might need to fix manually and re-run it. After this, I want other tasks ...
Mefitico's user avatar
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Starting Prefect server on Windows

After installing prefect version 2.10.15 and having the Scripts folder for python in my PATH variable I ran the command prefect server start to find the error: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ | _ \ _ \ ...
Mefitico's user avatar
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prefect-shell: Task run encountered an exception: RuntimeError: PID xxx failed with return code 6

When I run Rclone to list the difference between a local folder and a S3 folder in shell directly, it succeed. ➜ rclone copy --dry-run --include="*.tdms" --use-json-log /Users/hongbo-miao/...
Hongbo Miao's user avatar
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sending on_failure email in

I am trying to send myself an email whenever a task fails but I am having some issues. Here is my code for context: from prefect_email import email_send_message, ...
Mitchell's user avatar
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Deploy work queue in a paused state Prefect 2.0

I'm working in Prefect 2.0 and want to deploy a work pool with some work queues inside. These work queues each contain a specific task. This is the YAML file I'm using for the deployment: ### ### A ...
larsje99's user avatar
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How to delete Prefect blocks in Python?

I am using Prefect 2. I am able to create Prefect blocks, for example, AWS Credentials and Kubernetes Job blocks by from prefect_aws import AwsCredentials from prefect.infrastructure import ...
Hongbo Miao's user avatar
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How to run Prefect over https with nginx?

I have a server running CentOS 7. On this server Prefect is installed and runs over port 4200. I access Prefect over http://localhost:4200/xyz. I would like to run Prefect over https. So the goal is ...
A-KR's user avatar
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Prefect role deployment

Currently I'm working with Prefect and learning about it. I saw in the documentation that it's possible to assign and create different roles within Prefect Cloud for the necesarry access control. Now ...
larsje99's user avatar
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I'm unable to access my Prefect 2 server remotely

I'm trying to set-up a Prefect 2 docker container but I can't access the running server instance from outside. I'm 100% sure this is a Prefect problem because I tested everything with netcat and curl ...
Snowberry's user avatar
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Prefect changing the value a variable when writing to google storage

Hi I am beginning to think that prefect is changing the value of a variable, here is the situation: when writing to a google cloud storage, when I use the upload_from_path on my code you will see that ...
Juan Lozano's user avatar

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