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How to efficiently append to a file?

I'm appending data to a log file using OPFS (Origin Private File System browser API) and I noticed it's very slow. It takes ~22ms to write 5MB to a new file but it also takes ~23ms to append a single ...
NVI's user avatar
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90 views empty when called from browser.tabs.executeScript?

I'm trying to create a Dev Tools panel to inspect the origin private file system, as it's apparently missing from the Storage panel in the latest version (115) of Firefox LTS. However, when using ...
JamesTheAwesomeDude's user avatar
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Can't access 'createSyncAccessHandle' on type FileSystemFileHandle

Property 'createSyncAccessHandle' does not exist on type 'FileSystemFileHandle'.ts(2339) const root = await; const File1 = await root.getFileHandle('file.txt', { ...
rambo's user avatar
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Missing FileSystemDirectoryHandle.keys() method in VSCode IntelliSense

I miss the FileSystemDirectoryHandle.keys() method in VS Code (version 1.84.1). TypeScript version 5.2.2 is used. Is there a specific reason that this method is not shown and is there a plan to ...
Pascal's user avatar
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Where does OPFS with SQLite WASM store files for the chrome extension?

Simple but deceptively difficult question: I got what I was trying to get working here: Using OPFS (Origin Private FileSystem) with SQLite WASM in background.js Chrome Extention (Worker is not defined ...
Joseph Astrahan's user avatar
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Using OPFS (Origin Private FileSystem) with SQLite WASM in background.js Chrome Extention (Worker is not defined error)

I'm trying to get persistent storage working with WASM SQLite. My code in the background.js file is this const worker = new Worker('./worker.js'); worker.postMessage({ loadSQLite: true }); But it ...
Joseph Astrahan's user avatar