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Change Backend URL based on Deployment Space in React UI - MTA

We are using React for our UI project and backend is in Spring Boot. We are trying to deploy our application in canary landscape in 4 different cf spaces, say, dev, test, e2e, and demo. We are using ...
Rahul Bhardwaj's user avatar
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Which mta should we prefer for sending mails?

We want to be able to send e-mails using SMTP at certain planned time or after certain activities however we do not want to rely on any service such as gmail, amazon, sendgrid. Which MTA would you ...
ashwor11's user avatar
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I encountered an error when trying to import redhat's Product Documentation for Migration Toolkit for Applications 6.2 in eclipse

I followed the installation steps on the website below, but encountered an error exception when executing the seventh step. I would like to ask if I did something wrong somewhere. ●website https://...
SE.TONY.YANG's user avatar
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Mta account char limit

In our Multi Theft Auto server, we want to give each player permission to create one character in the account creation part. We couldn't find any errors in the code we shared. In our SQL table, "...
Rahmi Efe Cömert's user avatar
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I want to change the hud to the top right corner and have no problem with other resolutions

I would like to place the hud in the top corner and on the right, and that there would be no problem with other resolutions local circleScale, sizeStroke = 50, 3 local iconScale = 25 local circleLeft, ...
Kaique Paula's user avatar
5 votes
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If a thread has to be STA in Windows, will it work in Linux or MacOS?

Recently I was upgrading a library to use .NET 6 and .NET 7, and there was some code that was setting the apartment state to STA, but I found out that setting the apartment state is a Windows only ...
TJR's user avatar
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How to make MTA:SA register pyautogui keystrokes

So, the only problem I have is MTA not registering key presses made by pyautogui, what's worse, it registeres when I'm not in any server, it stops working as soon as I join a server. I tried different ...
MrBa's user avatar
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Cron job sends output for shell scripts but no for mysqldumps - Via Nullmailer

I currently have two cron jobs in a server. One for a shell scrpit and another for a mysqldump. Example: 43 16 * * * /var/backups_scripts/backups 46 16 * * * /usr/bin/mysqldump --login-path=bds-server ...
EWSG's user avatar
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Postfix: Python Milter not able to change email header

I have some servers that create automated emails which all pass through a Postfix MTA. The software that generates the email does not strictly follow RFCs, and sometimes generates emails with ...
btongeorge's user avatar
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Postfix header_checks replace multiple occurrences inside References header

In postfix header_checks can be used to replace any header. This works for example perfectly for the Message-Id header. Example: /Message-Id:\s+<(.*?)>/ REPLACE Message-Id: <$1@...
Linus's user avatar
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Problem Executing Python in cron to email IDS logs (No MTA installed, discarding output)

I am a novice Python/Linux enthusiast running Suricata on a Linux VM and am trying to execute a Python script to email myself the fast.log logs every morning. What I first want to happen is a list of ...
robreiner's user avatar
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How to upload copy of sent with smtp email

I use go-mail library to send emails with smtp. But I faced common issue that sent emails won't appear in sent folder. Googling I found that the only way to solve it is to upload sent email though ...
ogbofjnr's user avatar
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Postfix server is sending non-delivery notifications with a blank "from" address

I have a Postfix 3.1.0 MTA that sends non-delivery notifications with a blank "from" address, like so: postfix/bounce[58637]: B85763E70B: sender non-delivery notification: F1F8A3FF94 postfix/...
Steve Sirag's user avatar
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What is STA/MTA vs apartments/free threads vs UI threads/worker threads? Why the name changes?

I am reading Inside COM by Dale Rogerson, and it uses the terms apartment threads and free threads to describe the different types of COM threads. He also clarifies that these correspond directly to ...
citelao's user avatar
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Which of the following SQL statement should you use? [closed]

I am brand new to C# and to stackoverflow. I am reviewing questions that I got wrong on a prep test for my MTA certification. Can anyone help me understand what the correct answer is and why? Thank ...
theswedeman's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the MIME type of .eml files in emails

I want to attach a MTA report (not delivered bounce mail) to an email, but what is the correct MIME type? I fetch the full body of the MTA report with $body = imap_fetchbody($this->Mailbox->...
clarkk's user avatar
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Mta application failing to deploy with conflict error

I had deployed the app last on friday and it got deployed successfully.But since, today morning the deployment is not happening at all.It is checking for conflicting process and failing. I'm doing ...
alia's user avatar
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fetchmail /bin/sh: 0: Can't open date

I was running this from bash shell : fetchmail -vk it says in the log /bin/sh: 0: Can't open date ..and terminated.
unixbhaskar's user avatar
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VS 2019 Running MSTest in MTA

We have a legacy application with ThreadPool and WaitHandle. We wanted to write Unit-Tests using MSTest against it. We ran into a problem where by default MSTest runs in STA (Single Thread Apartment) ...
Raajkumar's user avatar
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#MTASA Server Error: Attempt to index a nil value

I really don't know what is wrong here. This is the error I am getting: s_interior_admin.lua:944: attempt to index local 'interiors' And here is my code: local interiors = exports["official-...
Skinner's user avatar
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Pulling Mimecast Logs with Python

I am hoping someone has gone through this and hopefully has a working Python script. I have been trying to pull MTA logs from Mimecast. So far, I have tried the codes from the below websites: https:/...
Infinite_Loop's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is Task.Delay breaking the STA state of the thread?

Introduction This is a lengthy question! You will find some background on the problem at the beginning, then code samples, which have been simplified for representation and the Question after that. ...
ful-stackz's user avatar
-1 votes
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COM thread apartments (STA, MTA) management in C# app process

I'm trying to understand C# thread apartments and have questions: What exactly apartment is and what it contains? The Apartment and the COM Threading Architecture A process can have zero or more ...
Woldemar89's user avatar
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How to access C++ COM Object in C# Background worker?

I am developing a common c# COM component (dll) which can be consumed by any COM client. As part of this I m exposing a outgoing interface called ICallback.The client which is using my dll will ...
srajeshnkl's user avatar
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How do I alter email headers using procmail?

We use JIRA Cloud for our ticketing system, which does not support using email aliases. Since we now have two domains in our system, with the second domain added as an alias in G Suite (same usernames ...
pdxITgirl's user avatar
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Sending messages to STA thread

I have read little bit about COM threading model: MTA and STA, for example this SO post: Difference between MTA and STA There we can read that to communicate with object within STA we need to pump ...
Michał Turczyn's user avatar
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Amavisd error mail_dispatch: no recognized protocol name

OS: FreeBSD-11.1 Name: amavisd-new-2.11.0_2,1 We recently began getting these errors from amavisd reported in our maillog: . . . proxy-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE: 451 4.5.0 Error in processing, ...
James B. Byrne's user avatar
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Create sendmail/dovecot email alias username for logging in CENTOS LINUX

I currently use sendmail and dovecot as a email server each user is also a username on the centos linux user accounts /etc/mail/virtusertable will contain (john is an example user) [email protected] ...
DOMDocumentVideoSource's user avatar
-1 votes
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Multi Theft Auto HTML Login

I have such a minor problem and I still can not solve it, so I turn around here function myFunction() { var checkbox = $.cookie('checkbox'); if (checkbox == 'true') { var ...
Ru1n's user avatar
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LUA|MTASA attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

I have a problem with my lua script for an MTA Server. When I run the code, I get the following error: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Here's the code: addEvent("bank:transfer", true) ...
StreetOf's user avatar
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How to change powershell "pwsh" to STA ApartmentState

I'm trying to port some scripts from poweshell 5.0 to the new pwsh powershell 6 and i've noticed that there is no -sta parameter anymore. How can I set the ApartmentState of pwsh? I can;t find ...
Marco's user avatar
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Set ApartmentState for async void main

I have a Windows Forms app. Now I want to use an async method. Since C# 7.1 I can use an async Main method: However, now my ...
Jürgen Steinblock's user avatar
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Method call on a STA COM component is hung

we have an .NET application which uses a COM dll, the ThreadingModel of this component is "Appartment" The Application always hangs calling a COM interface method. the DebugDiag analysis says the ...
user2101801's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to configure Send-Only mail server in Linux which will accept and perform email delivery for multiple application/web servers in same network

I've one Web server, one Middleware server and one backend application server in same subnet/network. All these three servers needs to send notification alert emails to multiple email IDs like GMAIL, ...
Mahesh Kulkarni's user avatar
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MTA & HTML Login & Remember Me

I'm trying to solve one HTML input bar so I can remember the MTA server username and password Login is available here: and I found some javascript ...
Ru1n's user avatar
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Registration-Free COM not playing nice with single threaded objects. Activation context dropped during marshaling

I'm working on integrating a COM/CLI based library into a Java based application through JNI (yeah, it's a bit of a mess). For the most part it's working, but I've hit a bit of a snag when it comes ...
finalman's user avatar
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Getting value from nested JSON

I am attempting to parse through the following JSON data and console.log all the times for stop_ids of a specific value. So when I would select the stop ID "L26S", the console would log each instance ...
emmodz's user avatar
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C# Inheritance Discussion from MTA

A question on a C# MTA exam I've done recently that has caused a large amount of discussion: You have a class named Glass that inherits from a base class named Window. The Window class includes a ...
Orpheus Feal's user avatar
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CoInitializeEx(COINIT_MULTITHREADED) and Goroutines using WMI

We have a monitoring agent written in Go that uses a number of goroutines to gather system metrics from WMI. We recently discovered the program was leaking memory when the go binary is run on Server ...
Greg Bray's user avatar
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How to understand MTA's real-time gtfs data feeds

So far I've filled out the MTA online registration form for a Developer's API Key. Then in my android project, I implemented the gtfs realtime bindings dependecy from one of Google's github ...
Chris Gong's user avatar
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Calling STA COM object from WebApi

Is C#'s Runtime Callable Wrapper around a STA remote application type library safe (from the thread model and apartments perspective) to be called from a MTA thread context (.Net WebApi request)? ...
EProgrammerNotFound's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2015: Run tests using MSTest in a Multi Threaded Apartment

I cannot find a way to do this for MSTest in Visual Studio 2015. How do you specify the apartment state to be MTA for all running tests?
Asher's user avatar
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How to apply anvil ratelimit on postfix mynetworks host?

We are using Postfix MTA as smarthost relay for our application servers. We are maintaining the access through "Mynetworks". We have list of IP addresses which are map to "Mynetworks". Now days we ...
Vendhala's user avatar
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public/private key cryptography ( MTA Mobility )

I have a question in MTA (Microsoft Technology Associate) Mobility and I want the answer to it please The Question : a client/server application is designed to use public/private key cryptography ...
Mahmoud Usama Fawzy's user avatar
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MTA and TPL in .Net

I have a two fold question. 1.) I am using a third party library to build an application and it is all based in .NET so I am forced to use this(I usually develop in native C++). One of the methods ...
MDK's user avatar
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Need help getting access to Clipboard to work from MTA application

I just am changing a GUI application from STAThread to MTAThread as it does some parallel background work. Now I encountered the issue of accessing the Clipboard from within a MTAThread application. ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Dovecot Object Storage Plugin [closed]

I know this isn't a very technical question; but where can I find the high-latency object storage addon for amazon s3? The official Open-Xchange site link gives a 404 to the 'Dovecot Store'. I've ...
jesmaestro's user avatar
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postfix: automatically save emails as eml or msg in a separate folder

For my business activity I have a very simple Debian + Postfix + Dovecot mail server. Mails are saved under /var/mail/ in an MBox file. procmail is not installed. For spam filtering I have a mail ...
silvered.dragon's user avatar
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Who is responsible for storing emails to the filesystem IMAP or SMTP?

I was studying about MTA and came through SMTP & IMAP, and read that SMTP is responsible for delivering email across the servers, and client uses IMAP/POP3 to read the emails from server. So IMAP/...
vivex's user avatar
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PHP + Postfix MTA: Do NOT use TLS

I've installed Postfix and PHP on one of my servers (Debian) TLS in Postfix' configuration is enabled: smtp_use_tls = yes smtp_tls_security_level = may Regularly I need to send out a newsletter ...
Florian Schneider's user avatar