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what is subclass tf.keras.layers.Layer instead of using a Lambda in this code?

An example of replacing a lambda with a subclass in code is as follows: scale = tf.Variable(1.) scale_layer = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x * scale) Because scale_layer does not directly track ...
joseph king's user avatar
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How can I use dict in response_schemas using Gemini API?

I'm attempting to enforce a schema on a prompt response from Gemini. As made clear is supported in the 'structured output' docs. For important implementation reasons, my schema contains dictionaries ...
Guy McLean's user avatar
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Jaxb Java: Ordering list of string

Is there a way to "force" the marshaller to respect the order of the elements inside the XmlElementsRefs annotation applied to a list of objects? I have a Java Class which has an attribute ...
Antonio's user avatar
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Spring SOAP request marshalling ~ How to force inlining of long data (JAXB2 & MTOM)

I have the following issue: I need to talk to an old SOAP service, and that one requires me to send a request object where a large amount of data is directly in the SOAP message body, like so: <...
Kira Resari's user avatar
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Serialize a java enum with multiple values

Here is a simplified version of the actual problem. I have an enum with each entry having multiple properties enum MyEntries{ ENTRY1("1","property1"), ENTRY2("2",...
MPS's user avatar
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Mix jaxb and xml transformer with MarshallingWebServiceInboundGateway?

I have soap web service with 2 operations. Each operation use a Request and Response wrapper elements with xml data inside. The data in Response2 is the more complex. With Spring Integration WS, I ...
Jean's user avatar
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Ruby socket data transfer issue

I am developing a client server architecture in a ruby project where the client sends some data to the server , but when the server receives it, its size is much smaller. The client has the following ...
Miquel Ibáñez's user avatar
-1 votes
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marshall unmanaged structure to C#

how can I translate this unmanaged structure into c#. typedef struct _EC_VARIANT { union { BOOL BooleanVal; UINT32 UInt32Val; ...
nikolya92's user avatar
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Go how to only marshal a slice if its not nil. Json showing null for for nil slice

I have a struct in Golang which a slice of my alias type: type Foo struct { NextSet []House `json:"next_set"` } I want to marshal this into a json. When I do not initialise ...
bcsta's user avatar
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-3 votes
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How to use one or another variable to json marshal with same json tag

Supose I have the structure: type foo struct { Name string `json:"name"` AgeYears int `json:"age" rlp:"optional"` AgeTimestamp time....
Rafael's user avatar
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Can the Garbage Collector move a struct during a call?

I'm implementing a stack based vector type like this: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct VectorI16x8 { public short s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7; public ...
zstewart's user avatar
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NullPointer in org.glassfish.hk2.osgiresourcelocator.ServiceLoader during marshalling SOAP message

I am working on some SOAP call in a java application, and unfortunately I saw a very nasty issue and I have no idea how to solve it. The stacktrace of the NullPointerException is the following: ava....
Ivajlo Iliev's user avatar
-1 votes
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C# LibraryImport string output parameter marshalling

I have a native function that will write a string to a buffer provided in the call along with its size. Let's call it GetFooString(LPStr str, int strLen). I found out so far that with DllImport the ...
patvax's user avatar
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.NET P/Invoke marshalling with spans instead of managed arrays

I have the following unmanaged function I need to call from C#: TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetAvailableHardware( HLINHW *pBuff, WORD wBuffSize, int *pCount ); The library provides ...
patvax's user avatar
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How to serialize a list of Java Object to XML using javax.xml library with proper parent/child node names

I have a list called Documents that is comprised of different Document objects I created. I am trying to serialize the list to look like this: <Documents> <Document> . . . &...
zaidabuhijleh's user avatar
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Go JSON differentiating zero values vs null vs undefined

I know Go JSON issues are a-dime-a-dozen; the existing stdlib JSON package is clunky. There is ongoing discussion about a v2. Until then, I'm hoping someone can lend some inspiration here on how to ...
crunk1's user avatar
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While converting json to pdf unicode characters are replaced

In my API I am getting JSON response from one API, I have to convert it to a PDF and send it. But while marshalling characters like <, >, & .. are replaced by \u300e,... Also " within ...
just_hands13's user avatar
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C# Source Generator Native Marshaling - Use Type Defined in Another Assembly?

We're currently modernizing our native interop implementations for marshaling data between C# and mainly C++ using source generators together with MarshalUsing attributes and CustomMarshallers, etc. A ...
Johann Studanski's user avatar
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Optimizing json.Marshal in Go

I have a service that needs to marshal large JSONs (~50KB length). In the beginning, I used map[string]interface{} and encoded it but it consumed a lot of CPU. Then I tried to map the JSON into ...
dan245's user avatar
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Change namespace with Jaxb2Marshaller

In my config spring boot have this: @Bean public Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller() { Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller(); marshaller.setPackagesToScan("com....
Douglas Rezende's user avatar
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contextPath is not allowed to appear in element oxm:jaxb2-marshaller, when upgrading to Spring Framework 5

Background Upgrading from Spring Framework 4.3.30.RELEASE to 5.0.20.RELEASE Using oxm:jaxb2-marshaller Problem After upgrading the Spring Framework dependency version, the application fails to start ...
Kenny Linsky's user avatar
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How to add only the namespaces that are used in the XML to the generated XML using the JAXB/Jakarta Marshaller?

How to ensure the Jakarta/JAXB marshaller adds only the namespaces that have been used in the provided Object which needs to be marshalled? and skip the unwanted namespaces from the generated XML even ...
BATMAN_2008's user avatar
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Issue assigning string struct members by Marshal.PtrToStructure from a long string

I need to efficiently parse a fixed size, delimited message in VisualBasic WinForms application (.NET framework 4.6.2, VS20222). For a test, I built a small console app(.NET 8). The structure: <...
Igor_K's user avatar
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JS Object Standard Prototype as a Symbols

Looks like it is not really feasible or very tricky still I'll take a try. Say we have a config data of a fluent structure for user to provide. E.g. configRoot: fluentSubSection: someProp: 12 ...
404's user avatar
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Nested Custom Unmarshalling

I need to implement a custom unmarshal logic (to VerifyingKey field) depending on a variable in a field value in upper levels (Type field). I can exemplify the situation as below (originating from ...
Erdem Tuna's user avatar
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How can I make sure that unused bytes in a struct are zeroed out?

I have this structure: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size=56)] public struct SaveDataDialogNewItem { [FieldOffset(8)] public IntPtr iconBuf; [FieldOffset(16)] public ulong ...
Steinbitglis's user avatar
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How to marshal a struct with a nested array of structs when using P/Invoke C#

I have the following C function declaration which I would like to call from C# (Note I cannot access the source code of the dll): int setData(OuterStruct *data); And the relevant structs for this C ...
Z A's user avatar
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LibraryImport causes Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() to always return 0

When converting [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern bool QueryServiceStatusEx(SafeHandle hService, int infoLevel, IntPtr lpBuffer, uint cbBufSize, out ...
TomB's user avatar
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Fixed size byte array with fixed offset inside manually marshalled struct throws runtime exception?

Target is to have the following struct working in C# (.net 8.0) [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 257, Pack = 1)] public struct MyFrame { [FieldOffset(0)] public byte valueA; ...
Axel M's user avatar
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How to send a WM_IME_REQUEST message from C#

I'm working on an IME tool. To figure out the caret position of the foreground window, I'm supposed to use SendMessage() to send a WM_IME_REQUEST (0x0288) message, along with the parameters: wParam: ...
Simon Verbeke's user avatar
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How can I use apache camel bindy to convert java pojo to fixed length string that has a list attribute?

I have a java pojo class as the following? @FixedLengthRecord public class Request { @DataField(pos = 1, length = 15) private String string1; @DataField(pos = 16, length = 8) private ...
AD27060's user avatar
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.NET Core and Marshaling on Linux

I got third-party native C in my .NET Core 3.1 application under linux os (debian). There was identical library.dll under Windows with .NET SDK for it. The Windows and linux C-libraries ...
Jonik's user avatar
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Marshaling gives error "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt"

I need to use C library for working with NetCDF file format in my C# project. To receive some portion of informtaion from NetCDF file, i need to use methods nc_open to open CDF file, nc_inq_att to get ...
FSnowman's user avatar
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JAXBException: Property appears in @XmlType.propOrder, but no such property exists

I have a save command that does simple marshalling: //save command ... try { JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(CollectionManager.class); ...
keks's user avatar
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JAXBContext Unmarshaller Marshaller

When i am doing unmarshalling and marshaling for xml file that have different name spaces i want explicitly apply name space type to each child. Original document: <?xml version="1.0" ...
Oleh Kochetkov's user avatar
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Casting each char from span vs MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, char> [duplicate]

When debugging an operation with UTF8 strings, sometimes I want to see the string representation from a given ReadOnlySpan<byte> so i created a static function to help me achieve it, but, one of ...
James Jonatah's user avatar
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MarshalDirectiveException in Unity when marshalling int[] to SafeArray

Marshalling int[] to SafeArray seems to behave differently in Unity and in a standalone .NET application. I have a COM dll that defines an interface [ComImport] public interface Calibration { [...
Jialiang Lu's user avatar
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Connect to Running Program via COM - Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject

I am using a software package that offers an "extension" package, largely undocumented, that allows for creation of extensions that allow automation within the program. It's a COM interface ...
GisMofx's user avatar
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P/Invoke System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt

My code is raising an exception. I am using P/Invoke to call some C API from a .NET project. System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication ...
user avatar
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Proper way to marshal char* to string using C# interoperability. Get "a heap has been corrupted" exception

not a lot of experience in C++. Attempting to Marshal char* in C to string in C#, using [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)], but I get a "a heap has been corrupted" exception. It does however ...
isswf's user avatar
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Marshalling structure with array of structure in C# .NET 7.0

I am trying to read structures from a TwinCAT3 Beckhoff PLC with C# via ADS. This works fine. But when the structures become more complex, the marshalled values are not correct. The values are ...
Crizzly's user avatar
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Marshalling double pointers in C#

I have to interact with a provided C library where one of the functions is declared as follows: int GetFileList(struct spiflash_file **ptr_spiflash_filelist, int **file_num); where **...
Marcomattia Mocellin's user avatar
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How to marshal raw text into JSON? [duplicate]

This is the content of the text file: "{\"tpl\":\"key = ${key}\\nkey1 = ${key1}\",\"metadata\":[{\"key\":\"key\"},{\"key\":\"key1\&...
John Wick's user avatar
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Release Build UWP C# Struct One Byte Larger than Debug

I have a class hierarchy consisting of an abstract base class with a few helper methods and no fields, and a handful of derived classes with a variety of fields. Here is MCRE code describing the ...
Brian A. Henning's user avatar
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Why does using a custom MarshalJSON method on pointer receiver work when passing []T with and without address-of operator?

I would love to understands why the following sample code for passing both books and &books yields the result of the custom MarshalJSON() method defined on the pointer receiver *Book. I do ...
mugraph's user avatar
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Why does C# consider this unmanaged struct to have an an overlap

I've defined a struct for an externally defined data-packet as follows: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size=18, Pack=1, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] struct FlexTransmission { [FieldOffset(0), ...
erict's user avatar
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C# reading memory allocated with AllocHGlobal with Span<T> instead of PtrToStructure?

I am not sure if this is even possible, but reading a lot about Span and started to play with BenchmarkDotNet and came to find out that my method is wasting a lot of memory of the heap. I have to ...
totalZero's user avatar
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Kafka producer partial serialization

I have this dto. @Data public class ProductDto implements Serializable { private Long id; private String name; private String title; private String price; private String quantity; ...
funnyart64's user avatar
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infinispan - encoding type - not showing items

running keycloak + infinispan standalone well. problem: when using infinispan Server management Console, data container doesn't show real items. wheng checkin sessions tab. --> empty page show ...
taaho ahn's user avatar
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Is there a way in .Net Framwork to reference an object cross AppDomains without Serialization?

I am developing an addon to a commercial software which has an object that I have no control with it. By "no control with it", I mean I can't access its source code and make it serializable....
Jake's user avatar
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