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Debezium with custom Driver for mysql 5.1

I'm new to debezium CDC and I tested using debezium-server to stream data from mysql 5.5 to pubsub sink. I know the version of mysql is very old and not officially supported based on debezium ...
npt's user avatar
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Linking two MySQL tables containing pipe delimited characters were the only physical link is there relative location

I have two MYSQL tables Products and Prices. Both tables are populated via a webform that creates a pipe delimited value for the options that the end user has selected. This process and the initial ...
A.Steer's user avatar
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Application that always worked well with MySql5xx crashes in MySql8

I'm from Brazil and this my first time here. I've always used MySql5xx in my ERP in VB.NET using ODBC connection. It always worked very well but now I need to use the "With Recursive" ...
Douglas William Teixeira's user avatar
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How to call the fields of a table A from table B when table B is containing the primary key of A as a foreign key (Springboot+JPA repo+MySQL+postman)

Can anyone let me know how to implement the joining of two tables using a foreign key? The scenario here is as follows: 3 tables: i. product_tbl : Having primary key with other fields. ii. ...
Swapnil Pal's user avatar
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OVER PARTITION BY in MYSQL 5.1? (Without Window Functions)

I have been doing SQL and I am stuck in one point. For example, lets say we have a Table Employee with columns Emp_ID(varchar), DELIVERY_TIME(date), Delivery_number(Varchar) EMP_ID DELIVERY_TIME ...
Raghav's user avatar
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-1 votes
5 answers

SQL SELECT showing records only if the number of records is greater than N

I have a table defined like this (MySQL 5.1): CREATE TABLE mysql_test_a ( id INT(6) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, email ...
weirdgyn's user avatar
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3 answers

Interacting with MySQL 5.1 database from computer with MySQL 8 via python/SQLAlchemy

I just updated my system from Ubuntu 19.1 to 20.02 - and it looks like all the previous MySQL settings got wiped out. Current system has MySQL 8 (server + client) installed. The server I am trying to ...
FlyingZebra1's user avatar
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2 answers

Nest new column into a Select query

I have the following table that I cannot edit called connector_meter_value: +----------------+---------------------+-------------+------+ | transaction_pk | value_timestamp | value | unit | +...
RDC_Green's user avatar
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create view of count based on latest timestamp for a particular id

I have been provided with the following code to run a query that counts the number of connector_pks grouped by group_status based on the latest timestamp: SELECT `group_status`,COUNT(*) 'Count of ...
RDC_Green's user avatar
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2 answers

calculate time difference in minutes between timestamp from the same column mysql

I have a table with these two columns (plus some others that are not relevant): transaction_pk and value_timestamp I would like to get the time difference (in minutes) for each transaction_pk. Each ...
RDC_Green's user avatar
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create a table, which counts the number of id's based on their latest timestamp and allocates based on criteria [duplicate]

I have a table with these three columns (plus some others that are not relevant): connector_pk, group_status and status_timestamp There are 3 different types of group_status and the connector_pk can ...
RDC_Green's user avatar
-1 votes
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SQL: Find duplicate records, but only return latest duplicate record?

I'm trying to find duplicate transmissions in our database, in this case, to find where a transmitter transmitted the same data multiple times in a row (3 or more) I've tried this query, which gets me ...
Zachary Craig's user avatar
2 votes
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MySQL 5.1 to 5.7 change Order By no longer working

I have a problem with MySQL creating a counter variable SOrder based on a set order defined by order by. It was working in MySQL 5.1 but currently not in 5.7. Original query in 5.1 had the subquery ...
Dun Fletcher Lin's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL 5.1.73 LEFT JOIN time out

I'm working locally with a mysql 5.7.28 and everything is working but on my develop server on 5.1.73 my request time out (+ 2mn). The request is pretty simple but I don't get why it's not working... ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Selecting rows where a given datetime is between two others doesn't work

I am running into an issue that only occurs on our MySQL 5.1 systems. It works fine on MySql 5.6. I have a table that has two DateTime columns ("start" and "end"). I want to select all rows where a ...
L.Butz's user avatar
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3 votes
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Unable to delete a MySQL InnoDB table

I am using MySQL 5.1.56 I have a DB with about 70 tables and I have an issue with a particular corrupted table e.g. Table_X When I try to access the table mysql> select * from Table_x; ERROR 1105 (...
Supriya's user avatar
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1 answer

Something wrong with indexes

i have two tables : First : CREATE TABLE `dialog_projects` ( `id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `creator_user_id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `add_users_allowed` INT(1) NULL DEFAULT '1', `...
Alex Chan's user avatar
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2 answers

SQL sum by month with the previous values

I have following data: cohort activity counter ----------------------------- 2010-12 0 470 2010-12 1 2 2010-12 2 1 2010-12 3 1 2010-12 ...
Nasy Aist's user avatar
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MySQL 5.1 [1305] function does not exist

I have to add a function to my local MySQL as it is defined on the remote server for testing purposes. But when I add a function like CREATE FUNCTION test(test VARCHAR(64)) RETURNS VARCHAR(64) ...
Dennis de Best's user avatar
4 votes
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GROUP BY and custom order

I've read through the answers on MySQL order by before group by but applying it to my query ends up with a subquery in a subquery for a rather simple case so I'm wondering if this can be simplified: ...
rink.attendant.6's user avatar
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MySQL join table with itself with OR condition

I have a table FOLDERS, defining smth like directory structure. It contains the columns: ID, PARENT_ID and LINK_ID. I cannot change the application which I have a problem now with a slow query. This ...
Konstantin K's user avatar
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Mysql - detect transaction that inserts data

I'm trying to identify which transaction inserts data into a db table into a Mysql 5.1 server using innodb engine. Unfortunately I don't have access at the source code and thus I have to try to guess ...
gipinani's user avatar
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Mysql 5.6 to 5.1 replication

I know that mysql does not support this. But according to and also
user2174646's user avatar
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Putting an order in the way how locks are aquired in MySQL

From MySQL documentation: A locking read, an UPDATE, or a DELETE generally set record locks on every index record that is scanned in the processing of the SQL statement. It does not matter whether ...
artaxerxe's user avatar
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Hashing sensitive information for searching in MySQL

I have fields in a MySQL table that NEED to be encrypted. Since they are encrypted I can't search on them in MySQL, I have read not to use AES_ENCRYPT in MySQL 5.1 so I would be using PHP to do the ...
go0n's user avatar
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MySQL partitioning by week automatically

I created a table to log the activity of my application. This table will log more than 2 millions record per month. So I want to use partitioning by month or week: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `UL`.`Log`...
user avatar
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MySQL CharacterSet Conversion of a column will impact the existing values or not

I use MySQL 5.1 version I have a MySQL table 'server_info' which has 2 columns 'server_id' as well as 'server_details' of which the character set of 'server_details' column was 'latin1' and i have ...
Jithin Kumar's user avatar
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SHA256 in Mysql 5.1.69

we use a MySQL 5.1.69 and want to change a table with MD5 hashed values by SQL-Script to a sha256 hashed values. The MySQL functions MD5 and SHA1 works, but the MySQL 5.1.69 doesn't support SHA2. ...
michael-mammut's user avatar
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Set charset with ASP and MySQL

Anyone knows how to fix this? Text shows as this: "Sugest�es" I have a webpage in asp that gets data from MySQL, database and tables are set utf-8 default and my webpage is encoded with utf8 with no ...
razstec's user avatar
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2 answers

Same MySQL query runs much slower in 5.6 than in 5.1

I am encountering a strange issue where this particular MySQL query that we have would run almost 50 times slower after we upgraded our database from MySQL 5.1.73 to 5.6.23. This is the SQL query: ...
user1805458's user avatar
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5 answers

Extremely Slow Select Query on MySQL

I’m trying to understand why a select query runs extremely fast on my laptop while extremely slow on the server. The query takes 1.388 seconds to run on the laptop while 49.670 seconds on the server. ...
AlGallaf's user avatar
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Very Slow Query Execution Time [duplicate]

I’m trying to figure out why the query is taking too long to execute on the server when compared to my laptop. Both the server and laptop are running MySQL 5.1.36 on WAMP 2.0 and have the same ...
AlGallaf's user avatar
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Can't explian MySql Errors after moving log directory

I have a Master - Slave setup with MySql v5.1.39 running ~10 db's on 12 core Linux machine. I had to move the bin-log files to a separate disk for performance issues. So I followed these steps: Stop ...
Martin's user avatar
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MySQL: Comparision between huge tables

I got two tables, let them be data and newdata. My query should select all rows from data, where a price of type double is less then another double-field price in newdata. Every row in the tables is ...
Ceriana's user avatar
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SQL Error (1045) in statement #0: Access denied for user 'root'@'

Trying to root access our EC2 instance locally with Heidi, produces the error message, using external IP in client: SQL Error (1045) in statement #0: Access denied for user 'root'@'
nicoX's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL Enterpise Monitor - query analyzer - No data available in table - configuration

I use MySQL 5.1.69 protocol_version 10 version 5.1.69-log version_compile_os redhat-linux-gnu I have a problem with configuration/using MySQL ENTERPRISE MONITOR. I don't see data in QUERY ...
Rajdon's user avatar
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MySQL LIKE Query changes in 5.1 to 5.6 to full table scan

For some reason MySQL 5.6 does a full table scan, while MySQL 5.1 doesn't. Why is this happening? EDIT: Both tables have the same exact indices On MySQL 5.1 mysql> explain SELECT `kv`.`key`,...
JiminyCricket's user avatar
15 votes
9 answers

Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed

I've already looked into this but since I am running on Ubuntu 10.04 instead of XAMPP and have already created the phpmyadmin database and I can log in through terminal with both the root and ...
Spitfire19's user avatar
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Troubleshooting MySQL Illegal Mix of Collation Error between different PCs

I am running code for a C# application that makes a call to a database to report on data. What's interesting is that the report works fine on my own PC, but when used at a client I got: Illegal ...
user2464083's user avatar
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MySQL Syntax Error after upgrade

Updated from MySQL 5.1 to 5.5 - all good. I was aware of the differences and sites accepted the upgrade except one. But the query is too complex for me to see what is wrong... Below is the working ...
Gazza's user avatar
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Get all childs by parent id using JOIN

I have a table representing the family tree. It has fields ID, NAME, LEVEL, PARENT_ID. And the column PARENT_ID is the foreign key and refers to column ID of this table. How can I get a list of ...
Mike Brown's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

why does a parameter passed into a stored procedure cause MySQL error 1267?

Both of these stored procedures compile in my MySQL 5.1.73 server: delimiter $$ CREATE PROCEDURE get_admins() BEGIN SELECT * FROM Accounts INNER JOIN ...
Jeromy French's user avatar
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mysql acces denied to user in localhost

I kind of locked myself out of mysql, don't know or remember how. I have tried different things but no luck so far. I have the root user who has all the privileges with the host localhost. Like shown ...
Alex's user avatar
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Empty UPDATE way slower than corresponding SELECT

I am using MySQL 5.1.73 with InnoDB I have a very slow UPDATE query (about 10s), where the number of changed rows is (often) zero (it takes about the same time if there are a few rows changed): ...
P.Péter's user avatar
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Installing MySQL on 64 bit Oracle Linux server [closed]

I have to install MySQL 5.1.73 in Oracle Linux 5. When I searched the compatible version of MySQL, I found multiple edition of MySQL on download page. My LINUX server is 64 bit machine. There are ...
ursitesion's user avatar
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How can i import 150GB database after deleting ibdata1,logfile in MYSQL?

I have 150GB database and my ibdata1 file size is 240GB so i want shrink the ibdata1 file so for that i have to export the DB and then drop the tables and then stop mysql, delete the ibdata1 file and ...
Rahul Namdev's user avatar
2 votes
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Will calling mysql_connect() and mysql_close() 16 times causing high DB connections?

I have a Joomla1.5 based system. I run the profiler and found that mysql_connect() and mysql_close() both functions have been used 16 times. I know that both of these functions and Joomla 1.5 are ...
ursitesion's user avatar
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Magento MySQL DB Deadlocks

I am trying to aid a client in resolving MySql DB deadlocks. These deadlocks appear to be causing API calls to take 10-30 seconds. I have retry logic on API calls to attempt at least 3 times. However ...
Jpepper's user avatar
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4 answers

Error 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

Please don't post this question as duplicate. I am trying to configure mysql for about 3 weeks now. Someone should really help me. I recently installed MySQL 5.1 in a Lenovo laptop to do my project. ...
TomJ's user avatar
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Upgrading Amazon RDS instance from MySQL 5.5 to MySQL 5.6

With a large data set and a real time system, halting that applications using RDS for a mysqldump from a 5.5 instance and loading that data with the mysql command is impractical. In the Amazon blog ...
snappy's user avatar
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