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2 answers

enumerating contiguous ones in kdb+

Given a list of 0s and 1s, say l: 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 I would like to get a sequence beginning with 1 for each contiguous set of 1s. Thus the required output should be l: 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2. How can I ...
marital_weeping's user avatar
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3 answers

adding to a column which is list of symbols and finding right datatype from meta information

I have a table which has 2 columns whose elements are list of symbols. I want to modify one of these columns to append a symbol to existing list of symbols, how can i do it ? /Table with 2 columns ...
Invictus's user avatar
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How can I close over variables in kdb/Q?

Consider the following function that adds 1 to each element in the list. f : {{x + 1} each x} f[(1;2;3)] 2 3 4 However, the following function does not work -- I'm assuming that the incr identifier ...
wildcat's user avatar
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1 answer

What type of composition is (count 1 2 3,)

I understand (count 1 2 3,) is a composition, because I see its type is 105. q)type(count 5 6,) 105h Initially I thought this is an example of implicit composition, which Compose one or more unary ...
kgf3JfUtW's user avatar
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4 answers

Return value from list of list when criteria met in KDB

I have a list of list which has 4 columns. Now I want to iterate over each list in list of list to find the first list which has say value ABC for first column and value XYZ for 3rd col. If this ...
Invictus's user avatar
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2 answers

How to map nested list elements to corresponding ids creating a uid table column?

Two variables: q) indexList ,1452750 ,966036 ,1125386 ,1450294 ,1450293 ,1452030 ,1570712 421818 421840 421897 421988 422026 422059 422084 851199 851271 695902 695928 ,933185 679878 679882 679886 ...
bashprofile84's user avatar
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(q/kdb+) How to group data with slight date discrepancies (+/-1 day) for unique identifier creation

I am trying to create uniqueid column for each child (as they appear more than once in the table) so that I can identify between children with same name (no child has the same dadname, mumname and ...
bashprofile84's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

kdb+/q: Select all data within a given range from another table

Consider the following two tables, table_a and table_b. table_a has data for an entire day, and table_b has data within certain ranges. The question is: how can I get entries from table_a which fall ...
abhi's user avatar
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filtering columns that have lists for rows based on other scalar columns in kdb

w:(1 2;3 4;5 2); l:til count w; h:l+1; show t:([] l; h; w); l h w ------- 0 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 2 I have a table t with a column w which has lists for rows. I would like to only keep elements in ...
marital_weeping's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to update values from null to 0 dynamically?

Input: Name Maths Science Dena 95 Karan 90 97 Jack We need to update values from null to 0 dynamically in KDB qsql. I'd like to use a functional qsql query in KDB. Expected output: Name Maths ...
user28276473's user avatar
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1 answer

Kdb DbMaint from symbol to symbol List

I have an existing symbol column in HDB and want to cast that to a symbol list, can anyone advise what is the best way of doing that? I know that adding a column is as follows: .ds.hdb.addCol[`:.;`tab;...
kka's user avatar
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Exploding kdb column of key:value pairs into multiple ones

I have a kdb table with a format that could be summarized with app type labels -------------------------------------------------------- app1 frontend ("language:js";"owner:bob"...
Hiruma's user avatar
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extracting info from a table column which is a list of lists in kdb

I have the following linear regression functions // linear regression y vs x // returns: intercept slope linear:{ if[not (count x)=(count y); show "x and y must have the same length"; ...
marital_weeping's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

vectorized kdb/q function from c++ loops

Here's c++ code to calculate pivot highs, containing two nested for loops: std::vector<double> pivothigh(const std::vector<double> &src, const unsigned int left, ...
marital_weeping's user avatar
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1 answer

find ranked local extrema in kdb

I'm trying to find k: the local maxima and minima in a list a enlosed in the table t below. Further, I'd like to rank the minima and maxima based on a but only relative to other maxima and minima as ...
marital_weeping's user avatar
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2 answers

Create new column based on comparing last two rows for a specific order ID in a kdb+ table

There is a table that exists with many entries for unique orderIDs, (i.e. unique orderID 123 can have N number of entries). I wanted to compare the last 2 entries for each unique orderID that I have, ...
abhi's user avatar
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1 answer

Obtaining non-overlapping trades in kdb

I've a table t as q)trades: ([] signalTime: 2024.01.05 2024.01.12 2024.01.19 2024.01.25 2024.02.02 2024.02.09 2024.02.16 2024.02.23 2024.03.01 2024.03.07; exitTime: 2024.01.25 2024.02.01 2024....
marital_weeping's user avatar
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2 answers

Rolling sum of a column by sym in KDB table

Trying to reverse engineer a line of qsql code or write a function to get the result of the rcc column in the below table. I know it's the rolling creditNettingValue by sym, however struggling with ...
pmade1's user avatar
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How would changing a folder that a symlink points to affect a running app?

I don't know how to search for this online. I am doing regular deployments every week. I have a folder structure like this folder1/myApp_tps_20240928_DEV/<app_code_here> folder1/...
flavio's user avatar
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2 answers

trouble with rescaling function

I have a table t t:([] x: 1 2 3 4 5; y: 5.1 2.4 3.3 4.5 1.5); x y ----- 1 5.1 2 2.4 3 3.3 4 4.5 5 1.5 and I'm trying to rescale the x and y rows of t such that the larger one becomes 1 and the ...
marital_weeping's user avatar
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1 answer

Namespace behavior in kdb

I have a file in KDB project which only has namespace declared in it. e.g .file.namespace1:`someValue; .file.namespace2.dict: flip `value1`value2`value3!(`I;20;200); .file.namespace3.dict: flip `...
Invictus's user avatar
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1 answer

Update column value based on mapping table

I have the following table tab:([]exec_location_1:`PA1`DNS`DNS;quantity_s9:8 40 20;mf_quantity_s17:123 123 4;eq_quantity_s17:10 20 30) and I need to update it with a new column quantity which is based ...
kka's user avatar
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1 answer

How to efficiently exclude not null values of list of floats and ints from tables for multiple tables and dynamic cols

How to efficiently exclude not null values of list of floats and ints from tables for multiple tables and dynamic cols tab1:update volume:0n from ([] date:2024.01.01+til 10;sym:10?`appl`msgt`googl;...
Haiderali's user avatar
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1 answer

kdb - lj 3 tables on key column

is anyone able to tell me if there is an efficient way to left join 3 tables on orderID column? for uj I tried the following which is fine: () uj/(a;b;c) but can we do similar for a lj with xkey over ...
kka's user avatar
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Vectorising an iterative implied volatility function

I'd like to calculate the implied volatility (IV) of a table t containing an option chain. The function to calculate the IV is: // Newton-Raphson method to find implied volatility impliedVol:{[S;K;T;r;...
marital_weeping's user avatar
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3 answers

Convert a column of dictionary datatype to table in kdb

I was trying to convert a column which has a dictionary datatype on a table to a separate table to fetch information from it easily. This works with a simple uj for me when the dictionaries have the ...
Invictus's user avatar
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KDB+ DB maintenance

in my table I am seeing mixed datatypes which I want to fix by running dbmaint I need to make sure that eventType holds a list of symbols so anything that doesnt match that needs ran against db maint ...
kka's user avatar
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1 answer

A compiled list of different functionality kdb provide via ! operators along with negitive numbers ( e.g -11! `tplogs)

I am looking to find list of different functionality that kdb provides via different calls such as -11! ( replay logs ), -26! ( SSL details )... etc.. I want to see if there is a place where I can ...
Invictus's user avatar
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SET SSL_VERIFY as NO to download CSV file from KDB

I have kdb 64 bit installed on windows and wanted to run below kdb command to download a csv file and load it as table into data variable. q)("**III";1#",") 0: "\n" vs .Q....
Invictus's user avatar
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Cast column types for a table sourced from json

I parsed a json table and I ended up with many columns of mixed type. ([]col1:("tet1";"test2";());col2:(234j;0b;33j);col3:("sda";0b;"");col4:(0b;"";&...
flavio's user avatar
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2 answers

Improving efficiency of uj in kdb for a large table

I have a not so massive table. About 500k records. But it is a nested JSON. I have to load it, parse it and flatten the dict (each row is a dict and can have different depths) This takes quite some ...
flavio's user avatar
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1 answer

Trying to loading a csv file into a q table via remote connection and keep getting - '/

I am using the example here to load a csv file... But changed it slightly as I need to do this via a remote connection. I know the file is where it needs to be......
lg1's user avatar
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1 answer

how to use amend in update statement

We have a table tab tab:update volume:0n from ([] date:2024.01.01+til 10;sym:10?`appl`msgt`googl;volume:10#(enlist 0.5+300?til 100)) where i in (1;5;8); We want to update the column volume such a way ...
Haiderali's user avatar
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1 answer

How do we update a table column which is list type based on list indices range

How do we update a table column which is list type based on list indices range sample table tab:([] date:2024.01.01+til 30;sym:30?`appl`msgt`googl;volume:30#(enlist 0.5+300?til 100)); Lets just work ...
Haiderali's user avatar
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1 answer

Fail to load library in KDB kernel jupyter notebook

I have installed the arrowkdb library, and use it to load parquet files in KDB. My $QHOME directory now contains: ├── kc.lic ├── arrowkdb.q ├── l64 │ ├── │ └── q └── q.k But when use \...
Darren Weng's user avatar
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4 answers

use reverse rank in a fby statement

How does one accomplish a reverse rank in an fby? In the below, how would we select the two largest values of col2 by date? q)dt: 2024.05.13 2024.05.17 2024.05.16 2024.05.17 2024.05.14 2024.05.13 2024....
tommylicious's user avatar
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Compare two tables row wise using Q/kdb

I would like to compare data from two tables with same columns. What I think is I can use match operator (~) between the tables in each row of those tables, however, If the table size is big I am ...
Karun Ch's user avatar
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kdb+/q When to actually reload the hdb?

In most kdb systems its typical to reload the hdb (\l .) after any data persistence has occurred. With larger hdbs, this reload can sometimes be costly especially when there are multiple flat files. ...
DanDan4561's user avatar
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kdb q functional select variable as symbol or not

With the following: q)t:([] e:1 2 3 4 5 6; a:0 0 1 2 3 4; b: 1 2 0 0 3 4; c:1 2 3 4 0 1) q)t e a b c ------- 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 3 1 0 3 4 2 0 4 5 3 3 0 6 4 4 1 q)colist: `a`b`c q)colist `a`b`c ...
tommylicious's user avatar
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k) portion of parse tree of user defined function

In the below, why does the eval fail but the value works? Also, what exactly is the k){x'y} part of the parse output and why did I have to enclose it in quotes for the value statement to work? q)...
tommylicious's user avatar
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kdb/q How do I change all values of 0n in table column?

I am originally trying to save a table in kdb, but I was getting a type error: q)save `:tbl.csv 'type [14] save `:tbl.csv ^ When I looked up the reason for why this might be the case, it ...
mmv456's user avatar
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How to select distinct by max value of other column

I have the following code: select count i by sym, typ from tbl; Which returns the following: | sym | typ | x | ------------------- | ABC | A | 122 | | ABC | B | 37 | | JKL | C | 19 | | XYZ |...
vicefreak04's user avatar
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3 answers

how to ssr more than one string in a table at the same time

I would like to replace for more than one condition: Example: tab:([]a:`a`b`c;b:("abc-d";"rdf,e";"ertfg")) update b:{ssr[x;"-"|",";" "]} ...
Terry's user avatar
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3 answers

Union of list of dictionaries in KDB

I am trying to join an arbitrarily long list of dictionaries into one dictionary where matching keys will take the union of distinct values and new keys are simply inserted. Is there a way to do that ...
michel's user avatar
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Incompatible list lengths when passing a list of symbols into function parameter?

I have a function that filters on a master table as the below: condSel:{[tabl;colNames;colValues] wc: {(in;x;enlist y)}.'flip(colNames;colValues); res: ?[tabl;wc;0b;()]; res I can apply ...
vicefreak04's user avatar
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kdb/q xdesc on table, within primary id

I'm trying to get a single line item per id with the largest count, like below: Primary Name Count 1a AXA 11 1a FLO 1 1a FLO 60 1a AXA 14 2e AXA 1 2e ROT 1 2e ROT 6 2e ROT 4 tb: ([] Primary:`...
mmv456's user avatar
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2 answers

a list of N subsequent elements in KDB

Given the table t: ([] a: 1 2 3 4), how can one obtain the column b for e.g., n=2 a b ----- 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 ,4 n=3 a b ------- 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 ,4 where n is the number of subsequent ...
marital_weeping's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is SUM not ignoring NULLs in functional form?

I have the following bit of code inside a functional select argument: a: (enlist col)!enlist(sum;(enlist,`dealsA`dealsB`dealsC)); However, if any value within the three columns I am attempting to sum ...
vicefreak04's user avatar
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1 answer

fills on empty sub lists in KDB

Consider a table containing a column a which is a list of lists as q) show t: ([] a: ((1;2); (); (); (5;6); (); ())); a --- 1 2 () () 5 6 () () I'm having trouble filling the empty sublists () ...
marital_weeping's user avatar
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How can I dynamically update column names within a function?

I built a table selector that can produce many tables from a master table by filtering on a specific column that I desire with the required values. I would like the columns of the table, i.e. '...
vicefreak04's user avatar

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