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Porting the RadioHead library for Heltec Cubecell AB01/02 (ASR650x + SX1262)

My question is regarding porting the RadioHead library. This is the RadioHead Packet Radio library for embedded microprocessors. It provides a complete object-oriented library for sending and ...
Trav Erse's user avatar
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1 answer

How did MinGW port GCC to Windows?

I'm trying to understand how MinGW ported GCC to Windows. I know that GCC originates from the Unix world and, for myriad reasons, cannot simply be copied across to Windows as an executable nor built ...
R M's user avatar
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Find Maximum in Assembly code does not work for 64 bits register

I am following a book about Assembly for x86 called "Programming Ground UP" from Jonathan Bartlett. The examples are written to x86 architecture and I am trying to adapt to x64. Many ...
Fabio Paolini's user avatar
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QT 4 LibQXT alternatives for QT6

I am currently trying to port a whole program from QT4 OpenSUSE to QT6 Debian 12.5 Kernal 6.1 The original code makes a lot of use of a QXT extension library, of which I have the following references :...
Niche's user avatar
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rust, building from source, cross build of native compiler

I am searching a way to build a native version of rustc in cross mode from source code. I have a specific target-A and libLLVM with backend for this target-A. So there are a two copies of libLLVM. One ...
Павел's user avatar
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Makefile - Header files not found even after inclusions

I am porting nRF8001 library to a stm32 mcu and in the makefile no matter how I include the header files it's not recognizing the path. I am not sure what's wrong with this makefile TARGET=main ...
Hako's user avatar
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-4 votes
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rust how recreate function from js [closed]

function add(...args){ if (args.length === 0) return []; const a = args[0]; let res = []; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ const elements = => x[i]); res.push(Array....
Olgierd Kowalewski's user avatar
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How about porting the usbhost code generated by stm32cube to gd32?

I have encountered a problem in my project, I need to port the usbhost code framework generated by stm32cubemx to gd32, without modification, it can detect the insertion of the u-disk, but there will ...
LEVEN tao's user avatar
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How can I automatically reference a C++ DLL when using a C# class library in another project?

This is my first time using C++ dll. I have created a C# class library project that uses a C++ dll. After Googling, I ported the cpp dll using 'DllImport' I built the project and confirmed that the '...
jhKim's user avatar
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how to support threadx module for risc v

I need use the theadx module feature in risc v platform, but the threadx module only support arm core now. I have studied the threadx module source code and riscv PMP. But it's still a diffcult thing ...
ym zhang's user avatar
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Switching from wsconsume to wsimport changes namespace

I'm having problems with code generated from wdl while porting from Java 8 to Java 11. Using maven 3.8.7 in both cases. This is the pom.xml file that has been working with Java 1.8.0 <plugin> &...
Joe Gibbs's user avatar
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Porting code that wraps ODBC API to 64 bit questions

I am writing software (OSS), that utilizes ODBC API and yet I ran only on 32 bit. Now I figured out that I have to port to 64 bit due to lack of support on modern Mac OS X for 32 bit. When I start ...
lollisoft's user avatar
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Issue with converting map_Kd texture into a usable format for three.js port

So, this is a somewhat uncommon issue. However, I'm attempting to create a headless Node.js renderer for OBJ and MTL files with Three.js. I've managed to rewrite the loaders to load from local files ...
Reece Harris's user avatar
1 vote
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Port INN code validation from Java to JavaScript

I want to validate the INN code. I have code snippet in Java which validates the INN code and want to port it to JavaScript to use it on my website (React): for (int index = 0; index < ...
Hunter91151's user avatar
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Minecraft/Spigot: Porting from Spigot 1.8 to 1.20 | Packets

Hello I wanted to port a old plugin from 1.8 to 1.20. I never used a higher version than 1.8 spigot and I also didnt coded anything since 4 years in that either. My old Plugin contained a function ...
user23010873's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

CRC computation port from C to Python

I need to convert the following CRC computation algorithm to Python: #include <stdio.h> unsigned int Crc32Table[256]; unsigned int crc32jam(const unsigned char *Block, unsigned int uSize) { ...
ZioByte's user avatar
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from elasticsearch-php 6.x to 8.x - fail to deserialize the reponse as object

I need to update a website php from elasticsearch-php 6.x to 8.9.1 (current). An example of old code /* init Elasticsearch-PHP */ if (!is_object($this->client)) { $this->client = ...
Suvier's user avatar
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One Ui 6 QuickTime port for S10 one ui 5.1 rom

Hi im currently working on Porting the New Quick and New Media Player of one ui 6 to S10 one ui 5.1 rom Ivan xda To install via magisk I have got both SystemUi.apk And have Decompile both to a folder ...
Ulrich Riebeling's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to build uboot for device using old include-style config files?

I am trying to port some custom board-support patches from old (2012-ish) Uboot to something slightly more recent (around 2018). Of course a lot has changed in meantime. However, I managed to sort out ...
zbro's user avatar
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Matlab mldivide and arrayfire solve

I am trying to port some Matlab code to c++ using arrayfire. In one place the Matlab code is like: tmp = (R\v0); where R is a 9x9 complex double and v0 is a 9x1 complex double. in my arrayfire the ...
Frank Allen's user avatar
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Porting SDL3 game to android

I've been trying to port my SDL3 game to android, the application builds, but upon opening the application it crashes immediately, I looked into logcat and it prints this error: Error ...
koogel's user avatar
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.Net 6 generate *.resx or convert *.resources to *.resx

I have to port some app from .NET Framework to .NET6. The app generates Localization.resx using ResXResourceWriter, but in .NET6 it not supported anymore. As I understood Microsoft moved to another ...
Vladislav Bratitsa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Porting a Minecraft MOD from 1.17.1 to 1.18.2 Structure Changes

As the title states I'm trying to port a mod from 1.17.1 to 1.18.2. Haven't coded in a few years and I'm currently stuck with this final issue. private boolean isTower(ServerLevel level, BlockPos pos) ...
arizona440's user avatar
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Porting Qmake to Cmake - Gstreamer - External Board

i'm currently trying to port a Qmake project to Cmake. I'm facing problems including the gstreamer library through pkgconfig. My Qmake, which works, is : INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD DEPENDPATH += $$PWD ...
mungimatte's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I port a non-SPA AngularJS app to Angular, one component per page?

I have a fairly large legacy ASP.Net MVC app that uses different AngularJS controllers on each of about 20 different pages. Many modules, services, and directives are shared, but this application has ...
Kevin's user avatar
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rand_seed() initialization failed in OpenSSL 3.0.7

We are trying to port OpenSSL 3.0.7 on RTOS & getting a failure during Rand initialization. Same code/logic is working on 1.1.1 & 1.0.2 OpenSSL versions. Can you please help us with the steps/...
Anshu Agarwal's user avatar
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Automatically changing typed syntax into the current language

There are so many minor syntaxes changes like .push() vs .append() and .count() vs .length() vs .size() vs len() that I'm having trouble remembering all the small changes between each language. Is ...
BinaryCubed's user avatar
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Moving scripts from GAS to office-js

I have written some scripts for spreadsheets in Google Apps Script. Right now, I have to move them to Excel. The scripts are not really difficult, they just fill a table with content from another ...
der-clee's user avatar
3 votes
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CStringArray MFC serialization on 32bit and deserialization on 64 bit

I'm struggling a lot porting an MFC application from 32bit to 64bit. I have same classes with CStringArray members and they use the CArchive serialization and all works fine in 32 bit app. Now I split ...
GiordiX's user avatar
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Porting RTOS from existing processor to a new processor

Could somebody suggest the procedure to port the RTOS in existing processor to a new processor. I'm stuck at the beginning, looking for some help from the beginning.
Kowshik's user avatar
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System.BadImageFormatException: 'Could not load file or assembly' - C# / C++

I try to be as detailed as possible in explaining our situation, premising that we made several attempts in relation to other similar situations found on stackoverflow. Specifically, we have a project ...
Lorenzo Vettori's user avatar
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plt.savefig shows different images on google colab in respect to local saves of the same code

I'm saving the output of a transform which generates 2D images starting from 1D signals. The code works on google colab and now I'm porting it into local python code. The issue arises when I use the ...
PiEmmeC's user avatar
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Porting LUA to SGX application

I want to use Luacpp in an SGX application. For example, in the SampleEnclave application, I want to send some Lua codes to be executed securely in SGX. I have updated the Enclave's MakeFile to make ...
taserghar's user avatar
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How to port QT QVariantMap to STL C++?

I want to port QVariant and QVariantMap to STL c++. I tried with boost variant and C++17 variant. I'm not able to access the values of map which is in variant type. I have different datatype values ...
Sirisha's user avatar
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Java based Rate limiter with Redis + RollingLimit + backoff

I am looking for a Java based ratelimiter approach similar to the javascript version here. I am essentially looking for a similar setup where I use the rolling-limit strategy tied to the timestamps ...
Rajagopal M's user avatar
3 votes
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How to fix VFP asm code made for armeabi (arm5 or 6) to run on ARM v7?

Here's a short introduction to what's this about. I come from the PSVita homebrew community, where Andy Nguyen made so-loader, basically a library that allows us to execute Android .so's by resolving ...
Vladimir Atamanenko's user avatar
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How to specify the physical CoreIDs used for "CLOSE" when specifying OMP_PROC_BIND?

We are trying to optimize HPC applications using OpenMP on a new hardware platform. These applications need precise placement/pinning of their cores or performance falls in half. Currently, we ...
user2465201's user avatar
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An error occurred while converting the C extension file( test1.c ) compiled by the pro*c file into a wasm file through Emscripten

An error occurred while converting the C extension file( test1.c ) compiled by the pro*c file into a wasm file through Emscripten. I am using Emscripten to convert legacy code to WebAssembly's WASM ...
Noah SEO's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can i install Python-dev inside a docker container?

I have a docker container (bash),i want to install numpy inside the container using command pip intsall numpy but it gives error SystemError: Cannot compile 'Python.h'. Perhaps you need to install ...
Sankalp jha's user avatar
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.NET 6 Setting Socket Options for MacOS

I am porting a C# .NET 4.8 app to .NET 6.0 I have the following code fragment: //Set the socket options mainSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName....
Leon's user avatar
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boost-python3 program crashes on exit

While porting program from boost-python2 to boost-python3, I came to situation, that boost program with embedded python3 crashes on exit, though same code built with python 2.7 works well. This case ...
dhyan.nataraj's user avatar
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Zephyr Porting to an SoC based on already supported CPU

Is there any video or pdf tutorial which shows step by step guide on how to do Zephyr porting to a new SoC. I know there is a page on Zephyr website,
Sheikh Muhammad Junaid Aslam's user avatar
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Is there any best way to port all eventbus code to coroutine from a lagacy Android project?

We have a large lagacy Android project. It's code contains hundreds of greenrobot eventbus source. We need to port them to kotlin coroutine version now. What is the best and high efficiency way to ...
user8020342's user avatar
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A minimal OpenGL example in PyQt6 does not work. Error: "invalid operation" in glClearColor

I try to run a very simple OpenGL example: import sys from OpenGL import GL as gl from PyQt6.QtOpenGLWidgets import QOpenGLWidget from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication class Widget(QOpenGLWidget):...
8Observer8's user avatar
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Does Vue 3 support something like Angular-Services?

I'm porting a project from AngularJs to Vue3. In Angular we have a service component, which creates und supplies objects to components. The objects are automatically reactive, if they are used in a ...
mmyta's user avatar
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Partially Porting PJLIB - Without IOQUEUE, select abstraction, and socket abstraction API

I would like to use the PJSIP library to implement a small SIP softphone on an embedded system. Since this embedded system does not offer Linux or support POSIX, I would like to port the PJLIB library ...
Fwause's user avatar
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Namespace and assembly names when porting .NET code between platforms and technologies

I have a few (over 50) .NET Framework assemblies that I've developed over time. I've always followed the convention to name my assemblies after the root namespace in the application. For example, I ...
CesarGon's user avatar
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porting python ctypes from linux to windows, testing

I'm currently trying to contribute to an open source python package (ObsPy) with a python module that uses c-code at its core (using ctypes). The code I'm adding have been developed, tested, used on ...
cpaitor's user avatar
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Porting simplest AES ECB to C#

I try to port a quite simple python snippet to C#. My code is actually working, but does not produces the same output for a given input. The "reference implementation" I got in Python: from ...
Seven's user avatar
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convert from java6 to java8 using stream and filter [closed]

I have the below code and need to convert to java8 using stream and filter.Can someone please help? for (CertEntity entity : listOfExpiredCert){ if (entity!=null && entity....
satya's user avatar
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