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Dynamically set DEBUG or INFO logging level per request based on request header in reactive Spring Boot with Log4j2

I'm working on a Reactive Spring Boot application that uses Log4j2 as the logging framework. By default, my application logs at the INFO level, and I set the logging level in the application.yml I ...
Rahul verma's user avatar
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No factory method found for class HttpAppender

I was trying to use log4j2 HttpAppender, but I get this error: 2024-09-24T07:59:58.504101611Z main ERROR Could not create plugin of type class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.HttpAppender for ...
aldisti's user avatar
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Multi Pod Cloud Environment Spring Boot application change log level at runtime

I have an application used spring boot + log4j2 running on openshift more than 2 pods. However, our logging configuration changing after sprint boot initalized i mean , reconfigure. So, i do not use ...
Hasan Birol's user avatar
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Log4j is not writing logs into file

Thanks in Advance, I am trying to write logs into a file using log4j, I have tried all but nothing worked. Below is the code. import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; ...
user3201343's user avatar
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Dynamic Log path value in the

Facing issue while substituting the dynamic log path value in the external in the Spring boot application during startup here the whhich is kept outside of the ...
srinath KB's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3.2 automatically change log level during shutdown

We recently upgraded springBoot version to 3.2, and Java 21 64 bit. We observed wired behaviour while shutting down spring boot application , log level automatically change INFO to ERROR, and we are ...
Subrata Dey's user avatar
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All Logs not getting printed in console or File

So I am using Log4j2 with SLF4j for Logging in Spring Boot application. I have console and File logging enabled. Only logs related to spring boot are getting printed on the file and console. None of ...
Anirudh Gambhir's user avatar
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How to exclude unpacked dependencies from third-party jars?

I have a spring boot application MyApp. MyApp is having a dependency on a third-party library ThirdParty which is also a spring-boot application. This ThirdParty library is a fat jar where all the ...
CyberMafia's user avatar
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log4j2.xml is not recognised by Spring Boot

I am trying to create logs using the log4j-core Maven dependency in Spring Boot. When I try to use below code in, error logs are generated : # Set the ...
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How to inherit log4j2.xml from parent project to child?

This is my first use of log4j and I don't find any documentation regarding my problem. I have a SpringBoot (2, and java 8) parent project with a log4j2.xml file inside it. The file is like this: <?...
fforfabio's user avatar
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Error when changing the log file for appending logs in a Spring Boot application

I face this error when I change the file where I write logs <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration status="WARN"> <Appenders> ...
Magic Developement's user avatar
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Log4j2 JDBC Appender PoolingDriver configuration

I'm trying to configure Log4j2 using JDBC Appender with the following log4j2.xml file for my Spring Boot application: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration&...
thmasker's user avatar
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How to set Log Pattern in log4j2-spring.xml to log Class Method and Line

I am trying to set log pattern to print Class Method and line in log file. Below is my Configuration. Its working fine with Console but not working with Async <?xml version="1.0" encoding=...
Piyush Srivastava's user avatar
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EFK ibtegration with springboot dependency vulnerability issue

I'm trying to integrate my spring-boot application with the EFK Docker instance. So when I was searching for solutions or guidance for that, I found that I had to use Fluent Logger for Java dependency....
Dulanga Heshan's user avatar
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log4j2 in Spring Boot slows down my application significantly

I built a REST API with Spring Boot and I switched my logging framework to log4j2 by adding an exclusion of the default logger in my pom.xml: <exclusion> <groupId>org.springframework....
BullyWiiPlaza's user avatar
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How can I make Log Files for every Class using Log4j2?

I am currently using a Spring Boot Application, where I am logging out every Log into the console. But Now I wanted to log every log into a specific class file name. Example class A { public void ...
Mustafa Dahodwala's user avatar
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Spring boot log configuration with camunda bpmn

i know there are a few similar topics outthere, but none of these solved my problem regarding logging in spring boot applications. The problem is this error message: Logging system failed to ...
sebi's user avatar
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Loggers from LOG4J2 doesn't display every logs in console

Here is my log4j2.xml file : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE xml> <!-- Fichier de configuration des loggers @author theo.lalande Hiérarchie des ...
Théo's user avatar
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How to use custom TypeConverter in Log4j2's Plugin Attribute?

Goal - What I want to do is I want to make it easier for our devs to be able to look at all the logs for certain users. So if we mention that userId in logging-config.yml, then for those specific ...
prabhu_axm's user avatar
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IllegalAccessError after updating log4j JSONTemplateLayout package

I am running a Spring boot application on java-17-openjdk. I use the log4j-layout-template-json package to output json logs to stdout. Everything has been working fine until I updated the package ...
yobb's user avatar
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Spring Boot Log4j2 Custom Hybrid Log Layout - Mix of Pattern Layout and JSON Layout

I would like to know how I print my application logs to console in a specific format of my choice. Our ELK stack's FileBeat daemon is configured to recognise only those Kubernetes pod logs that are in ...
Chaitanya Adabala's user avatar
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Splunk HTTP Event Collector Log4j2 Spring boot unable to send data to Splunk cloud

I have followed all the tutorials on youtube and I have read all the available documentation on Splunk Cloud HEC setup in Log4j2 Spring boot. Below is my log4j2-spring.xml <?xml version="1.0&...
LJR's user avatar
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Print logs timestamp upto micro/nano second in springboot

I want to print logs with a timestamp with precision up to micro or nanosecond in springboot. I tried this for logging.pattern.console value '%d{DEFAULT_NANOS} - %msg%n' '%d{yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS,...
Himanshu Singh's user avatar
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Log4j2 with SpringBoot (configuration)

I did read other questions, also I've read configuration and I came up with a solution but I don't know if it's okay. Problem: I have SpringBoot application and I was trying to use log4j2 as logging ...
JustQuest's user avatar
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How to use log4j.xml for spring boot + log4j2 dependency

I have a log4j.xml with a customized appender like: <appender name="console" class="com.example.MyAppender"> <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout&...
cosimoth's user avatar
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Logging with JSON GELF format in Spring Boot

I'm using Spring Boot and would like to have this code:"Scheduled appointment for user 12345 [appointment ID 100]"); Produce the following log message in JSON GELF format: { &...
steelcityamir's user avatar
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How to Stop Spring boot applications console logs in var/log/messages file

We're using spring boot and log4j2 for logging. We have specified the log path and it is working. But the same console logs are moving to var/log/messages file Can someone please help me how to stop ...
Venkatasai Janaparapu's user avatar
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How to exclude a package from root tag in xml configuration log4j2

I am trying to disable the logging of a package for certain appenders, but I still have them logged everything else. I have tried: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <...
Illidan's user avatar
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Migrating from log4j2 to logback

I am currently migrating logging feature from log4j2 to logback. I have some doubtful situations in the migration process. My doubts are related to JSON format conversions. First of all I will list ...
Sankalpa Wijewickrama's user avatar
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Spring Boot, syslog & log4j2 log

I want to send a singular log message to our external syslog server but don't want to use log4j2, instead is it possible to just send a plain TCP message using something like &
nikitheg's user avatar
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Change where RollingFile log4j2 writes the log with variables

I need to be able to modify the location where my log4j2.xml file writes log files. I would like to create a folder at the same level as the .jar ( my/path/app.jar ) of the application to store the ...
Illidan's user avatar
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Is there anyway to stop Spring Boot from overwriting my log config?

I have a logger that has the following properties: PrivateConfig [loggerConfig=Special, config=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.builder.impl.BuiltConfiguration@709a148, loggerConfigLevel=INFO, ...
Tamaki Sakura's user avatar
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How to disable log messages when spring boot application run?

This is my log4j2.xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration status="warn"> <Properties> <Property ...
salam_verdim_alana_panyatkasi's user avatar
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How to generate new log files based on size using log4j2 in spring boot application

I am generating a log file using log4j2, but I need to generate a new one based on size each time it reaches the limit. file: name=PropertiesConfig property.filename =D:\\Users\\User\...
Jenny's user avatar
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Save custom level logs into file in Spring Boot

I want to save the infos of the logins that have succeded into a log file, I thought of creating a new level of logging and save into the log file only the logs with that specific level. This is how I ...
Luca's user avatar
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In, not able to read property from tomcat context.xml

I am trying to read properties from tomcat server context.xml to my I tried using {sys:} {env:} and also searched but no luck.
Hitesh Kumar's user avatar
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Log4J throws illegal char <:> exception while processing Appender File in Springboot WebApp

I am using Log4J along with Springboot in my J2EE based WebApp. It throws illegal char <:> exception while processing Appender File. Log4J version: 2.11.1 The logger properties in my application....
Ragul's user avatar
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log4j properties file not creating log file in spring boot

I am not able to generate log file using log4j2 spring boot 2.4, it's only printing logs in eclipse console. I already tried multiple solutions provided across web like: exclusions, renamed file to ...
Hitesh Kumar's user avatar
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How to increase string length using Log4j2 JsonTemplate Layout

By referring (JsonTemplateLayout Log4j2) I am trying to increase the length of the message as I am getting ... in the logs. In the link, it's mentioned to use property maxStringLength. I have tried to ...
sub's user avatar
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Disabled console logging does not write to files

I am new to log4j configuration using xmls. I want to disable the console logging i.e only logs with level Error should come on console. Rest of the logs should go to their respective files. Here is ...
TheNightsWatch's user avatar
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log file is not generating using log4j2 in spring boot

I am using Log4j2 for logging with Spring Boot , but it is not creating the log file. Given below is my configuration for Log4j2 and dependencies i added. i tried all possible solution. Log4j2 ...
govind's user avatar
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Log4j2 won't log into file in Spring boot

I'm using Spring boot and Gradle build tools. I want to add a logger which logging my events. I chose Log4j2. first of all, I have added these dependencies: implementation group: 'org.apache.logging....
Nexus's user avatar
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Extend Log4j2 Tests

I have a wrapper for log4j2 Logger class - e.g. import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger; public class MyLogger extends Logger { protected MyLogger(LoggerContext context, String name, ...
mpw2's user avatar
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Inject/Access Spring Bean into Log4j2 Plugin

I have a configuration properties class that I want to inject into a custom log4j2 RewritePolicy. e.g. @Plugin(name = "MyPolicy", category = "Core", elementType = "...
mpw2's user avatar
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How to load into Log4j2 LogEventPatternConverter class?

I am working on a task that I want to mask sensitive data using Log4j2 LogEventPatternConverter Class. @Plugin(name="SensitiveDataLog", category = "Converter") @ConverterKeys({&...
dasun_001's user avatar
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Log4j2 pattern layout not appending the correlation Id

I'm using HandlerInterceptorAdapter to generate a correlation id for each service request. Here is the configuration I'm using. I'm trying to append the correlation id on my console log as shown in ...
TechGeek's user avatar
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Why can't I log before starting a Spring Boot Application?

I am trying to log something before my Spring Boot application starts. Here is a snippet below. I am using Lombok and Log4J2 and I have done the spring-boot-starter-logging exclusion + added spring-...
Theau Heral's user avatar
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Camel 3.5 Logger, Spring Boot and log4j2

I'm using Camel 3.5 and Spring Boot 2.3.4 app. I'm trying to use log4j2 and config log levels and appenders in a log4j2.xml file. It works from a Processor but not directly in a RouteDefinition. ...
T.Rex's user avatar
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Problem with configuration file in Spring boot?

property.filename = logs appenders = console, file appender.console.type = Console = STDOUT appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout appender.console.layout.pattern = [%-...
anil veeraiah's user avatar
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how to collect and write logs to file in batches after time interval using log4j2 or logback in java

I am trying to make a custom log appender using log4j2. My problem is I don't want to write log immediately to a file appender but after. So, ideally, my spring boot app should collect all the logs in ...
Zeeshan Shaikh's user avatar