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LDAP filter. User directory connector. How to retrieve data from a non AD by group

I've been working with Qlik for a long time but this is the first time I have to deal with user directory tasks. We have stablish correctly the connection with our opendj idm data. By using the LDAP ...
Rub moy's user avatar
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Unknown objectclass inetadmin when trying to create user in opendj through openam

I am following the official documentation of openam and I am using OpenDJ 2.6.0 and OpenAM 12.0.0: While executing this api through cmd and postman both: curl \ --request POST \ --header "...
NiceBoy's user avatar
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OpenDJ Control-panel doesn't synchronize newly created attribute and object types

I have been working with open dj for some time now, I newly created attribute and object types through the control panel. Unfortunately OpenDJ doesn't seems to load those attribute and object types ...
Emmanuel Aliji's user avatar
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How to configure opendj subtree replication

I have an opendj dc=example,dc=com, now I want to copy ou=People,dc=example,dc=com to another empty opendj (only copy the data of ou=People), how can I do it. Do I need to set the second opendj base ...
pluto's user avatar
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Getting error while creating the tenant in wso2 Identity server 6.0.0

Im trying to create the tenant though wso2 console. while creating I m getting bellow error on console. " error Failed to add tenant config. tenant-domain: , tenant-admin: " in server logs, ...
Pooja's user avatar
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OpenDJ: Editing 'gecos' schema syntax causes 'posixAccount' to be removed and creates a duplicate OID

OpenDJ 4.4.11 RHEL 7.9 Currently, our production LDAP servers are on OpenDJ 4.4.11. We did not have a pre-prod environment so I decided to make one for upgrade testing. While setting up the server to ...
deconstruct's user avatar
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OPENDJ: LDAP: SCHEMA: [Unable to register attribute type name with the server schema...]

I keep getting the following error on restart of the opendj service. bin/stop-ds --restart. [20/Dec/2022:15:32:30 -0500] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=134 msg=OpenDJ Server 4.4.11 (build ...
deconstruct's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there any possibilities of upgrading OpenDJ LDAP with minimalistic downtime?

I am planning to update LDAP OpenDJ 2.6.4 version to OpenDJ 4.4.11 version. Is there any recommended way to migrate the data to the new OpenDJ 4.4.11 LDAP server with minimalistic downtime? The ...
Asel's user avatar
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Facing an Forgerock object execption in OpenDJ Reset password with OPenAM

I have been facing this issue while resetting the password through open-DJ(apache directory). Getting a exception message stated that The LDAP password modify operation failed with result code 65 ...
krishan's user avatar
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Why an OpenDJ non-admin user can copy and remove, but cannot move an item?

Results as I see them The non-admin user must move an entry from the People group to the AMI group. The operation fails with the message: Error while moving entry - [LDAP result code 50 - ...
Gangnus's user avatar
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opendj (2.6), how to MANUALLY unlock a user who has locked his account due to failed logins

I need to implement a lock and unlock mechanism in opendj 2.6 based on a fixed failed login attempt. I've already seen that there are two methods (
Lory999555's user avatar
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Can openldap sync Directory Information Tree data using syncrepl from opendj as provider?

My scenario is that we have a centralized Opendj in cloud and we want to sync(pull) the Directory data from this Opendj to an Openldap instance running in same cloud. I am trying to achieve this by ...
vijendergeek's user avatar
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No Such Attribute: Entry cn=schema cannot be modified because the attempt to update attribute objectclasses

I am facing this issue while trying to upgrade Forgerock OpenAM from 13.5.2 to 14.6.4. Can anyone help as to what is the cause for this error. Does it require any changes to be done from OpenDJ side? ...
Preethi Jahnavi's user avatar
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LDAP bind response - password expiring overrides force password change

I'm implementing the LDAP feature of forcing password change on first login, when a user is added or when admin is changing user's password. I set ds-cfg-force-change-on-add and ds-cfg-force-change-on-...
Dekel tsairi's user avatar
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Connect host ldap server to local VM

I have a server installed on VM and a LDAP(opendj) server created using Apache Directory Studio on my host computer. Now, I would like to connect that LDAP server to local VM so that the VM server can ...
Mobarak Hosen Shakil's user avatar
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2 answers

Does limiting an LDAP search by baseDN provide any benefit when the attribute being searched on has an index?

We are designing an LDAP schema (specifically for OpenDJ) and we primarily need to be able to search on the mail attribute. We don't need to do a substring search as the user would provide the whole ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Getting LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials . nested exception is javax.naming.AuthenticationException during login

Getting [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials]; nested exception is javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials] error. When I try to login from spring ...
Deepak Kumar Patel's user avatar
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Upgrade Opendj from 2.6.4 to 3.5.3 for replication server

I'm trying to perform an upgrade on an environments 2 OpenDJ directory servers with 1 standalone replication server between them referring to the 3.5 Upgrade doc. However, I could not find information ...
Preethi Jahnavi's user avatar
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How to configure ssl for ldap/opendj while using ISTIO service mesh

I have a couple of microservices and our backend is opendj/ldap. It has been configured to use SSL. Now we are trying to use ISTIO as our k8s service mesh. Every other service works fine but the ldap ...
Shammir's user avatar
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ForgeRock AM 6.5, OpenDJ unable to force users to change password after reset

ForgeRock AM 6.5, OpenDJ I am trying to ask users to change their password once it has been reset by the admin on ForgeRock AM 6.5 with OpenDJ. I have enabled the force-change-on-reset flag under the ...
tush4r's user avatar
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ldapsearch where we need to find users created/updated in openDJ like from specific time [closed]

Can you please help with ldapsearch where we need to find users created/updated in openDJ like from lastweek/yesterday .Basically looking for a filter that pull up users that got updated like password ...
Vasa's user avatar
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How to connect to OpenDJ LDAP server (Docker)

I am trying to connect(bind) to an OpenDJ server in Docker. (I know how to connect to regular (not Docker) OpenDJ server) OpenDJ seems to run, but when I try to connect to it with a ldap browser, ...
Jin Lee's user avatar
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Can administrative privileges be limited to a certain DN in OpenDJ?

In my case, I want to create a new administration user who has full privileges, such as add/modify/delete entities and properties, on in a certain DN (and maybe its sub). According to the document, in ...
Tonny Tc's user avatar
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How to disable the property of password-generator in OpenDJ

By default, the value of password-generator in Default Password Policy is Random Password Generator, and then if I try to set a password for a user, I'll get an error shows I cannot provide a password....
Tonny Tc's user avatar
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Hierarchical (URN) ex(urn:serviceid:partitionId:parent:child) scripted custom attribute in OPEN DJ

I am trying to build a custom attribute in OPEN DJ / LDAP which should be like a custom urn to uniquely identify a resource by resource id which is URN . like a person would be identified by his urn (...
Vinod's user avatar
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OpenDJ create new schema elements object classes and attributes types on cmd line

There’re any tutorial to explain how can i create ‘object classes’ and ‘attributes types’ on DS 6.5 from command line? I’d like to import by command line a ldif file which have the following ...
JMarques's user avatar
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Migration OpenDJ to Directory Services 6.5

I'm currently use OpenDJ 2.6.4 in Suse Linux 11 and my goal is to upgraded to Directory Services 6.5. From what I read, especialy on Chapter 9. Before You Upgrade and Chapter 10. Upgrading a Directory ...
JMarques's user avatar
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OpenDJ vs Directory Services

I'm exploring the ForgeRock Product Documentation and i'm not sure what's the difference between "Directory Services 6.5" and "OpenDJ 3". There was a re-brand and it's the OpenDJ was renamed "...
JMarques's user avatar
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(opendj-ldap-sdk-2.6.0) bind method parameter - password char [ ]

I'm using opendj-ldap-sdk-2.6.0 jar library to search LDAP entry. I am following the guide. ( source code : import org....
Jin Lee's user avatar
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ForgeRock Directory Server(OpenDj) ldapsearch in windows cmd ( not Linux)

If I want to search an LDAP entry from a LDAP server using ForgeRock Directory Server(OpenDJ), the document says in Linux it works like the following. $ ldapsearch \ --hostname localhost \ --port ...
Jin Lee's user avatar
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ldap equal filtrer search for an attribute with alpha numeric value failing

Consider the two entries : 1. dn: ou=system,ou=test,dc=ent,dc=my,dc=com createdbyuser: rootAgent createdondate: 31-May-2018 15:58:31 IST name: system1 objectClass: top objectClass: orgentity ...
Sridhar Gowda's user avatar
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Is OpenLDAP support attributes with null values?

Is there any way to create LDAP attribute with null values? Because in our environment our custom application will update the value of that attribute.
Roni Baby's user avatar
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LDAP bulk user profile update

I have a OpenDJ server with 300 users under People OU. I want to update a new attribute in all user profiles. Created that new attribute in this OpenDJ. Is there any script to update this new ...
Roni Baby's user avatar
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How to verify LDAP username and password via an authenticated connection?

Currently, I have 1 user have the permission to bind OpenDJ server. Then I need to verify the username and password from the end user. How can I do that? This is the way I create the LDAP connection ...
Hoang Tran's user avatar
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ldap_error 81, Server connection lost

I have deployed OpenDJ application on one of the instances and written a java based application as well to access user details from OpenDJ using unbound LDAP SDK. All the things are up and running and ...
Waheed's user avatar
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Apache LDAP API to Execute a manage-account commad

I m trying to execute OpenDJ's manage-account command through Apache LDAP API. Command: ./manage-account clear-authentication-failure-times -h hostip -p port -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxxx -b ...
Laki's user avatar
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opends:Is there a way for root user account/root Dns to send account notifications based on the password policies?

Description : Enabled SMTP handler and mail properties global configuration via dsconfig, enabled SMTP handler in root user password policy, also configured root user password policy for password ...
S R's user avatar
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How to get old value in OpenDJ server?

I've already enabled changelog on a standalone OpenDJ server and have "cn=changelog" appeared as one of nodes. And my problem is, that after fetching data from "cn=changelog", attribute "changes" ...
banshee's user avatar
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Updating a user's DN from using CN to using UID

I am looking for a way to update a user's entry DN from this : dn: cn=Super,ou=Prod,ou=clients,dc=test,dc=com To this : dn: uid=SuperUID,ou=Prod,ou=clients,dc=test,dc=com Given that my directory ...
Pier's user avatar
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listing base DNs using opendj Rest

Is it possible to list all base DNs in OpenDJ using REST? Ex: I have multiple backends, backend1: base DN1:dc=abc,dc=company,dc=com base DN2:dc=xyz,dc=company,dc=com backend2: base DN3: dc=zzz,dc=...
Bharath's user avatar
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managing user data for multiple applications - opendj ldap

what is the best way to manage user data for multiple applications using opendj. is creating different backends with different baseDN a good option? ex: backend1 baseDN dc=app1,dc=abc,dc=company,dc=...
Bharath's user avatar
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Unable to authenticate Java - LDAP

My ldiff file looks like this dn:uid=test,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com objectclass:person objectclass:inetOrgPerson objectclass:organizationalPerson objectclass:top givenName: test title:test uid:test ...
ravicandy1234's user avatar
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Java LDAP - unable to authenticate users

I facing a issue need to resolve this as soon as possible need your help. I have a very simple java program just for sample authentication of ldap user Issue -1 -: public static void main(String[] ...
ravicandy1234's user avatar
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Import ActiveDirectory LDIF into OpenDJ/OpenDS?

I need to test a LDAP synchronization service. For that reason, I've installed OpenDJ (formerly OpenDS) LDAP server on my developer machine (ApacheDS requires admin privileges for starting/stopping ...
Stefan Steiger's user avatar
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opendj's ldappasswordmodify command is not taking into account user password history or validation requirements

I am on a Solaris 10 machine with opendj 2.4.5 installed. I am attempting to set a user's password with the ldappasswordmodify command. In my application I want to be able to set their password ...
Ben Miller's user avatar
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change ldap password without knowing the hash function

I am currently trying to change a password of an ldap account with ruby. As I used OpenDJ and Java before, it was possible to trigger a password change request which only got the new password as plain ...
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Adding Editable Custom Attribute in openAM using CLI

I am trying to add a User Custom attribute in openam and it's embedded opendj. I followed their instructions in link :!/docs/openam/12.0.0/dev-guide/chap-custom-attr ...
AKila Radhakrishnan's user avatar
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OpenAM / OpenDJ custom username field works with less than 4000 users

I am currently working on a project that uses OpenAM 12.0.2 with OpenDJ 2.6 We had a requirement to make the username editable. So, we ended up creating a custom ldap attribute called loginId and ...
MajorCaiger's user avatar
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What are LDAP indexes and how do they work?

I am currently busy with learning LDAP. I have a problem with indexes. I know that they are used to improve the performance. However, I could not understand the working principle of indexes in LDAP. ...
Bernhard Colby's user avatar
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Storing user profiles

I would like to store user profile information. After researching a bit online, I am confused between the following options: Use a LDAP server (example: Open DJ) - I can write Java clients which can ...
sunsin1985's user avatar
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