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PostgreSQL GIN index size stuck at 0 bytes

I have the following kind of a database running in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL (latest version of PostgreSQL ans citus): testingtable id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, first_name TEXT NOT NULL,...
DeadlyHigh's user avatar
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operator class "gin_trgm_ops" does not exist for access method "gin"

psycopg2.errors.UndefinedObject: operator class "gin_trgm_ops" does not exist for access method "gin" Hello everybody, this is the whole message when I try to run pytest on my ...
Ubaydullo Ibrohimov's user avatar
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Postgres: How to optimize similarity queries searching columns on multiple tables? (pg_trgm)

I am trying to optimize a similarity (word_similarity) query, which searches multiple columns on 2 tables. The tables and their indices look like this: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm; -- ...
Marnix.hoh's user avatar
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How to create a Postgres GIST Index (gist_trgm_ops) with two concatenated fields using Prisma ORM

Let's assume I have table with multiple columns. For instance: id int first_name varchar(50) first_name varchar(50) example record would be +----+------------+------------+ | id | first_name | ...
rbrandino's user avatar
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Jooq and postgres: pg_trgm operators in plain sql produce error "operator does not exist"

Technologies I am using: java, spring boot, jooq, postgres with pg_trgm extension, r2dbc. I am trying to use pg_trgm operators for a simple search on Postgres, but jooq throws an error. Code sample: ...
fedpet's user avatar
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Postgres ignores my gin index for a similarity query

In my table (around 12 million rows), I have a text field called full_name and the id. I also have the following indexes: create index entities_full_name_gin_trgm_ops_index on temp.entities using ...
Sassa's user avatar
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Postgres ilike combined with similarity pg_trgm?

I'm experimenting with pg_trgm in my codebase for search. So far it works really well for search queries > 4 characters, which makes sense given how pg_trgm works. There are however several ...
Msencenb's user avatar
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PostgreSQL pg_trgm, longer search terms slower issue

I'm experiencing an issue with pg_trgm, where the longer the query length, the longer the execution time. Is this normal? Below is a configuration and test way Configure temp tables and indexes ...
bonjugi's user avatar
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Postgres similarity (or text search) matching partial document

Call me an amateur full-text search dev, here... I've read some tutorials, but now hit a bit of a wall. The following uses Postgres's pg_trgm module: => select similarity('Foo', 'Foo Bar'); ...
Sander Verhagen's user avatar
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How to achieve sub 1s Trigram/Vector search in Postgres when searching long strings

I'm compiling a database of decently sized documents (anywhere from 20 to 500 characters), and I would like to be able to very quickly (under 1s) search through them. I started with around 100k rows ...
oseun22's user avatar
9 votes
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How to improve or speed up Postgres query with pg_trgm?

Are there any additional steps I can take to speed up query execution? I have a table with more than 100m rows and I need to do search for matching strings. For that I checked two options: Compare ...
Dmiich's user avatar
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postgres join table with condition and limitation

I need to join 6 tables by item_name, (The DB of each table is lower than 10k items except 1 table with 30k,table_1 is the samllest with 5k items) I join tables by same id or name where them both are ...
Bennyh961's user avatar
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Postgres not using trgm index with Concat

I created a trigram index on full name where full_name = first_name || ' ' || last_name. CREATE INDEX "user_full_name_trgm" ON "user" using gin (upper(first_name || ' ' || ...
Shashwat Kumar's user avatar
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How to index a column for leading wildcard search and check progress?

My table has 650M rows (according to a fast but decently precise estimate from a query I found here). It has a text column called receiver_account_id, and I need to be able to search those records ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How could I optimize this SQL request to find similarity in name ? (pg_trgm.similarity)

I have created a query which takes about 15 min to complete with 20.000+ records What I'm trying to do is pairing clients with similarity in their full name My current query : SELECT a.full_name, ...
Miklw's user avatar
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Real number comparison for trigram similarity

I am implementing trigram similarity for word matching in column comum1. similarity() returns real. I have converted 0.01 to real and rounded to 2 decimal digits. Though there are rank values greater ...
Mehul's user avatar
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Implementing K-Gram indexing in postgres

I am trying to implement an index in postgres for wild card queries such as SELECT * FROM TABLENAME WHERE COL1 LIKE '<text>%'; I know postgres offers gin and gist trigram indexing through ...
Ashwin Prasad's user avatar
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How to search many values with Postgres trigram?

If I have a table with the values name and surname, how do I search for those two values? Example I set a threshold to filter out unwanted values, and then I can find similarity with table name and ...
Dmiich's user avatar
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Error while running fuzzy search using pg_trgm extension

I have created pg_trgm extension in postgres. Application works fine for querying for several days. But after few days, gives an error ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying % text Hint: No ...
Prerna's user avatar
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How do I fetch similar posts from database where text length can be more than 2000 characters

As far as I'm aware, there is no simple, quick solution. I am trying to do a full-text keyword or semantic search, which is a very advanced topic. There are dedicated search servers created ...
Arnob's user avatar
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Can this postgresql query be further optimized?

we're building a translation editor and one of the main use cases is to find similar translations in the database. The main entities are: segment, translation_record and user. Segment can be either ...
Sebastjan Hribar's user avatar
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PostgreSQL search using like does not return right value

I am using pg_trgm in my name column as : create index if not exists idx_gin_iperson_name on iperson using gin (name gin_trgm_ops) in iperson table, I have a column with name Jose Goruir and in ...
Alireza Rahmani Khalili's user avatar
4 votes
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How to make PostgreSQL use gin_trgm_ops index for equality comparison

There is a table and a gin index, Insert 1,000,000 random numbers. 0 < number < 100,000. Test two equivalent queries create table Test ( id serial primary key, code varchar(255) not ...
user10339780's user avatar
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Postgres function raising error when calling from Python script but running fine in PgAdmin

I have a postgres function called 'medrealize()' inside which i am creating temp table and creating index for temp tables using below lines CREATE INDEX SQLOPS_RefICD_ICD10_idx ON t$...
User123's user avatar
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Set GUC parameter or use PGOPTIONS environment variable with PgBouncer

Can I make PgBouncer preserve the PGOPTIONS environment variable in transaction pooling to configure GUC parameters? Or is there another way to configure these parameters in PgBouncer so that it ...
Frederik Baetens's user avatar
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AWS Postgres setting pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold

I'm trying to set the pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold GUC parameter on an RDS postgres (13) instance. I have tried setting it with a post-deployment SQL script: SET pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold ...
PolarGiraffe's user avatar
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Install pg_trgm on postgres 9.4.24

I'm trying to use the similarity function on a Greemplum system using postgres 9.4.24 version. The Greenplum System is running on a CentOS 7 cluster (CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)) I've managed ...
Matias's user avatar
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Index jsonb column keys using GIN and pg_trgm, for ILIKE queries in Rails

I have a table "Leads" with the following structure : # == Schema Information # # Table name: leads # # id :integer not null, primary key # data ...
the_namikaze's user avatar
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how to use pg_trgm operators e.g (<-> ) in python

I'm using the pg_trgm for similarity search on PostgreSQL DB and I need to return the results to the PostGIS table, but I'm getting this programmer error, I learned that this error is related to ...
Kerim Mirzeyev's user avatar
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Strange sorting behavior with bigint column via GiST index in PostgreSQL

I'm working on implementing a fast text search in PostgreSQL 12.6 (Ubuntu 20.04.2 VBox) with custom sorting, and I'm using pg_trgm along with GiST (btree_gist) index for sorted output. The idea is to ...
DrazenG's user avatar
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Django TrigramSimilarity returns errors with Full Text Search on GIN index

Hello I'm trying to make search on Django with postgresql/FTS on a GIN indexed column but get a weird error. This error does ot appear on CharField but only on a SearchVectorField: the Postgresql ...
David's user avatar
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Better Postgres trigram ranking

I'm searching several million names and addresses in a Postgres table. I'd like to use pg_trgm to do fast fuzzy search. My app is actually very similar to the one in Optimizing a postgres similarity ...
ccleve's user avatar
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How to install Django pg_trgm by makemigrations?

I have a Django app and a Postgresql database (in production). Now I want to intall pg_trgm extension for Postgres. But I can't find any step-by-step instructions for installing it from Django app. I ...
Vit Amin's user avatar
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Matching a small table (<1,000 rows) to a large table (>100m rows) using pg_trgm—most efficient method?

This is a problem that comes up often in my work with various different data sets, so please excuse me presenting it in general terms rather than using a specific example. I often need to get records ...
Louis Goddard's user avatar
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Turn off recheck in trgm index

We have a postgres column that uses the trigrams index (pg_trgm). The index works well but is VERY slow: the final recheck for false positives consumes >99% of the overall query time (bitmap index ...
user124114's user avatar
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Will trigram index on multiple columns make search faster and how to make such search properly?

Let's assume I have table with multiple columns. For instance: id int name text surname text cars json example record would be +----+------+---------+------------------------------------+ | id | ...
Sheyko Dmitriy's user avatar
12 votes
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Edge NGram search in PostgreSQL

I need to make search-as-you-type autocomplete for a large list of companies (over 80,000,000). The company name should contain the word that starts with a search query like this +-------+------------...
Yevhen Bondar's user avatar
8 votes
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How to make a fast pg_trgm DESC (descending)?

I have a list of 100.000 sentences in a table, with pg_trgm I can get the closest ones of my string "super cool" very fast with a GIN/GIST index. See the official example : https://www.postgresql....
Laurent Debricon's user avatar
4 votes
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Postgres `gin_trgm_ops` index not being used

I'm trying to speed up some text matching in Postgres, using the pg_trgm extensions: CREATE TABLE test3 (id bigint, key text, value text); insert into test3 values (1, 'first 1', 'second 3'); insert ...
user124114's user avatar
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Django Postgres search with TrigramSimilarity

If I use 'title' in my post_search function it works perfectly. Post.objects.annotate( similarity=TrigramSimilarity('title', query) ).filter(...
farschmessivo's user avatar
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Find fuzzy duplicates on single column rows with pg_trgm

I was trying to find duplicates on column rows, but as they are fuzzy (not the same value, misspelling, indent space) I have to use pg_trgm extensions and similarity() function to find those. The ...
Pavel Nasevich's user avatar
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How to use pg_trgm operators(e.g. %>) in django framework?

I'm using the pg_trgm for similarity search on PostgreSQL DB and I need to return the results to the front by using the Django model. But, I got a problem that the operator %> cannot be recognized ...
Chasedream's user avatar
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Trigram Index ORDER BY optimization

I am trying to implement a search function and after some investigation (see this interesting read by Yorick Peterse at GitLab) I decided I would opt for the trigram approach using the pg_trgm ...
Kathandrax's user avatar
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Django trigram_similar

I've been trying to implement trigram_similar functionality in my Django backend code. I get an error: web_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): web_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/...
nwar1994's user avatar
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pg_trgm, similarity and finding duplicate questions by their answers

I have a table named Questions. It has the content field (which contains a question) and an answer field. The whole table has around 22k rows and I'm trying to figure out how to search for duplicate ...
ere's user avatar
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PostgreSQL GIN index for BIGINT column

I have table tbl with columns - data TEXT - fk_id BIGINT - text TEXT There is over 100M records, and ~1K different values for fk_id. I need to run query like this SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE fk_id=12345 ...
Yevhen Bondar's user avatar
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Postgres 9.5 cache lookup failed

I am trying to install pg_trgm into postgres (Using postgres 9.5 on ubuntu 16) by doing CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm. The first executable line of pg_trgm--1.1.sql is CREATE FUNCTION set_limit(float4) ...
manji369's user avatar
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Fuzzy date search/Optimizing LIKE with date type

Well, I will be pretty straightforward - I encountered with huge performance drop when implementing birthday search in my app - I'm using LIKE and this is not left-anchored expression (as date column ...
Pavel Nasevich's user avatar
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Rails 5, Postgres, ActiveRecord - how to include function value as model field

I am using the Trigram module (pg_trgm) for Postgres in a Rails 5 application for text search. I have been able to successfully find satisfactory results using the following call to find a limit ...
Michael Morgan's user avatar
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postgresql pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold decreasing

SET pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold TO 0.2; lowers the threshold for current session but does not do it for database. I need to lower the threshold for supporting spelling mistakes.
Rakesh's user avatar
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