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Im getting an error when trying to use NMS on spigot

Im getting this error when trying to use nms on spigot 1.20.4 For this one I tried in artifactID removing -api like a saw in a tutorial. Here is part of my pom.xml file: <dependencies> <...
Gavin Abu-Zahra's user avatar
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System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException - ActiveMQ NMS Connection Start() method giving exception in .Net 4.5 version

I am getting error while calling connection.start method in .NET 4.5 version: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: 'A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception.' The same code is ...
abhi's user avatar
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Time taken by first iteration of the pytorch non max suppression code is significantly higher compared to next iterations

I am trying to run inference using yolo model for pose estimation in a batched manner (i.e I concat the images in the batch dimension before passing it through the model). I am running into an issue ...
gamerchief gaming's user avatar
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Active MQ Artemis and C#/.NET Core

I am using Artemis with .NET Core and NMS in 2 different projects. One as a consumer and one as a listener and I am following the code example provided in the docs. When I follow the documentation, I ...
Joel Dinis's user avatar
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Apache ActiveMQ ignoring randomize=false and other parameters

I am currently using NMS (C#), and I provide it with three server addresses with a priority server with the expectation for it to connect to the 2nd or 3rd server when the main is offline and then re-...
Liam's user avatar
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Apache ActiveMQ priorityBackup switching detection C#

I am currently using NMS (C#), and I provide it with three server addresses with a priority server with the expectation for it to connect to the 2nd or 3rd server when the main is offline and then re-...
Liam's user avatar
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Process messages concurrently in Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ

I am using Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ 1.7.2 in a .NET 7 project. Everything works fine. I consume the messages and pass it to my message processor. The logic like that if I send one, two, or more messages I ...
Николай Дойчев's user avatar
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How to use SSL when using Apache.NMS.AMQP?

Im currently trying to implement support for AMQP into a .Net library. However, I cant quite figure out which schema to use when running AMQP and SSL. From Googling it I see that there are two schemas ...
Inx51's user avatar
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Can use snmpset to modify the configuration of Cisco Router if SNMP RO?

We'd like to modify the configuration via SNMPset command but unfortunately now the SNMPv3 was wrongly configured to Read-only. So, we can't add the cmd to cisco router now unless we are using ...
Alliv's user avatar
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2 answers

Attributes sequencing in Netconf <edit-config> operation

My device wants attribute X to be set before attribute Y. How do we implement it in an NMS/EMS? My understanding is that irrespective of the protocol being used such as Netconf, SNMP, etc, my NMS has ...
Mohan's user avatar
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How to enable multiple consumers for Apache.NMS.AMQP clients?

Would like to know how to enable multiple consumers for Apache.NMS.AMQP client. Have tried with multiple sessions for same queue with different consumer - but the listener is only getting called for ...
Subasish's user avatar
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How do I get NMS classes for 1.18.1?

Simple thing: I want to use NMS classes for my Spigot 1.18.1 Plugin. I downloaded Buildtools, there are all spigot classes inside (ItemStack, World, Player, ...) But I want to use NBTTagCompound or ....
GamingForce4D's user avatar
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Could not create the IConnectionFactory implementation

I have a windows service. I using Topshelf. When started it is run a cs.Start() method. static void Main(string[] args) { var exitCode = HostFactory.Run(x => ...
Jheferson's user avatar
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Get distance between two locations using non-solid blocks with bukkit

My goal is to achieve that players on my bukkit server only hear each other, when there are no walls between them. So my idea was to get the distance between the sender of a message on the ...
Marvin Klar's user avatar
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"Cannot load module" error when using NMS

We have a problem with NMS monitoring application. (NMS is a monitoring application for banking transaction. It owns Ingenico). Because of an accident our server broke and since then, when we install ...
Masoud Kelaye's user avatar
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android benchmark doesnt show run in log file

I have a few tensorflow models in a tflite format. When running the commands: adb shell am start -S \ -n org.tensorflow.lite.benchmark/.BenchmarkModelActivity \ --es args '"--graph=/data/...
gozi's user avatar
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Consumer with message selector not working

I have a simple consumer: try { factory = new NMSConnectionFactory(Settings.Endpoint); connection = factory.CreateConnection(Settings.UserName, ...
Jheferson's user avatar
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ActiveMQ failover transport options not working as expected

I would like to use the ActiveMQ failover transport as described in The default "retry forever" failover options work as ...
Benjamin Batistic's user avatar
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How to monitor the complete network through Python?

I want to use Python to monitor the complete network, if the route or link goes up/down will get the notification. I found a few packages like lanscan, but I’m not sure that will work fine or not. ...
Arm's user avatar
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Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionException: 'Error connecting to activemqhost:61616.'

I have the console project in .NET Framework 4.7.2 which installed Apache.NMS and Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ packages. I copy and paste the sample code from official documentation and when I run it, it hits ...
Steve's user avatar
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ActiveMQ + NMS. Prefetch limit not respected

I have a synchronous consumer connecting to a queue via this URL which also sets the Prefetch limit: tcp://localhost:61616?nms.prefetchPolicy.all=5 I check the limit programmatically and output it to ...
user2158984's user avatar
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ACTIVEMQ + NMS cannot synchronously receive

I'm trying to use activeMQ with an NMS (C#) consumer to get messages, do some processing and then send the contents to a webserivce via HttpClient.PostAsync(), all running within a windows service (...
user2158984's user avatar
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Is there a way to programmatically delete an ActiveMQ Job Schedule?

I'm trying to delete a scheduled job in ActiveMQ, and so far no luck. Schedule is created among with the message using either NMS API or Amqpnetlite (except openwire lib as that one is not updated and ...
ermir's user avatar
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C# ActiveMQ NMS Consumer -How to check if connection is broken with producer?

We are using apache-activemq-5.15.12- NMS client c# as consumer. We are using topic. No acknowledgement is required. Connection string is failover:(tcp://localhost:61616)?transport.timeout=10000&...
GTD's user avatar
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Unable to use cuda compiled code with pytorch

I would like to calculate the nms using the cuda based code and use it together with torch. Following is my code, this_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print(this_file) extra_objects ...
Mr. Randy Tom's user avatar
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MassTransit - Socket exception with AmazonMQ when starting bus

I'm trying to get a basic PoC app running with MassTransit using our Amazon MQ instance, and running into the following problem when I call StartAsync on IBusControl: MassTransit.ActiveMqTransport....
Jon Droniak's user avatar
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Configuring wildcard topic selectors in ActiveMQ

Based on the documentation wildcards support does exist, but I can't seem to find any other info on whether it's just supposed to work or if it's configured on the server or whether the producers or ...
The Muffin Man's user avatar
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AMQ in .Net - Certificate or credentials

Should both Trust store/Key store and Certificate should be used to access AMQ Broker over SSL connection? If yes, how to achieve this? I find very less articles, blogs to do this for NMS. I am newbie....
Sukant's user avatar
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ActiveMQ durable consumer retains its subscription after topic was deleted

If topic was deleted while durable consumer was offline it's subscription will remain. Next time after ISession.CreateDurableConsumer is called the consumer will receive the same old subscription (as ...
badspaceman's user avatar
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how to get ClientAcknowledgement to work in NMS?

my understanding is that when specifying AcknowledgementMode.ClientAcknowledge in the producer, i should be able to stop and restart the consumer and the broker will resend all the unacknowledged ...
4mla1fn's user avatar
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ActiveMQ recovery after connection loss or any excepiton

So we have this logic for reading messages from queue: ///<inheritdoc/> public void ReceiveFromQueue<T>(IMessageHandler<T> callbackHandler, string queuePrefix, string ...
freshbm's user avatar
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What can I do to prevent the method from being called when creating Unit Test?

I want to emphasize that I am fairly new to creating Unit Test but I've been searching far and wide through google and documentation but I can't find a solution or alternative. So currently I am ...
B.Allen's user avatar
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How to set the NMS Redelivery policy in C#

I am working with ActiveMQ's NMS client library in C#. I do not understand how to set the Redelivery Policy in code. I have tried to set the property in code on consumer side, but I am not able to ...
Chandan Kesharwani's user avatar
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Is there a way to retrieve the queue / topic name from IDestination?

I can get IDestination from the received IMessage.NMSReplyTo. But I'd like to see its name (for logging). Is there a way?
Mike's user avatar
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Apache.NMS.AMQP setting prefetch size

I am using Apache.NMS.AMQP (v1.8.0) to connect to AWS managed ActiveMQ (v5.15.9) broker but am having problems with setting prefetch size for connection/consumer/destination (couldn't set custom value ...
Kruno MONO's user avatar
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Get ValueError when calling tf.image.non_max_suppression

I want to use tensorflow tf.image.non_max_suppression function. I tried both snippets below: indices = tf.image.non_max_suppression( boxes=anchors_fit, scores=rpn_cls_prob, ...
YoM's user avatar
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ActiveMQ NMS SSL: run application from remote machine

There is client C# application deployed on server A. That application communicates with server B where ActiveMQ is running and uses SSL protocol. Certificates imported on server A and server B (both ...
Vitaliy's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Exception when trying to work with SSL

I'm trying to send secure messages over SSL with ActiveMQ, using the Apache NMS API for .NET. In the broker.xml I tried adding "sslEnabled=true" to the default acceptor: <acceptor name="artemis"&...
CodeMonkey's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Queue Count Stops at 400

I am creating an application to connect to multiple ActiveMQ servers and get the total number of messages withing their different queues. I am using a slightly modified version of the code found in ...
Hydrogen-4's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I read CSV file in to vector in C++

I'm doing the project that convert the python code to C++, for better performance. That python project name is Adcvanced EAST, for now, I got the input data for nms function, in .csv file like this: "...
BAO TONG's user avatar
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Node is not deleting from cordite dashboard

How to delete node from cordite dashboard ? Delete alert shows but when i clicked on delete button nothing happened. Also i have tried through swagger. Currently m using virtual machine.
corda dev's user avatar
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How do I receive messages from an Artemis multicast queue in C#?

I'm up to send and receive messages over ActiveMQ Artemis with C# applications. In Anycast-mode, everything is working. When i tried to send and receive in multicast-mode, i can send, but i don't ...
FatalErrorEveryday's user avatar
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Problem with consumer.receive MessageSelector

I have a problem in activemq. I want to receive a special message from my activemq queue. I have there over 300 Messages, and I want one of the message. I solved this with a multiselectcombobox. In ...
Classic's user avatar
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ActiveMQ - When to close session?

I'm migrating my Java application to .NET Core. In Java I was using Spring Boot and didn't care much about handling the opening and closing of sessions / consumers / etc (don't know if I should though ...
João Menighin's user avatar
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TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not cupy.core.core.ndarray

In object detection algorithms, Non-Maximum Suppression(NMS) is used to discard extra detection results for an object e.g. a vehicle. Normally, horizontal bounding boxes are used in object detection ...
Majid Azimi's user avatar
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ActiveMQ(NMS) : Is there a way to run a query on the queue to find out all messages with certain header values?

I am using ActiveMQ to store messages to be used later. It is working as expected, but there is a specific scenario I need to fit which I cannot figure out. The short question is this. Is there a ...
Som Bhattacharyya's user avatar
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Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ client hang when connection has been broken

Our client connects to cluster with 2 ActiveMQ nodes. Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ library hang when we drop network connection manually between client and cluster. We use Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ with version 1.7....
Artur Shaikhutdinov's user avatar
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Connection closes after few seconds when connecting to ActiveMQ set up on AWS

I am connecting to Apache Active MQ which is hosted on AWS to integrate my app to a custom service. I need to keep this running always, not one time like it's right now. The code below works, but only ...
Mubashir Koul's user avatar
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MQTT file persistence in apache nms C#

I have been using eclipse paho mqtt library and there is an option for file persistence there. I couldn't find any resource on mqtt file persistence on apache nms as I am trying to do the same in c#. ...
Krishna Prasad's user avatar
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How to build embedded ActiveMQ Broker?

i'm doing a porting of a Java application in C# and i need to build embedded ActiveMQ instance. In Java i can use BrokerService class but i can't find something similar in Apache.Nms namespace for ....
Alessandro Grieco's user avatar