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gstreamer cant demux a .ts video but ffmpeg can. How can I fix the error?

I have a .ts video that when I run through a basic gstreamer pipeline I get an error that it can't demux the video. comand: gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location="/videos/my_video.ts" ! tsdemux ! ...
Zack's user avatar
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Unable to Video Transcode a UDP mpegts in gstreamer

I've been fighting with this problem for quite a while now. I have mpegts stream with klv-metadata coming from udpsrc. To test i use a klv video file and i send to stream ffprobe testvideoklv.ts Input ...
scfgemast's user avatar
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Gstreamer tsdemux support of Synchronous KLV

I am using the ubuntu apt package version of gstreamer which is v1.16.3 This version tsdemux plugin does not support Synchronous KLV. I found 5-year old PRs about this, but I don't see their edits in ...
Wayne's user avatar
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Unable to get mpegts with klv-metadata to flow to end of pipe from udpsrc

I've been fighting with this problem for quite a while now. I have mpegts stream with klv-metadata coming from udpsrc and the bellow gstreamer command to handle it and to pass it through to ...
Pasi Kähönen's user avatar
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Mux KLV STANAG data into MPEG-TS stream in Python

I have some MPEGTS video streams and i need to mux KLV metadata into these. KLV data may e in a .pcap format or any another binary format. Any ideas about how can i perform this using some Python ...
carraro's user avatar
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acces to data stream (KLV) with windows media-foundation

Is there any way to acces data stream with Windows Media Foundation ? I have a video stream that contains tree streams: Audio, video and Data stream When I opend the file with ffmpeg I can access the ...
hacenesh's user avatar
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Demux video and KLV data from MPEG-TS stream, in sync

I need to demux the video frames and KLV data from an MPEG-TS stream in sync, frame-by-frame. The following command to demux the KLV data and outputs a text file with the KLV data. gst-launch-1.0 ...
9friday's user avatar
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Injecting KLV data in video stream using ffmpeg

Does anyone here have any experience with streaming video on one stream, for example 0:0, and then taking a .bin file in klv format and putting it in 0:1, and then outputting that to a mpegts udp ...
lsilk's user avatar
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Mixing video and data streams on raspberry pi for machine learning

What is best way to mix data and video for machine learning on single board computer like raspberry pi? It should be very common problem. I found there is GPMF and KLV extensions for video formats. ...
Max Fry's user avatar
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4 votes
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Simultaneously map video and data streams to one subprocess pipeline in real-time

I need to process the video stream and the klvdata streams simultaneously in real-time in OpenCV/Python. I'm using FFMPEG to read the file or stream as OpenCV does not retain the klvdata. I pass the ...
seabass1217's user avatar
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What does `-map data-re` option in FFMPEG do?

I am trying to extract and parse KLV data from a video stream. I found the following example in a Github repository. I am wondering what does the mapping option data-re do? $ ffmpeg -i Day\ Flight.mpg ...
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