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Marshalling a System.IO.Stream object in c# COM interface

I have a function in my c# COM interface which returns a System.IO.Stream object: Stream GetFile(); I intend to use this COM interface within unmanaged c++ code, and call this function from there, ...
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Passing pointer from managed C++/CLI to ActiveX C++ component

I have an ActiveX component built in C++. One of its methods has this signature: short Component::Method(short FAR* ptr) {} When the I add the ActiveX into my C++/CLI application the method ...
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How do I marshal a C# string array to a VB6 array?

I have a VB6 app that uses a C# COM DLL. In managed C++ I can write a function as follows: array<String^>^ GetAManagedArray() { //Do stuff and return a managed array } I can then assign ...
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