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MassTransit error handling

Using MassTransit v2.9.0.0 and MSMQ and IWindsorContainer var bus = ServiceBusFactory.New(sbc => { sbc.UseMsmq(configurator => { configurator....
user3228258's user avatar
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MSMQ for transfer of files and starting remote process.

Currently working on a Lab system which has one admin PC and a series of client PCs(Somewhere between 15-24) connected by a c# program and a shared network drive. Currently the system uses a variety ...
Christian Hoest's user avatar
4 votes
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Distributed transaction with MSMQ and SQL Server but sometimes getting dirty reads

Our SQL Server 2014 database is set to READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT. We use MSMQ and distributed transactions (we use MassTransit 2.10) In one part of our system we read a message from the queue, make ...
Wilhelm Kleu's user avatar
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TransactionAbortedException when masstransit receives message

For several days I have problem with TransactionScope. Error message is as follows: MassTransit.Context.ServiceBusReceiveContext Consumer Exception Exposed System.Transactions....
dariol's user avatar
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upgrading from msmq to rabbitmq

MassTransit does not support MSMQ anymore, and we are all on MSMQ. We need to start upgrading to RabbitMQ, but in the process of the transition we need to have some queues stay MSMQ. Is there an ...
Alex Gordon's user avatar
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MassTransit pub/sub with MSMQ using

I am just starting with MassTransit and could not find any decent documentation for beginners. I did find some sample code at
DannyB's user avatar
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MassTransit Send only

I am implementing a Service Bus and having a look at MassTransit. My pattern is not Publish/Subscribe but Sender/Receiver where the Receiver can be offline and came back online later. Right now I am ...
Raffaeu's user avatar
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How can I target my message to a specific URL using MassTransit and MSMQ?

As per my understanding, MSMQ broadcasts messages and and the subscribers who have subscribed for the given type will accept and process that message. I was wondering If I could target my outgoing ...
Bilal Fazlani's user avatar
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Enterprise messaging and realiablitity [closed]

all! I need an advise of experts here. I have a scenario where I have and .NET WebForms UI application performing poorly due to some business processes being triggered (depending on some user input). ...
Alex Cherkasov's user avatar
7 votes
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Why do we need service bus frameworks like NService Bus/MassTransit on top of message queuing systems like MSMQ/RabbitMQ etc?

In the distributed message transaction world, am trying to understand the different parts that are involved in developing distributed systems. From what I understand you can design messaging system ...
Chrysalis's user avatar
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MassTransit first run

I'm trying out MassTransit. I wrote a small console application as showed in documentation ( What I first ran the app, it ...
developer82's user avatar
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Can't get MassTransit with MSMQ to work on IIS Express

I have a .NET MVC 4 web app that uses MassTransit with MSMQ. We have several legacy apps that use MSMQ, so I'm constrained to that protocol. My client code in Application_Start() in my global.asax.cs ...
Mike Dailor's user avatar
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MassTransit's Subscription Service is a single point of failure

I'm trying to configure MassTransit over MSMQ. I need to use the subscription service as I can't use Multicast because: I'm communicating over more than 1 subnet and I need persistent subscriptions ...
Aheho's user avatar
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Masstransit: Can it use central msmq server? (Or should I start w/RabbitMQ from the start?)

I set up the Masstransit sample apps, and all was great. Local operation, msmq, looks good. Now I am starting to put masstransit in my real app. In my real app, I have jobs coming from four servers, ...
Jonesome Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does MassTransit not push messages to MSMQ unless a subscriber is present? How is this worked-around?

I'm using MassTransit + MSMQ as a message passing bus, which seems to be having reasonable success. However, for some tests I want to enqueue messages but never dequeue them. It seems like the right ...
Chris's user avatar
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How can we speed up receiving messages from MSMQ?

My application's bottleneck has become sending and receiving messages over MSMQ with MassTransit. The send and receive are both happening within the same application, but there are often too many ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to detect that all subscribers to an event have responded

I am currently investigating Mass Transit. I have written a simple sample based on the Starbucks sample. I have the following saga: Define(() => { Initially( When(...
Mark Robinson's user avatar
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MassTransit binary serializer and MassTransit.RuntimeServices issue

Does anyone know if two applications can communicate to each other via MassTransit.RuntimeServices using the Binary Serializer? As soon as I configured my bus to use the Binary Serializer, the ...
fvdalcin's user avatar
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Does MassTransit support MSMQ over HTTP transport?

HTTP transfer has been available since MSMQ 3.0, however I'm afraid MassTransit doesn't offer the feature to use HTTP protocol as transport protocol between queues. There's a very similar question ...
fvdalcin's user avatar
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Permanent Subscription MassTransit - no messages after restart

I'm hoping this will be an easy one for someone to point out that I've done something stupid! I've recently tried to set up MassTransit on our systems here, but I'm having some issues with messages ...
Jim McDonald's user avatar
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masstransit msmq web garden no longer sending messages

I have been running masstransit / msmq for a while now with no problems, using it to send a message from an mvc app to a windows service. My global asax contains the following in the ...
spaceman's user avatar
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MassTransit MSMQ remote queues not reachable

We've developed a MassTransit based demo which is working well as long as all processes run on the same server. However, as sonn as my receiver wants to subscribe himself at another machine it hangs ...
D.R.'s user avatar
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Exactly-once-delivery and in-sequence-delivery with MassTransit on MSMQ

Using MassTransit on MSMQ can we automatically support exactly-once-delivery (e.g., when an event store publishes events twice) and in-sequence-delivery (e.g., when two nodes concurrently write/...
Julian Lettner's user avatar
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How do I correctly set up a publisher-subscriber architecture using MassTransit with MSMQ?

How do I correctly set up a publisher-subscriber architecture with multiple subscribers (which all receive a published message) using MassTransit and MSMQ. Note that I do not want to use the MSMQ ...
Julian Lettner's user avatar
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Masstransit: Can not run code from within Visual Studio (QueueNotFound)

I'm trying to run some sample code from the MassTransit project: var bus = ServiceBusFactory.New(sbc => { sbc.UseMsmq().Validate(); sbc.ReceiveFrom("msmq://localhost/app1_queue"); sbc....
RoelF's user avatar
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MassTransit Subscriptions and Receiving Own Messages

I am trying to implement a proof of concept service bus using MassTransit. I have three applications which need to communicate changes of a common entity type between each other. So when the user ...
gareththegeek's user avatar
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MassTransit implementation: sometimes message not received

I am fighting with a quite strange problem... I have implemented a service bus communication (through MassTransit + MSMQ) between WCF services, with .NET 4.0 on Windows 7 Ultimate. When the services ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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Probably a really dumb MassTransit misunderstanding

I'm a new to MassTransit and one thing I don't understand is this: How do you create a bus between multiple .net ServiceBuses? Take this code: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) ...
Matthew Bonig's user avatar
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MassTransit messages not picked up

I'm using MassTransit version 2.7.0 to communicate between a web service and a web site. The web service publishes messages and the website subscribes to them. Publisher service: ServiceBus = ...
Trystan Spangler's user avatar
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MassTransit 2.6.1 Request/Response pattern - Response times out

I'm looking at MassTransit as a ServiceBus implementation to use in a web project. I am playing with the Request/Response pattern and am seeing a long delay between the consumer receiving the message ...
Russ Cam's user avatar
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MassTransit MSMQ Pub with multi-sub. When is RuntimeServices ready?

I've set up a simple test comprising a publisher with two subscribers, all running on a single machine using MSMQ and MassTransit (2.1.1) RuntimeServices which is using a local Sql Server database. I'...
Andy Baker's user avatar
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IIS freezes when using MassTransit

We are using MassTransit in a Request/Response model in our web application. We are able to send requests and receive responses. For testing/Debugging purposes We are setting the HandleTimeOut on the ...
Avinash's user avatar
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MassTransit binary serialized messages are not handled correctly

I've been using MassTransit for handling e-mail messages. Using this code: I'm able to binary serialize my e-mails ...
Jochen van Wylick's user avatar
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How do I fix error with MassTransit [closed]

I am trying to use MassTransit, I installed it using nuget and am just using their base example: Quick start guide When I run this code I get an exceptions (with the inner exceptions listed): "An ...
Solmead's user avatar
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First message not arriving over an MSMQ/MassTransit Service Bus

I've got a MassTransit ServiceBus running over MSMQ. It appears that the first message sent over the Bus doesn't arrive, but subsequent messages do? Is there some initialization that needs ...
Greg B's user avatar
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How to implement a competing consumer solution?

As a exercise I'm trying to find an example which implements competing consumer. many producers - > MSMQueue <- competing consumers So far I did not find any documentation on how to achieve ...
ruslander's user avatar
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When running MassTransit for first time in debugging, Error creating queue, insufficient privileges

I've got an MVC site and a processing service both set up to use MassTransit. I had to delete the queues, as I was getting an issue where the mt_ queues weren't being created for me when I started on ...
tbddeveloper's user avatar
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MassTransit - Update Messages to Client

I don't have very much experience using MSMQ and someone recommended I look at MassTransit to help implement a solution but I am having a hard time trying to figure out if using MassTransit + MSMQ is ...
Mike Rowley's user avatar
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Sending Castle Proxy from NHibernate with MassTransit over MSMQ causes StackOverflowException

I'm trying to send a message with MassTransit over MSMQ. The message contains two properties which are types obtained from an NHibernate query and contain Castle Proxies (for lazy loading). If I ...
Michael Shimmins's user avatar
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Do MassTransit or nServiceBus support MSMQ over HTTP transport?

I understand it's available since MSMQ 3.0, is it available via any of the .NET ESBs? Is this possible with other MQ transports (ActiveMQ, etc)? Thanks, E.
Eugene Tolmachev's user avatar
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client requirements for messaging system (a la MassTransit) using MSMQ?

Having not used MSMQ before, I'm not at all clear an the client environment requirements to use it. I'm designing a client/server solution that will integrate with a legacy system and I'm sold on ...
Jay's user avatar
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nServiceBus vs Mass Transit vs Rhino Service Bus vs other?

Just doing some quick spikes into possibly using a messaging system to process files that are in a nicely decoupled work flow system. What are the pro's and cons that people have found of using each ...
mwjackson's user avatar
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Multiple consumers for a single queue in MassTransit

Is it possible to have several consumers listening on a single MSMQ instance and use the Selective Consumer interface for having each one deal with a distinct subset of the messages? I can't seem to ...
Yuval's user avatar
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What are the advantages of using WCF over frameworks like MassTransit or hand written MSMQ client?

I am looking at using MSMQ as a solution to do asynchronous execution in my upcoming project. I want to know the differences between using WCF and frameworks like MassTransit or even hand written MSMQ ...