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Unit fails - Missing mocked calls

Issue: Missing mocked calls inside every { ... } block: make sure the object inside the block is a mock io.mockk.MockKException: Missing mocked calls inside every { ... } block: make sure the object ...
Equlo's user avatar
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Android Unit Tests - Geocoder Mockk "Failed matching mocking signature for"

I'm trying to build some unit tests and mock the Geocoder API in Android. I have the following function which I try to build a unit test against it: @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) private ...
tzegian's user avatar
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Mocking functions with every fails in Android unit tests on JWT

I have the following data class with its functions: @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class AuthToken( @Json(name = "token") val access: String, @Json(name = "refreshToken&...
tzegian's user avatar
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ViewModel Until test case error Provider members initialize error

I am getting provider initial error while trying to run viewModel test case Provider members initialize error com.venuetize.vzsportsapp.providers.Provider$ProviderException: Provider members ...
Dalvendra Singh's user avatar
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Need guidance on mocking data from a wearable device for Android app development with react native

I am working on react native app that encourages users to stand up and avoid prolonged periods of sitting. The app relies on data from a wearable device to track user activity. However, due to ...
Nirasha Thennakoon's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Mocking Static Methods - Kotlin

I've been using Mockito, Mockk and PowerMock to mock static methods, to not avail. I'm not sure if my understanding is correct, but I was expecting that, when I mock a (static or instance) method, the ...
Elias's user avatar
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How to test a private variable inside a method using Mockito or Junit

I wish to write a test which can confirm that the private title variable will equal "internet connection lost please try again" var title = "" if (errorMessage.equals("...
nader ahmed's user avatar
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Using GPS spoofing, is it possible to tell a specific app that I'm in two locations at the same time?

I have a rooted/magisk Android phone and can change the location with mock locations + fake gps app, but I would somehow like to be in two places at once. Is this possible? Android restricts the use ...
Lef's user avatar
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mockk function with Flow inconsistence

I am writing an Android Unit Test for a ViewModel. I am mocking a flow like this: coEvery { showRepository.currentShow() } returns flowOf( ShowWithRelations(, localShow....
Luca Nicoletti's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make an instrumentation test for a fragment that is using activityViewModels?

So my setup is that I initialize all the viewModels on MainActivity then use activityViewModels to the Fragments that don't need their own instance of the viewModels. Then I wanted to create an ...
rminaj's user avatar
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Q&A: how to mock kotlin top level extension functions in android?

It is a self 'question and answer' post to track my issue and completed research on it. I was a looking for an option to mock WorkManager (*). It utilise LiveData and its asFlow() extension function ...
Gleichmut's user avatar
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How (and should) I verify that an async internal method was called in State Unit Testing?

override fun getSomething(): LiveData<List<Content>> { fakeDataSource.fetchSomethingAsync() return contentDao.getSomething() } Here we have a repository method to get ...
Jon's user avatar
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How do you mock a ContentResolver for Android 33?

I want to make sure that the below method only returns what it is supposed to by writing a test for it. internal fun getMusicFromMediaStore(contentResolver: ContentResolver): List<MusicFile> ...
John Glen's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Mock a constructor and return a mocked object instead of real object with mockk

I have a challenge with a class which I want to test but inside the class other objects will be created. This simple example shows the issue. class A { val b: B init() { b = B() } } ...
axstel's user avatar
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MockK Mocking a Surface object for Android

I'm trying to test some code, and I need a valid Surface object for Android in order to properly test it, since a lot of the code checks if there is a valid surface (ie surface.isValid() where surface ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

MockK Kotlin: Verification failed: call 1 of 1: was not called

I'm trying to essentially test whether a specific method in my class calls a different method properly. I'll remove all unneeded code, so basically my code is as follows: public class Monitor { ...
user avatar
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Mock Bluetooth device appium

I am currently testing a native mobile app using appium automation with java. Currently testing with android. In that app, I need to connect to a Bluetooth device which actually a physical device. For ...
Siva0987's user avatar
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Why Do I Still Have java.lang.RuntimeException: Method setText in android.widget.Toast not mocked.?

I still have method not mocked when I clearly stated the when function from Mock. Any tips? Thank you in advance. This is my test code that I have created to test the function. @Test fun ...
Rashid's user avatar
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How to mock a Retrofit Response

I'm trying to mock a Retrofit Response when it isn't successful. interface ServiceInterface { @POST("auth/login") suspend fun loginRequest(@Body loginInformation: LoginInformation) : ...
YasudaYutaka's user avatar
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Cannot mock BluetoothGattCharacteristic.addDescriptor method

I am trying to write a test for a method which call BluetoothGattCharacteristic.addDescriptor method. For some reason I can't mock this method in order to write a test. I am still new to the mocking ...
johnko's user avatar
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Getting NullPointerException while trying to mock view model in android instrumentation test

Here's the crash log java.lang.NullPointerException: Null reference used for synchronization (monitor-enter) at androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel.setTagIfAbsent( at androidx....
sanket vetkoli's user avatar
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Postman mock services not working on flutter android app release

I am using postman for a mock api services to test back-end requests on a flutter android app, it works in debug mode however when I create an app release it doesn't work, why is that?
Ammar Mohamed's user avatar
1 vote
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Android io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: Calendar(child of static Calendar#368).getTime()

I am writing a unit test, and I am new to this, I was facing this error and didn't find a solution for it. This is the complete exception log. io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: Calendar(...
Mohammad Sommakia's user avatar
3 votes
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Android test boolean method returns false every time?

I want to test method checkTextLength() of DesignInputField that returns boolean value. But it returns false every time. Tried mock library to do this. When I write this code Mockito.when(...
Ahmet Yilmaz's user avatar
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How to create mock Json API for testing android application?

I'm an android developer and I need to test my application that loads data from a JSON API but the backend is not ready yet, but I have the JSON response that I'll be using, Is there any way I can ...
Rahul Pawar's user avatar
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Android Mockito Test on View Model method with MutableLiveData

I am new to the Mockito Android Test framework and I am following MVVM architecture and I have one method in the view model which updates the live data object and I need to write test cases for that ...
Harsh Shah's user avatar
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Detect if Mock location (GPS Spoofing) is enabled and request to disable

Since I tried to make a long search about, I'm trying to detect if some app are listed to use mock location o just simply if Mock location is enabled and not setted to "anyone". I just want ...
Mirko Casamento's user avatar
9 votes
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How to mock a builder using MockK so that the builder functions are commutative?

I got some code which I want to test using MockK as a mocking library: fun loadImage(imageLoader: coil.ImageLoader) { val request = ImageRequest.Builder(imageView.context) .data(url) ...
Henning's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to mock task.isSuccessful

Need to mock response but for some reason does not import correctly. So how to mock that package; public abstract class Task<TResult> { public Task() { ...
Bob Redity's user avatar
1 vote
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Mocked multiple times, but mocked value does not change after secondly mocked in different test method

I'm writing unit test for my ViewModel. I have mocked my data source and want to test that datasource returns success and error cases. If i run tests individually everything is OK. In the first method ...
oiyio's user avatar
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Why API actually called when run unit test of a function used Coroutine to call API with networkBoundResource in Android?

I have an issue in unit test for a function used Coroutine to call API with networkBoundResource. The issue is when run the test the API actually called, although it's supposed to return the expected ...
Mahmoud Ibrahim's user avatar
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how to verify a parameter in unit test

I have a run function which calls repository.startFlling(orderStorage.flOrder!!.id, action) and I am trying to verify repository.startFlling is called with correct parameters. I could mock ...
BRDroid's user avatar
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Mocking a final class using MockitoKotlin2

Hi I am using MockitoKotlin2 library for mocking and I am trying to mock a final class of retrofit how can I do that, does it support mocking final classes, what is the solution please. Error org....
BRDroid's user avatar
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Mock object in activity with espresso UI test

I want to mock an object which exists in activity the object has a function which return boolean value when activity launch, this boolean value determines TextView visibility, it will be visible if ...
Mostafa M. Hussien's user avatar
3 votes
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Mocking ViewModel for Espresso tests

I decided that it's time to automate some tests, and I wanted to start using Espresso. I was following few tutorials, but I am not able to make it work in my app because of my architecture. My app is ...
enoler's user avatar
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Test provider for mock location not working on Android 10

Mock location are not working on Android 10, crash when addTestProvider are called: 2020-11-30 00:25:16.855 13189-13256/ E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: ...
felipe.rce's user avatar
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espresso test: how to control the content of an intent?

I have the following code in my activity class: @Override public boolean onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Uri uri = Uri.parse(getExternalFilesDir(null))....
Laurent D.'s user avatar
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How to Mock getSting Resource in Kotlin [closed]

I am trying to mock a resource so in my production code whenever getString(R.string.res1) the following data will be returned: "aaa" this is what I tried so far: class Product{ fun ...
Nadav's user avatar
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Mocking a suspend function asks for an extra parameter - Mockito

I am trying to mock a suspend function which accepts 3 parameters, but when I try to mock it asks for 4 parameters suspend fun notifyBandSuspend(serviceType: String, id: String, action: TimeAction): ...
BRDroid's user avatar
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How to pass ArgumentMatcher correctly using Mockito

Hi in my unit test I am getting an error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter specified as non-null is null: method$Params.<init&...
BRDroid's user avatar
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MockitoException when trying to mock java.lang.System

I have a test case that mock a static method of java.lang.System class: @Test fun `getLocalTime()`() { // Arrange val staticMock = Mockito.mockStatic( Mockito.`when`(...
nhoxbypass's user avatar
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How to init libs in unit tests with mockito

I have a problem that when I do tests, the library that requires init gives an error that it has not been called, how can I init it in the test or mock it so that there is no error? For example now i ...
Azarnoy's user avatar
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How to mock super method by MockK

Assuming we have Activity.onCreate() like this class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() { fun doSomething() {} override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(...
anticafe's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to setup Mockoon for Android emulator?

I'm trying to use mockoon for running a mock API to test an Android app (using Retrofit2) on my macOS. Using[port] or localhost:[port] as the address doesn't work. Any idea what I should be ...
fahmy's user avatar
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Koin test declareMock not working with multiples declaration

I am trying to declare two mocks but I am getting a java.lang.ClassCastException. I am trying to test my MainActivity (which has a MainViewModel), so I need to mock the MainViewModel. The thing is ...
AndroidRuntimeException's user avatar
16 votes
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Android UI tests with Espresso + MockK crash with SIGSEGV on emulators, fine on physical devices

I have just started using MockK to mock all the Repositories / Services logic in an MVP-based app for UI tests. I have some UI tests running a login activity where the Espresso inputs logins and ...
Mackovich's user avatar
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How can i mock this method in android?

I am new to the mockito framework, Can anyone help me with how to mock this method. @Override public Device getCurrentDevice() { return getDeviceById(Device.getCurrentDeviceId()); } ...
Muhammad Abdullah's user avatar
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How to unit test for different Build.VERSION.SDK_INT

I have found other similar questions but none of the answers were useful. In a method I have something similar to: if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) { // use API available ...
1048576's user avatar
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: okhttp3.internal.Internal.initializeInstanceForTests() When creating a Mock Server on Android

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: okhttp3.internal.Internal.initializeInstanceForTests() When creating a Mock Server on Android I tried to update the dependency but it did not work. I am new to Android ...
PhantomThief's user avatar
19 votes
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org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.NotAMockException: Argument should be a mock, but is: class java.lang.Class for Andriod SSLContext.getInstance() metho

I am working on Android and PowerMock project. In this example, I am trying to mock the below method, but I am getting error org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.NotAMockException: Argument should be a ...
PAA's user avatar
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