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Error #1054 and #1046 : Import live Wordpress website Database using phpMyAdmin to run locally [duplicate]

I'm trying to manually migrate my live site and run it locally. I have downloaded the files all through ftp, I have downloaded the DB from my c-panel on my hosting for the live site and I'm trying to ...
Nabeel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Get Woocommerce Users with no orders AND not active since a year

I found the following SQL query to get customers with no first/last name and no posts: SELECT DISTINCT `user_id` FROM `wp_usermeta` WHERE `user_id` IN (SELECT DISTINCT `user_id` FROM `wp_usermeta` ...
Zed0121's user avatar
  • 47
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2 answers

Importing to phpMyAdmin is returning: #1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes. What can I do to fix this?

I am restoring a copy of my wordpress site so I went into phpMyAdmin and clicked import and then import my SQL file. After a minute or so of loading I get a notification: "MySQL said: #1071 - ...
Brandon's user avatar
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PHPmyadmin wordpress comments count query

UPDATE mydomain.1we9ZZc0_posts wpp LEFT JOIN (SELECT comment_post_id AS c_post_id, count(*) AS cnt FROM mydomain.1we9ZZc0_comments WHERE comment_approved = 1 GROUP BY comment_post_id) wpc ON
steven minix's user avatar
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XAMPP Error - InnoDB: Operating system error number 3 in a file operation

Generally server works fine without any issues. But recently after opening my XAMPP and got this on morning 2022-12-10 9:55:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions ...
thenoobitguy's user avatar
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Restrict access to my external own websites for the paid users in main website

I have a membership website in my subdomain built in wordpress. Iam actually installing saas php scripts for various uses for my paid users. My issue is my membership website is built with wordpress ...
The Artivap's user avatar
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1 answer

Combine 3 queries in one query to replace all strings "15$" with 10$"

In wp_posts table I need to replace a the string "15$" with "10$" in pages and posts post_title, posts_content , post_excerpt, I have a request to use use insert not update and to ...
Noha el-Deeb's user avatar
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4 answers

replace a word in all wordpress posts and pages, title,excerpt and content

I am new to mysql and phpmyadmin so excuse my question if it's basic. I need a query to replace the 15$ to 10$ on all posts and pages post_title, post_excerpt and post_content using the insert method ...
Noha el-Deeb's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

phpMyAdmin - MySQL import errors

I have a Wordpress website (web A) and a staging site (web B) in which I'm working on updates and changes. On web A I receive comments from users, which I would like to export to web B. I understand ...
imthemoisturizer's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Database not showing in phpmyadmin

My client gave me access to his hosting account in order to create a new user for his Wordpress site since he forgot the credentials for the old one. I got the FTP account and opened wp-config.php and ...
Ilir's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I secure or change phpmyadmin for my wordpress site that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform?

I'm using GCP for hosting my Wordpress website, which is using php 7.4 and Debian. I followed the steps for Google Click to Deploy and I am able to access <IP/Domain>/phpmyadmin to get to the ...
ORly587498's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

how to upload multi images of a single product

I'm confused about how to upload a lot of images to a single product like someone wants to publish a product and chose images of it how I can do that using PHP and MySQL or if there is another way for ...
amghare's user avatar
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2 answers

XAMPP Redirecting to "localhost/dashboard"

I uploaded live site backup on localhost to make some major changes in my theme, but I'm having an issue. my front page is loading fine and I can also login to wordpress dashboard, but whenever I ...
Talha Ali's user avatar
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1 answer

SQL Query - Get result with and without specific value

Hey there :) I'm pretty new to the SQL query topic. I created this query to get posts with type 'course' and their 'course-category' . It is working but I also need the posts without a course-category....
mrmoon97's user avatar
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Modifying metabox custom field through myphpadmin causing wordpress to show blank

so basically on my wordpress site, i link images and i recently changed my image domain name, so i went into phpmyadmin and typed: UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_value` = replace(meta_value, 'old-...
Michaelp's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I get local time zone time in MySQL View

I have to create a View in MySQL. But in database date_from column stores data in 'UTC'. In view that data have to show in local time zone. create view test_vw as select convert_tz(wws.date_from,'UTC',...
Showkat Hossain's user avatar
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Imported DB does not have same content as Exported

I am trying to migrate a local Wordpress MySql DB from local to remote using PhpMyAdmin to export *.sql from local and import it into remote. Problem is that the imported DB on remote is not identical ...
niblettes's user avatar
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-3 votes
3 answers

How to select meta value column based on user id and two meta keys

I want to select values 'b' and 'c' by meta key and user id = 197 Select cc.meta_value, fname,cc.meta_value lname FROM usermeta cc where user_id = 197 and (cc.meta_key = 'last_name' or cc.meta_key = ...
vahid sabet's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to empty all wordpress post content via mysql

Is there any MySQL command that empty WordPress posts content? I have 3k posts on my WordPress site, and I want to delete everything from WordPress content via MySQL. Wordpress post content column can ...
On Secret Hunt's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to decrypt a NULL text?

I am new to phpmyadmin and mysql. I have created a localhost Wordpress community website where users can upload posts. I need to get access at the text of every post they upload via phpmyadmin because ...
Brad Cruise's user avatar
1 vote
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how can i write javascript code in a mysql query?

i write this query in phpmyadmin but show me error. How should I write the correct query? UPDATE `wp_posts` SET post_content = REPLACE (post_content, '<!--codes_iframe--> <script type="...
Sajad Akbari's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can I create a WordPress custom table with PhpMyAdmin?

I have a WooCommerce website where I sell ticket for events. Each time a user buy a ticket, he receives by mail a unique QR code (his ticket). Now, I have to create a special application to manage ...
Paul Serre's user avatar
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Image links with ' in wordpress replaced with %E2%80%99. How to fix?

I recently moved hosts and one of the things I am dealing with, is that the images don't load for some posts. And the similarity between all of them is that it contains a " ' " character, ...
Nami's user avatar
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2 answers

How to delete woocommerce products that belongs to specific category from the database

I need a MySql query statement to delete all woocommerce products that belong to a category or do not belong to another, similar to this: DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (SELECT ID FROM ...
Ali Ali's user avatar
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Get list of wordpress Post ID's based on category ID in phpmyadmin

I have a large wp install with 400k+ custom posts. I want to clean it up and remove a lot of posts. I want to remove ALL posts in certain categories, i have a category with e.g ID 1234 which holds 50k ...
eGuard's user avatar
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1 answer

Error in running any query on the phpmyadmin on the live server . But when i am runnign it on the adminer.php it is executing

I have a WordPress site on a Linux based server . The phpmyadmin is giving connectivity error . Daily it gives errors for different queries and today is giving me errors for any query which I am using ...
technical Zillancer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT setting keeps being unset

Occasionally I get this error in my logs: WordPress database error Duplicate entry '0' for key '' for query INSERT INTO `order_items` (`client_id`... If I look at the table in ...
Sean H's user avatar
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Upload Text File Containing Long List of Tags to WordPress

I have a text file with about 6700 tags that I would like to add to my Word Press site. Of course, it is not efficient to do this manually. Is it possible to automate the insertion of these tags? I ...
user3286381's user avatar
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Can't execute query string for unknown reason

One of my clients has been hit by a SQL injection attack on his WordPress website. Now it's up to me to fix the mess. I barely have an understanding of SQL and PHP though so I am heavily reliant on ...
Glenn Jansen's user avatar
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Find missing mysql database on Xampp

I am running a WordPress website locally on Xampp server. I am trying to copy its database to be able to migrate the website but I can't find it in Phpmyadmin and neither in Xampp shell. The website ...
Stefan's user avatar
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2 answers

#1050 - Table 'wp_actionscheduler_actions' already exists

I'm trying to import an online wordpress website on my local Wamp server. I exported my database from my online website, and now I'm importing it to my local server with phpmyadmin. Then, the ...
Myrial Bavinckhove's user avatar
1 vote
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Limit number of orders to delete SQL Query

I have this query below to delete all Woocommerce orders. Does anyone know how I modify this query to delete only the first 500 orders. reason being my system times out. DELETE FROM ...
DarrenLee's user avatar
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Wordpress: Can I delete all database tables that the prefix does not match with the $table_prefix in wp-config.php

I am very new to WordPress and database, almost a year of building websites with WordPress, I have used many plugins to change the database table prefix for security reason, and I have also changed to ...
Methee Saengow's user avatar
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How pivot and merge these 2 tables in mysql?

I have 2 wordpress tables that I am trying to merge using SQL, and one of them needs to be pivoted in order to merge (I think). Table 1 is the Wordpress Users (users) table: ID | user_login | ...
yoda79's user avatar
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8 votes
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Wordpress : Unable to save or update posts with Emoji

I host my WordPress (v5.4.2) blog on and I am unable to save any post with emoji characters. I get this error Updating failed. Could not update post in the database I have tried ...
Gopal S Akshintala's user avatar
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Getting wordpress error 'changeset_post_save_failure' on customizer

I'm running into a wordpress error 'changeset_post_save_failure' when trying to publish updates on customizer. Console throws this error after doing what I mentioned: Failed to load resource: the ...
Dario Pazmiño's user avatar
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How can I update a WordpPress page created with Elementor by updating the database?

I have a WordPress page created with Elementor plugin. This page contains a section with a paragraph like this: <p>AAAAA</p> I want to update the content of this page from the database. ...
EstevaoLuis's user avatar
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importing wordpress site #1062 - Duplicate entry '7' for key 'PRIMARY'

I'm trying to import a Wordpress site from a live server to a mamp local server. but everytime I get the same error in the comment meta table. the error I get is #1062 - Duplicate entry '7' for key '...
Tobiaske1234's user avatar
-2 votes
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WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'wp_learndash_pro_quiz_question' in 'where clause'] when i uploading a excel file using a plugin

I am getting this error while uploading a excel file using a plugin excel to learndash. It's working fine after uploading but some time it fetching duplicate data. WordPress database error: [...
Mahipal bisht's user avatar
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PhpMyAdmin SQL Find and replace not working with url that includes escape characters

my wp_postmeta table includes a lot of URLs under the meta_value column which read like: http:\/\/\/~someuser\/sites\/\/ I'd like to change the whole thing to simply ...
Lior Talmor's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to get locally running copy of Wordpress Site installed on remote server?

I've spent a couple of days on this and it's probably an easy problem to fix, so I appreciate the help. I have MAMP installed and running locally with the document root path pointed to a folder named ...
Corky's user avatar
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remove script in wordpress posts

My site in wordpress was hacked, the hacker injected a script inside the html code of the posts, so my wp_posts table in my DB need to be repaired, but I can`t figure out how to do it I made a lot of ...
Rafael Tuneca's user avatar
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Query Wordpress Posts Using Wp-Posts and Wp-Terms

I'm trying to query all posts from my Wordpress site that have wp_terms.slug = 'portfolio-photos'. I've connected the tables using wp_terms, wp_term_taxonomy, wp_term_relationships and wp_posts. I'm ...
Elizabeth 's user avatar
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How can I change the default phpMyAdmin access URL for AWS EC2 running Linux AMI

I just installed MySQL and phpMyAdmin on my AWS EC2 instance running Linux AMI. I would like to find out how to change the default URL to access phpMyAdmin, which is currently /phpMyAdmin. I found an ...
wordpress_newbie's user avatar
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Trigger an update to all entries from database via phpMyAdmin

I have a WordPress website that sore entries via a form. On that form I've add a new field with Yes as default value. I have over 50K entries created by users so I need to trigger an update to all ...
Marius's user avatar
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How I can transform SELECT query to DELETE for remove extra taxonomy unwanted?

I try this query shows me the products that have duplicated, term_taxonomy_id in my web corresponds the stock of the product (none, medium, high, low) image Bottom* I would like to transform it into ...
beikone's user avatar
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2 answers

exporting wordpress db from godaddy phpmyadmin to local mamp phpmyadmin shows 1062 duplicate entry for key primary

Trying to export Wordpress production DB from Godaddy and import in local MAMP and I am getting this error.
rosnk's user avatar
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How to make a container with the images mysql, wordpress and phpmyadmin in it?

The docker-compose.yml file is here: version: '3.3' services: db: image: mysql:5.7 volumes: - db_data:/var/lib/mysql restart: always environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: 'abc' ...
silviubogan's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin - "Import Successfully Finished" | "Error" - No tables

I am attempting to upload a copy of a WordPress website from a local environment to the web. I have exported the database from the local site using Adminer (see screenshot below of export parameters). ...
Ben's user avatar
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