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The file is locked by: "Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (2388)

My system is keeping a lock on some DLLs, causing me to exit and reopen visual studio in order to continue work. After running and exiting my C# XAF 24.1.5 Winforms application in the VS 17.11.2. Like ...
Kirsten's user avatar
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Castle Serial Link Communication

I am successfully able to write throttle, read Throttle and RPM. However the RPM values I read are random. clear_command_buffer(ser) read_command = [0x80, 5, 0, 0] # Example read command ...
Akhilesh's user avatar
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ASP.NET 4.6 - Castle Project MVC - Web site problem, sometimes when users request same resource the server swap users responses

Sometime when users access same web site resource they get swapped responses. What should happen: User A request: => User A get: User A content data response User B request: ...
Bruno Canto's user avatar
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Bounce Castle jdk18on encrypt/sign email

I want to find a way how to encrypt/sign email with using bounce castle library in the newest version. In net there are only examples how to do it in previously version of library (jdk15on), but new ...
lukjez's user avatar
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How to upgrade Castle.windsor from version 4 to version 5.0.1

While upgrading Castle.Windsor to version 5, I found out that the PerWebRequest is removed from LifestyleTypes enum. In my application I am registering the components with different lifestyles like ...
applied ai's user avatar
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Castle.Services.Transaction upgrade from 2.5 to 3.0.2 issues

I am trying to upgrade Castle.Windsor lib from 2.5.3 to 5.0.1. I could figure out the deprecated properties, methods and could upgrade the Windsor to newer version but ran into runtime error. So I ...
P Deshpande's user avatar
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How to access custom method attributes from ProxyGenerationHook in Castle.DynamicProxy

I'm implementing Interceptor mechanism in .NET with Castle.DynamicProxy (Castle.Core 4.4.0). I'm following this tutorial for selecting which method to intercept:
Tolga Cakir's user avatar
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IAsyncInterceptor stuck in recursive loop

I'm following an approach to intercept a simple method asynchronously: For the sake of this ...
JᴀʏMᴇᴇ's user avatar
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Autofac implements AOP cache error reporting for task method

I implement AOP for a task method. In AOP, I implement the logic of cache. Before the method is executed, I enter the logic of AOP to determine whether there is a cache. If the cache is hit, I ...
joy's user avatar
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Register multiple endpoints of same contract in WCF and Castle windsor

I'm looking for some help on implementing WCF Castle injection in one of my projects Basically, we are developing an configuration tool which would synchronize the data between our test and ...
Sri Satya Krishna Challa's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Registering/Using Castle.Core.AsyncInterceptor Interceptors

I'm trying to use the Castle.Core.AsyncInterceptor package to handle exceptions thrown from async methods but I'm struggling to understand how to link it all together. My previous ...
Richard's user avatar
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Inject Value from web.config using Castle.Windsor

I'm migrating some applications to .NET Core and I have to inject a value from web.config. Using .Net Framework (4.7.2) I did it using Dependency.OnAppSettingsValue. But I cannot find this option any ...
luckses's user avatar
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How to register generic UnitOfWork<TContext> with non generic IUnitOfWork in Castle Windsor?

This is my code: public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable { IRepository<TEntity> GetRepository<TEntity>() where TEntity : class; void Save(); } public class UnitOfWork<...
hms's user avatar
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2 answers

Looking for way to pass Windsor lifestyle into a library

We have a web api project which references a library that in turn is shared between many different systems. The library exposes a "RegisterDependancies(IWindsorContainer container)" function that ...
5NRF's user avatar
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Stuck in Entity Framework due to Castle.Core

I've followed the tutorial but it seems a bit outdated (ref. I build ...
James D's user avatar
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Scope was not available. Did you forget to call container.BeginScope()?

Hello I want to using castle windosr in .net core and I have get bellow error in .net core: Scope was not available. Did you forget to call container.BeginScope()? my code is : public ...
mohaamad hannan's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to register Ef core db context with Castle windsor?

I " ve got a project under .net core. I want to register Ef Core Context with Castle windosr But I couldn 't find a solution to EfCore Wireup context in .net core. Thank you.
John's user avatar
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What is the replacement for Perwebrequest life style Castle.Windsor in .net core?

net core castle windsor does not have Perwebrequest life style What is the replacement for this?
John's user avatar
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Can't find neither UseLog4Net nor FromThisAssembly using Castle.Core

I'm trying to learn more about .Net Core and Castle dependency injection and inversion of control, but I just can't find neither UseLog4Net in LoggingFacility, while implementing my CompositionRoot, ...
MFedatto's user avatar
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Can not resolve a generic service using manual interception with ASP.NET Core 2 and Castle.Core

I know there are a lot of question similar to this one but actually none of them solved my issue. I created a new Asp.Net Core 2 application. Now I am trying to use an intercepter for a specific ...
Rey's user avatar
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Castle Windsor register interfaces and implementation from 2 different assemblies and namespaces

I have 2 class libraries and 1 winform projects. Class library project with namespace IViews contains all the interfaces declared. Class library project with namespace Views contains all the ...
Divyesh's user avatar
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register windows form in castle.windsor

I'm using telerik in windows form, so i want to register windows forms in castle.windsor, but windows form inherited from Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm i cant register this forms. when my form ...
omid ghalami's user avatar
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Moq.proxy.castleproxyfactory TypeInitialization error

I get the following error when setting up a mock using Moq using Moq 4.7.145 and Castle.Core 4.2.1 {"Could not load file or assembly 'Castle.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=...
Varun Kumar's user avatar
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Registering Dynamic Proxy on Net Core

I'm dabbling into AOP with Castle's Dynamic Proxy. I've made my first interceptors a selector and now was trying to use the proxy generator on the startup class: public class Startup { private ...
Jorge A.'s user avatar
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Fail xUnit tests with Moq in tfs

I have three test that wrote using Xunit 2.3.0 and I mocked some services using Moq 4.7.137 that is used Castle.Core 4.2.0 . My tests work correctly in my local workspace but in Team Foundation Server ...
Saeid Babaei's user avatar
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Combining Castle Windsor version 4.0.0 and NLog using Castle Logging Facility

I am attempting to set up a new console application using Castle Windsor. I want to incorporate NLog into the application. However, whenever I try to run the application I get the following error when ...
gerard's user avatar
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In Castle Dynamic Proxy interceptor check whether is was invoked for a specific property

I have the following Interceptor. While it does what I intended it to do for my current use case. I found the used method a little bit hacky and was wondering if there is not a better way to do this. ...
Stijn Van Antwerpen's user avatar
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When working in C++/cli, I cannot add a Nuget package targeting a managed project

While creating a Mouse and Keyboard automation suite, I attempted to move my C# developed code using lots of p/invokes to a managed C++/cli project. Unfortunately when attempting to add the nuget ...
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Could not convert string 'Log4netFactory' to a type

I recently updated ABP packages in my project with this line of code in NuGet console: ForEach($project in get-project -all) { ForEach($package in Get-Package -ProjectName $project.ProjectName | ?{ ...
omid talebi's user avatar
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[Castle.DynamicProxy]The created proxy object does not have properties of original object set correctly

I'm new here and hope my first question does not confuse anyone. I am using Castle Windsor and Castle DynamicProxy together, in order to integrate AOP with IOC, so that I can implement a logging ...
Sky Feng's user avatar
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How to handle protected generic overloads in a Castle DynamicProxy?

I'm encountering a problem creating a Castle DynamicProxy for a generic object with an overloaded method signature. I originally ran into the problem via Moq, but I was able to reproduce the same ...
Origameg's user avatar
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Castle windsor dynamic values

Hello i have some problem with my Castle windsor project. When im trying to pass some parameters by these method: container.Resolve<ILogin>(new { Login = textBox1.Text, password =textBox2....
Milan90's user avatar
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How do I get access to Castle DynamicProxy generation options within MOQ?

Does MOQ give access to Castle's DynamicProxy generation? Or are there configurable static methods or something in the Castle namespace that would allow me to tune MOQ's proxy gen behavior? Some ...
TOB's user avatar
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Getting Attribute Value on Member Interception

I have this CacheAttribute that accepts Duration Value like such public class MyTestQuery : IMyTestQuery { private readonly ISomeRepository _someRepository; public TestQuery(ISomeRepository ...
Raymund's user avatar
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Async calls to WCF services using Castle WCF Facility - issue with thread principal "inheritance"

I'm using Castle WCF Facility to perform async calls to WCF services, e.g. public void Start() { // original thread svc.BeginWcfCall(x => x.GetData(), OnAsyncResult, null); } public void ...
jwaliszko's user avatar
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Default and Fallback Implementation in Castle windsor

Is there a way to register an Interface without an Explicit implementation using Windsor Castle?. I have few interfaces which need implementation in certain cases i.e not need it in other cases for e....
jereesh thomas's user avatar
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How to update already registered service Castle Windsor

I'm a beginner to the DI containers. I'm using third party framework and it has a class like below public class PurchaseOrderAppService : IPurchaseOrderAppService, IAutoRegister { ...
Han Eui-Jun's user avatar
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Capturing log output from library using Castle Core Logging

Currently depending on a library which utilizes the Castle.Core Logging abstraction. I've dug through both that library's docs, and Castle's, and can't seem to find clear explanation of how to capture ...
ReservedDeveloper's user avatar
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MVC Custom ControllerFactory and ActionInvoker lifestyle

I've read many topics, but still can't find an answer: which lifestyle is preferred for custom ControllerFactory and ActionInvoker for registration in DI container? Can somebody explain a difference ...
Sergey Koudryavtsev's user avatar
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Castle Windsor Multiple Implementation For Same Inteface in MVC

If I have multiple implementations of the same interface eg: IRule, how would I be able to resolve it in my controller? private readonly IRule[] _rules; public HomeController(IRule[] rules) { ...
Sehab's user avatar
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Proxy target property being set to proxy property counterpart

Let's say I've the following code sample: public class A { public virtual string Text { get; set; } } And I generate a proxy of A: A aProxy = ... // Code to generate the whole proxy aProxy....
Matías Fidemraizer's user avatar
4 votes
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Castle windsor - Car don't satisfy generic constraints of implementation type

I am using castle windsor for dependency injection and trying to inject some generic types. However when I call resolve on my container I get the following error: Class doesn't satisfy generic ...
chrisblue13's user avatar
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XML Schema nested child into any element

I'm trying to write XML Schema for this XML structure: <castle> <parameters> <firstParameter>text</firstParameter> <secondParameter> <...
trejjam's user avatar
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Trying to understand Castle Windsor Property injection

The title is a bit misleading, I am actually trying to learn how to use Castle Windsor and I think I understand registering the interfaces/objects. What I can't seem to grasp is how to set properties ...
Dave Rancour's user avatar
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Castle - Registering unknown implementation

I'm fairly new to IoC and Castle and I'm having hard time registering a class by implemented interface. In my application there are several assemblies each with a class implementing interface ...
zmaten's user avatar
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Add Methods to Castle DictionaryAdapterFactory Interface

I'm following the tutorial on this site which talks about using the Castle DictionaryAdapterFactory and an interface to access an applications app.setting keys without using strings throughout your ...
Michael Shnitzer's user avatar
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Castle Windsor interceptor blocking PropertyChanged events

I have created a test project as a POC for this problem. I have a WPF app, that when we use interceptors around the view models, it's stopping the propagation of events. If I disable all interceptors,...
Camron B's user avatar
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Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentNotFoundException - When Unit Testing

I am trying to unit test an Orchestrator. //Arrange var containter = new WindsorContainer(); var Orch = containter.Resolve<ApiOrchestrator>();// Exception Thrown here The Constructor for the ...
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How do I setup Windsor container on a console application to inject to external library

I have a console app and web API both referencing the same data layer which is a separate project. In that data layer, I have a class that requires a repository that we are grabbing from the ...
Ryan's user avatar
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windsor castle - log4net - RollingFileAppender - Issue - Information is written twice in the file

Issue: All the information that is logged is written twice in the file. Please find the below configuration that I use: I could observe the issue only when multiple loggers were introduced. <...
Hemalatha's user avatar

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