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How can I get the standard error of the standard deviation of the random intercept in a cumulative linear mixed model using "ordinal" package in R?

# A tibble: 7,500 × 4 cluster cluster_size x ordinal_y <int> <int> <dbl> <fct> 1 1 1 2.57 4 2 1 2 3.59 4 ...
Abu Hanifa's user avatar
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Why are the threshold coefficients of my cumulative link mixed model seemingly very large? [migrated]

I'm fitting a cumulative link mixed model with the ordinal package. The data is repeated measures (survey taken at three time points). The model converges without issue and the estimates look ...
AKing's user avatar
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"too large a matrix for LINPACK" when fitting a generalized ordered probit/logit model in R with large dataset

I'm working with a large dataset of around 5,000,000 observations, and I need to fit a generalized ordered probit or logit model using R. Here’s the code that I'm currently running: library(dplyr) ...
Mateo's user avatar
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Index construction for multivariate ordinal with known weights

Constructing a prioritization score from the following ordinal variables: Last Visit [100,80,60,40,20,0] Num Emp [100,0] Year Established [100,80,60,40,20,0] Last Exp [100,50,0] Tier [100,66,33,0] ...
Vijay Tripathi's user avatar
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Finding confidence interval for response variables in ordinal logistic model

While working with private data, I noticed that the ordinal logistic model fitted using the polr function from the MASS package, along with the confidence intervals provided by broom::tidy, does not ...
Isaac Victor Silva Rodrigues I's user avatar
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clmm function gives me an error "Error in x$code == 0L || action == "silent" : Error 'length = 2' in coercion to 'logical(1)'"

The following commands regarding the two types of models are executed in R model_4_clmm <- clmm(v27_3 ~ SEX_2 + AGE + PARTLIV_2 + EDULEVEL_2 + WORK_2 + ISCO08_2 + PARTY_LR_2 + v4_3 + gdp_per_capita....
Shiori Yoshioka's user avatar
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How do I perform an ordered logistic regression with the R lme package?

I have longitudinal ordinal data and survival data. I want to do a joint model. I am familiar with the JM package, which uses lme for the longitudinal model. I theoretically understand that you can ...
Bryan's user avatar
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Level probabilites from emmeans don't seem to match predicted means from emmeans

When I ask emmeans for model level probabilities I get the highest probabilities near levels 6 and 7 of my ordinal DV:enter image description here > emmeans(clm_gid_no, + ~ value | ...
Peter Kortenkamp's user avatar
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"cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'" - when running 'clmm' comand from "ordinal" package in R

I run a command from the paper "Multilevel Ordinal Logit Models: A Proportional Odds Application Using Data from Brazilian Higher Education Institutions" - from the supplementary material: ...
Or.C.'s user avatar
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Fit Partial Proportional Odds Model (Ordered Logit) for Ordinal Response Variable with Big Dataset

I'm seeking advice regarding fitting a Generalized Ordered Logit model with a large dataset. My aim is to understand the effect of the variable "origin_country_code" on the dependent ...
Santi Burone's user avatar
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Ordinal Encoding with 'unknown' Values

Subject: Question about Ordinal Encoding with 'unknown' Values in Education Levels Hello community,I have a dataset and I'm planning to perform ordinal encoding on certain columns, particularly on the ...
Hamma 's user avatar
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How to deal with ordinal category when using SMOTENC?

I have 4 categorical features, one of which is ordinal. I think SMOTENC uses one-hot encoder for all features passed to categorial_features(). How do I deal with ordinal categories? I'm currently ...
JGM's user avatar
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Is there a method in R that allows me to change my outcome variable to a factor after multiple imputation with mice, and then pool ordinal regression?

I have an outcome variable that represents the average of several Likert scale scores (0-7), and has been calculated to 1 decimal place. I did consider a linear regression, but it is really not ...
madeleine's user avatar
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Trouble installing "ordinal" package

I cannot get the "ordinal" package to install, though all other packages will install just fine. I am using the latest version of R (no updates available, according to the "Check for ...
Asanto's user avatar
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Ordinal + Continuous interaction in lavaan

I'm completing a moderation mediation analysis in lavaan. All of my variables are continuous other than my mediator, which is an ordinal with 3 levels (0,1,2). Lavaan can't handle interactions between ...
Clare McCann's user avatar
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Ceasar coding returns wrong characters

enter image description here the issue I think is within the if statement('s) but I can't find the problem after tweaking for a bit. txt = "xofob qyxxk qsfo iye ez, xofob qyxxk vod iye nygx" ...
SupriseX's user avatar
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cumulative probability at different levels of the response with emmeans

Given this model: library(ordinal) wine2 <- wine wine2$rating[wine2$rating==5] <- 1 wine2$rating <- ordered(wine2$rating) fm <- clm(rating ~ response*temp, data=wine2) how can I ...
locus's user avatar
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Mediation & Moderation w/ an Ordinal Variable in R package lavaan sem function (v0.6.16)

I have x1, x2, m, and y where m is an ordered three-level categorical variable. The model is as follows. m ~ a*x1 y ~ cx1 + x2 + bm + x2:m Since m is an ordinal variable, we cannot create this x2:m ...
Clare McCann's user avatar
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Multiple imputation (MICE) to deal with missing values in ordinal variables

I am trying to replace missing values in 15 ordinal variables using MICE. The variables are on a 5-point scale (level of agreement scale) that I effects coded from -2 to 2. I thought the appropriate ...
Nicki's user avatar
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Different results in Stan/R command using partial proportional odds model

I have been trying to use the original Stan code (provided by Harrell and Goodrich) for an unconstrained partial proportional odds model to analyse some simulated data mimicking a two-arm trial (with ...
Chris S's user avatar
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Why do the coefficents from orginal regularized regression (ordinalNet) have the wrong sign?

I have data with an ordered factor response ("low", "medium", "high") and a large number of predictor variables. I'm pursuing an ordinal regularized regression model ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Effect size for two-way ordinal ANOVA with cumulative link model

I am looking for an effect size measure that is suitable for a two-way (2x2) ordinal ANOVA with cumulative link model. I have seen the functions rank_eta_squared() and rank_epsilon_squared() but in my ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Replacing One-Hot Encoding with Ordinal Encoding

As an example, I have a dataset of available games. Game A graphics presets are: Low, Medium, High, Ultra Game B graphics presets are: Minimum, Balanced, Maximum Game C graphics presets are: Ultra ...
MischievousChild's user avatar
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More robust and faster polr for ordinal regression

Looking for a workaround, if there is a more robust and faster polr to fit for High Multi-dimensional data in an ordinal data context. (Similiar to those like lm() and Example datasets: ...
Jovan's user avatar
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Cannot fit multilevel ordinal logit model using clmm

I'm trying to fit a multilevel (random effects) ordered logit model using the ordinal package, but I keep running into this error: Error in region:country1 : NA/NaN argument Here's my simplified ...
Reuben Long's user avatar
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Convert ordinal to numbers

Is there a built-in way to convert ordinal numbers to numeric vectors? ordinal <- c("First", "Third", "Second") ordinal_to_numeric(ordinal) #[1] 1 3 2 ordinal2 <- ...
Maël's user avatar
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How to plot the predicted probabilities for an ordered logit regression?

I want to plot a similar plot as this one in the buttom of the page: ordered logit They use a variabel on the x-axis that is categorical (0-10) and therefore they use seq(0, 10, 1) and hold all other ...
rr19's user avatar
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Getting error "invalid type (list) for variable" when running multiple models in a for loop: how to specify outcome/predictors?

For a study I am working on I need to create bootstrapped datasets and inverse probability weights for each dataset and then run a series of models for each of these datasets/weights. I am attempting ...
kjb17's user avatar
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Multinomial regression : how to show all coefficients without L, Q and R?

I have this dataframe that I applied multinom function df = data.frame(x = c('a','a','b','b','c','c','d','d','d','e','e','f','f', 'f','f','g','g','g','h','h','h','h','i','i','j','...
An116's user avatar
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How to change all variables of a big dataset into ordinal factors that have different sets of orders for the levels of each one of them?

I have this dataframe with it structure (let's imagine it very big) df = data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 2:6, z = letters[6:10], m =10:14, n ...
An116's user avatar
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Standardized library / datatype for general ordinals in Haskell

I am looking to implement a "general" ordinal type that supports multiple "infinities" (e.g. [1,2,..., W, W+1, W+2, .. , 2 W, .., WW, etc]). I was thinking of implementing as a ...
Daniel Miedema's user avatar
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Separating pandas dataframe column data into new new columns

my data column combines information on two axes: wealth and life stage. I need to break up the two-digit codes by their 'tens'-place and 'ones'-place digits into two new ordinal variables. How would I ...
tmeyer's user avatar
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Failure to converge for ordinal logistic regression or Model nearly unidentifiable with large eigenvalue

Depending on which optimizer I use for this ordinal logistic regression I receive one of two errors. This one: logit <- clm(y ~ ., data = train, link = 'logit', method = 'optim') Warning message: (-...
cooldude3139's user avatar
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How can I plot the difference between marginal effects for a categorical variable?

I'm trying to plot the difference between marginal effects for a dependent categorical variable. I have tried using emmeans, but I can't get what I want. I'll try to follow the example in this ...
menomale's user avatar
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Does sklearn algorithm assume ordinal integer values as continuous features or categorical features?

Assume that in a machine learning problem, there are several categorical features in dataset. One common way to handle categorical features is one-hot encoding. However, in this example, authors ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Why am I getting NaNs in R while using ordinal regression (MASS::polr) and fitting an interaction?

I am using the polr function for ordinal regression. Without an interaction included results come out fine but as soon as I add the interaction I get 'In sqrt(diag(vc)): NaNs produced. The input and ...
Hannah Cocks's user avatar
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Viewing coefficients for each level in an ordinal CLMM model

Overview I want to access the intercepts and coefficients for each level in a multilevel ordinal response model using the ordinal::clmm function in R. I can easily do this with multilevel linear ...
Yasha's user avatar
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Highcharts Ordinal Issue

I am struggling to understand why I cannot get the ordinal aspect of my spline type chart to work correctly! I created a series of bar charts a long time ago but having not done anything like this in ...
Palendrone's user avatar
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How to plot an interaction effect within an ordinal regression model?

I have an ordinal model for predicting anxiety severity, using the clm() function. Within the model there is significant interaction effect between two of the variables. I am looking for a way to ...
Rhys Maredudd Davies's user avatar
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Warning: "Intersecting linear/additive predictors" when fitting non-proportional odds ordinal regression model with VGLM()

I am fitting a partial proportional odds cumulative logit ordinal regression model. Response is an ordinal diagnosis, predictors are two urinary biomarkers. I fit the model using the following command:...
Timofei's user avatar
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How to get p values for odds ratios from an ordinal regression in r

I am trying to get the p values for my odds ratio from an ordinal regression using r. I previously constructed my p values on the log odds like this scm <- polr(finaloutcome ~ Size_no + Hegemony + ...
Ellie Agu Benson's user avatar
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creating dummy variable from ordinal data in r

I have an ordinal variable with the following categories very favorable (1) somewhat favorable (2) somewhat unfavorable (3) very unfavorable (4) don't know (8) refuse to answer (9) I want my output ...
Nouran Samer's user avatar
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Ordinal Encoder with Specific order include NAN

Let say that I have this example dataset test = {'Education': ['High School', 'Uneducated', 'Graduate', 'College', np.nan, 'High School'], 'Gender': ['M', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F']} and the ...
Napier's user avatar
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Calculate marginal effects for ordinal::clmm

I have some problems with calculating the AME (…average marginal effects…) from an ordinal model (ordinal::clmm()) with random effects (in my case a four level year factor). The functions margins::...
Eco007's user avatar
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Check if any combination of binary variables is correlated/has impact on an ordinal dependent variable

I am working on a case to finish my (not so advanced) data scientist course and I have already been helped a lot by topics here, thanks! Unfortunately now I am stuck again and cannot find an existing ...
Magda K's user avatar
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Encoding categorical variables such that both the presence as well as the position of characters matter in literal strings

Let's assume we have a dataframe whose last column is made up of literal strings such as the following: df = pd.DataFrame( { "col1": ["C", "A", "...
Ash's user avatar
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best way of using float as the conditional input for cGAN? one-hot encoder?

I'm trying to make a model for outputing an image based on speed (a float input). This can for example range from 1.0 to 6.0. so basically it is an cGAN, with a latent noise and a float as combined ...
icarus.z's user avatar
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OrdinalEncoder' object has no attribute '_missing_indices'

I was able to train the model and deployed the endpoint successfully in Azure. However, when I was testing the endpoint: it gives me the error below: Failed to test real-time endpoint {"...
user2167960's user avatar
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Problem with categorization in pandas/OrdinalEncoder

I'm having some problems categorizing a column using pandas and OrdinalEncoder. What I have to do is basically, convert a column to be categorical (so that I can use OrdinalEncoder after) but ...
kosky's user avatar
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How to extract AIC from polr summary output in R

I'd like to quickly compare AICs that are provided as output when running summary() on individual polr() models created using the MASS package in R. I have no problem compiling this info, but what I ...
theforestecologist's user avatar

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