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Cannot reconnect to temporary queue on Azure service bus

I have a simple service that uses MassTransit. During development, I don't want to create permanent queues/topics, especially on the Azure service bus, to which I don't have admin access. So, I used ...
David S.'s user avatar
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Is MassTransit with Azure Service Bus a good fit for tenant-isolated on-prem agents?

We are using MassTransit with Azure Service Bus in our backend system for messaging. Now, we need to extend our solution to communicate with on-premises agents that will be installed for each of our ...
SOK's user avatar
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Handling Skipped (Deadletter messages) in Masstransit/Azure Service bus

The scenario we want to protect us from is when deploying several services (microservices application) and a new messages (MessageA) are part of the release. The service that publish the MessageA are ...
Magnus Backeus's user avatar
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SignalR via MassTransit not able to create a topic on azure service bus

We are running into a bit of a strange error on one of our environments. I am going to try and give as much context as I possibly can. We are using signalR with MassTransit as the backplane and we ...
Crownpack07's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus seems to use HTTP long polling instead of AMQP

In our application, we use MassTransit and Azure Service Bus. Configuration code looks like this: x.UsingAzureServiceBus((context, cfg) => { var connectionString = builder.Configuration....
Michael Korbakov's user avatar
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Azure service bus repeat call

I know this may be a trivial question, but I'm not sure what to do. I am using Azure Service Bus together with MassTransit. I have two services. Service1 is a WebApi application, and Service2 is a ...
Petr Klekner's user avatar
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Using MassTransit to invoke a DurableTaskClient function

I had an Azure Function that uses an Orchestrator to sync products from an external source. Until today this function was invoked by a TimerTrigger or an HttpTrigger passing an InventoryId which was ...
advapi's user avatar
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Using MassTransit on an Azure Function to receive a message and process it

I have an Azure function that till now was receiving a classical normal formatted message that another application sent and processed it. I've discovered MassTransit and wanted to use it in both the ...
advapi's user avatar
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Is there a way to close an Azure Service Bus session before the SessionIdleTimeout using the MassTransit APIs?

We have successfully activated sessions using the following configuration: cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(endpoint.Item1, e => { e.RequiresSession = true; e.SessionIdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(...
Paul Wysocki's user avatar
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C# Masstransit with AzureServiceBus - MassTransit.MessageLockExpiredException

I'm using masstransit with azure service bus; I'm trying to listen to messages in the service bus, but for some reason any message (even with 0 consumers setup), I get a MassTransit....
Jorge's user avatar
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masstransit publishfilter replace message

Does MassTransit allow to build a Publish Filter where it is possible to replace the original message with another message before sending? We use MassTransit with Azure Service Bus. There are limits ...
get_unstuck_soon's user avatar
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Cannot scale down to zero with ASB in Azure Container Apps

I have a .NET 8.0 console application in a container, which is deployed to ACR and run on ContainerApps. Application is built on MassTransit, uses Azure Service Bus queues. It works great, but I ...
Mithgroth's user avatar
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.NET - MassTransit - StateMachine fault message for all

I have a question about statmachine in the masstransit library. This is my code: public Event<Requested>? Requested { get; } public Event<Started>? Started { get; } public Event<...
Lubos Hnedy's user avatar
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The state machine consumer does not receive the azure service bus queue

I have 2 web apps (.net 7, both are hosted in Azure App Service) and Azure Service Bus (contain some queues, with this example being order-start and order-member-start queues) 1 web app (web API) ...
Kelvin's user avatar
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MassTransit accumulates subscriptions over time

Every time i run my application MassTransit creates a subscription to a topic called "masstransit.contracts.jobservice~canceljob" until it reaches 2000 subscriptions (not immediately, they ...
JustSharingSomeCode's user avatar
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Masstransit does not fetch messages from azure servicesbus

Hi I have a publisher and consumer The registration for the publisher seems very simple services.AddMassTransit(x => { x.SetKebabCaseEndpointNameFormatter(); ...
Sascha's user avatar
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Not able to submit message to Azure service bus Topic using MassTransit

I am trying to submit a message to a Azure Service Bus Topic and it keeps complaining about MassTransit.ConfigurationException: The message type Contracts.ClassName entity name was already evaluated: ...
KJSR's user avatar
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Mass Retry policy for connections to Azure service bus where Retry policy configured doesn’t work in case of Service Bus Connection Exception

Mass Retry policy for connections to Azure service bus where Retry policy configured doesn’t work in case of Service Bus Connection Exception I have created console app which uses Mass Transit with ...
Manoj Bang's user avatar
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How can I subscribe to the Azure Service Bus deadletter queue in MassTransit?

I'm new to MassTransit and Azure Service Bus. When a received message fails due to an unexpected exception, or maybe an unlucky power failure, I would like the message to go to the deadletter queue (...
IConfuseEasily's user avatar
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.NET - How correctly set Azure Service Bus queue/topics for function

I am creating a project in .NET and I have one api application and next to it 2 functions. I want to communicate between the application and the functions using the Service bus for this I am using ...
pietro's user avatar
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Azure Function ServiceBusReceivedMessage not working

I am trying to create an azure function together with MassTransit and I have a problem with the ServiceBusReceivedMessage object that is a parameter in the function. It is according to the tutorial. ...
Petr Klekner's user avatar
-1 votes
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.NET Azure functions auto create subscriber

in my application, I use mass transit, which takes care of creating topics, subscriptions, and queues. Now, I have an Azure function, and I would like to use "objects" instead of directly ...
pietro's user avatar
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MassTransit RequestClient timming out when response is sent using Azure Service Bus

I'm developing two Azure Functions.The first one works as a gateway and the second does the proper handling for specific command requests. To do so I'm trying to use the RequestClient implementation ...
Rodrigo Bengoechea's user avatar
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MassTransit + Azure Service Bus authentication issue with Azure after upgrade to v8

I've got a dotnet 6 app and I'm trying to upgrade from MassTransit v7 to v8 but when I do it I'm facing an Azure auth issue (Azure.Identity.AuthenticationFailedException: ManagedIdentityCredential ...
Javier López's user avatar
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Get MassTransit.RequestTimeoutException when using with Azure Service Bus

I'm newbie Masstransit, and going to apply the Durable Future and Routing slip pattern with Azure Service Bus. The web app with a controller as defined below: app.MapPost("/orders/submit", ...
kate's user avatar
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How to unit test if consumer ran successfully in MassTransit when no response

Im writing unit test that should validate if a consumer ran successfully. But for some reason the consumer executes and gives result false always. I am missing the act to mock the consumer i think.? ...
chris R's user avatar
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How to customize a masstransit payload when pushing on Azure-topics

I'm using Mass-transit for a few tasks, and now I have a new request which is send a message to an Azure topics. Everything is fine, except that the payload has too much information and the consummers ...
ihadjiat's user avatar
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How to send messages to the dead letter queue in Azure Service Bus using MassTransit?

I'm new to Azure Service Bus and MassTransit. Now I'm experimenting with messages and I want to send a Message that goes into the Dead Letter Queue of the Azure Service Bus. What should such a message ...
Tom van den Bogaart's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus automatic queue delete

I am using MassTransit along with Azure Service Bus. All consumers APIs automatically create queues in ASB, but if a consumer is removed the queue stays. Even worse, if the message type that was used ...
Lukas's user avatar
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ISubscriptionEndpointConnector and IRegistrationContext (configuring a connectable consumer with a subscription filter on Azure Service Bus)

I'm trying to configure a consumer that can be started/stopped depending on a business condition. I know that I can use IReceiveEndpointConnector for that, but unfortunately I also need to filter ...
Michael Kaliszka's user avatar
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MassTransit Azure Service Bus log level

I am work on a .net + Xamarin project. I am using MassTransit and Azure Service Bus. When I check the logs, I found the message "Starting Bus: {ConnectionString}" is being logged as Debug. ...
DennisLin's user avatar
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Using Azure Functions my Mass Transit messages are never successfully consumed

I have one Azure function project which sends a message to an Azure Service Bus Queue. This works. I can see on Azure the message coming in. I have another Azure function project which then receives ...
user3407039's user avatar
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Azure service bus and masstransit, same message, different namespace

i'm using Azure service bus with masstransit it works perfectly if the message class type is inherited from the same project, but once the message is sent from another .net projet , so different ...
softman20's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Hybrid Identity with MassTransit and Azure.Identity?

The newest versions of MassTransit started using Azure.Identity package as a replacement for Microsoft.Azure.SericeBus. I use Hybrid Identity to authenticate on premise service with the Azure Service ...
dotnetdeveloper's user avatar
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MassTransit not subscribing to AzureServiceBus Topic

I'm currently trying to update application that was originally .NET Core 3.1 using MassTransit 6.3.2. It is now configured to use .NET 6.0 and MassTransit 7.3.0 Our application uses MassTransit to ...
Amadiere's user avatar
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Can a regular consumer extended the timeout before retrying the message in MassTransit?

Currently, I´m in a situation where an event needs to update a certain number of records in the DB. Usually, this does not take more than a couple of seconds, but there can be scenarios where can take ...
Juan Espinosa's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a MassTransit Saga react to events that come from more that one bus (multibus)?

I have a MassTransit Saga that works great with events, activites etc. in the context of the bus (Azure Service Bus) for which saga has been configured. During one of the states I need to send a ...
dotnetdeveloper's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus and MassTransit iConsumer business logic

Hello new to Azure Service Bus and MassTransit but love the simplicity. I see most examples show a worker class to handle the Consume implementation in a consuming service. I assume then after the ...
Tom's user avatar
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How do I set a default naming convention for subscriptions and queues in MassTransit?

Currently we are tied to a single Azure Service Bus instance for local and the test environment (I would prefer a different setup but It's not up to me). Previously we were using a custom framework ...
Juan Espinosa's user avatar
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ServiceBusConnectionException - Receive Transport faulted

I have the following error when I start the masstransit with azure bus.Start(); on my function StartService() I have configuring my azure with masstransit and autofact. The error: MassTransit.Azure....
CoolLife's user avatar
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MassTransit library sending request to azure but it don't enter the queue

I am using MassTransit with Azure Bus and Autofact, I'm working on my localhost. THE PROBLEM: I have no errors in the application, the problem is that in azure shows me that I send the "request&...
CoolLife's user avatar
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Masstransit with azure service bus: Why Messages go to the queue_skipped?

I am using Masstransit with Azure service .net5. I have two applications: Web Api. Startup: services.AddMassTransit(x => { x.UsingAzureServiceBus((context,cfg) => { cfg.Host("...
Jogh Beil's user avatar
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Is it possible to stop MassTransit service after a saga/consumer completes

So I know this runs a bit counter to MassTransit style, but I want to take advantage of some key features of MT such as message broker connection management, sagas, scheduled messages. However, I know ...
robs's user avatar
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MassTransit Azure Service Bus Request-Response ASP.NET Core RequestTimeoutException

My goal is to make the communication between two applications (WebAPI and Worker) via MassTransit's Request/Response technique. The problem is that I'm never getting inside the consumer (request ...
Danioss's user avatar
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Azure app service can't run Aspnet core app due to unexpected TypeInitializationException

I build an core application that runs well locally. But when I deploy it to azure, I get a 500.30 error. What I did was: open Kudu, open a powershell window, navigate to the wwwroot folder ...
Damien Doumer's user avatar
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Receiver not picking up message with Mass Transit - Subscription

I am using the code below to setup MassTransit to use ServiceBus private static ServiceProvider SetupServiceCollection() { var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["...
Paul's user avatar
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Azure Servicebus, MassTransit and DLQ's. Moving from DLQ to original queue

It really annoys me that we're unable to move messages from a Dead Letter Queue over to the Original Queue for processing when using Azure Servicebus. So, I figured out that I will try to implement ...
Tobias Moe Thorstensen's user avatar
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No such host is known - Mass Transit - Azure Service Bus

This might be very basic but I am not able to get it to work for some reason. I am using Mass transit Azure Service Bus package v 5.5.6 to connect to my service bus queue on Azure. Following Mass ...
saurabh's user avatar
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How to consume from topic MassTransit

I'm trying to consume from a topic using Masstransit, but I can't understand how to call the consume-method? Here is my configuration: services.AddMassTransit(serviceCollectionConfigurator => ...
Bryan's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus performance issue MassTransit

So I've been playing around with MassTransit and Azure Service Bus Premium, here's a sample of one of my consumers. Hypothetical initial load for one publisher would be about 1000 messages a second. ...
MrBlonde's user avatar