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MassTransit, create scoped IPublishEndpoint with IServiceScopeFactory does not publish message

My aim is to publish an audit message on RabbitMQ so that another service can consume it. I am capturing the audit inside the DbContext class by overriding the SaveChangesAsync method. My first ...
Pretorius's user avatar
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Register ReceiveEndpoint with RoutingKey at runtime

I created solution for mass document processing where single document processing time is about 10-30s long. When It will be processed using one queue, when one client post 100 docs to queue, second ...
Piotr's user avatar
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How to check the rabbitmq connection health with masstransit

I´m using masstransit to talk to my rabbitmq service. The task i m trying to achieve is a periodical check on the connection to the rabbitmq service via masstransit. What i tried and achieved so far: ...
David's user avatar
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Mass Transit DeadLetter with Azure Service Bus

I have used Mass Transit with rabbit mq and .NET 6 for a while and now for a different project, I am trying it with an Azure Service Bus. I have read the documentation to a certain point and I ...
Codrin pp's user avatar
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Masstransit Constraints Exception

I am using MassTransit Outbox feature. I often get exception like this EntityFramework.Exceptions.Common.ReferenceConstraintException: Reference constraint violation ---> Npgsql.PostgresException (...
user19291301's user avatar
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Cannot reconnect to temporary queue on Azure service bus

I have a simple service that uses MassTransit. During development, I don't want to create permanent queues/topics, especially on the Azure service bus, to which I don't have admin access. So, I used ...
David S.'s user avatar
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Handling Concurrency with RabbitMQ - MassTransit

For a project I am working on, I would like to set up the following architecture, but I am having some trouble finding what I need by reading documentation and searching on Google. Basically, I have ...
Gianpolo's user avatar
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Is MassTransit with Azure Service Bus a good fit for tenant-isolated on-prem agents?

We are using MassTransit with Azure Service Bus in our backend system for messaging. Now, we need to extend our solution to communicate with on-premises agents that will be installed for each of our ...
SOK's user avatar
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How can my messages be consumed in order using a prefetchCount > 1?

I have questions/problems on understanding/using RabbitMQ with MassTransit in a C# application. We need to consume our data in order and we are facing some optimization problems. We have a publisher ...
IHaveAQuestion's user avatar
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Migration of MassTransit managed classic mirrored RabbitMq queues to quorum ones

I have a lot of queues managed by MassTransit using RabbitMq as transport. These queues are currently classic mirrored queues and need to switch to quorum queues. Traffic disruption is not an option ...
MuiBienCarlota's user avatar
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Why do messages stop sending from other worker instances when a new one is started in a MassTransit + Quartz setup?

Problem: I have a .NET worker application using MassTransit with the Quartz scheduler to send recurring heartbeat messages to an API. I am running two separate instances of the worker, each with a ...
Hardik Dhuri's user avatar
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MassTransit JobConsumer concurrency not working

I'm trying to configure JobConsumer to run long running tasks. Regardless of the SetConcurrentJobLimit parameter, the tasks are run sequentially, only 1 at a time. MassTransit setup services....
alspirkin's user avatar
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Mass Transit State Machine Faulted Handler not triggered

I'm working with MassTransit and I'm configuring my State Machine. The Saga pipeline seems not to trigger the Faulted handler when an exception happens in the Activity. To test this and ensure the ...
Paweł Mrówczyński's user avatar
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Can't make the redelivery work with delay

In my app using MassTransit and RabbitMq, I have the following config with the purpose to have the message retried 2 times and then redelivered after 30 secs: builder.Services.AddMassTransit(busCfg =&...
WriteEatSleepRepeat's user avatar
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Determine finbuckle tenant in ASP.NET Core web app without http request

I'm using Finbuckle for multitenancy support in ASP.NET Core web application. The app uses the host strategy to identify the tenant. Now, I want to integrate MassTransit over RabbitMQ for handling ...
Filip's user avatar
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Does Masstransit supports Transactional outbox pattern in .Net 5?

I want to know that does Masstransit supports transactional outbox pattern in .Net 5 or not? i asked chat gpt but it introduced me some fake packages that i couldn't find on and i followed ...
mohammad soghrati's user avatar
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Why are messages lost after consumer recovery in RabbitMQ/MassTransit publisher-consumer setup?

In my MassTransit + RabbitMQ setup, I have a publisher that both sends and subscribes to events, and a separate consumer application. When the consumer is down and the publisher sends and processes an ...
Egor Bobrov's user avatar
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Adapting MassTransit to existing Azure ServiceBus Topology

Currently I am investigating if and how we can use MassTransit to replace NServiceBus. Aside from the wire compatibility (the serialization of the messages and headers), which seems doable, I am ...
mr.sunshine's user avatar
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Masstransit Message Data repository error

I am facing a problem when i try to read the MessageData value at the consumer end. Here is the set up i am using. I have a producer which will read the embedded pdf file convert it to byte[] and add ...
Savitha's user avatar
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How does Masstransit heartbeat and session timeout works?

We have an application which is receiving around 60k messages per partition in a single topic(Total partition is 10) once in a day within 5 minutes. With Masstransit consumer we are using default ...
Anil Tulsi's user avatar
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publishEndpoint.Publish() Not Sending Messages with Kafka in MassTransit

I'm facing an issue where producer.Produce() works and successfully sends messages to Kafka, but publishEndpoint.Publish() doesn’t seem to produce any messages. I'm using MassTransit with Kafka, and I ...
Moayad Abdulraheem's user avatar
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MassTransit Request TimeoutExpired event received after the response was successfully handled by the state machine

I have a state machine where after the initial event is received, it will send out a request, should wait for the response and transition into the final state. It works as expected, except it will ...
Sugafree's user avatar
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How to configure MassTransit and RabbitMQ for multitenancy

I need to connect our multitenant app (using finbuckle) to MassTransit/RabbitMQ. The app is using: Finbuckle for multitenant support Autofac combined with .NET Core DI Requirements: Currently, ...
Filip's user avatar
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RabbitMQ/MassTransit connection refused while running docker

I'm trying to run a .NET 8 web application using MassTransit to connect to RabbitMQ. During development I just ran my docker-compose file and manually ran the .NET application and this works just fine,...
BOGsi's user avatar
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MassTransit Host Configuration (no overload for method 'Host' that takes 3 args)

I was trying to set up Host Configuration to let my Dockerised microservice know where does RabbitMq run. But when I tried to specify host name, virtual host and (Username and password), as writen in ...
user23355404's user avatar
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MassTransit SQL Server Transport and EntityFramework Outbox

Note: This is with the latest 8.3.0 version I am trying to use the bus outbox with the new SQL Server Transport and seem to be having an issue where the messages are published immediately to the SQL ...
ForteUnited's user avatar
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masstransit saga state machine with dynamodb: unable to locate property for key attribute

i have created a saga state machine and im trying to store the sagaState in a dynamoDb table. The configuration in startup.cs looks like this: services.AddMassTransit(x => { x....
Muhammad Ali Nazar's user avatar
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MassTransit - RabbitMQ - Separate Producers and Consumers

We have a strange behaviour in our app. There's one queue UserUpdate containing commands, requiring an update of a user in our database. Once this is done, we publish a message UserUpdated to all the ...
luke77's user avatar
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Sending multiple requests in parallel from a MassTransit state machine

I would like to send multiple requests in parallel. For example, I need to validate two foreign keys, each handled by a different microservice. I want to perform this validation in parallel within a ...
Sugafree's user avatar
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MassTransit with RabbitMQ and Spring Boot: How to Align Message Metadata Handling for Request-Reply Pattern? [duplicate]

I'm working on integrating MassTransit with RabbitMQ in a .NET application, and I need to implement a request-reply pattern with a Spring Boot listener. However, there seems to be a difference in how ...
Oussama hdidou's user avatar
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How to register Redis as persistence layer for MassTransit a state machine that uses request

I am trying to use state machines by using Redis as the persistence layer. I understand that Redis saga repository does not support queries, but I need to have requests within my state machine. How do ...
Sugafree's user avatar
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RabbitMQ Messaging Issue: i can`t send messages between .NET and springboot

I created two queues: one called receive_queue and the other called send_queue. The .NET publisher sends a message to the receive_queue, while the same .NET service consumer listens to the send_queue. ...
Oussama hdidou's user avatar
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How does Inbox worker mechanism work in the MassTransit

I don't quite undestand how inbox table worker works in MassTransit. My understanding is, if i have a simple consumer that only saves data into database(here message received is came from the inbox ...
Nathan Ikazuyir's user avatar
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The StartJobAttempt<StartJobAttempt> (Event) execution faulted

I'm using MassTransit 8.25.0 on .NET 8. I have a Windows service with a scheduler and a job consumer. Can't figure out how to queue a job, IPublishEndpoint from example is a scoped service, so I can't ...
Yehor Androsov's user avatar
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MassTransit AWS SQS: Do not create queues from code [duplicate]

We are currently using MassTransit to listen to AWS SQS queues, with our primary use case being read-only access. However, during initialization, MassTransit requires sqs:CreateQueue and sqs:...
Nikunj's user avatar
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SAGA event not returning to main controller, its going for long loading resulted in request timeout. Maybe mistake in SagaCompletionNotification event

When debugger reached to this point, it comes in ThenAsync, and after that, it is not return to main controller (BurgerController), it is going to long loading that result in request timeout. I think ...
Mikh Dany's user avatar
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Masstransit: messages are send to _skipped queue [duplicate]

I am trying to send event from one service to another, but consumer receives the event and resends it to the _skipped queue. I could not find the solution. The data model properties are same. One of ...
user19291301's user avatar
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Ensure that the MassTransit bus has started correctly and has all the defined consumers configured

I’m using MassTransit 8.0.15 with RabbitMQ in a .NET REST API. During startup, I configure several consumers and activities used within a routing slip. Occasionally, it happens that a queue (for ...
dvRoss's user avatar
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How do I conditionally create a MassTransit saga?

I have a saga that should be triggered whenever one of two events occur. However, if a condition in the database isn't fulfilled, no saga should be created. I've tried something like this, but it ...
Joel's user avatar
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How can I get response back in my Order Controller after executes all Consumers using SAGA State machine

I am using Request Response Pattern for making sure that the proper work flow done sequentially, I have 3 Projects Order.API OrderPayment.API OrderConfirmation.API It is properly executing each ...
Mikh Dany's user avatar
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Masstransit's inbox configuration

I'm publishing messages from the controller using outbox. On the receiver side, i expect them first to be saved into the InboxState table(to avoid duplicates) and after that handled by the ...
Nathan Ikazuyir's user avatar
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Access RabbitMQ message headers from MassTransit consumer

Is there a way to get the message headers from RabbitMQ (different than the headers set through MassTransit)? My use case is, I'm trying to read the timestamp added by RabbitMQ, timestamp_in_ms (...
julio.g's user avatar
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Consumer for type's messages "RoutingSlipActivityCompleted"

I've a code in which a routing slip is built. A consumer for consuming the completion of each routing slip's activity is built too but this part is never reached. This is the part in which the routing ...
Francesco Vargas's user avatar
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MassTransit batching separates the first message form the rest

When consuming messages from an SQS FIFO queue using a MassTransit Consumer, I find that the first message is constantly retieved separately from the rest of the messages in the batch. I am currently ...
gr8heaven's user avatar
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MassTransit creates additional exchanges in rabbitmq [duplicate]

I am trying to bind a new Queue to existing exchange. The problem is that, MassTransit additionally creates a new exchange with a queue name. So, at the end I have two exchanges and one queue. How can ...
user19291301's user avatar
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.NET Mass Transit - State machine - The NotificationFinished event is not handled during the Final state

I'm using Azure Service Bus and the MassTransit library. I ran into a pretty strange error when using state machine. The NewDataRequested, OldDateRequested message are triggered at the same time and ...
pietro's user avatar
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Global Fault Handling in MassTransit

I want to create a global way to handle errors. My application has it's own internal error handling pattern and I need a single place to dispatch error messages to it. I can't use IConsumer<Fault&...
mccow002's user avatar
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Error Protobuf on schema registry kafka with masstransit

Im trying to produce message to Kafka in Protobuf format for this im using schema registry rider.AddProducer<SMSResult>(options.TopicResponse, (context, cfg) => cfg....
Oleg Pro's user avatar
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Mass Transit Test Environment Issue when using Fast Endpoints in .Net

I am having an issue with adding FastEnpoints to my integration test project. Note it is working for my project but not in the test environment. It fails on this line in my Program.cs: builder....
Ports's user avatar
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MassTransit with LavinMQ

Did someone tested LavinMQ with MassTransit ? On their website they recommend to use the RabbitMQ client nuget package to connect to LavinMQ, so I may be too much optimistic to think it should work ; ...
luke77's user avatar
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