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How to pass JSON using WWW::Mechanize in perl

We are using WWW::Mechanize to send json data to our api. My code is below. #!/usr/local/bin/perl use WWW::Mechanize; sub get_csrf_token { my $sso = shift; my $referer = shift; my @...
Nilesh's user avatar
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Modeling a Reaction Wheel in SolidWorks (without Force/Torque Manager)

I am trying to simulate the effect of transferring the torque of a reaction wheel to a pendulum. The design is simple: support, lever and wheel. Mechanical connections: coincidence and concentricity. ...
ayr's user avatar
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Is automatic scraping forbidden on EURLEX?

Is it possible that the EU has removed the possibility to scrape the EURLEX Website? For a university course I am required to scrape the following website for all the listed documents in an html ...
Jonas Bäumer's user avatar
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finding username field with mechanize

I am attempting to automate navigation of, which requires me to first log in on I've managed to open the site with the following ...
Bokkie's user avatar
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Perl Mechanize Error GETing (Bad file descriptor)

Consider this short piece of code: use strict; use warnings; use WWW::Mechanize; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $mech->get(""); my $...
Brian Douglas's user avatar
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Using Nokogiri to scrape element from a web page with ruby

Description Have a web page which loading into Mechanize ruby gem. Problem is that I can see the HTML fragment in developer tools but not having any luck extracting the element and the associated ...
Grant Sayer's user avatar
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How resolve a 403 Forbidden message Mechanize Ruby

403 => Net::HTTPForbidden for -- unhandled response (Mechanize::ResponseCodeError) This is what i read in console , i look to scrape ...
Karim Bn Abdlaziz's user avatar
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Mechanize authentication error 401 when saving file to a shared drive

I am connected to a shared SMB volume. Using Mechanize in a Ruby script, I am trying to download several files from a proprietary asset manager, and save them directly to the shared drive, i.e.: agent ...
lumos's user avatar
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Python doesn't find standard default path for SSL keys on Windows

to tell you the truth, I don't have much idea why this error is occurring, I've been using the same development environment for about 3 months, for study, today when I sat down to study I came across ...
Álan Gabriel's user avatar
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Attempting to select a <textarea> on a website and submit it? (Using Python Mechanize)

I am trying to submit the textarea on (name="findersearchQueryInput") then I want to be able to print the results of the submitted textarea to my console. I tried ...
noah g's user avatar
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Python, cant use mechanize - No module named 'mechanize'

hope u can help me. i have the problem that i cant use mechanize in Python. i really dont know why. My python version is: Python 3.10.9 i just wrote this in a python file: import mechanize browser = ...
C.O.D.E's user avatar
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Web-scraping with Ruby Mechanize

I have tried scraping a web page with ruby mechanize but is not working. Basically that website have some products and i need the links of the products. HTML I was test this code below, and I ...
Lucas Cunha's user avatar
-2 votes
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Download file in python on clicking on href

I am trying to click on below href link. href="javascript:;" <div class="xlsdownload"> <a id="downloadOCTable" download="data-download.csv" ...
Wanabee's user avatar
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python mechanize get element by id and data-row for auto-posting

I'm trying to auto-post a form using mechanize library with python. Mechanize library uses "name" attribute. But for my project, I need to work with "id" and "data-row" ...
piseynir's user avatar
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Automating Web form Filling using Selenium or Mechanize Python with Pandas Dataframe

Automating Web form Filling using Selenium or Mechanize Python with Pandas Dataframe. I am looping through a three columns of pandas dataframe to auto-complete the form for me and submit. Below is the ...
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3 answers

Why is mechanize not installing properly via pip on RPi? (python 3.9)

I can't get to successfully install the package 'mechanize' on a Raspberry Pi (so, ARM chip) with Debian Bullseye, python 3.9 in a virtualenv. When I look in the virtualenv's sitepackages folder, ...
Rabarberski's user avatar
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Unable to click download button with web scraper

for whatever reason mechanize is unable to click this export button to automate downloading a public government csv file, i'm trying to automate downloading a fishing report, does anyone have any ...
alilland's user avatar
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How can I open text file with mechanize browser in Python - Password List

The issue I am having with my code is, only the last password in the text file is been tried by the script, but if I put the correct password in the last line it login successful again I want if the ...
DeziLuv's user avatar
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How can I get a contain part of an HTML element by ID or NAME - Python - browser or BeautifulSoup

from gettext import find import mechanize browser = mechanize.Browser() browser.set_handle_robots(False) cookies = mechanize.CookieJar() browser.set_cookiejar(cookies) browser.addheaders = [('...
DeziLuv's user avatar
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Structure of HTML Form Data

I know this is stupid question but how does payload of this form data be formatted. I can't make request more than one time so i can't see real request send. I have tried same on local html file and ...
Adarsh Raj's user avatar
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python mechanize submit doesn't return correct page?

all! I am trying to do some data processing on a publicly accessible database (property tax records, I know, not very glamorous!). The code runs perfectly, but it doesn't return the right page. When I ...
Susan's user avatar
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How to bypass Google recaptcha in a form using Mechanize

I need to fill a form on a webpage and bypass its captcha. using this library I'm able to solve the captcha and get g-recaptcha-response stored in a variable. now the question is, how to pass the ...
Edwin's user avatar
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Get Dynamiclly loaded Source Code from python using mechanize and bs4

I want to get source code of page that loads from javascript actually that page is linkedin profile page and i want to get job and education details. I'm not using selenium i don't want browser window ...
Adarsh Raj's user avatar
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How to edit page code with python mechanize?

I have some code on page like this: <div class="tabs1_cnt" id="pupil_tabs_content_2189609"> <div class="pupil_tabs_content_item tabs1_cb" id="...
TimTProd.'s user avatar
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Ruby/Mechanize workaround for Let’s Encrypt Root Certificate Expiration and OpenSSL 1.0.2

With the expiration of Let's Encrypt's root certificate DST Root CA X3, my ruby scripts using OpenSSL to connect to servers that use this certificate are returning the error: /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2....
stargazer's user avatar
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Mechanize::ResponseCodeError (404 => Net::HTTPNotFound unhandled response):

Trying to scrape images from website using mechanize gem. I am getting Mechanize::ResponseCodeError (404 => Net::HTTPNotFound for
SkRoR's user avatar
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How to scrape icon link of image using mechanize gem

I have a url where I have to scrape all images using mechanize gem, but some image url's are in rel=icon. I have to get the image from this url: <link rel="icon" href="https://...
SkRoR's user avatar
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Using ruby mechanize on forms not in <form> tag?

So I'm trying to web scrape a site which has what I would consider a form - several inputs to specialize search such as <select>s and text inputs - that is not within <form> tags. Rather, ...
DesPhantomes's user avatar
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Python: fastest way to write/download online images to disk?

How I can speed up the speed at which my program writes an online image to disk? Right now ~150KB takes ~8 seconds to download, 3 seconds for opening the image online and 5 seconds to write it. ...
オパラ's user avatar
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save directly to file and get filename using WWW::Mechanize

I would normally save to a file using this: $mech->save_content($mech->response->filename); But due to some big files which cause "Out of memory" I have to use this instead: $mech-&...
CJ7's user avatar
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Why is youtube not giving me video links and only giving me their resource pages?

For some reason youtube only gives me their resource pages instead of giving me their video links which is what I am looking for. code: import mechanize import urllib import urllib.parse as urlparse ...
Saw's user avatar
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Mechanize instance can't .open a specific website

I'm trying to use the mechanize .open method on a URL so I can eventually login and scrape this website. I've tried using this code on other websites and they work, but for some reason I'm getting the ...
AlwaysStuck's user avatar
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How to fill a form input field using its ID rather than the form name with mechanize?

I am trying to automate geocoding with python. There is a simple website that does this, but I don't want my user to manually visit the website. I want to automatically take his adress and convert it ...
WhiteWood's user avatar
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Getting 403 error when running Python mechanize within docker container

I've built a Python script with the module mechanize which scrapes data from a website. When I run the code on my python environment on my localhost, everything works fine. Now i've started to ...
iNeedBachelor's user avatar
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python web scraping issues with mechanize

I am trying to scrape web results from the website: I have followed beutifulsoup. mechanical soup and mechanize so far unable to scrape the search results. import ...
Muhammad Alam's user avatar
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Can't login using mechanize from python. What am I doing wrong?

I'm trying to use mechanize in python to login to this site: On the surface, it looks like a 2-phase login process, same as google, but following receipts for google login ...
sigSegv's user avatar
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Sending custom cookies (and viewing the ones set naturally) with Perl's WWW::Mechanize

I'm trying to scrape a particularly troublesome website. Though all the parameters match and the referrer matches, I see different results when perl runs it than when I watch dev tools. When I do a ...
John O's user avatar
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Node has gone away in WWW::Mechanize::Chrome

WWW::Mechanize::Chrome loses somehow the node, when calling a different method like ->find_all_links() No node with given id found -32000 at /usr/local/share/perl/5.20.2/Chrome/DevToolsProtocol/...
JOhnlw009a's user avatar
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Is it possible to get a checkbox with Mechanize other than name attribute?

I have been trying scraping with Ruby and Mechanize. The websites I saw say that the way to get a checkbox and check it is below. form.checkbox_with(:name => 'name').check However, the checkbox ...
Topotan's user avatar
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How to edit a facebook post in Python?

I have a post on my fb page which I need to update several times a day with data elaborated in a python script. I tried using Selenium, but it gets often stuck when saving the post hence the script ...
sound wave's user avatar
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How to use mechanize package inside a function to log into website?

I am using mechanize to log into a website and scrape it with beautifulsoap. While I got it working without using functions, I don't know how to put the login-functionality into a function and then ...
Madamadam's user avatar
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How to fill and submit a form using python

I am filling a form of a web page with the help of mechanize module but I am getting error when I run my code. I just want to fill the form and submit it successfully. My attempt : code snippet from ...
Ratnapal Shende's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to upload file using mechanize python?

I need to upload a file(txt) in a form like this: the structure of the add button is as follows: after upload I have to send the file with the send button: the structure of the send button is as ...
állife licio lacerda's user avatar
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Perl: Getting UTF-8 file with Mechanize content_file

Creating a perl script (Strawberry Perl v5.32.0 on W10) to download my Google Calendar. Google provides a 'private' (no login required) url to a 'basic.ics' file. When opening this url in my browser (...
Freddy_H's user avatar
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Python click button on web page without selenium

So there is a button on a webpage that downloads a csv file after clicking it. In the past I have used selenium to do this, but given the current application of this script being ran on databricks I'd ...
Marc's user avatar
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How to fill JavaScript form using Python?

I want to use Python to fill this form. I tried using Mechanize but this is a Microsoft Form which uses JavaScript and has no form tag and no GET/POST URL. Maybe BeautifulSoup/Selenium can do this, ...
MLpranav's user avatar
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Which regex tag to use in a Mechanize function?

I retrieved all the links from the web page containing /title/tt inside the url in a list. my @url_links= $mech->find_all_links( url_regex => qr/title\/tt/i ); but the list is too long so I ...
wobot's user avatar
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Python + Mechanize - Emulate Javascript button click using POST?

I'm trying to automate filling a car insurance quote form on a site: (following the same format as the site URL lets call it: "") I'm ...
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How to download data from Jotform using python?

I am collecting some survey data from jotform, my data include audio recording and the URL for audio in form is '' If I ...
Aaditya Ura's user avatar
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Does the Mechanize gem support TLS 1.2 and how to set it?

I want to use the Mechanize gem to do a TLS 1.2 POST request, but I have poor knowledge into SSL and TLS, so I can't seem to find any useful way to determine if I set it correctly.
Vantalk's user avatar
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