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Playing MP3 file on Adafruit vs1053 breakout board produces no sound

I am using an Arduino Uno 3 wired to an Adafruit VS1053 CODEC breakout board with an SD Card attached. On the SD Card is the file "track001.mp3" which is roughly 3 seconds long. I am trying ...
Lukas Eliassen's user avatar
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MP3 "Info" header incorrect

I've come across an MP3 file (recorded news file at a radio station) which calculates to 2:30 minutes in length when using the raw frame data, but the "Info" header calculates to 2:00 in ...
Ross's user avatar
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Django/html mp3 autoplay

I've got django application, and one view, that checks some data, and passess "play" variable to the template. If play is true - short mp3 "bing" should be played, else, it is not ...
andrew's user avatar
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Is it possible that stream mp3 as blob?

I wrote a simple code that PHP sends mp3 data as blob and in client side (JS) html5 audio object plays it but the problem is : first whole of file should be fetched and then audio can be played. ...
Max Amini's user avatar
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Issue with Playing Custom Sounds for Reactions in React Native App Using react-native-sound

I'm working on a React Native project where users can assign custom sounds to reactions. These sounds are either default or uploaded by the user. The problem is that the custom sound file paths are ...
Rayan CH TFG's user avatar
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TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'Context._context') when trying to load an mp3 React Native

I'm encountering a TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'Context._context') error in my React Native application when attempting to use a custom context. Here's a brief overview of my ...
Rayan CH TFG's user avatar
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Is it safe and ok to divide mp3 file like that?

I have an mp3 file and want to divide it into several files ("chunks"). I came up with this code (I stole the idea from django): from pathlib import Path class FileWrapper: def __init__(...
Alexey's user avatar
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How to get current frame of a player in JLayer? Implementing `pause()` method

I'm trying to write a mp3 player in java. I want to implement the pause() method, which stores the frame that the player (AdvancedPlayer) has stopped. The the resume() method starts the player from ...
AutisticAllosaurus's user avatar
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Keeping the control in the command line while playing a programm like ffplay (to build an mp3 player)

I want to write an mp3 player in zsh (or bash). The first function I want to implement is to go to the next song when pressing the "n" key, however, when I launch the programm, ffplay takes ...
ecjb's user avatar
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Why the number of samples given by `ffmpegio` differs using 2 methods?

I have an mp3 file at a sample rate value of 44100, let's name it a.mp3. Using python library ffmpegio with the following code, i get a total amount of sample equal to 290704. with, ...
Julien Larget-Piet's user avatar
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MP3 Album Art Tagging with Mutagen and eyed3 Not Displayed on Some Media Players

I'm embedding album art into MP3 files using the eyeD3 library in Python. The album art is successfully embedded and displays correctly in some music players (e.g., Pot Player, Hash music player and ...
riky ann's user avatar
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flutter social_media_audio_recorder is showing error in IOS and working perfectly in android

I tried social_media_recorder: ^1.1.13 social_media_audio_recorder: ^0.0.8 the second one is a perfect solution for android, but not working in IOS, because it generates .acc file instead of .aac ...
kapil tk's user avatar
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My android studio doesn't recognize video and mp3 files, what should I do in the raw file with a question mark next to the file?

My android studio doesn't recognize video and mp3 files, what should I do in the raw file with a question mark next to the file? I wrote the name correctly, I have Android 2024.1.2 and the Compose and ...
Mr Omid's user avatar
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Problem in Python, combination with Streamlit, with saving mp3 file to bytes-like object to be able to let user download it

Here's my use case: I want a user to be able to upload files in Streamlit, I will perform some edits on the files, then the user should be able to download the result file. The only file-format I'm ...
Gwennyn Wildeboer's user avatar
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Convert audio to MP3: 4 frames left in the queue on closing

I am trying to convert AMR audio to MP3: ByteArrayInputStream amrStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(amrData); ByteArrayOutputStream mp3Stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try ...
Vololodymyr's user avatar
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Possible to write/edit metadata in Mp3 files in Swift in 2024

My app allows the user to create recording and save them an MP3 file. Ideally, I would like to put some information into the file to make a record of who created the recording. MP3 files apparently ...
user6631314's user avatar
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How do I add an album cover using getID3 in wordpress?

Am trying to change the album cover of an mp3 file during upload in wordpress. I facing the same error message "Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. ...
Businge Brian's user avatar
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python-vlc sound is cut before the end on some files but not others

I have a script that plays mp3s that I generate with azure ai speeech. The first file, intro.mp3 is the direct output. The file ends 1 sec/half a seconde before when I play it with python-vlc, but no ...
arimk's user avatar
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Maui MP3 file duration - MediaElement Duration reads 00:00

I am using the new dotnet maui MediaElement, and before letting my user pick an MP3 file to play, I want to list the tracks and their durations - in my case MP3 files. However unless you get the ...
John Strudwick's user avatar
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How to add value to mood in an mp3 file via mutagen (Python)?

I couldn't find a way to write mood to an mp3 file via mutagen (Python library) Initializing: from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 from mutagen.id3 import ID3, TIT2, TALB, TPE1, TPE2, TCON, TPUB, TENC, TIT3, ...
Parijat Softwares's user avatar
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Minimp3 Rust - "slice::get_unchecked_mut requires that the index is within the slice"

While developing an audio-centered application, I came across an issue with the minimp3/minimp3_fixed crate when using it to decode mp3 files. The error/output looks like this: Decoding MP3 File. ...
DischordDynne's user avatar
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Why does PyGame Mixer play MP3s loaded with PyDub too fast on Windows, but correctly on Linux?

I have a situation where I need to load MP3 sounds into PyDub to edit them (specifically, trimming off 0.15 seconds of near-silence from their beginnings), then pass the trimmed result to PyGame to ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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Command line to convert midi into mp3 while adjusting channel level?

I have a midi file with multiple channels (say bass, tenor, alto, soprano). How to produce multiple mp3s with different volume distributions (say b=+0, t=+0, a=+0, s=+0; b=+0, t=-12dB, a=-12dB, s=-...
Martin's user avatar
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how to move on specific page when user click on mp3 file from file mananger in React Native

I'm working on Music player application , i have created library page where i have local files so i want that when user click on any mp3 in file manager then it asks open with so when i choose my ...
Rocky's user avatar
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Why does Chromium (Edge) send two HTTP requests for an audio resource?

My scenario: I have a URL for an MP3 stream, which I paste Edge's address bar and press Enter. I see two GET requests in the developer tools: The first one is of type document and receives only 16.2 ...
Craynic Cai's user avatar
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Why can't I get Firefox to play mp3 audio in one of my apps?

I have 2 web apps that present audio using the <audio> HTML tag. I cannot figure out why one app will play the MP3 file and the other will not. I did get this message from Firefox, buried in ...
Benny Jobigan's user avatar
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FFMpeg in C# with streams

I am trying to crop mp3 using FFMpeg. I need to use streams for both input and output data. At the moment, I'm trying to use the stream at least only for input data. var inputFile = @"D:\...
oLaDushek's user avatar
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How can I solve this error with the toutube-download-cli library?

The error occurs when I install the library with the command pip install youtube-download-cli and run the following command in the terminal youtube-download-cli “
j0k3r's user avatar
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How can I play mp3 files from Python3 on Raspberry Pi 4 (running Ubuntu server 22.04, 64 bit)?

I'd like to do this: playsound("/dev/shm/tts-speech.mp3") I used to use playsound in Ubuntu 20.04. It doesn't work in Ubuntu 22.04, so I used playsound from preferredsoundplayer. That ...
user1759557's user avatar
-2 votes
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javazoom.jl.player.Player not found

I tried to play an mp3 track via java, but the program gives the following error: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-20\bin\java.exe" "-javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA ...
Deadli_wolf's user avatar
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Python eyed3 to EDIT AND/OR ADD Comments of MP3 audio file - NOT WORKING

I have around 200 MP3 Audio files. Some of these MP3 Audio files already have statement/text/information (whatever you want to call it) under "Comments" section of the file. I want to write ...
NeedBasedLearner's user avatar
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Why do I get the error "No audio header found within ...mp3."?

I am working on a music player and, let's say I want to change the album name of a specific song with the use of jaudiotagger: AudioFile audioFile = File("file.mp3")); ...
Wotan2004's user avatar
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TypeScript - Invalid module name in augmentation, module '*.mp3' cannot be found

I got this error Error: Cannot find module '../../../CONFIGS/OpenSupport.mp3' I just googled it and found this solution. But this solution doesn't work... I already tried declare module "*.mp3&...
FrauJulian's user avatar
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Download PNG and MP3 files from Azure Blob Storage in python

please I would like to know if there are any best practices for downloading files (images, audios or others) from azure blob storage? At the moment I give my connection string every time to read/write ...
Lydia's user avatar
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In samsung tizen tv apps, sometimes set current time for audio html is not working

I am developing audio player for tizen tv apps using audio html5, some times set current time not working with no error. it is returning mp3 audio back to 0 is audio html5 the correct player for mp3 ...
sara harisa's user avatar
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How can I obtain and display the Album cover art image of an mp3 file in React js?

I am a beginner learning react, and recently ran into an issue while coding. I want to create a simple audio player app that can fetch mp3 files from a folder and play them, as well as display the ...
Precious Godwin's user avatar
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ffprobe vs C api ffmpeg gives different results on mp3 without id3 tag

I have an issue with an application I'm writing with ffmpeg api. I have an mp3 file that is missing id3 tags (it starts with frame data 0xFFFB). Now if I'm running ffprobe on this file, the ...
Spider's user avatar
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kid3 - Import Album Art along with other tags from Discogs

(I'm brand-new to kid3, and I'm using the GUI version rather than CLI. ) I'm trying to finally organize my mp3 collection, most of which have an artist and title, but no album name. Since I don't know ...
CarneSeca's user avatar
-3 votes
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playing mp3 downloaded via curllib gets cut short

I am trying to make a c/c++ program that downloads an mp3 file from a server, then plays the audio over a speaker. The problem is that the audio is cut short when I try to play it. The amount of time ...
Robin Stolp's user avatar
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Using polly to generate audio from LLM output

These days LLM (like GPT) start producing output few characters/words at a time. So although complete response can take 2-5 seconds or more, the partial characters start getting streamed almost in 0.5 ...
Ouroboros's user avatar
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How to re-encode an audio to match another one, to avoid re-encoding the whole audio

I have an audio editor in the browser using ffmpeg (WebAssembly), and I want to insert new audio into the existing audio without having to re-encode everything. Re-encoding everything takes a long ...
Bernard Wiesner's user avatar
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Can I just append mp3s to each other? Does that create audio artifacts?

I would like to create a long mp3 from several shorter mp3s. Of course I can use something like ffmpeg or lame to create the long mp3. But I was wondering, since mp3s are nothing frames, could I ...
Nathan's user avatar
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How can I make it so other people (and myself) can open the .py file and not have it crash when using mp3 files in the code?

I'm pretty new to programming, and I've made a few projects so far, but this was my first time using files in my program which weren't just txt files which were getting automatically created using ...
Marko's user avatar
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Problem with saving metadata in mp3 files using eyed3 (python)

I have a bunch of mp3 files in which I need to register meta tags. I use the eyed3 library. The meta tags are installed successfully (they are displayed in windows Explorer), but when you run another ...
JVo's user avatar
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tagging mp3 file with TagLibSharp corrupts it

I am trying to save an .mp3 file from a byte stream and taggging it using TagLib#: private static void SaveAudioToFile(byte[] audioBytes, string fileName, Image albumCover, string songTitle, string[] ...
ArneVC's user avatar
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Resolving "Module parse failed" error importing MP3s in NextJS14 TS?

I started a fresh NextJS project with; npx create-next-app@latest. And created a simple TSX component that takes an imported MP3 file as prop. 'use client'; import Image from "next/image"; ...
omgitskuei's user avatar
5 votes
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Play audio response from OpenAI TTS API in React Native with Expo

I've recently started to develop a React Native App with Expo and a couple of days ago I ran into a problem which is now beginning to make me crazy. I want to send a text string to OpenAI TTS API and ...
Christoffer Nielsen's user avatar
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MP3 file won't load on iOS Safari, works fine on MacOS / Chrome / Edge?

a little stuck on this one. I am serving .mp3 files from a Cloudflare Worker, unzipping an archive and returning a buffer of the mp3 file. It works fine on Chrome, edge, and also Safari on MacOS and ...
psquizzle's user avatar
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How do you use eyed3 to create comments for MP3 files?

I made a script that changes some metadata of MP3 files to title case, while wiping all other fields. It does this by copying the existing metadata to a separate variable, then wiping the original ...
Turbo Deoradhan's user avatar
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Lamejs exports mp3 compressed audio file with no sound

I have to export an AudioBuffer object to mp3 compressed file, in javascript, but the output has no sound. lamejs is not outputting any audible sound: this is a duplicate, but no answer and I can't ...
Marco86's user avatar
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