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creating C# classes by parsing jsondoc JSON file?

I am consuming an REST API (Contrast Security ) which unfortunately for me, does not provide Swagger documentation. It does provide JSONDoc, and I'm able to extract what looks like a JSONDoc JSON file ...
Ross Presser's user avatar
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XSLT embed json in a HTML

I have to take the input as JSON webpage and embed it in a HTML by using XSLT. Input JSON is from this web page I want to embed content of "coordinate" array in a script tag inside to a HTML ...
Alessandro Oggioni's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Print JSON Array

I tried but seems too many loops. Is there any optimal way? Input JSON: {"errors":[{"key":"XYZ","code":37373,"message":"Invalid XYZ Code"}]} Hard code key in the solution, not an issue. I have ...
user2235747's user avatar
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Spring Boot JsonDoc configuration, http://localhost:8080/jsondoc not getting document

I have a problem with configuration JsonDoc in my Spring Boot project. The jsondoc-ui.html is not detected. When i enter http://localhost:8080/jsondoc I am receiving blank object like: {"version":...
wegtis's user avatar
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6 answers

I get a "Expected name at XX:YY" error on .json files in Eclipse. What is wrong?

I have this code in it now...with the entra line after the closing }... Here is a larger screenshot of it now! { "menu" : { "id": "file", "value": "File", "popup": { "menuitem": [...
beth's user avatar
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jsondoc-ui.html not loaded, error 404

I did not should be loaded jsondoc-ui.html, an error 404, although http://localhost:8080/jsondoc works and I get my documents, but without the user interface. Use your instructions
proton's user avatar
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JSONDoc not showing up details about services

JSONDoc is implemented in the spring boot application, services' details are not shown up in the API lists. Screen shot is attached. The project is multimodule. The dependencies are in web module's ...
ruveena's user avatar
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JSONDoc doesn't detect @ApiObject annotation of models in multimodule projects

With Spring Boot, JsonDoc nicely detects all the controllers but it doesn't detect models which are located in another maven module. Our project has 2 modules: my-app-core my-app-impl The main ...
xbmono's user avatar
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jsondoc AnnotationTypeMisMatchException when using @ApiMethod

I'm pretty sure that I'm missing something obvious here, but for some reason I keep getting the 'java.lang.annotation.AnnotationTypeMismatchException' error when I try to run the 'mvn jsondoc:generate ...
Marciano Viereck's user avatar
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JSONDoc Flows Not Showing in Documentation

I am using JSONDoc for documentation on a REST API and for some reason the Flows only show the description and give an error The following errors prevent a correct functionality of the playground ...
Michael Hatch's user avatar
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2 answers

How can i specify headers as application/json using JSONDOC

I am using Spring4 to design my REST API. But while I am documenting it using JsonDoc, it is giving me an error as: The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not ...
DEBENDRA DHINDA's user avatar
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JSONDOC Creation showing exception

I want to document my REST Based API, so for that I searched the google and found this I am using GuiceConfig to inject the objects and there I used the method JSONDocUtils....
Ankur Verma's user avatar
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JSONDoc Annotation on multidimensional objects

I am trying to put annotations from JSONDoc on multidimensional objects but with no success. Example: @ApiObjectField(description = "Multidimensional array with flags") private boolean[][] ...
rcorreia's user avatar
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