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How could I optimize this SQL request to find similarity in name ? (pg_trgm.similarity)

I have created a query which takes about 15 min to complete with 20.000+ records What I'm trying to do is pairing clients with similarity in their full name My current query : SELECT a.full_name, ...
Miklw's user avatar
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How do I fetch similar posts from database where text length can be more than 2000 characters

As far as I'm aware, there is no simple, quick solution. I am trying to do a full-text keyword or semantic search, which is a very advanced topic. There are dedicated search servers created ...
Arnob's user avatar
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pg_trgm, similarity and finding duplicate questions by their answers

I have a table named Questions. It has the content field (which contains a question) and an answer field. The whole table has around 22k rows and I'm trying to figure out how to search for duplicate ...
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