I have m2eclipse and its extras installed and am using Helios/Mvn2/jdk6/Tomcat 7/MacOs. I've been able to create a test maven webapp and run it on Tomcat 7 in Eclipse. But I can't get an existing application to 'Run on Server' via Eclipse. I've run into numerous configuration issues, almost all to do with the Eclipse .project/.classpath/.settings files. I've removed and recreated them many times, even copying the config files from the webapp that worked. I can't locate any documentation from Eclipse that goes through the basics and explains how to configure these files. Is there any such documentation?
At the moment, the application doesn't seem to be deploying the webapp files; tomcat can't find them.
I can launch tomcat outside Eclipse, build and deploy the application as a war successfully, but in Eclipse there is still this configuration issue.
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/main/webapp"/>
Not sure what is missing, as the configuration is the same between the the two apps. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
mvn eclipse:clean
(to remove existing eclipse configuration)?