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In R: Naming elements of a vector as, e.g., c(name1=x1,name2=x2) without elements' prior names interfering

When I create vectors using output from previous functions, I like to give the elements name. For example: x=rnorm(100) z=sample(c(0,1),100,replace=TRUE) y=.5*x+.5*x^2+z+rnorm(100) linMod=lm(y~x+z) ...
Adam C Sales's user avatar
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R: extract names of partially named vector

I have a vector that is partially named. All values (and names) are distinct. my_vec <- c('one', 'two' = '2', 'three' = '3') Sometimes I need the values i.e. unique(my_vec) ...
JRR's user avatar
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Get vector of column names depending on logicals of same dataframe

I have a named dataframe containig logicals with missings and I want to get a vector with the column names where values are TRUE (going down the rows and, if multiple TRUEs in one row, going from left ...
LulY's user avatar
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Assigning names to certain ranges of values in vector based on their positions [R]

I have a numeric vector which stores some values, for example: vec <- sample(200:800, 20, replace = TRUE) And an example two numeric variables indicating certain positions within this vector: pos1 ...
ramen's user avatar
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How can 'names' attribute have the same length of the vector?

full2=glmmTMB(feedp~reprosex+foodav+rainfall+temp+(1|scan) +(1+reprosex.pregnant+reprosex.earlylac+reprosex.latelac+reprosex.male||ID),, family=beta_family(link=&...
dana kang's user avatar
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How can I order a vector by the order of its attributes in R?

Say I have a vector and its name as follows: vct <- c(67, "apple", 88, "orange", 71) names(vct) <- c("c1", "b2", "d66", "a65", &...
TumbleWeed's user avatar
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Change column names of numeric vector?

Take output<-matrix(sample(9),nrow=3,ncol=3). This gives me: > output [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 8 2 3 [2,] 4 7 6 [3,] 9 5 1 I want to change the column names to "a", "...
J. Mini's user avatar
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How to concatenate names from differents objects using R?

I am a new user in R and now I have a question. I have a numeric object like: QSW<- as.numeric(c(1:50)) This vector is the input of my function defined as: HAR_ReCov<-function(vec){ x<-vec ...
Eve Chanatasig's user avatar
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Why does R strip names of vector extracted from a one-column matrix with named rows?

I want to take one row of matrix M and treat the row as a named vector, with the column names of the original matrix as the names of the vector. Usually M[x, ] does what I want but this fails if: (a) ...
Montgomery Clift's user avatar
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Get variables names from a data frame in a vector

I can obtain the names of my variables of a data frame with the command "names (df)". It gives say: #[1] "V1" "V2" "V3" But I would like to obtain a vector, something like this: c("V1", "V2", "V3"...
R. Ladwein's user avatar
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R: Sorting vectors by mean in decreasing order while printing the vector names

This is a very basic question. For an assignment, I need to compare the volumes of two bottle-filling machines. Essentially, I want to know which of the two machines fills to a greater volume, so I'm ...
Willem le Duc's user avatar
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Speeding up naming vector in Rcpp

I started to use Rcpp and be able to speed up R-code incredibly. However changing names of vector elements (like 'v.attr("names")=X' or 'v.names()=X') is very slow in my hand. Is there any solutions ...
Yasu's user avatar
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convert named vector to list but keep vector names

I have a named vector that I want to convert to a list, as such: a = 1:10 names(a) = letters[1:10] as.list(a) $a [1] 1 $b [1] 2 $c [1] 3 Here, the names of each vector is now the name of the list, ...
Haloom's user avatar
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Matlab vector with names not numbers

Ho can I make a vector like this M = ['Peter', 'Maria', 'Michelle' etc.] and pick a random name from that vector?? I want to make a lottery basically.
Nikoline Sunshine's user avatar
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Return a variable name after applying a function on a vector in R

Let's say for example my project has numerous objects which I've placed into a vector. foo <- 10 bar <- 9 pleb <- 4 eian <- 8 pizzaParlor <- c(foo, bar, pleb, eian) By creating the ...
Antoho's user avatar
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In C++ how can I make a new object for every element in a vector?

Suppose I've got this class: class dog { public: //dogstuff private: //secret dogstuff }; and then I've got a function that searches through something unrelated and gets me ...
driedupsharpie's user avatar
-1 votes
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names function in R not working as expected [duplicate]

I have a vector named v as follows: > v Moe Larry Curly Harry Tevez Kagiso Harry Sierra 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 NA 110 NA 1110 1210 Now, I am trying ...
Sarang Manjrekar's user avatar
23 votes
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Preserve names when coercing vector from binary to `as.numeric`?

In R, when you coerce a vector from binary to numeric, the names are stripped away. There are a few possible solutions, which I've outlined before. It seems dangerous to rely on implicit conversion ...
TARehman's user avatar
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Vector names error

Im trying to set names for a vector using the function names, but R gives me an error. I want to create a vector with function and then set name for each number in that vector. I want to do all this ...
Bobesh's user avatar
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Adding two vectors by names

I have two named vectors v1 <- 1:4 v2 <- 3:5 names(v1) <- c("a", "b", "c", "d") names(v2) <- c("c", "e", "d") I want to add them up by the names, i.e. the expected result is > v3 a ...
Ricky's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Column names for a vector using R?

> coefficients [1] -0.052993570 0.071073199 -0.004234659 -0.005725687 How can I rename the columns of my vector "coefficients" in order to get? > coefficients int X1 ...
user3347124's user avatar
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obtain the position of elements of Y that a are in X in R

In R, I have a vector of 5 unique elements: X<-c("A","B","C","D","E") And a vector of repeated elements: Y<- c("A","C","M","Z","B","C","C","R","V","D","D","B","A","V","E","E") I want to ...
xav's user avatar
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How add rownames with no dimensions in R

> Cases <- c(4,46,98,115,88,34) > Cases [1] 4 46 98 115 88 34 > str(Cases) num [1:6] 4 46 98 115 88 34 I want to name row as "total.cases" and I got error attempt to set rownames ...
Ricard Le's user avatar