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ASB Queue using MassTransit - How to achieve higher concurrency with lesser prefetch count

We are using Azure Service Bus queue (using Mass Transit) and multiple runners listening to the queue to process the messages from Queue. To avoid over provisioning infra, We have limited the runners ...
Naseerudeen's user avatar
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MassTransit - Azure Service Bus Consumer auto re-consumes the same message

I have a worker service and an api service using Mass Transit - Azure Message Bus. The api acts as a sender, the worker acts as a receiver. In the worker service, I created a consumer which consumes ...
Kiet Duong's user avatar
7 votes
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How to unit test MassTransit consumer with no response

I want to unit test my MassTransit consumer which does not send a response back. Currently my test does seem to be publishing a message, but the consumer is not being triggered, so my breakpoints are ...
user3407039's user avatar
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Fail to inject a service to Consumer in a Windows service application (.Net Core 3.1) using MassTransit

I try to inject an ITest to Consumer constructor in a Windows service application using MassTransit but it fails. This is what I've tried: Program.cs public class Program { static void Main(string[...
anhtv13's user avatar
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Masstransit - long running process and imediate response [closed]

I'm using Masstransit with Azure Service Bus, what I would like to achieve is to call bus from API with some request that will trigger a long process but also get an immediate response that request ...
justasking's user avatar
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Consumer not consuming message Service Bus Queue

I am trying Service bus queue for my knowledge recently in ASP.NET Core 5.0 where I have created Producer webapi and a consumer web API and using masstransite. But due to some reason I am not able to ...
Rahul Rai's user avatar
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MassTransit won't update settings for existing Azure Service Bus queue

If I send a message to a specific queue, before the queue has been created, a queue will be created automatically for me. The problem is that it leads to a kind of race condition when new messages/...
Joel's user avatar
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Using the default DLQ for a queue in Azure Service Bus using MassTransit

MassTransit uses a new queue (_error) to put failed messages in. I read that this behavior can be changed for subscriptions (
Joel's user avatar
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Publishing messages on Azure Service Bus using MassTransit is intermittently slow

This might not be a MassTransit question per se, but I'm trying to debug what's going on. We are using MassTransit (7.1.8) with Azure Service Bus. Most of our messages are published just fine in a ...
Joel's user avatar
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Why doesn't my MassTransit Consumer consume a message that exists in AzureServiceBus?

We're using MassTransit to build microservices using Azure ServiceBus. Up until now we've only used topics (as opposed to queues), since (I guess) we had an easier time getting topics up and running. ...
Torbjörn Josefsson's user avatar
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How to map message type to a different Azure ServiceBus queue with MassTransit EndpointConvention.Map<T>

I want to use MassTransit to send messages that may have different structures in terms of message.Data, to different Azure Service Bus queues. As long as the router.Name keeps the initial value, it ...
Ahmet Said's user avatar
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Moving messages from _error queue when using Azure Service Bus Topics

I am attempting to use Azure Service Bus Topics to allow services to consume messages using MassTransit. A message is posted to a topic and each service that has a subscription to the topic receives a ...
Mark's user avatar
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Forwarding messages published on a topic to a queue using Azure Servicebus and Masstransit

Our product consist of several small application, famously known as a Microservice architecture. These services a hosted in Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) with a HorizontalPodScaler. This means that we ...
Tobias Moe Thorstensen's user avatar
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Publish to Azure Service Bus using MassTransit is causing errors

I am new to both MassTransit and Azure Service Bus. I am attempting to use an architecture where either RabbitMq or Azure Service Bus is used in a .NET Core 3.1 API. I have the RabbitMq portion ...
Lee Z's user avatar
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Azure Servicebus, MassTransit and DLQ's. Moving from DLQ to original queue

It really annoys me that we're unable to move messages from a Dead Letter Queue over to the Original Queue for processing when using Azure Servicebus. So, I figured out that I will try to implement ...
Tobias Moe Thorstensen's user avatar
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No such host is known - Mass Transit - Azure Service Bus

This might be very basic but I am not able to get it to work for some reason. I am using Mass transit Azure Service Bus package v 5.5.6 to connect to my service bus queue on Azure. Following Mass ...
saurabh's user avatar
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MassTransit approach when existing Azure Service Bus topics and security involved

I am implementing a library for publisher and consumers of events to communicate through Azure Service Bus and I thing MassTransit could be a good option. I am able to work publish multiple events ...
diegosasw's user avatar
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Send async Task<IActionResult> from receiver to Sender in MASSTRANNSIT

I am stuck at one point in Azure ServiceBus Queue implementation using MASSTRANSIT. Below is my scenario and code. My Sender is in EventController.cs and its code is as follow's. [...
Abhijit Shelke's user avatar
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Get Api Response in Azure Queue Receiver on Masstransit framework

I am novice user of Masstransit and I am stuck very badly at one point. Below is my architecture. 1) I have WebApi COntroller which is sending message in azure Queue using below code. if (...
Abhijit Shelke's user avatar
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Cannot access value of an interface type in azure service bus queue with masstransit

I'm sending a message to azure service bus queue with masstransit where the message model interface has another interface within itself. My message schema is like this: public interface IMyMessage { ...
Rashik Hasnat's user avatar
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MassTransit Azure bus PrefetchCount must be 1

Using MassTransit with Azure Service Bus as the transport. I'm forced to always set PrefetchCount to 1 or else the consumer will pull the same message off the queue multiple times, at which point I ...
Ryan Langton's user avatar
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MassTransit command consumer creates a topic. Is this correct?

I'm new to Azure Service Bus and MassTransit and I'm experimenting with sending a simple command to a queue and then having a consumer consume that command. I can successfully get the message sent, ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Masstransit saga fault handling

I'm trying to create a simple saga error handling scenario using masstransit and azure sb and have got the following working for the receiver. The saga currently throws an error in one of the steps ...
thilinab's user avatar
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MassTransit creates queues on azure service bus

I developed a simple publish/subscribe example on a MassTransit and azure service bus as a message broker. The thing that I don't understand is that every time I start my solution MassTransit creates ...
JakubW's user avatar
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MassTransit temporary queue pile up

(See also MassTransit AzureServiceBus generated queues) I'm configuring a bus with the following using MassTransit 4.0 with AzureServiceBus for transport: Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(cfg =...
Justin R's user avatar
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MassTransit3+Azure Service Bus queue naming conventions

I've encountered a weird issue with naming of queues, which are created in Azure Service Bus and used by MassTransit. Uri is "sb://{@namespace}{path}/{queueName}" E.g. if ...
prime_z's user avatar
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MassTransit and MaxConcurrentCalls not behaving as expected?

I'm using MassTransit as my messaging framework, running on top of Azure Service Bus. I'm running MassTransit from inside a WebJob (although I don't think that matters) Now I'm trying to get ...
Jarrich Van de Voorde's user avatar
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MassTransit on Azure Service Bus throws MessageSizeExceededException

I'm using MassTransit to send and receive microservice commands. It sends and receives fine when I run it locally (connecting to the Azure Service Bus instance remotely). E.g. I send a command from a ...
hofnarwillie's user avatar
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MassTransit 3 with AzureServiceBus prefixing a slash to queue names

I'm getting the following error when I attempt to run my application in Azure using MassTransit 3 The entity name or path cannot contain '/' as prefix or suffix. The supplied value is '/profile....
Dan's user avatar
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